Example #1
        public void testCashOrNothingEuropeanValues()
            // Testing European cash-or-nothing digital option

            DigitalOptionData[] values =
                // "Option pricing formulas", E.G. Haug, McGraw-Hill 1998 - pag 88
                //        type, strike,  spot,    q,    r,    t,  vol,  value, tol
                new DigitalOptionData(Option.Type.Put, 80.00, 100.0, 0.06, 0.06, 0.75, 0.35, 2.6710, 1e-4, true)

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote           qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc);
            SimpleQuote           vol   = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc);

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new CashOrNothingPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike, 10.0);

                Date     exDate   = today + Convert.ToInt32(values[i].t * 360 + 0.5);
                Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);


                BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                                       new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

                VanillaOption opt = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

                double calculated = opt.NPV();
                double error      = Math.Abs(calculated - values[i].result);
                if (error > values[i].tol)
                    REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise, values[i].s, values[i].q,
                                   values[i].r, today, values[i].v, values[i].result,
                                   calculated, error, values[i].tol, values[i].knockin);
Example #2
        public void testCrankNicolsonWithDamping()
            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;

            SimpleQuote           spot  = new SimpleQuote(100.0);
            YieldTermStructure    qTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.06, dc);
            YieldTermStructure    rTS   = Utilities.flatRate(today, 0.06, dc);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, 0.35, dc);

            StrikedTypePayoff payoff =
                new CashOrNothingPayoff(Option.Type.Put, 100, 10.0);

            double   maturity = 0.75;
            Date     exDate   = today + Convert.ToInt32(maturity * 360 + 0.5);
            Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);

            BlackScholesMertonProcess process = new
                                                BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                          new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                                          new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                                          new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));
            IPricingEngine engine =
                new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process);

            VanillaOption opt = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

            double expectedPV    = opt.NPV();
            double expectedGamma = opt.gamma();

            // fd pricing using implicit damping steps and Crank Nicolson
            int        csSteps = 25, dampingSteps = 3, xGrid = 400;
            List <int> dim = new InitializedList <int>(1, xGrid);

            FdmLinearOpLayout layout       = new FdmLinearOpLayout(dim);
            Fdm1dMesher       equityMesher =
                new FdmBlackScholesMesher(
                    dim[0], process, maturity, payoff.strike(),
                    null, null, 0.0001, 1.5,
                    new Pair <double?, double?>(payoff.strike(), 0.01));

            FdmMesher mesher =
                new FdmMesherComposite(equityMesher);

            FdmBlackScholesOp map =
                new FdmBlackScholesOp(mesher, process, payoff.strike());

            FdmInnerValueCalculator calculator =
                new FdmLogInnerValue(payoff, mesher, 0);

            object rhs = new Vector(layout.size());
            Vector x   = new Vector(layout.size());
            FdmLinearOpIterator endIter = layout.end();

            for (FdmLinearOpIterator iter = layout.begin(); iter != endIter;
                (rhs as Vector)[iter.index()] = calculator.avgInnerValue(iter, maturity);
                x[iter.index()] = mesher.location(iter, 0);

            FdmBackwardSolver solver = new FdmBackwardSolver(map, new FdmBoundaryConditionSet(),
                                                             new FdmStepConditionComposite(),
                                                             new FdmSchemeDesc().Douglas());

            solver.rollback(ref rhs, maturity, 0.0, csSteps, dampingSteps);

            MonotonicCubicNaturalSpline spline = new MonotonicCubicNaturalSpline(x, x.Count, rhs as Vector);

            double s               = spot.value();
            double calculatedPV    = spline.value(Math.Log(s));
            double calculatedGamma = (spline.secondDerivative(Math.Log(s))
                                      - spline.derivative(Math.Log(s))) / (s * s);

            double relTol = 2e-3;

            if (Math.Abs(calculatedPV - expectedPV) > relTol * expectedPV)
                QAssert.Fail("Error calculating the PV of the digital option" +
                             "\n rel. tolerance:  " + relTol +
                             "\n expected:        " + expectedPV +
                             "\n calculated:      " + calculatedPV);
            if (Math.Abs(calculatedGamma - expectedGamma) > relTol * expectedGamma)
                QAssert.Fail("Error calculating the Gamma of the digital option" +
                             "\n rel. tolerance:  " + relTol +
                             "\n expected:        " + expectedGamma +
                             "\n calculated:      " + calculatedGamma);
Example #3
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(AnalyticEuropeanEngine obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Example #4
        public void testCashAtHitOrNothingAmericanGreeks()
            // Testing American cash-(at-hit)-or-nothing digital option greeks

            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            SortedDictionary <string, double> calculated = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();
            SortedDictionary <string, double> expected   = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();
            SortedDictionary <string, double> tolerance  = new SortedDictionary <string, double>(); // std::map<std::string,Real> calculated, expected, tolerance;

            tolerance["delta"] = 5.0e-5;
            tolerance["gamma"] = 5.0e-5;
            tolerance["rho"]   = 5.0e-5;

            Option.Type[] types      = { QLNet.Option.Type.Call, QLNet.Option.Type.Put };
            double[]      strikes    = { 50.0, 99.5, 100.5, 150.0 };
            double        cashPayoff = 100.0;

            double[] underlyings = { 100 };
            double[] qRates      = { 0.04, 0.05, 0.06 };
            double[] rRates      = { 0.01, 0.05, 0.15 };
            double[] vols        = { 0.11, 0.5, 1.2 };

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;


            SimpleQuote spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(qRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(rRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote vol = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(vol, dc));

            // there is no cycling on different residual times
            Date     exDate     = today + 360;
            Exercise exercise   = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);
            Exercise amExercise = new AmericanExercise(today, exDate, false);

            Exercise[] exercises = { exercise, amExercise };

            BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot), qTS, rTS, volTS);

            IPricingEngine euroEngine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

            IPricingEngine amEngine = new AnalyticDigitalAmericanEngine(stochProcess);

            IPricingEngine[] engines = { euroEngine, amEngine };

            bool knockin = true;

            for (int j = 0; j < engines.Length; j++)
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < types.Length; i1++)
                    for (int i6 = 0; i6 < strikes.Length; i6++)
                        StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new CashOrNothingPayoff(types[i1], strikes[i6], cashPayoff);

                        VanillaOption opt = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercises[j]);

                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < underlyings.Length; i2++)
                            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < qRates.Length; i4++)
                                for (int i3 = 0; i3 < rRates.Length; i3++)
                                    for (int i7 = 0; i7 < vols.Length; i7++)
                                        // test data
                                        double u = underlyings[i2];
                                        double q = qRates[i4];
                                        double r = rRates[i3];
                                        double v = vols[i7];

                                        // theta, dividend rho and vega are not available for
                                        // digital option with american exercise. Greeks of
                                        // digital options with european payoff are tested
                                        // in the europeanoption.cpp test
                                        double value = opt.NPV();
                                        calculated["delta"] = opt.delta();
                                        calculated["gamma"] = opt.gamma();
                                        calculated["rho"]   = opt.rho();

                                        if (value > 1.0e-6)
                                            // perturb spot and get delta and gamma
                                            double du = u * 1.0e-4;
                                            spot.setValue(u + du);
                                            double value_p = opt.NPV(),
                                                   delta_p = opt.delta();
                                            spot.setValue(u - du);
                                            double value_m = opt.NPV(),
                                                   delta_m = opt.delta();
                                            expected["delta"] = (value_p - value_m) / (2 * du);
                                            expected["gamma"] = (delta_p - delta_m) / (2 * du);

                                            // perturb rates and get rho and dividend rho
                                            double dr = r * 1.0e-4;
                                            rRate.setValue(r + dr);
                                            value_p = opt.NPV();
                                            rRate.setValue(r - dr);
                                            value_m = opt.NPV();
                                            expected["rho"] = (value_p - value_m) / (2 * dr);

                                            // check
                                            //std::map<std::string,Real>::iterator it;
                                            foreach (var it in calculated)
                                                string greek = it.Key;
                                                double expct = expected  [greek],
                                                       calcl = calculated[greek],
                                                       tol   = tolerance [greek];
                                                double error = Utilities.relativeError(expct, calcl, value);
                                                if (error > tol)
                                                    REPORT_FAILURE(greek, payoff, exercise,
                                                                   u, q, r, today, v,
                                                                   expct, calcl, error, tol, knockin);
Example #5
        public void testDeltaPriceConsistency()
            // Testing premium-adjusted delta price consistency

            // This function tests for price consistencies with the standard
            // Black Scholes calculator, since premium adjusted deltas can be calculated
            // from spot deltas by adding/subtracting the premium.

            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            // actually, value and tol won't be needed for testing
            EuropeanOptionData[] values =
                //        type, strike,   spot,    rd,    rf,    t,  vol,   value,    tol
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 0.9123, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.25, 0.301, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 0.9234, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.35, 0.111, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 0.9783, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.45, 0.071, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.0000, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.55, 0.082, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.1230, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.65, 0.012, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.2212, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.75, 0.129, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.3212, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.85, 0.034, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.3923, 1.2212, 0.0131, 0.2344, 0.95, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Call, 1.3455, 1.2212, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.00, 0.127, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  0.9123, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.25, 0.301, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  0.9234, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.35, 0.111, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  0.9783, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.45, 0.071, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.0000, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.55, 0.082, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.1230, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.65, 0.012, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.2212, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.75, 0.129, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.3212, 1.2212, 0.0231, 0.0000, 0.85, 0.034, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.3923, 1.2212, 0.0131, 0.2344, 0.95, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0),
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.3455, 1.2212, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.00, 0.127, 0.0, 0.0),
                // extreme case: zero vol
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  1.3455, 1.2212, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.50, 0.000, 0.0, 0.0),
                // extreme case: zero strike
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  0.0000, 1.2212, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.50, 0.133, 0.0, 0.0),
                // extreme case: zero strike+zero vol
                new EuropeanOptionData(Option.Type.Put,  0.0000, 1.2212, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.00, 0.133, 0.0, 0.0),

            DayCounter dc       = new Actual360();
            Calendar   calendar = new TARGET();
            Date       today    = Date.Today;

            // Start setup of market data

            double discFor       = 0.0;
            double discDom       = 0.0;
            double implVol       = 0.0;
            double expectedVal   = 0.0;
            double calculatedVal = 0.0;
            double error         = 0.0;

            SimpleQuote    spotQuote  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <Quote> spotHandle = new Handle <Quote>(spotQuote);

            SimpleQuote        qQuote  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <Quote>     qHandle = new Handle <Quote>(qQuote);
            YieldTermStructure qTS     = new FlatForward(today, qHandle, dc);

            SimpleQuote        rQuote  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <Quote>     rHandle = new Handle <Quote>(qQuote);
            YieldTermStructure rTS     = new FlatForward(today, rHandle, dc);

            SimpleQuote           volQuote  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <Quote>        volHandle = new Handle <Quote>(volQuote);
            BlackVolTermStructure volTS     = new BlackConstantVol(today, calendar, volHandle, dc);

            BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess;
            IPricingEngine            engine;
            StrikedTypePayoff         payoff;
            Date     exDate;
            Exercise exercise;
            // Setup of market data finished

            double tolerance = 1.0e-10;

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
                payoff   = new PlainVanillaPayoff(values[i].type, values[i].strike);
                exDate   = today + timeToDays(values[i].t);
                exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);


                discDom = rTS.discount(exDate);
                discFor = qTS.discount(exDate);
                implVol = Math.Sqrt(volTS.blackVariance(exDate, 0.0));

                BlackDeltaCalculator myCalc = new BlackDeltaCalculator(values[i].type, DeltaVolQuote.DeltaType.PaSpot,
                                                                       spotQuote.value(), discDom, discFor, implVol);

                stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(spotHandle,
                                                             new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                             new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                             new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));

                engine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

                EuropeanOption option = new EuropeanOption(payoff, exercise);

                calculatedVal = myCalc.deltaFromStrike(values[i].strike);
                expectedVal   = option.delta() - option.NPV() / spotQuote.value();
                error         = Math.Abs(expectedVal - calculatedVal);

                if (error > tolerance)
                    QAssert.Fail("\n Premium-adjusted spot delta test failed. \n"
                                 + "Calculated Delta: " + calculatedVal + "\n"
                                 + "Expected Value:   " + expectedVal + "\n"
                                 + "Error: " + error);


                calculatedVal = myCalc.deltaFromStrike(values[i].strike);
                expectedVal   = expectedVal / discFor; // Premium adjusted Fwd Delta is PA spot without discount
                error         = Math.Abs(expectedVal - calculatedVal);

                if (error > tolerance)
                    QAssert.Fail("\n Premium-adjusted forward delta test failed. \n"
                                 + "Calculated Delta: " + calculatedVal + "\n"
                                 + "Expected Value:   " + expectedVal + "\n"
                                 + "Error: " + error);

                // Test consistency with BlackScholes Calculator for Spot Delta

                calculatedVal = myCalc.deltaFromStrike(values[i].strike);
                expectedVal   = option.delta();
                error         = Math.Abs(calculatedVal - expectedVal);

                if (error > tolerance)
                    QAssert.Fail("\n spot delta in BlackDeltaCalculator differs from delta in BlackScholesCalculator. \n"
                                 + "Calculated Value: " + calculatedVal + "\n"
                                 + "Expected Value:   " + expectedVal + "\n"
                                 + "Error: " + error);
Example #6
        public void testEuropeanStartLimit()
            // Testing dividend European option with a dividend on today's date...

            SavedSettings backup = new SavedSettings();

            double tolerance     = 1.0e-5;
            double dividendValue = 10.0;

            Option.Type[] types       = { Option.Type.Call, Option.Type.Put };
            double[]      strikes     = { 50.0, 99.5, 100.0, 100.5, 150.0 };
            double[]      underlyings = { 100.0 };
            double[]      qRates      = { 0.00, 0.10, 0.30 };
            double[]      rRates      = { 0.01, 0.05, 0.15 };
            int[]         lengths     = { 1, 2 };
            double[]      vols        = { 0.05, 0.20, 0.70 };

            DayCounter dc    = new Actual360();
            Date       today = Date.Today;


            SimpleQuote spot  = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            SimpleQuote qRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(qRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(rRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote vol = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(vol, dc));

            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < strikes.Length; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < lengths.Length; k++)
                        Date     exDate   = today + new Period(lengths[k], TimeUnit.Years);
                        Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(exDate);

                        List <Date>   dividendDates = new List <Date>();
                        List <double> dividends     = new List <double>();

                        StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(types[i], strikes[j]);

                        BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(new Handle <Quote>(spot),
                                                                                               qTS, rTS, volTS);

                        IPricingEngine engine = new AnalyticDividendEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

                        IPricingEngine ref_engine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

                        DividendVanillaOption option = new DividendVanillaOption(payoff, exercise, dividendDates, dividends);

                        VanillaOption ref_option = new VanillaOption(payoff, exercise);

                        for (int l = 0; l < underlyings.Length; l++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < qRates.Length; m++)
                                for (int n = 0; n < rRates.Length; n++)
                                    for (int p = 0; p < vols.Length; p++)
                                        double u = underlyings[l];
                                        double q = qRates[m],
                                               r = rRates[n];
                                        double v = vols[p];

                                        double calculated = option.NPV();
                                        spot.setValue(u - dividendValue);
                                        double expected = ref_option.NPV();
                                        double error    = Math.Abs(calculated - expected);
                                        if (error > tolerance)
                                            REPORT_FAILURE("value", payoff, exercise,
                                                           u, q, r, today, v,
                                                           expected, calculated,
                                                           error, tolerance);
Example #7
        VanillaOption makeOption(StrikedTypePayoff payoff, Exercise exercise, Quote u, YieldTermStructure q,
                                 YieldTermStructure r, BlackVolTermStructure vol, EngineType engineType, int binomialSteps, int samples)
            GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess stochProcess = makeProcess(u, q, r, vol);

            IPricingEngine engine;

            switch (engineType)
            case EngineType.Analytic:
                engine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(stochProcess);

            case EngineType.JR:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <JarrowRudd>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.CRR:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <CoxRossRubinstein>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.EQP:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <AdditiveEQPBinomialTree>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.TGEO:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <Trigeorgis>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.TIAN:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <Tian>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.LR:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <LeisenReimer>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.JOSHI:
                engine = new BinomialVanillaEngine <Joshi4>(stochProcess, binomialSteps);

            case EngineType.FiniteDifferences:
                engine = new FDEuropeanEngine(stochProcess, binomialSteps, samples);

            case EngineType.Integral:
                engine = new IntegralEngine(stochProcess);

            //case EngineType.PseudoMonteCarlo:
            //  engine = MakeMCEuropeanEngine<PseudoRandom>(stochProcess)
            //      .withSteps(1)
            //      .withSamples(samples)
            //      .withSeed(42);
            //  break;
            //case EngineType.QuasiMonteCarlo:
            //  engine = MakeMCEuropeanEngine<LowDiscrepancy>(stochProcess)
            //      .withSteps(1)
            //      .withSamples(samples);
            //  break;
                throw new ArgumentException("unknown engine type");

            VanillaOption option = new EuropeanOption(payoff, exercise);

        public void testBsmHullWhiteEngine()
            // Testing European option pricing for a BSM process with one-factor Hull-White model
            DayCounter dc = new Actual365Fixed();

            Date today    = Date.Today;
            Date maturity = today + new Period(20, TimeUnit.Years);


            Handle <Quote> spot             = new Handle <Quote>(new SimpleQuote(100.0));
            SimpleQuote    qRate            = new SimpleQuote(0.04);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> qTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(today, qRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote rRate = new SimpleQuote(0.0525);
            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rTS = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(Utilities.flatRate(today, rRate, dc));
            SimpleQuote vol = new SimpleQuote(0.25);
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> volTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(Utilities.flatVol(today, vol, dc));

            HullWhite hullWhiteModel = new HullWhite(new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(rTS), 0.00883, 0.00526);

            BlackScholesMertonProcess stochProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(spot, qTS, rTS, volTS);

            Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(maturity);

            double            fwd    = spot.link.value() * qTS.link.discount(maturity) / rTS.link.discount(maturity);
            StrikedTypePayoff payoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.Call, fwd);

            EuropeanOption option = new EuropeanOption(payoff, exercise);

            double tol = 1e-8;

            double[] corr        = { -0.75, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.75 };
            double[] expectedVol = { 0.217064577, 0.243995801, 0.256402830, 0.268236596, 0.290461343 };

            for (int i = 0; i < corr.Length; ++i)
                IPricingEngine bsmhwEngine = new AnalyticBSMHullWhiteEngine(corr[i], stochProcess, hullWhiteModel);

                double npv = option.NPV();

                Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> compVolTS = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(
                    Utilities.flatVol(today, expectedVol[i], dc));

                BlackScholesMertonProcess bsProcess = new BlackScholesMertonProcess(spot, qTS, rTS, compVolTS);
                IPricingEngine            bsEngine  = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(bsProcess);

                EuropeanOption comp = new EuropeanOption(payoff, exercise);

                double impliedVol = comp.impliedVolatility(npv, bsProcess, 1e-10, 100);

                if (Math.Abs(impliedVol - expectedVol[i]) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce implied volatility"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + impliedVol
                                 + "\n    expected  : " + expectedVol[i]);
                if (Math.Abs((comp.NPV() - npv) / npv) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce NPV"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + npv
                                 + "\n    expected  : " + comp.NPV());
                if (Math.Abs(comp.delta() - option.delta()) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce NPV"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + npv
                                 + "\n    expected  : " + comp.NPV());
                if (Math.Abs((comp.gamma() - option.gamma()) / npv) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce NPV"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + npv
                                 + "\n    expected  : " + comp.NPV());
                if (Math.Abs((comp.theta() - option.theta()) / npv) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce NPV"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + npv
                                 + "\n    expected  : " + comp.NPV());
                if (Math.Abs((comp.vega() - option.vega()) / npv) > tol)
                    QAssert.Fail("Failed to reproduce NPV"
                                 + "\n    calculated: " + npv
                                 + "\n    expected  : " + comp.NPV());
Example #9
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(AnalyticEuropeanEngine obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;