Example #1
 // Token: 0x0600005E RID: 94 RVA: 0x00004008 File Offset: 0x00002208
 public override void DrawWornExtras()
     if (this.ShieldState == ShieldState.Active && this.ShouldDisplay)
         float   num    = Mathf.Lerp(1.2f, 1.55f, this.energy);
         Vector3 vector = base.Wearer.Drawer.DrawPos;
         vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead);
         int num2 = Find.TickManager.TicksGame - this.lastAbsorbDamageTick;
         if (num2 < 8)
             float num3 = (float)(8 - num2) / 8f * 0.05f;
             vector += this.impactAngleVect * num3;
             num    -= num3;
         float angle = (float)Rand.Range(0, 360);
         Vector3   s      = new Vector3(num + base.Wearer.Drawer.renderer.graphics.nakedGraphic.drawSize.x, 1f, num + base.Wearer.Drawer.renderer.graphics.nakedGraphic.drawSize.y);
         Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
         matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
         Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, AdvShieldBelt.BubbleMat, 0);
Example #2
 // Token: 0x0600005E RID: 94 RVA: 0x00004008 File Offset: 0x00002208
 public override void DrawWornExtras()
     if (this.cloakMode == CloakMode.On && this.ShouldDisplay)
         // Wearer.Graphic.color.a = 0.25f;
         //Wearer.Drawer.renderer.graphics.pawn.DefaultGraphic.color.a = 0.25f;
         float   num    = Mathf.Lerp(1.2f, 1.55f, this.energy);
         Vector3 vector = base.Wearer.Drawer.DrawPos;
         vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead);
         int num2 = Find.TickManager.TicksGame - this.lastAbsorbDamageTick;
         if (num2 < 8)
             float num3 = (float)(8 - num2) / 8f * 0.05f;
             vector += this.impactAngleVect * num3;
             num    -= num3;
         float     angle  = 0f;// (float)Rand.Range(0, 360);
         Vector3   s      = new Vector3(num, 1f, num);
         Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
         matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
         Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, Cloakgen.BubbleMat, 0);
Example #3
        public void DrawLinesBetweenTargets()
            Vector3 a = this.pawn.Position.ToVector3Shifted();

            if (this.pawn.pather.curPath != null)
                a = this.pawn.pather.Destination.CenterVector3;
            else if (this.curJob != null && this.curJob.targetA.IsValid && (!this.curJob.targetA.HasThing || this.curJob.targetA.Thing.Spawned))
                GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(a, this.curJob.targetA.CenterVector3, Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Item));
                a = this.curJob.targetA.CenterVector3;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jobQueue.Count; i++)
                if (this.jobQueue[i].job.targetA.IsValid && (!this.jobQueue[i].job.targetA.HasThing || this.jobQueue[i].job.targetA.Thing.Spawned))
                    Vector3 centerVector = this.jobQueue[i].job.targetA.CenterVector3;
                    GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(a, centerVector, Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Item));
                    a = centerVector;
        public static void CalculateSelectionBracketPositionsWorld <T>(Vector3[] bracketLocs, T obj, Vector3 worldPos, Vector2 worldSize, Dictionary <T, float> selectTimes, Vector2 textureSize, float jumpDistanceFactor = 1f)
            float num;
            float num2;

            if (!selectTimes.TryGetValue(obj, out num))
                num2 = 1f;
                num2 = Mathf.Max(0f, 1f - (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - num) / 0.07f);
            float num3 = num2 * 0.2f * jumpDistanceFactor;
            float num4 = 0.5f * (worldSize.x - textureSize.x) + num3;
            float num5 = 0.5f * (worldSize.y - textureSize.y) + num3;
            float y    = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);

            bracketLocs[0] = new Vector3(worldPos.x - num4, y, worldPos.z - num5);
            bracketLocs[1] = new Vector3(worldPos.x + num4, y, worldPos.z - num5);
            bracketLocs[2] = new Vector3(worldPos.x + num4, y, worldPos.z + num5);
            bracketLocs[3] = new Vector3(worldPos.x - num4, y, worldPos.z + num5);
Example #5
 public override void Draw()
     if (this.IsActive)
         Vector3 vector = base.DrawPos;
         vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Blueprint);
         Vector3    s          = new Vector3(matMagnitude, 2 * matMagnitude, matMagnitude);
         Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rotation.AsAngle, Vector3.up);
         Matrix4x4  matrix     = default(Matrix4x4);
         float      angle      = this.ExactRotation;
         matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
         if (this.Rotation == Rot4.North)
             Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, TM_RenderQueue.mc_north, 0);
         else if (this.Rotation == Rot4.South)
             Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, TM_RenderQueue.mc_south, 0);
         else if (this.Rotation == Rot4.East)
             Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, TM_RenderQueue.mc_east, 0);
         else if (this.Rotation == Rot4.West)
             Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, TM_RenderQueue.mc_west, 0);
             Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, TM_RenderQueue.mc_north, 0);
        public void DrawStretchParams(DoorExpandedDef thingDef, Vector3 drawPos, Rot4 rotation, out Mesh mesh,
                                      out Matrix4x4 matrix, float mod = 1, bool flipped = false)
            base.Rotation = Building_Door.DoorRotationAt(base.Position, base.Map);
            bool    verticalRotation = base.Rotation.IsHorizontal;
            Vector3 rotationVector   = default(Vector3);

            if (!flipped)
                rotationVector = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                mesh           = MeshPool.plane10;
                rotationVector = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
                mesh           = MeshPool.plane10Flip;

            rotationVector = rotation.AsQuat * rotationVector;

            Vector3 graphicVector = drawPos;

            graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable);
            graphicVector  += rotationVector * (mod * 1.15f);

            //Vector3 scaleVector = new Vector3(thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y);
            float   persMod     = (thingDef.fixedPerspective) ? 2f : 1f;
            Vector3 scaleVector = (verticalRotation)
                ? new Vector3((thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x * persMod) - mod * 1.3f, 1f,
                              thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y * persMod)
                : new Vector3((thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x) - mod * 1.3f, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y);

            matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
            matrix.SetTRS(graphicVector, base.Rotation.AsQuat, scaleVector);
Example #7
        public override void PostDraw()
            if (this.TicksLeft <= 0)
            Vector3 drawPos = this.parent.DrawPos;
            float   num     = ((float)this.parent.Map.Size.z - drawPos.z) * 1.41421354f;
            Vector3 a       = Vector3Utility.FromAngleFlat(this.angle - 90f);
            Vector3 a2      = drawPos + a * num * 0.5f;

            a2.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);
            float   num2 = Mathf.Min((float)this.TicksPassed / 10f, 1f);
            Vector3 b    = a * ((1f - num2) * num);
            float   num3 = 0.975f + Mathf.Sin((float)this.TicksPassed * 0.3f) * 0.025f;

            if (this.TicksLeft < this.fadeOutDuration)
                num3 *= (float)this.TicksLeft / (float)this.fadeOutDuration;
            Color color = this.Props.color;

            color.a *= num3;
            CompOrbitalBeam.MatPropertyBlock.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.Color, color);
            Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(a2 + a * this.BeamEndHeight * 0.5f + b, Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.angle, 0f), new Vector3(this.Props.width, 1f, num));
            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, CompOrbitalBeam.BeamMat, 0, null, 0, CompOrbitalBeam.MatPropertyBlock);
            Vector3 pos = drawPos + b;

            pos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);
            Matrix4x4 matrix2 = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix2.SetTRS(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.angle, 0f), new Vector3(this.Props.width, 1f, this.BeamEndHeight));
            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix2, CompOrbitalBeam.BeamEndMat, 0, null, 0, CompOrbitalBeam.MatPropertyBlock);
Example #8
        protected Mesh createCrossOut()
            Mesh        m          = new Mesh();
            float       y          = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MapDataOverlay);
            const float xPixelSize = 1f / 15f;
            const float zPixelSize = 1f / 15f;

            m.name = "CrossOut";
            List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>(8);
            List <Color>   colors   = new List <Color>(8);

            int[] triangles = new int[12];

            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 1f));
            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 14f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 14f));
            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 1f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
            triangles[0] = 0; triangles[1] = 2; triangles[2] = 1;
            triangles[3] = 0; triangles[4] = 3; triangles[5] = 2;

            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 1f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 14f));
            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 14f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
            vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 1f));
            triangles[6] = 4; triangles[7] = 5; triangles[8] = 6;
            triangles[9] = 4; triangles[10] = 6; triangles[11] = 7;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)

            m.SetTriangles(triangles, 0);
Example #9
        public override void PostDraw()

            if (!IsActive() || !zzShieldShowVisually)
            Vector3 pos = this.parent.Position.ToVector3Shifted();

            pos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead);
            float alpha  = this.Alpha();
            int   radius = ShieldRadius_Current;

            if (alpha > 0f)
                Color value = Color.white;
                value.a *= alpha;
                Comp_ShieldGenerator.PropBlock.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.Color, value);
                Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
                matrix.SetTRS(pos, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(radius * 2.1f, 1f, radius * 2.1f));
                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, Resources.Materials.ShieldMaterial, 0, null, 0, Comp_ShieldGenerator.PropBlock);
            float coneAlpha = this.HitConeAlpha();

            if (coneAlpha > 0f)
                Color color = Color.white;
                color.a *= coneAlpha;
                Comp_ShieldGenerator.PropBlock.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.Color, color);
                Matrix4x4 matrix2 = default(Matrix4x4);
                matrix2.SetTRS(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.lastInterceptAngle - 90f, 0f), new Vector3(radius * 2.3f, 1f, radius * 2.3f));
                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix2, Resources.Materials.ConeMaterial, 0, null, 0, Comp_ShieldGenerator.PropBlock);
Example #10
        new public static void DrawDropSpotShadow(Vector3 center, Rot4 rot, Material material, Vector2 shadowSize, int ticksToImpact)
            if (rot.IsHorizontal)
                Gen.Swap <float>(ref shadowSize.x, ref shadowSize.y);
            ticksToImpact = Mathf.Max(ticksToImpact, 0);
            Vector3 pos = center;

            pos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Shadows);
            float   num   = 1f + (float)ticksToImpact / 100f;
            Vector3 s     = new Vector3(num * shadowSize.x, 1f, num * shadowSize.y);
            Color   white = Color.white;

            if (ticksToImpact > 150)
                white.a = Mathf.InverseLerp(200f, 150f, (float)ticksToImpact);
            TM_Skyfaller.shadowPropertyBlock.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.Color, white);
            Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(pos, rot.AsQuat, s);
            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10Back, matrix, material, 0, null, 0, TM_Skyfaller.shadowPropertyBlock);
Example #11
        public override void DrawExtraSelectionOverlays()           // Draw at range less than 1.42 tiles
            float range = this.GunCompEq.PrimaryVerb.verbProps.range;

            if (range < 90f)
                GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(base.Position, range);
            float minRange = AttackVerb.verbProps.minRange;     // Changed to minRange instead of EffectiveMinRange

            if (minRange < 90f && minRange > 0.1f)
                GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(base.Position, minRange);
            if (this.WarmingUp)
                int degreesWide = (int)((float)this.burstWarmupTicksLeft * 0.5f);
                GenDraw.DrawAimPie(this, this.CurrentTarget, degreesWide, def.size.x * 0.5f);
            if (this.forcedTarget.IsValid && (!this.forcedTarget.HasThing || this.forcedTarget.Thing.Spawned))
                Vector3 b;
                if (this.forcedTarget.HasThing)
                    b = this.forcedTarget.Thing.TrueCenter();
                    b = this.forcedTarget.Cell.ToVector3Shifted();
                Vector3 a = this.TrueCenter();
                b.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);
                a.y = b.y;
                GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(a, b, Building_TurretGun.ForcedTargetLineMat);
        public static void DrawParams(DoorExpandedDef thingDef, Vector3 drawPos, Rot4 rotation, out Mesh mesh,
                                      out Matrix4x4 matrix, float mod = 1, bool flipped = false)
            bool    verticalRotation = rotation.IsHorizontal;
            Vector3 rotationVector   = default(Vector3);

            if (!flipped)
                rotationVector = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
                mesh           = MeshPool.plane10;
                rotationVector = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                mesh           = MeshPool.plane10Flip;

            Quaternion rotQuat = rotation.AsQuat;

            rotationVector = rotQuat * rotationVector;

            Vector3 graphicVector = drawPos;

            graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable);
            graphicVector  += rotationVector * mod;

            //Vector3 scaleVector = new Vector3(thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y);
            float   persMod     = (thingDef.fixedPerspective) ? 2f : 1f;
            Vector3 scaleVector = (verticalRotation)
                ? new Vector3(thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x * persMod, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y * persMod)
                : new Vector3(thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y);

            matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
            matrix.SetTRS(graphicVector, rotQuat, scaleVector);
Example #13
        private void DrawTornadoPart(float distanceFromCenter, float initialAngle, float speedMultiplier, float colorMultiplier)
            int     ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame;
            float   num       = (float)(1.0 / distanceFromCenter);
            float   num2      = (float)(25.0 * speedMultiplier * num);
            float   num3      = (float)((initialAngle + (float)ticksGame * num2) % 360.0);
            Vector2 vector    = this.realPosition.Moved(num3, this.AdjustedDistanceFromCenter(distanceFromCenter));

            vector.y += (float)(distanceFromCenter * 4.0);
            vector.y += Tornado.ZOffsetBias;
            Vector3 a    = new Vector3(vector.x, (float)(Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Weather) + 0.046875 * Rand.Range(0f, 1f)), vector.y);
            float   num4 = (float)(distanceFromCenter * 3.0);
            float   num5 = 1f;

            if (num3 > 270.0)
                num5 = GenMath.LerpDouble(270f, 360f, 0f, 1f, num3);
            else if (num3 > 180.0)
                num5 = GenMath.LerpDouble(180f, 270f, 1f, 0f, num3);
            FloatRange partsDistanceFromCenter = Tornado.PartsDistanceFromCenter;
            float      num6 = Mathf.Min((float)(distanceFromCenter / (partsDistanceFromCenter.max + 2.0)), 1f);
            float      d    = Mathf.InverseLerp(0.18f, 0.4f, num6);
            Vector3    a2   = new Vector3((float)(Mathf.Sin((float)((float)ticksGame / 1000.0 + (float)(base.thingIDNumber * 10))) * 2.0), 0f, 0f);

            a += a2 * d;
            float a3    = Mathf.Max((float)(1.0 - num6), 0f) * num5 * this.FadeInOutFactor;
            Color value = new Color(colorMultiplier, colorMultiplier, colorMultiplier, a3);

            Tornado.matPropertyBlock.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.Color, value);
            Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(a, Quaternion.Euler(0f, num3, 0f), new Vector3(num4, 1f, num4));

            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, Tornado.TornadoMaterial, 0, null, 0, Tornado.matPropertyBlock);
Example #14
        public override void Draw()
            Vector3 drawPos = base.Position.ToVector3Shifted(); // this.parent.DrawPos;

            drawPos.z = drawPos.z - 1.5f;
            float   num = ((float)base.Map.Size.z - drawPos.z) * 1.41421354f;
            Vector3 a   = Vector3Utility.FromAngleFlat(this.angle - 90f);
            Vector3 a2  = drawPos + a * num * 0.5f;

            a2.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);
            float   num2 = Mathf.Min((float)this.age / 10f, 1f);
            Vector3 b    = a * ((1f - num2) * num);
            float   num3 = 0.975f + Mathf.Sin((float)this.age * 0.3f) * 0.025f;

            if (this.TicksLeft > (this.timeToRaise * .2f))
                num3 *= (float)this.age / (this.timeToRaise * .8f);
            Color arg_50_0 = colorInt.ToColor;
            Color color    = arg_50_0;

            color.a *= num3;
            Projectile_Resurrection.MatPropertyBlock.SetColor(ShaderPropertyIDs.Color, color);
            Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(a2 + a * this.radius * 0.5f + b, Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.angle, 0f), new Vector3(this.radius, 1f, num));
            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, Projectile_Resurrection.BeamMat, 0, null, 0, Projectile_Resurrection.MatPropertyBlock);
            Vector3 pos = drawPos + b;

            pos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);
            Matrix4x4 matrix2 = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix2.SetTRS(pos, Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.angle, 0f), new Vector3(this.radius, 1f, this.radius));
            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix2, Projectile_Resurrection.BeamEndMat, 0, null, 0, Projectile_Resurrection.MatPropertyBlock);
Example #15
        public override void PostDraw()
            Material avatar = null;
            Vector3  vector;

            Designator_AndroidToControl desi = null;
            bool isConnected = csm != null && csm.connected;

            if (Find.DesignatorManager.SelectedDesignator is Designator_AndroidToControl)
                desi = (Designator_AndroidToControl)Find.DesignatorManager.SelectedDesignator;

            if (desi != null && desi.fromSkyCloud)
                avatar = Tex.SelectableSX;

            if (isConnected)
                if (controller != null)
                    avatar = Tex.RemotelyControlledNode;

            if (avatar != null)
                vector    = this.parent.TrueCenter();
                vector.y  = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays) + 0.28125f;
                vector.z += 1.4f;
                vector.x += this.parent.def.size.x / 2;

                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane08, vector, Quaternion.identity, avatar, 0);
        public override void DrawWornExtras()
            if (Wearer == null || !Wearer.Spawned)
            if (!drawShield)

            float   num    = 0f;
            Vector3 vector = this.Wearer.Drawer.DrawPos;

            vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn);
            Vector3 s = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);

            if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                //vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn);
                vector.x -= 0.1f;
                vector.z -= IsTall ? -0.1f : 0.2f;
                if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.South)
                    //vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead);
                    vector.y += 0.0375f;
                    vector.x += 0.1f;
                    vector.z -= IsTall ? -0.05f : 0.2f;
                    if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.East)
                        //vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn);
                        if (IsTall)
                            vector.x += 0.1f;
                        vector.z -= IsTall ? -0.05f : 0.2f;
                        num       = 22.5f;
                        if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.West)
                            //vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead);
                            vector.y += 0.0425f;
                            if (IsTall)
                                vector.x -= 0.1f;
                            vector.z -= IsTall ? -0.05f : 0.2f;
                            num       = 337.5f;
            Material  mat    = Graphic.GetColoredVersion(ShaderDatabase.Cutout, DrawColor, DrawColorTwo).MatSingle;
            Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), s);
            Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, mat, 0);
        public static void DrawDoubleSwingParams(DoorExpandedDef thingDef, Vector3 drawPos, Rot4 rotation,
                                                 out Mesh mesh, out Matrix4x4 matrix, float mod = 1, bool flipped = false)
            bool verticalRotation = rotation.IsHorizontal;

            rotation = (rotation == Rot4.South) ? Rot4.North : rotation;
            Vector3 rotationVector = default(Vector3);

            mesh = null;
            if (!flipped)
                rotationVector = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
                if (verticalRotation)
                    rotationVector = new Vector3(1.4f, 0f, 1.1f);
                mesh = MeshPool.plane10;
                rotationVector = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                if (verticalRotation)
                    rotationVector = new Vector3(-1.4f, 0f, 1.1f);
                mesh = MeshPool.plane10Flip;

            Quaternion rotQuat = rotation.AsQuat;

            if (verticalRotation)
                rotQuat = (!flipped)
                    ? Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotation.AsAngle + (mod * -100f), Vector3.up)
                    : Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotation.AsAngle + (mod * 100f), Vector3.up);

            rotationVector = rotQuat * rotationVector;

            Vector3 graphicVector = drawPos;

            graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable);
            if (verticalRotation)
                if (!flipped && rotation == Rot4.East ||
                    flipped && rotation == Rot4.West)
                    graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.BuildingOnTop);

            //if (!verticalRotation)
            //if (verticalRotation) mod *= 2f;
            graphicVector += rotationVector * mod;

            float   persMod     = (thingDef.fixedPerspective) ? 2f : 1f;
            Vector3 scaleVector = (verticalRotation)
                ? new Vector3(thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x * persMod, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y * persMod)
                : new Vector3(thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.x, 1f, thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.y);

            matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
            matrix.SetTRS(graphicVector, rotQuat, scaleVector);
        public void DrawFrameParams(DoorExpandedDef thingDef, Vector3 drawPos, Rot4 rotation, bool split, out Mesh mesh,
                                    out Matrix4x4 matrix)
            float   d = (0f + 0.45f * 1) * thingDef.Size.x;
            bool    verticalRotation = rotation.IsHorizontal;
            Vector3 rotationVector   = default(Vector3);

            rotationVector = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
            mesh           = MeshPool.plane10;

            if (thingDef.doorFrameSplit != null)
                if (rotation == Rot4.West)
                    rotationVector.x = 1f;
                    //rotationVector.z *= -1f;
                    //rotationVector.y *= -1f;

            Quaternion rotQuat = rotation.AsQuat;

            rotationVector = rotQuat * rotationVector;

            Vector3 graphicVector = drawPos;

            graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Blueprint);
            if (rotation == Rot4.North || rotation == Rot4.South)
                graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.PawnState);
            if (!verticalRotation)
                graphicVector.x += d;
            if (rotation == Rot4.East)
                graphicVector.z -= d;
                if (split)
                    graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable);

            if (rotation == Rot4.West)
                graphicVector.z += d;
                if (split)
                    graphicVector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable);

            graphicVector += rotationVector * d;

            float   persMod     = (thingDef.fixedPerspective) ? 2f : 1f;
            Vector3 scaleVector = (verticalRotation)
                ? new Vector3(thingDef.doorFrame.drawSize.x * persMod, 1f, thingDef.doorFrame.drawSize.y * persMod)
                : new Vector3(thingDef.doorFrame.drawSize.x, 1f, thingDef.doorFrame.drawSize.y);

            Vector3 offset = thingDef.doorFrameOffset;

            if (thingDef.doorFrameSplit != null)
                if (rotation == Rot4.West)
                    rotQuat          = Quaternion.Euler(0, 270, 0); //new Quaternion(0, 0.7f, 0, -0.7f);// Euler(0, 270, 0);
                    graphicVector.z -= 2.7f;
                    mesh             = MeshPool.plane10Flip;
                    offset           = thingDef.doorFrameSplitOffset;

            graphicVector += offset;

            matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
            matrix.SetTRS(graphicVector, rotQuat, scaleVector);
 public override void Draw()
     this.exactPosition.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(this.def.altitudeLayer);
Example #20
        public static Vector3 DrawPosAt(ShipBase ship, int ticks, ShipBase_Traveling travelingShip = null)
            if (ticks < 0)
                ticks = 0;

            Vector3 result = Gen.TrueCenter(ship);

            if (travelingShip != null)
                result = Gen.TrueCenter(travelingShip.Position, travelingShip.containingShip.Rotation, travelingShip.containingShip.def.size, Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.FlyingItem));
            result += DropShipUtility.drawOffsetFor(ship, ticks, false);

Example #21
        public override void Draw()
            if (this.linkData.linkType < 0)

            if (this.ShouldSingleDoor())
                foreach (var current in linkData.linkedDoors)

            float num = Mathf.Clamp01((float)this.visualTicksOpen / (float)base.TicksToOpenNow);
            float d   = 0f + 0.95f * num;

            Vector3 vector = default(Vector3);
            Vector3 offset = default(Vector3);
            Mesh    mesh;

            switch (this.linkData.linkType)
            case (int)LinkDirection.Linking_Up:
                vector        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                offset        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.5f);
                mesh          = LD_MeshPool.Plane10Wide;
                base.Rotation = Rot4.East;

            case (int)LinkDirection.Linking_Right:
                vector        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
                offset        = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0f, 0f);
                mesh          = LD_MeshPool.Plane10FlipWide;
                base.Rotation = Rot4.North;

            case (int)LinkDirection.Linking_Down:
                vector        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
                offset        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f);
                mesh          = LD_MeshPool.Plane10FlipWide;
                base.Rotation = Rot4.East;

            case (int)LinkDirection.Linking_Left:
                vector        = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                offset        = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f);
                mesh          = LD_MeshPool.Plane10Wide;
                base.Rotation = Rot4.North;

                vector = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                mesh   = LD_MeshPool.Plane10Wide;

            Rot4 rotation = base.Rotation;

            vector = rotation.AsQuat * vector;
            Vector3 vector2 = this.DrawPos;

            vector2.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable);
            vector2  += offset + vector * d;
            Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, vector2, base.Rotation.AsQuat, this.Graphic.MatAt(base.Rotation, null), 0);

Example #22
        protected Mesh createArrow(Direction8Way direction)
            Mesh        m          = new Mesh();
            float       y          = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MapDataOverlay);
            const float xPixelSize = 1f / 15f;
            const float zPixelSize = 1f / 15f;

            List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>(7);
            List <Color>   colors   = new List <Color>(7);

            int[] triangles = new int[9];
            switch (direction)
            case Direction8Way.South:
                m.name = "ArrowSouth";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7f, y, zPixelSize * 5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 8f, y, zPixelSize * 5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 8f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7.5f, y, zPixelSize * 0f));

            case Direction8Way.North:
                m.name = "ArrowNorth";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 8f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 8f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7.5f, y, zPixelSize * 15f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));

            case Direction8Way.East:
                m.name = "ArrowEast";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 8f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 8f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 7f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 7f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 15f, y, zPixelSize * 7.5f));

            case Direction8Way.West:
                m.name = "ArrowWest";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 7f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 7f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 8f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 8f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 0f, y, zPixelSize * 7.5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));

            case Direction8Way.NorthEast:
                m.name = "NorthEast";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 11f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 13f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 13f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 11f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 11f, y, zPixelSize * 14f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 14f, y, zPixelSize * 14f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 14f, y, zPixelSize * 11f));

            case Direction8Way.NorthWest:
                m.name = "NorthWest";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 11f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 4f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 2f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 13f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 1f, y, zPixelSize * 11f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 1f, y, zPixelSize * 14f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 4f, y, zPixelSize * 14f));

            case Direction8Way.SouthEast:
                m.name = "SouthEast";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 4f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 11f, y, zPixelSize * 5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 13f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 12f, y, zPixelSize * 2f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 11f, y, zPixelSize * 1f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 14f, y, zPixelSize * 4f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 14f, y, zPixelSize * 1f));

            case Direction8Way.SouthWest:
                m.name = "SouthWest";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 4f, y, zPixelSize * 5f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 4f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 3f, y, zPixelSize * 2f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 2f, y, zPixelSize * 3f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 4f, y, zPixelSize * 1f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 1f, y, zPixelSize * 1f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 1f, y, zPixelSize * 4f));

                m.name = "ArrowNorth";
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 8f, y, zPixelSize * 10f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 8f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 5f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 10f, y, zPixelSize * 12f));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(xPixelSize * 7.5f, y, zPixelSize * 15f));

            triangles[0] = 0; triangles[1] = 1; triangles[2] = 2;
            triangles[3] = 0; triangles[4] = 2; triangles[5] = 3;
            triangles[6] = vertices.Count - 3; triangles[7] = vertices.Count - 2; triangles[8] = vertices.Count - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)

            m.SetTriangles(triangles, 0);
        public override void DrawAt(Vector3 drawLoc)
            if (!Spawned)

            wheelLoc = drawLoc;
            bodyLoc  = drawLoc;
            if (Rotation.AsInt % 2 == 0)
                wheelLoc.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Item) + 0.02f;

            if (axlesComp.HasAxles() && Rotation.AsInt % 2 == 1)
                wheelLoc.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn) + 0.04f;
                bodyLoc.y  = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn) + 0.03f;

                Vector2    drawSize = def.graphic.drawSize;
                int        num      = Rotation == Rot4.West ? -1 : 1;
                Vector3    vector3  = new Vector3(1f * drawSize.x, 1f, 1f * drawSize.y);
                Quaternion asQuat   = Rotation.AsQuat;
                float      x        = 1f * Mathf.Sin(num * (wheelRotation * 0.05f) % (2 * Mathf.PI));
                float      z        = 1f * Mathf.Cos(num * (wheelRotation * 0.05f) % (2 * Mathf.PI));

                asQuat.SetLookRotation(new Vector3(x, 0f, z), Vector3.up);

                wheel_shake = (float)((Math.Sin(tick_time) + Math.Abs(Math.Sin(tick_time))) / 40.0);

                wheelLoc.z = wheelLoc.z + wheel_shake;

                Vector3 mountThingLoc = drawLoc;
                mountThingLoc.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn) + 0.06f;
                Vector3 mountThingOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(Rotation.AsAngle);

                List <Vector3> list;
                if (axlesComp.GetAxleLocations(drawSize, num, out list))
                    foreach (Vector3 current in list)
                        Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
                        matrix.SetTRS(wheelLoc + current, asQuat, vector3);
                        Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, graphic_Wheel_Single.MatAt(Rotation), 0);

            if (vehicleComp.compProps.specialShadowData != null)
                if (shadowGraphic == null)
                    shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(vehicleComp.compProps.specialShadowData);
                shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this);
Example #24
        public void DrawImplant()
        {// this.Pawn
            bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(this.Pawn);
            HediffComp_DrawImplant comp = this;
            string  direction           = "";
            float   angle   = 0f;
            float   offset  = 0f;
            float   yvalue  = Pawn.Drawer.DrawPos.y;
            Vector3 drawPos = Pawn.Drawer.DrawPos;

            drawPos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor((AltitudeLayer)17);
            Vector3      s            = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
            PawnRenderer pawnRenderer = this.Pawn.Drawer.renderer;
            Rot4         rot          = LayingFacing();

            if (Pawn.CarriedBy != null)
                if (selected)
                    Log.Message(string.Format("{0} carried by {1} drawpos {2} modified to {3}", Pawn.Name, Pawn.CarriedBy.Name, drawPos, Pawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos));
                drawPos.z = Pawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos.z;
                drawPos.x = Pawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos.x;
            if (Pawn.InBed())
                if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.South)
                    if (selected)
                        Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman()));
                    drawPos -= pawnRenderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South);
                else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.North)
                    if (selected)
                        Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman()));
                    drawPos -= pawnRenderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.North);
                else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.East)
                    if (selected)
                        Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman()));
                    drawPos.x += 0.3f;
                else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.West)
                    if (selected)
                        Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman()));
                    drawPos.x -= 0.3f;
                drawPos.y = yvalue;
                if (selected)
                    Log.Message(string.Format("{0} in bed {1} drawpos modified to {2}", Pawn.Name, Pawn.InBed(), drawPos));
            if (offset < 0)
                drawPos.y -= offset;
                drawPos.y += offset;
            if (Pawn.Downed)
                angle = pawnRenderer.wiggler.downedAngle;
                if (Pawn.CarriedBy != null)
                    if (selected)
                        Log.Message(string.Format("{0} carried by {1} angle {2} modified to {3}", Pawn.Name, Pawn.CarriedBy.Name, angle, Pawn.CarriedBy.carryTracker.CarriedThing.Rotation.AsAngle));
                    angle = Pawn.CarriedBy.carryTracker.CarriedThing.Rotation.AsAngle;
                if (Pawn.InBed())
                    if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.South)
                        angle = 0f;
                    else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.North)
                        angle = 180f;
                    else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.East)
                        angle = 270;
                    else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.West)
                        angle = 90;

                    // angle = Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.AsAngle;
                if (Pawn.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja)
                    s = new Vector3(2f, 1.5f, 2f);
                    if (rot.ToStringHuman() == "West" || rot == Rot4.West)
                        //drawPos.z -= 0.15f;
                        // drawPos.x += 0.25f;
                        //    drawPos.x += 0.25f;
            if (selected)
                Log.Message(string.Format("{0}'s {1}, Rot:{2}, offset:{3}, x:{4}, z:{5}", Pawn.Label, this.parent.def.label, rot, offset, drawPos.x, drawPos.z));
                Log.Message(string.Format("Rot ToStringHuman:{1}, FacingCell:{2}, AsVector2:{3}, AsByte:{4}, AsAngle:{5}", rot, rot.ToStringHuman(), rot.FacingCell, rot.AsVector2, rot.AsByte, rot.AsAngle));
            Material  matSingle = comp.ImplantMaterial(Pawn, rot);
            Matrix4x4 matrix    = default(Matrix4x4);
            matrix.SetTRS(drawPos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
            Graphics.DrawMesh(rot == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, matSingle, 0);
Example #25
        public void DrawOverlays(string PatronName, Pawn corrpawn)
            bodyMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
            headMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            if (corrpawn.story == null)
                btype = BodyType.Undefined;
                btype = corrpawn.story.bodyType;

            HeadGraphic = GetHeadGraphic(corrpawn, PatronName);
            BodyGraphic = GetBodyOverlay(btype, PatronName);

            bodydrawpos = corrpawn.Drawer.DrawPos;

            headvec = corrpawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            headdrawpos = bodydrawpos + headvec;

            headMat = HeadGraphic.MatAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
            bodyMat = BodyGraphic.MatAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            if (corrpawn.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                headMesh = MeshPool.plane03;
                bodyMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
                headMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
                bodyMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            bodydrawpos.y += 0.0019f;

            if (corrpawn.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                headdrawpos.y += 0.0f;
                headdrawpos.y += 0.051f;

            if (corrpawn.Downed || corrpawn.Dead)
                headMat = HeadGraphic.MatAt(LayingFacingDet(corrpawn));
                bodyMat = BodyGraphic.MatAt(LayingFacingDet(corrpawn));
                if (corrpawn.Dead)
                    num = corrpawn.Corpse.InnerPawn.Drawer.renderer.wiggler.downedAngle;
                    num = corrpawn.Drawer.renderer.wiggler.downedAngle;

                if (corrpawn.thingIDNumber % 4 == 3)
                    headMesh = MeshPool.plane10Flip;
                quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up);
                Vector3 newPos = quat * headvec;
                headdrawpos   = corrpawn.Drawer.DrawPos + newPos;
                bodydrawpos   = corrpawn.Drawer.DrawPos;
                bodydrawpos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn) + 0.001f;
                if (corrpawn.Dead)
                    if (corrpawn.Drawer != null && corrpawn.Corpse != null)
                        Vector3 headvecD = corrpawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(corrpawn.Corpse.Rotation);
                        Vector3 newPosD  = quat * headvecD;
                        headdrawpos = corrpawn.Corpse.DrawPos + newPosD;
                    quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up);

                    bodydrawpos = corrpawn.Corpse.DrawPos;

                    bodydrawpos.y -= 0.05f;
            if (corrpawn.CarriedBy != null)
                Pawn pepe = corrpawn.CarriedBy;

                Vector3 vec    = corrpawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos;
                Vector3 newPos = quat * headvec;
                vec.x      += 0.5f;
                bodydrawpos = vec;
                headdrawpos = bodydrawpos + newPos;

            Building_Bed bbed = corrpawn.CurrentBed();

            if (bbed != null && corrpawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                RenderBody = false;
                Rot4 rotation = bbed.Rotation;
                num = bbed.Rotation.AsAngle;
                AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)bbed.def.altitudeLayer, 15);
                Vector3       a        = this.cpawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
                float         d        = -this.cpawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
                Vector3       a2       = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
                headdrawpos    = a + a2 * d;
                headdrawpos.y += 0.01f;
                headMat        = HeadGraphic.MatAt(LayingFacingDet(corrpawn));

            Vector3   s          = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Matrix4x4 matrixHead = default(Matrix4x4);
            Matrix4x4 matrixBody = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrixHead.SetTRS(headdrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), s);
            matrixBody.SetTRS(bodydrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), s);

            Graphics.DrawMesh(headMesh, headdrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), headMat, 45);
            if (RenderBody)
                Graphics.DrawMesh(bodyMesh, bodydrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), bodyMat, 40);
Example #26
        public override void DrawWornExtras()
            // base.DrawWornExtras();

            if (this.ShouldDisplay)
                // base.DrawWornExtras();

                float   num    = 0f;
                Vector3 vector = this.Wearer.Drawer.DrawPos;
                // vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn);
                Vector3 s = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
                if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                    vector.y  = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Item);
                    vector.x -= 0.2f;
                    vector.z -= 0.2f;
                    if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.South)
                        vector.y  = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn);
                        vector.y += 0.033f;
                        vector.x += 0.2f;
                        vector.z -= 0.2f;
                        if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.East)
                            vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.Pawn);
                            vector.z = 0.2f;
                            num      = 90f;
                            if (this.Wearer.Rotation == Rot4.West)
                                vector.y  = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead);
                                vector.z -= 0.2f;
                                num       = 270f;

                // colorable = def.colorable;
                // if (shield as Shield.ColorableShield != null) // make sure it actually IS a MyCoolNewGun, HAS the code, etc:
                // use the thingdef:
                // var def = shield.def as Shield.ColorableShield;
                // colorable = def.colorable;

                // or access directly:
                // var myBool = ((myNamespace.MyCustomDef_ThingDef)weapon.def).myNewBool;
                //     this will throw an exception if somehow the weapon isn't a MyCoolNewGun!

                // use the defs, etc
                // this works in beta 0.18.1722
                // }

                if (shieldMat == null)
                    shieldMat = MaterialPool.MatFrom(def.graphicData.texPath);

                Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
                matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), s);
                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, shieldMat, 0);
 public override void Tick()
     if (base.Spawned)
         if (this.sustainer == null)
             Log.Error("DustDevil sustainer is null.");
         base.GetComp <CompWindSource>().wind = 5f * this.FadeInOutFactor;
         if (this.leftFadeOutTicks > 0)
             if (this.leftFadeOutTicks == 0)
             if (DustDevil.directionNoise == null)
                 DustDevil.directionNoise = new Perlin(0.0020000000949949026, 2.0, 0.5, 4, 1948573612, QualityMode.Medium);
             this.direction   += (float)DustDevil.directionNoise.GetValue((double)Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, (double)((float)(this.thingIDNumber % 500) * 1000f), 0.0) * 0.78f;
             this.realPosition = this.realPosition.Moved(this.direction, 0.0283333343f);
             IntVec3 intVec = new Vector3(this.realPosition.x, 0f, this.realPosition.y).ToIntVec3();
             if (intVec.InBounds(base.Map))
                 base.Position = intVec;
                 if (this.IsHashIntervalTick(15))
                 if (Rand.MTBEventOccurs(15f, 1f, 1f))
                 if (this.ticksLeftToDisappear > 0)
                     if (this.ticksLeftToDisappear == 0)
                         this.leftFadeOutTicks = 120;
                         Messages.Message("MessageDustDevilDissipated".Translate(), new TargetInfo(base.Position, base.Map, false), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent);
                 if (this.IsHashIntervalTick(4) && !this.CellImmuneToDamage(base.Position))
                     float num = Rand.Range(0.6f, 1f);
                     MoteMaker.ThrowTornadoDustPuff(new Vector3(this.realPosition.x, 0f, this.realPosition.y)
                         y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead)
                     } +Vector3Utility.RandomHorizontalOffset(1.5f), base.Map, Rand.Range(1.5f, 3f), new Color(num, num, num));
                 this.leftFadeOutTicks = 120;
                 Messages.Message("MessageDustDevilLeftMap".Translate(), new TargetInfo(base.Position, base.Map, false), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent);
Example #28
            public static void Postfix()
                if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow == false)
                    Map map = Find.CurrentMap;

                    if (map == null)

                    List <Pawn> selectedPawns = Find.Selector.SelectedPawns;
                    if (selectedPawns == null)

                    CellRect currentView = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect;

                    foreach (Pawn pawn in selectedPawns)
                        CompMeeseeksMemory memory = pawn.GetComp <CompMeeseeksMemory>();
                        if (memory == null)

                        foreach (SavedTargetInfo target in memory.jobTargets)
                            if (currentView.Contains(target.target.Cell))
                                Matrix4x4 matrix   = new Matrix4x4();
                                Vector3   position = new Vector3(target.Cell.x + 0.25f, Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MoteOverhead), target.target.Cell.z + 0.75f);
                                Vector3   scale    = new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
                                matrix.SetTRS(position, Quaternion.identity, scale);

                                Graphics.DrawMesh(MeshPool.plane10, matrix, TargetMarker, 0);
        public override void Draw()
            if (this.linkable.IsSingle)

            if (LinkGroupUtility.ShouldSingle(base.Position, base.Map))

            base.Rotation = this.linkable.LineDirection;
            float num = Mathf.Clamp01((float)this.ticksSinceOpen / (float)base.TicksToOpenNow);

            float[] move = { 0, 0 };
            int     index;

            switch (this.linkable.PosTag)
            case PositionTag.LeftSide:
                this.linkable.CommonField = 1f * num;
                move[0] = this.GetMoveOffset(PositionTag.LeftSide);
                index   = 0;

            case PositionTag.RightSide:
                this.linkable.CommonField = 1f * num;
                move[0] = this.GetMoveOffset(PositionTag.RightSide);
                index   = 1;

            case PositionTag.LeftBorder | PositionTag.LeftSide:
                this.linkable.CommonField = (1f - ProtrudedDoorOffset) * num;
                move[0] = this.GetMoveOffset(PositionTag.LeftSide);
                move[1] = move[0];
                index   = 2;

            case PositionTag.RightBorder | PositionTag.RightSide:
                this.linkable.CommonField = (1f - ProtrudedDoorOffset) * num;
                move[0] = this.GetMoveOffset(PositionTag.RightSide);
                move[1] = move[0];
                index   = 3;

            case PositionTag.Center:
                this.linkable.CommonField = (0.5f - ProtrudedDoorOffset) * num;
                move[0] = this.GetMoveOffset(PositionTag.LeftSide);
                move[1] = this.GetMoveOffset(PositionTag.RightSide);
                index   = 4;

                Log.Error("[LinkableDoors] default");
                index = 0;

            Vector3[] coefficients = LD_MeshPool.doorMeshPosSet[index].coefficients;
            Vector3[] offsets      = LD_MeshPool.doorMeshPosSet[index].offsets;
            Mesh[]    meshes       = LD_MeshPool.doorMeshPosSet[index].meshes;

            Rot4 rotation = base.Rotation;

            Quaternion quat = rotation.AsQuat;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (meshes[i] != null)
                    Vector3 vector = this.DrawPos;
                    vector.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.DoorMoveable) + offsets[i].y;
                    Vector3 vector2 = quat * coefficients[i];
                    Vector3 vector3 = quat * offsets[i];
                    vector += vector3 + vector2 * move[i];

                    Graphics.DrawMesh(meshes[i], vector, base.Rotation.AsQuat, this.Graphic.MatAt(base.Rotation, null), 0);
        protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils()
            QualityCategory      fishingEquipmentQuality = QualityCategory.Normal;
            float                catchSomethingThreshold = 0f;
            Building_FishingPier fishingPier             = this.TargetThingA as Building_FishingPier;
            Passion              passion = Passion.None;
            int         fishingDuration  = 1000;
            const float skillGainPerTick = 0.15f;
            float       skillGainFactor  = 0f;

            this.AddEndCondition(() =>
                var targ = this.pawn.jobs.curJob.GetTarget(fishingPierIndex).Thing;
                if (targ is Building && !targ.Spawned)

            this.FailOnBurningImmobile(fishingPierIndex); // Bill giver or product burning in carry phase.

            yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(fishingPierIndex));

            float statValue = this.pawn.GetStatValue(Util_FishIndustry.FishingSpeedDef, true);

            fishingDuration = (int)Math.Round((double)(800f / statValue));

            yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(fishingPierIndex, fishingPier.riverCell).FailOnDespawnedOrNull(fishingPierIndex));

            Toil verifyFisherHasFishingEquipmentToil = new Toil()
                initAction = () =>
                    if ((this.pawn.equipment.Primary != null) &&
                        (this.pawn.equipment.Primary.def == Util_FishIndustry.HarpoonDef))
                        this.fishingEquipment = FishingEquipment.Harpoon;
                        this.pawn.equipment.Primary.TryGetQuality(out fishingEquipmentQuality);
                    foreach (Apparel apparel in this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel)
                        if (apparel.def == Util_FishIndustry.FishingRodDef)
                            this.fishingEquipment = FishingEquipment.FishingRod;
                            apparel.TryGetQuality(out fishingEquipmentQuality);
                    if (this.fishingEquipment == FishingEquipment.NoEquipment)

            yield return(verifyFisherHasFishingEquipmentToil);

            Toil fishToil = new Toil()
                initAction = () =>
                    ThingDef moteDef = null;

                    switch (fishingEquipment)
                    case FishingEquipment.FishingRod:
                        if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                            moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodNorthDef;
                        else if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.East)
                            moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodEastDef;
                        else if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.South)
                            moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodSouthDef;
                            moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodWestDef;
                    if (moteDef != null)
                        fishingEquipmentMote = (MoteThrown)ThingMaker.MakeThing(moteDef);
                        fishingEquipmentMote.exactPosition   = fishingPier.fishingSpotCell.ToVector3Shifted();
                        fishingEquipmentMote.exactPosition.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.VisEffects);
                        GenSpawn.Spawn(fishingEquipmentMote, fishingPier.fishingSpotCell);
                    WorkTypeDef fishingWorkDef = DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .GetNamed("Fishing");

                    passion = this.pawn.skills.MaxPassionOfRelevantSkillsFor(fishingWorkDef);
                    if (passion == Passion.None)
                        skillGainFactor = 0.3f;
                    else if (passion == Passion.Minor)
                        skillGainFactor = 1f;
                        skillGainFactor = 1.5f;
                tickAction = () =>
                    switch (fishingEquipment)
                    case FishingEquipment.FishingRod:

                    case FishingEquipment.Harpoon:
                        if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % GenTicks.TickRareInterval == 0)
                            Bullet     thrownHarpoon = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_FishIndustry.HarpoonDef.Verbs.First().projectileDef, this.pawn.Position) as Bullet;
                            TargetInfo targetCell    = new TargetInfo(fishingPier.fishingSpotCell + new IntVec3(Rand.RangeInclusive(-1, 1), 0, Rand.RangeInclusive(0, 2)).RotatedBy(fishingPier.Rotation));
                            thrownHarpoon.Launch(this.pawn, targetCell);

                    if (passion == Passion.Minor)
                        this.pawn.needs.joy.GainJoy(NeedTunings.JoyPerXpForPassionMinor, JoyKindDefOf.Work);
                    else if (passion == Passion.Major)
                        this.pawn.needs.joy.GainJoy(NeedTunings.JoyPerXpForPassionMajor, JoyKindDefOf.Work);
                    SkillDef fishingSkillDef = DefDatabase <SkillDef> .GetNamed("Fishing");

                    this.pawn.skills.Learn(fishingSkillDef, skillGainPerTick * skillGainFactor);
                defaultDuration     = fishingDuration,
                defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay

            yield return(fishToil.WithProgressBarToilDelay(fishingPierIndex));

            yield return(verifyFisherHasFishingEquipmentToil); // Could be dropped during fishToil.

            Toil computeChanceToCatchToil = new Toil()
                initAction = () =>
                    float       fishingSkillLevel = 0f;
                    WorkTypeDef fishingWorkDef    = DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .GetNamed("Fishing");

                    fishingSkillLevel = this.pawn.skills.AverageOfRelevantSkillsFor(fishingWorkDef);
                    float fishingEquipmentQualityFactor = (float)fishingEquipmentQuality / (float)QualityCategory.Legendary;
                    float fishingSkillFactor            = fishingSkillLevel / 20f;
                    float snowFactor             = 1 - Find.SnowGrid.GetDepth(fishingPier.fishingSpotCell);
                    float fishingEquipmentOffset = 0f;
                    switch (this.fishingEquipment)
                    case FishingEquipment.Harpoon:
                        fishingEquipmentOffset = 0.2f;

                    case FishingEquipment.FishingRod:
                        fishingEquipmentOffset = 0.5f;
                    catchSomethingThreshold = ((fishingEquipmentOffset * fishingEquipmentQualityFactor) + 0.4f * fishingSkillFactor) * (0.25f + 0.75f * snowFactor);
                    // Reframe min and max chance (min 5%, max 75 % chance of success).
                    catchSomethingThreshold = catchSomethingThreshold * 0.75f;
                    catchSomethingThreshold = Math.Max(catchSomethingThreshold, 0.05f);
                defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Instant

            yield return(computeChanceToCatchToil);

            Toil catchFishToil = new Toil()
                initAction = () =>
                    Job   curJob       = this.pawn.jobs.curJob;
                    Thing fishingCatch = null;

                    bool catchIsSuccessful = Rand.Value <= catchSomethingThreshold;
                    if (catchIsSuccessful == false)
                        MoteThrower.ThrowDrift(this.pawn.Position, ThingDefOf.Mote_IncapIcon);

                    float catchSelectorValue = Rand.Value;
                    if (catchSelectorValue > 0.04f)
                        // Catch a fish.
                        TerrainDef      fishSpotType    = Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishingPier.fishingSpotCell);
                        List <ThingDef> fishSpeciesList = null;
                        ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties.AquaticEnvironment aquaticEnvironment;
                        ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties.LivingTime         livingTime;
                        float fishSpeciesTotalCommonality = 0f;
                        float fishSpeciesCommonalitySum   = 0f;

                        // Aquatic environment.
                        if (fishSpotType == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh"))
                            aquaticEnvironment = ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties.AquaticEnvironment.Marsh;
                            aquaticEnvironment = ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties.AquaticEnvironment.Sea;
                        // Day time.
                        if (SkyManager.CurSkyGlow >= 0.4f)
                            livingTime = ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties.LivingTime.Day;
                            livingTime = ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties.LivingTime.Night;

                        fishSpeciesList             = Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(aquaticEnvironment, livingTime);
                        fishSpeciesTotalCommonality = Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesTotalCommonality(aquaticEnvironment, livingTime);

                        float    randomSelector      = Rand.Range(0f, fishSpeciesTotalCommonality);
                        ThingDef selectedFishSpecies = null;
                        for (int fishSpeciesIndex = 0; fishSpeciesIndex < fishSpeciesList.Count; fishSpeciesIndex++)
                            ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties currentFishSpecies = fishSpeciesList[fishSpeciesIndex] as ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties;
                            fishSpeciesCommonalitySum += currentFishSpecies.commonality;

                            if (randomSelector <= fishSpeciesCommonalitySum)
                                selectedFishSpecies = currentFishSpecies;

                        fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(selectedFishSpecies, this.pawn.Position);
                        fishingCatch.stackCount = (selectedFishSpecies as ThingDef_FishSpeciesProperties).catchQuantity;
                    else if (catchSelectorValue > 0.02)
                        fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_FishIndustry.OysterDef, this.pawn.Position);
                        fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(5, 27);
                        float bonusCatchValue = Rand.Value;
                        if (bonusCatchValue < 0.01f)
                            // Really small chance to find a sunken treasure!!!
                            fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Gold, this.pawn.Position);
                            fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(58, 289);
                            Thing treasureSilver = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Silver, fishingPier.middleCell);
                            treasureSilver.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(237, 2154);
                            string eventText = this.pawn.Name.ToStringShort.CapitalizeFirst() + " has found a sunken treasure while fishing! What a good catch!\n";
                            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("Sunken treasure!", eventText, LetterType.Good, this.pawn.Position);
                        else if (bonusCatchValue < 0.02f)
                            // Really small chance to find a complete power armor set + sniper or charge rifle.
                            Thing powerArmor = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmor"), this.pawn.Position);
                            fishingCatch = powerArmor; // Used to carry the power armor.
                            Thing powerArmorHelmet = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet"), this.pawn.Position);
                            Thing rifle            = null;
                            if (Rand.Value < 0.5f)
                                rifle = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Gun_ChargeRifle"), this.pawn.Position);
                                rifle = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Gun_SniperRifle"), this.pawn.Position);
                            CompQuality qualityComp = powerArmor.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (qualityComp != null)
                                qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);
                            qualityComp = powerArmorHelmet.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (qualityComp != null)
                                qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);
                            qualityComp = rifle.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (qualityComp != null)
                                qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);

                            Faction faction    = Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(FactionDefOf.SpacerHostile);
                            Pawn    deadMarine = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDefOf.SpaceSoldier, faction);
                            GenSpawn.Spawn(deadMarine, fishingPier.bankCell);
                            List <Thing> thingsList = deadMarine.Position.GetThingList();
                            foreach (Thing thing in thingsList)
                                if (thing.def.defName.Contains("Corpse"))
                                    CompRottable rotComp = thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>();
                                    if (rotComp != null)
                                        rotComp.rotProgress = 20f * 60000f; // 20 days so the corpse is dessicated.
                            string eventText = this.pawn.Name.ToStringShort.CapitalizeFirst() + " has cought a dead body while fishing!\n\n'This is really disgusting but look at his gear! This guy was probably a Mining & Co. security member. I wonder what happend to him...'\n";
                            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("Dead marine", eventText, LetterType.Good, this.pawn.Position);
                            // Find a small amount of gold.
                            fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Gold, this.pawn.Position);
                            fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 7);
                        // TODO: add chance to get hurt by a tailteeth (missing finger or even hand!).
                    IntVec3 storageCell;
                    if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(fishingCatch, this.pawn, StoragePriority.Unstored, this.pawn.Faction, out storageCell, true))
                        curJob.targetB       = storageCell;
                        curJob.targetC       = fishingCatch;
                        curJob.maxNumToCarry = 99999;

            yield return(catchFishToil);

            // Reserve the product and storage cell.
            yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(TargetIndex.B));

            yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(TargetIndex.C));

            Toil carryToCell = Toils_Haul.CarryHauledThingToCell(TargetIndex.B);

            yield return(carryToCell);

            yield return(Toils_Haul.PlaceHauledThingInCell(TargetIndex.B, carryToCell, true));

            yield return(Toils_Reserve.Release(fishingPierIndex));