static void Main(string[] args) { //Authentication var authentication = new AmazonAuthentication(); authentication.AccessKey = "amazon access key here"; authentication.SecretKey = "amazon secret key here"; //Search critera and result var wrapper = new AmazonWrapper(authentication, AmazonEndpoint.US, "amazon associate tag here"); var searchOperation = wrapper.ItemSearchOperation("canon eos", AmazonSearchIndex.Electronics); searchOperation.MaxPrice(200000); //2000 USD var xmlResponse = wrapper.Request(searchOperation); var result = XmlHelper.ParseXml <ItemSearchResponse>(xmlResponse.Content); //Create cart and add items to it var items = new List <AmazonCartItem>(); items.Add(new AmazonCartItem("item code here")); var cart = wrapper.CartCreate(items); //Debuging /*wrapper.XmlReceived += (xml) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(xml); }; * wrapper.ErrorReceived += (errorResonse) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(errorResonse.Error.Message); }; * var errors = wrapper.Lookup(new string[] { "item code here" });*/ }
public ActionResult AddCart(string asin) { var cartId = string.Empty; var hmac = string.Empty; var authentication = this.GetConfig(); var wrapper = new AmazonWrapper(authentication, this._amazonEndpoint, this._associateTag); AmazonCartItem item; if (Session["cartId"] == null) { item = new AmazonCartItem(asin); var cardCreateResponse = wrapper.CartCreate(new List <AmazonCartItem> { item }); Session["cartId"] = cardCreateResponse.Cart.CartId; Session["hmac"] = cardCreateResponse.Cart.HMAC; return(Json(new { Successful = true, cardCreateResponse.Cart.CartId }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } cartId = Session["cartId"] as string; hmac = Session["hmac"] as string; item = new AmazonCartItem(asin); var cardAddResponse = wrapper.CartAdd(item, cartId, hmac); return(Json(new { Successful = true, cardAddResponse.Cart.CartId }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static CartCreateResponse CreateCart(string store, string asin_isbn) { var authentication = GetAuth(); AmazonEndpoint endpoint = GetEndpoint(store); var items = new List <AmazonCartItem> { new AmazonCartItem(asin_isbn) }; var wrapper = new AmazonWrapper(authentication, endpoint, AssociateTag(store)); wrapper.XmlReceived += (xml) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(xml); }; wrapper.ErrorReceived += (errorResonse) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(errorResonse.Error.Message); }; return(wrapper.CartCreate(items)); }
static void CreateCart1(AmazonAuthentication authentication) { Console.WriteLine("CreateCart1"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); var items = new List <AmazonCartItem>(); items.Add(new AmazonCartItem("B00MH4QM1S")); items.Add(new AmazonCartItem("B01EUHFAC6")); var wrapper = new AmazonWrapper(authentication, AmazonEndpoint.DE); var result = wrapper.CartCreate(items); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------"); }