public void WrapsForLongClassSignature()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green<TKey, TValue> : IReallyLongInterface, INameToForceWrapping, IFoo, IBar, IFooBar, ICircle, ISquare, IRectangle where TKey : class
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                    @"internal class Green<TKey, TValue> : IReallyLongInterface, INameToForceWrapping, IFoo, IBar, 
    IFooBar, ICircle, ISquare, IRectangle
    where TKey : class",
                    GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
        public void FullNameDoesNotContainFullHierarchy()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo

                namespace Foo.Bar
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["FullName"]));
        public void AutoProperty()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    class Green
                        public int Blue { get; set; }
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual(@"public int Blue { get; set; }", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
            public void AbstractClass()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        abstract class Green
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                    .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"internal abstract class Green", GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
            public void ExceptionElementWithoutCref()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                            /// <exception>Throws when null</exception>
                            void Go()
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                    .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                    GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[0].Name);
                Assert.AreEqual("Throws when null",
                    GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[0].Html);
Example #6
            public void ClassMembersContainsMethods()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
                            void Green()

                            void Red()
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Green", "Red" }, 
                    GetResult(results, "Blue").Get<IReadOnlyList<IDocument>>("Members").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #7
            public void MethodWithGenericParameters()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                            public TValue Blue<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value, bool flag)
                                return value;
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"public TValue Blue<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value, bool flag)", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
            public async Task NamespacesDoNotContainNestedTypes()
                // Given
                const string         code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Blue
                            class Green
                TestDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                TestExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                IReadOnlyList <IDocument> results = await ExecuteAsync(document, context, module);

                // Then
                    new[] { "Blue" },
                    results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Foo")).Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("MemberTypes").Select(x => x["Name"]));
            public async Task ClassOperatorsContainsOperators()
                // Given
                const string         code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
	                        public static Blue operator +(Blue a1, Blue a2)
		                        return null;
                            public static explicit operator string(Blue b)
	                            return null;
                TestDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                TestExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                IReadOnlyList <TestDocument> results = await ExecuteAsync(document, context, module);

                // Then
                    new[] { "op_Addition", "op_Explicit" },
                    GetResult(results, "Blue").Get <IReadOnlyList <IDocument> >("Operators").Select(x => x["Name"]));
            public async Task ParameterParamsType()
                // Given
                const string         code     = @"
                    class Yellow
                        public void X(params int[] z)
                TestDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                TestExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                IReadOnlyList <TestDocument> results = await ExecuteAsync(document, context, module);

                // Then
                IDocument x = GetParameter(results, "Yellow", "X", "z");
                IDocument y = (IDocument)x["Type"];
                object    z = y["Name"];

                Assert.AreEqual("int[]", ((IDocument)GetParameter(results, "Yellow", "X", "z")["Type"])["Name"]);
            public async Task ReturnTypeParamReferencesClass()
                // Given
                const string         code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Red<T>
                            public T Blue()
                                return default(T);
                TestDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                TestExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                IReadOnlyList <TestDocument> results = await ExecuteAsync(document, context, module);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("Red", GetMember(results, "Red", "Blue").Get <IDocument>("ReturnType").Get <IDocument>("DeclaringType")["Name"]);
            public async Task NestedNamespaceContainsDirectlyNestedNamespaces()
                // Given
                const string         code     = @"
                    namespace Foo

                    namespace Foo.Baz

                    namespace Foo.Bar
                TestDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                TestExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                IReadOnlyList <IDocument> results = await ExecuteAsync(document, context, module);

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Baz", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
                    new[] { "Baz", "Bar" },
                    results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Foo")).Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("MemberNamespaces").Select(x => x["Name"]));
        public void TopLevelNamespaceContainsDirectlyNestedNamespaces()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo

                namespace Foo.Baz

                namespace Bar
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Baz", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new [] { "Foo", "Bar" }, 
                results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals(string.Empty)).Get<IEnumerable<IDocument>>("MemberNamespaces").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #14
        public void ImplicitMemberAccessibility()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    class Green
                        void Blue()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual(@"private void Blue()", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
Example #15
            public void RestrictedToNamedTypesWithPredicate()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
                            public void Foo()

                        public interface Red
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp().WithNamedTypes(x => x.TypeKind == TypeKind.Class);

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Blue" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #16
            public void GetDocumentsForExternalInterfaces()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Red : IBlue, IFoo

                        interface IBlue
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Red", "IBlue" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new [] { "IBlue", "IFoo" }, GetResult(results, "Red").Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("AllInterfaces").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #17
            public void GetTypeParams()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Red<T>

                        interface IBlue<TKey, TValue>
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "T" }, GetResult(results, "Red").Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("TypeParameters").Select(x => x["Name"]));
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "TKey", "TValue" }, GetResult(results, "IBlue").Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("TypeParameters").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #18
            public void MembersReturnsAllMembersExceptConstructors()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
                            public Blue()

                            void Green()

                            int Red { get; }

                            string _yellow;

                            event ChangedEventHandler Changed;
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Green", "Red", "_yellow", "Changed" },
                                               GetResult(results, "Blue").Get <IReadOnlyList <IDocument> >("Members").Select(x => x["Name"]));
            public void ReturnTypeParamReferencesClass()
                // Given
                string       code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Red<T>
                            public T Blue()
                                return default(T);
                MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument    document = Substitute.For <IDocument>();

                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For <IExecutionContext>();

                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > >())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable <MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("Red", GetMember(results, "Red", "Blue").Get <IDocument>("ReturnType").Get <IDocument>("DeclaringType")["Name"]);
            public void MultiLineSummary()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        /// <summary>
                        /// This is a summary.
                        /// </summary>
                        class Green

                        /// <summary>
                        /// This is
                        /// another summary.
                        /// </summary>
                        struct Red
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("\n    This is a summary.\n    ", GetResult(results, "Green")["Summary"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("\n    This is\n    another summary.\n    ", GetResult(results, "Red")["Summary"]);
Example #21
            public void FullNameContainsContainingType()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Green
                            private class Blue

                        struct Red

                    namespace Foo.Bar
                        enum Yellow
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Green", "Green.Blue", "Red", "Yellow", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["FullName"]));
Example #22
            public void ClassWithGenericTypeParametersAndBaseAndConstraints()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green<out TKey, TValue> : Blue, 


                    where TValue : class

                        class Blue
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"internal class Green<out TKey, TValue> : Blue, IFoo where TValue : class", GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
Example #23
            public void ExplicitClassAccessibility()
                // Given
                string       code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Green
                MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument    document = Substitute.For <IDocument>();

                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For <IExecutionContext>();

                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > >())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable <MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"public class Green", GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
Example #24
            public void WritePathIsCorrect()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Red
                            void X()

                    class Yellow
                        void Y<T>()
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                    new[] { "global/Yellow/66F23CDD.html", "Foo/Red/A94FD382.html" },
                    results.Where(x => x["Kind"].Equals("Method")).Select(x => ((FilePath)x[Keys.WritePath]).FullPath));
Example #25
            public void ReturnTypeParamReferencesClass()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Red<T>
                            public T Blue()
                                return default(T);
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("Red", GetMember(results, "Red", "Blue").Get <IDocument>("ReturnType").Get <IDocument>("DeclaringType")["Name"]);
Example #26
            public void DisplayNameIsCorrect()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    class Yellow
                        public void X()

                        void Y<T>(T a, int b)

                        void Z(bool a)
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("X()", GetMember(results, "Yellow", "X")["DisplayName"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Y<T>(T, int)", GetMember(results, "Yellow", "Y")["DisplayName"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Z(bool)", GetMember(results, "Yellow", "Z")["DisplayName"]);
Example #27
            public void ParameterParamsType()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    class Yellow
                        public void X(params int[] z)
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                var x = GetParameter(results, "Yellow", "X", "z");
                var y = (IDocument)x["Type"];
                var z = y["Name"];

                Assert.AreEqual("int[]", ((IDocument)GetParameter(results, "Yellow", "X", "z")["Type"])["Name"]);
Example #28
            public void ClassMemberExcludedByPredicate()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
                            void Green()

                            void Red()
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp().WhereSymbol(x => x.Name != "Green");

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Blue", "Red" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
                    new[] { "Red" },
                    GetResult(results, "Blue").Get <IReadOnlyList <IDocument> >("Members").Where(x => x.Bool("IsResult")).Select(x => x["Name"]));
                    new[] { "Red", "Green", "ToString", "Equals", "Equals", "ReferenceEquals", "GetHashCode", "GetType", "Finalize", "MemberwiseClone" },
                    GetResult(results, "Blue").Get <IReadOnlyList <IDocument> >("Members").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #29
            public void WrapsForLongClassSignature()
                // Given
                string       code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green<TKey, TValue> : IReallyLongInterface, INameToForceWrapping, IFoo, IBar, IFooBar, ICircle, ISquare, IRectangle where TKey : class
                MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument    document = Substitute.For <IDocument>();

                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For <IExecutionContext>();

                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > >())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable <MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"internal class Green<TKey, TValue> : IReallyLongInterface, INameToForceWrapping, IFoo, IBar, 
    IFooBar, ICircle, ISquare, IRectangle
    where TKey : class", GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
Example #30
            public void ExplicitProperty()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                            public int Blue
				                get { return 1 ; }
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"public int Blue { get; }", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
Example #31
            public void ClassComments()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        // asfd
                        [  Foo /* asdf */]
                        [Bar( /* asdf */ 5)  ] // asdf
                        /* asfd */
                        class /* asfd */ Green // asdf 
                            /* asdf */ : Blue  // asfd
                            // asdf

                        class Blue
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
internal class Green : Blue", GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
        public void ClassMembersContainsMethods()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    public class Blue
                        void Green()

                        void Red()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Green", "Red" }, 
                GetResult(results, "Blue").Get<IReadOnlyList<IDocument>>("Members").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #33
            public void MethodAttributes()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                            [  Foo]
                            [Bar  ]
                            int Blue()
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
private int Blue()", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
            public void TopLevelNamespaceContainsDirectlyNestedNamespaces()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo

                    namespace Foo.Baz

                    namespace Bar
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Baz", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new [] { "Foo", "Bar" }, 
                    results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals(string.Empty)).Get<IEnumerable<IDocument>>("MemberNamespaces").Select(x => x["Name"]));
            public async Task DisplayNameIsCorrect()
                // Given
                const string         code     = @"
                    class Yellow
                        public void X()

                        void Y<T>(T a, int b)

                        void Z(bool a)
                TestDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                TestExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                IReadOnlyList <TestDocument> results = await ExecuteAsync(document, context, module);

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("X()", GetMember(results, "Yellow", "X")["DisplayName"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Y<T>(T, int)", GetMember(results, "Yellow", "Y")["DisplayName"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Z(bool)", GetMember(results, "Yellow", "Z")["DisplayName"]);
            public void NestedNamespaceContainsDirectlyNestedNamespaces()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo

                    namespace Foo.Baz

                    namespace Foo.Bar
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Baz", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Baz", "Bar" },
                                               results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Foo")).Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("MemberNamespaces").Select(x => x["Name"]));
            public void NamespacesDoNotContainNestedTypes()
                // Given
                const string      code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Blue
                            class Green
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                    new[] { "Blue" },
                    results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Foo")).Get <IEnumerable <IDocument> >("MemberTypes").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #38
            public void WrapsForLongMethodSignature()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                            public TValue Blue<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value, bool flag, int something, int somethingElse, int anotherThing) where TKey : class
                                return value;
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"public TValue Blue<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value, bool flag, int something, int somethingElse, int anotherThing) 
    where TKey : class", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
Example #39
            public void ClassOperatorsContainsOperators()
                // Given
                string            code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
	                        public static Blue operator +(Blue a1, Blue a2)
		                        return null;
                            public static explicit operator string(Blue b)
	                            return null;
                IDocument         document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context  = GetContext();
                IModule           module   = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                    new[] { "op_Addition", "op_Explicit" },
                    GetResult(results, "Blue").Get <IReadOnlyList <IDocument> >("Operators").Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #40
            public void WrapsForLongMethodSignature()
                // Given
                string       code     = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                            public TValue Blue<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value, bool flag, int something, int somethingElse, int anotherThing) where TKey : class
                                return value;
                MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument    document = Substitute.For <IDocument>();

                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For <IExecutionContext>();

                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > >())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable <MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List <IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"public TValue Blue<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value, bool flag, int something, int somethingElse, int anotherThing) 
    where TKey : class", GetMember(results, "Green", "Blue")["Syntax"]);
        public void SingleLineSummary()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    /// <summary>This is a summary.</summary>
                    class Green

                    /// <summary>This is another summary.</summary>
                    struct Red
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("This is a summary.", GetResult(results, "Green")["Summary"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("This is another summary.", GetResult(results, "Red")["Summary"]);
        public void ContainingTypeIsCorrect()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    public class Blue
                        void Green()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("Blue", GetMember(results, "Blue", "Green").Get<IDocument>("ContainingType")["Name"]);
            public void BaseTypeIsCorrect()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Red

                        public class Green : Red

                        struct Blue

                        interface Yellow

                        interface Purple : Yellow

                        enum Orange
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
                IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
                context.GetDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                    .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("Object", results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Red")).Get<IDocument>("BaseType")["Name"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Red", results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Green")).Get<IDocument>("BaseType")["Name"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("ValueType", results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Blue")).Get<IDocument>("BaseType")["Name"]);
                Assert.IsNull(results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Yellow")).Get<IDocument>("BaseType"));
                Assert.IsNull(results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Purple")).Get<IDocument>("BaseType"));
                Assert.AreEqual("Enum", results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Orange")).Get<IDocument>("BaseType")["Name"]);
Example #44
        public void ReturnsAllTypes()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    public class Blue

                    class Green
                        class Red

                    internal struct Yellow

                    enum Orange
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Blue", "Green", "Red", "Yellow", "Orange" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #45
            public void ImplicitClassAccessibility()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        class Green
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual(@"internal class Green", GetResult(results, "Green")["Syntax"]);
            public void GetsTopLevelNamespaces()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo

                    namespace Bar
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new [] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Bar" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
        public void ClassMemberExcludedByPredicate()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    public class Blue
                        void Green()

                        void Red()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp().WhereSymbol(x => x.Name != "Green");

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Blue", "Red" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Red" },
                GetResult(results, "Blue").Get<IReadOnlyList<IDocument>>("Members").Where(x => x.Get<bool>("IsResult")).Select(x => x["Name"]));
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Red", "Green" },
                GetResult(results, "Blue").Get<IReadOnlyList<IDocument>>("Members").Select(x => x["Name"]));
        public void MethodWithExceptionElement()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    class Green
                        /// <exception cref=""FooException"">Throws when null</exception>
                        void Go()

                    class FooException : Exception
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("<a href=\"/Foo/6412642C\">FooException</a>",
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").Get<IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, string>>>("ExceptionHtml")[0].Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("Throws when null",
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").Get<IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, string>>>("ExceptionHtml")[0].Value);
Example #49
            public void ReturnsAllTypes()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue

                        class Green
                            class Red

                        internal struct Yellow

                        enum Orange
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { string.Empty, "Foo", "Blue", "Green", "Red", "Yellow", "Orange" }, results.Select(x => x["Name"]));
Example #50
            public void ContainingTypeIsCorrect()
                // Given
                string code = @"
                    namespace Foo
                        public class Blue
                            void Green()
                IDocument document = GetDocument(code);
                IExecutionContext context = GetContext();
                IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

                // When
                List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

                // Then
                Assert.AreEqual("Blue", GetMember(results, "Blue", "Green").Get<IDocument>("ContainingType")["Name"]);
        public void WritePathIsCorrect()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    namespace Bar
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "global\\index.html", "Foo\\index.html", "Foo.Bar\\index.html" },
                results.Where(x => x["Kind"].Equals("Namespace")).Select(x => x["WritePath"]));
        public void NestedNamespacesReferenceParents()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo

                namespace Foo.Bar
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("Foo", results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Bar")).Get<IDocument>("ContainingNamespace")["Name"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Foo")).Get<IDocument>("ContainingNamespace")["Name"]);
        public void NamespacesDoNotContainNestedTypes()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    class Blue
                        class Green
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document },context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { "Blue" },
                results.Single(x => x["Name"].Equals("Foo")).Get<IEnumerable<IDocument>>("MemberTypes").Select(x => x["Name"]));
        public void SummaryWithCElementAndInlineAndDeclaredCssClasses()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    /// <summary>
                    /// This is <c class=""code"">some code</c> in a summary.
                    /// </summary>
                    class Green
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp().WithCssClasses("code", "more-code");

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("\n    This is <code class=\"code more-code\">some code</code> in a summary.\n    ", GetResult(results, "Green")["Summary"]);
        public void WithDocsForImplicitSymbols()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    class Green
                        /// <summary>This is a summary.</summary>
                        Green() {}
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp()
                .WhereSymbol(x => x is INamedTypeSymbol)

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("This is a summary.", GetResult(results, "Green").Get<IReadOnlyList<IDocument>>("Constructors")[0]["Summary"]);
        public void MultipleExceptionElements()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    class Green
                        /// <exception cref=""FooException"">Throws when null</exception>
                        /// <exception cref=""BarException"">Throws for another reason</exception>
                        void Go()

                    class FooException : Exception
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual(2, GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("<a href=\"/Foo/6412642C\">FooException</a>",
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[0].Link);
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[0].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Throws when null",
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[0].Html);
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[1].Link);
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[1].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Throws for another reason",
                GetMember(results, "Green", "Go").List<ReferenceComment>("Exceptions")[1].Html);
        public void SummaryWithTableListElement()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    /// <summary>
                    /// This is a summary.
                    /// <list type=""table"">
                    /// <listheader>
                    /// <term>A</term>
                    /// <term>a</term>
                    /// </listheader>
                    /// <item>
                    /// <term>X</term>
                    /// <term>x</term>
                    /// </item>
                    /// <item>
                    /// <term>Y</term>
                    /// <term>y</term>
                    /// </item>
                    /// </list>
                    /// </summary>
                    class Green
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
                This is a summary.
                <table class=""table"">
                ".Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("                ", "    "), GetResult(results, "Green")["Summary"]);
        public void SummaryWithParaElementsAndNestedCElement()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    /// <summary>
                    /// <para>ABC</para>
                    /// <para>X<c>Y</c>Z</para>
                    /// </summary>
                    class Green
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("\n    <p>ABC</p>\n    <p>X<code>Y</code>Z</p>\n    ", GetResult(results, "Green")["Summary"]);
        public void SummaryWithSeeElementToMethod()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    /// <summary>Check <see cref=""Red.Blue""/> method</summary>
                    class Green

                    class Red
                        void Blue()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("Check <a href=\"/Foo/414E2165/00F22A50.html\">Blue()</a> method", GetResult(results, "Green")["Summary"]);
        public void RootSeealsoElement()
            // Given
            string code = @"
                namespace Foo
                    /// <seealso cref=""Red""/>
                    class Green

                    class Red
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
            IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>();
            IExecutionContext context = Substitute.For<IExecutionContext>();
            context.GetNewDocument(Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<string>(), Arg.Any<IEnumerable<MetadataItem>>())
                .Returns(x => new TestDocument((IEnumerable<MetadataItem>)x[2]));
            IModule module = new AnalyzeCSharp();

            // When
            List<IDocument> results = module.Execute(new[] { document }, context).ToList();  // Make sure to materialize the result list

            // Then
            Assert.AreEqual("<a href=\"/Foo/414E2165\">Red</a>", GetResult(results, "Green").Get<IReadOnlyList<string>>("SeeAlso")[0]);