public static float AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer alt)
Example #2
 public static void DrawGhostThing(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude, Thing thing = null)
     DrawGhostThing_NewTmp(center, rot, thingDef, baseGraphic, ghostCol, drawAltitude, thing);
Example #3
        public void RenderPawnAt(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump)
            if (!
            if (this.pawn.GetPosture() == PawnPosture.Standing)
                this.RenderPawnInternal(drawLoc, Quaternion.identity, true, bodyDrawType, headStump);
                if (this.pawn.carryTracker != null)
                    Thing carriedThing = this.pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
                    if (carriedThing != null)
                        Vector3 vector = drawLoc;
                        bool    flag   = false;
                        bool    flip   = false;
                        if (this.pawn.CurJob == null || ! vector, ref flag, ref flip))
                            vector = ((!(carriedThing is Pawn) && !(carriedThing is Corpse)) ? (vector + new Vector3(0.18f, 0f, 0.05f)) : (vector + new Vector3(0.44f, 0f, 0f)));
                        if (flag)
                            vector.y -= 0.0390625f;
                            vector.y += 0.0390625f;
                        carriedThing.DrawAt(vector, flip);
                if (this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData != null)
                    if (this.shadowGraphic == null)
                        this.shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData);
                    this.shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
                if ( != null && != null)
          , Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
                Rot4         rot          = this.LayingFacing();
                Building_Bed building_Bed = this.pawn.CurrentBed();
                bool         renderBody;
                Quaternion   quat;
                Vector3      rootLoc;
                if (building_Bed != null && this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                    renderBody = building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody;
                    Rot4 rotation = building_Bed.Rotation;
                    rotation.AsInt += 2;
                    quat            = rotation.AsQuat;
                    AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 15);
                    Vector3       vector2  = this.pawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
                    Vector3       vector3  = vector2;
                    vector3.y += 0.02734375f;
                    Vector3 vector4 = this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South);
                    float   d       = (float)(0.0 - vector4.z);
                    Vector3 a       = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
                    rootLoc    = vector2 + a * d;
                    rootLoc.y += 0.0078125f;
                    renderBody = true;
                    rootLoc    = drawLoc;
                    if (!this.pawn.Dead && this.pawn.CarriedBy == null)
                        rootLoc.y = (float)(Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn) + 0.0078125);
                    if (this.pawn.Downed || this.pawn.Dead)
                        quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(this.wiggler.downedAngle, Vector3.up);
                    else if (this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                        quat = rot.AsQuat;
                        Rot4 rot2 = Rot4.West;
                        switch (this.pawn.thingIDNumber % 2)
                        case 0:
                            rot2 = Rot4.West;

                        case 1:
                            rot2 = Rot4.East;
                        quat = rot2.AsQuat;
                this.RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, quat, renderBody, rot, rot, bodyDrawType, false, headStump);
            if (this.pawn.Spawned && !this.pawn.Dead)
 public TM_WeatherEvent_MeshGeneric(Map map, Material meshMat, Vector3 meshStart, Vector3 meshEnd, float meshContortionMagnitude, AltitudeLayer altitudeLayer, int durationSolid, int fadeOutTicks, int fadeInTicks) : base(map)
 {       = map;
     this.meshMat   = meshMat;
     this.meshStart = meshStart;
     this.meshEnd   = meshEnd;
     this.meshContortionMagnitude = meshContortionMagnitude;
     this.altitudeLayer           = altitudeLayer;
     this.durationSolid           = durationSolid;
     this.fadeOutTicks            = fadeOutTicks;
     this.fadeInTicks             = fadeInTicks;
     //this.shadowVector = new Vector2(Rand.Range(-5f, 5f), Rand.Range(-5f, 0f));
Example #5
        public static void DrawGhostThing_NewTmp(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude, Thing thing = null, bool drawPlaceWorkers = true)
            if (baseGraphic == null)
                baseGraphic = thingDef.graphic;
            Graphic graphic = GhostUtility.GhostGraphicFor(baseGraphic, thingDef, ghostCol);
            Vector3 loc     = GenThing.TrueCenter(center, rot, thingDef.Size, drawAltitude.AltitudeFor());

            graphic.DrawFromDef(loc, rot, thingDef);
            for (int i = 0; i < thingDef.comps.Count; i++)
                thingDef.comps[i].DrawGhost(center, rot, thingDef, ghostCol, drawAltitude, thing);
            if (drawPlaceWorkers && thingDef.PlaceWorkers != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < thingDef.PlaceWorkers.Count; j++)
                    thingDef.PlaceWorkers[j].DrawGhost(thingDef, center, rot, ghostCol, thing);
Example #6
        // Verse.GhostDrawer
        public static bool HeronDoorGhostHandler(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude)
            if (thingDef is DoorExpandedDef def && def.fixedPerspective)
                Graphic graphic = (Graphic)AccessTools.Method(typeof(GhostDrawer), "GhostGraphicFor").Invoke(null, new object[] { thingDef.graphic, thingDef, ghostCol });
                Vector3 loc = Gen.TrueCenter(center, rot, thingDef.Size, Altitudes.AltitudeFor(drawAltitude));

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    bool      flipped = (i != 0) ? true : false;
                    Mesh      mesh;
                    Matrix4x4 matrix;
                    Building_DoorExpanded.DrawParams(def, loc, rot, out mesh, out matrix, 0, flipped);
                    Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, matrix, graphic.MatAt(rot, null), 0);

                if (thingDef.PlaceWorkers != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < thingDef.PlaceWorkers.Count; i++)
                        thingDef.PlaceWorkers[i].DrawGhost(thingDef, center, rot);
Example #7
 public void RenderPawnAt(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump, bool invisible)
     if (!graphics.AllResolved)
     if (pawn.GetPosture() == PawnPosture.Standing)
         RenderPawnInternal(drawLoc, 0f, renderBody: true, bodyDrawType, headStump, invisible);
         if (pawn.carryTracker != null)
             Thing carriedThing = pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
             if (carriedThing != null)
                 Vector3 drawPos = drawLoc;
                 bool    behind  = false;
                 bool    flip    = false;
                 if (pawn.CurJob == null || ! drawPos, ref behind, ref flip))
                     if (carriedThing is Pawn || carriedThing is Corpse)
                         drawPos += new Vector3(0.44f, 0f, 0f);
                         drawPos += new Vector3(0.18f, 0f, 0.05f);
                 if (behind)
                     drawPos.y -= 9f / 245f;
                     drawPos.y += 9f / 245f;
                 carriedThing.DrawAt(drawPos, flip);
         if (!invisible)
             if (pawn.def.race.specialShadowData != null)
                 if (shadowGraphic == null)
                     shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(pawn.def.race.specialShadowData);
                 shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, pawn);
             if (graphics.nakedGraphic != null && graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic != null)
                 graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, pawn);
         float        angle        = BodyAngle();
         Rot4         rot          = LayingFacing();
         Building_Bed building_Bed = pawn.CurrentBed();
         bool         renderBody;
         Vector3      rootLoc;
         if (building_Bed != null && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
             renderBody = building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody;
             AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 17);
             Vector3       vector;
             Vector3       a = (vector = pawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer));
             vector.y += 6f / 245f;
             Rot4 rotation = building_Bed.Rotation;
             rotation.AsInt += 2;
             float   d  = 0f - BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
             Vector3 a2 = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
             rootLoc    = a + a2 * d;
             rootLoc.y += 9f / 980f;
             renderBody = true;
             rootLoc    = drawLoc;
             if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.CarriedBy == null)
                 rootLoc.y = AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn.AltitudeFor() + 9f / 980f;
         RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, angle, renderBody, rot, rot, bodyDrawType, portrait: false, headStump, invisible);
     if (pawn.Spawned && !pawn.Dead)
Example #8
        public override void DrawGhost(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude, Thing thing = null)
            base.DrawGhost(center, rot, thingDef, ghostCol, drawAltitude, thing);
            var list = CellsWithinRange(center).ToList();

            GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges(list, this.ghostColor);
Example #9
 public Vector3 ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(AltitudeLayer AltLayer)
Example #10
 public virtual void DrawGhost(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude)
Example #11
 public Vector3 ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(AltitudeLayer AltLayer)
Example #12
        public void DrawOverlays(string PatronName, Pawn corrpawn)
            bodyMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
            headMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            if (corrpawn.story == null)
                btype = BodyType.Undefined;
                btype = corrpawn.story.BodyType;

            HeadGraphic = GetHeadGraphic(corrpawn, PatronName);
            BodyGraphic = GetBodyOverlay(btype, PatronName);

            bodydrawpos = corrpawn.Drawer.DrawPos;

            headvec = corrpawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            headdrawpos = bodydrawpos + headvec;

            headMat = HeadGraphic.MatAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
            bodyMat = BodyGraphic.MatAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            if (corrpawn.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                headMesh = MeshPool.plane03;
                bodyMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
                headMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);
                bodyMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(corrpawn.Rotation);

            bodydrawpos.y += 0.0019f;

            if (corrpawn.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                headdrawpos.y += 0.0f;
                headdrawpos.y += 0.051f;

            if (corrpawn.Downed || corrpawn.Dead)
                headMat = HeadGraphic.MatAt(LayingFacingDet(corrpawn));
                bodyMat = BodyGraphic.MatAt(LayingFacingDet(corrpawn));
                if (corrpawn.Dead)
                    num = corrpawn.corpse.innerPawn.Drawer.renderer.wiggler.downedAngle;
                    num = corrpawn.Drawer.renderer.wiggler.downedAngle;

                if (corrpawn.thingIDNumber % 4 == 3)
                    headMesh = MeshPool.plane10Flip;
                quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up);
                Vector3 newPos = quat * headvec;
                headdrawpos   = corrpawn.Drawer.DrawPos + newPos;
                bodydrawpos   = corrpawn.Drawer.DrawPos;
                bodydrawpos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn) + 0.001f;
                if (corrpawn.Dead)
                    if (corrpawn.Drawer != null && corrpawn.corpse != null)
                        Vector3 headvecD = corrpawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(corrpawn.corpse.Rotation);
                        Vector3 newPosD  = quat * headvecD;
                        headdrawpos = corrpawn.corpse.DrawPos + newPosD;
                    quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up);

                    bodydrawpos = corrpawn.corpse.DrawPos;

                    bodydrawpos.y -= 0.05f;
            if (corrpawn.CarriedBy != null)
                Pawn pepe = corrpawn.CarriedBy;

                Vector3 vec    = corrpawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos;
                Vector3 newPos = quat * headvec;
                vec.x      += 0.5f;
                bodydrawpos = vec;
                headdrawpos = bodydrawpos + newPos;

            Building_Bed bbed = corrpawn.CurrentBed();

            if (bbed != null && corrpawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                RenderBody = false;
                Rot4 rotation = bbed.Rotation;
                num = bbed.Rotation.AsAngle;
                AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)bbed.def.altitudeLayer, 15);
                Vector3       a        = this.cpawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
                float         d        = -this.cpawn.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
                Vector3       a2       = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
                headdrawpos    = a + a2 * d;
                headdrawpos.y += 0.01f;
                headMat        = HeadGraphic.MatAt(LayingFacingDet(corrpawn));

            Vector3   s          = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Matrix4x4 matrixHead = default(Matrix4x4);
            Matrix4x4 matrixBody = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrixHead.SetTRS(headdrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), s);
            matrixBody.SetTRS(bodydrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), s);

            Graphics.DrawMesh(headMesh, headdrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), headMat, 45);
            if (RenderBody)
                Graphics.DrawMesh(bodyMesh, bodydrawpos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up), bodyMat, 40);
Example #13
        public static void DrawGhostThing_NewTmp(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude,
                                                 Thing thing = null, bool drawPlaceWorkers = true)
            if (baseGraphic == null)
                baseGraphic = thingDef.graphic;
            Graphic graphic = baseGraphic;
            Vector3 loc     = GenThing.TrueCenter(center, rot, thingDef.Size, drawAltitude.AltitudeFor());

            DrawShadow(graphic, loc, rot, thingDef);
Example #14
 public static void DrawGhostVehicle(IntVec3 center, Rot8 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude, Thing thing = null)
     if (thingDef is VehicleBuildDef def)
         VehicleDef vehicleDef = def.thingToSpawn;
         if (vehicleDef.GetSortedCompProperties <CompProperties_Cannons>() is CompProperties_Cannons props)
             Vector3 loc = GenThing.TrueCenter(center, rot, def.Size, drawAltitude.AltitudeFor());
             vehicleDef.DrawGhostCannonTextures(loc, rot, ghostCol);
        // Token: 0x06000241 RID: 577 RVA: 0x000145E4 File Offset: 0x000127E4
        public override void DrawWornExtras()
            if (base.Wearer == null || !base.Wearer.Spawned)
            Building_Bed building_Bed = base.Wearer.CurrentBed();

            if (building_Bed != null && !building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody && !this.onHead)
            if (this.onHead)
                Log.ErrorOnce("Adeptus Mechanicus :: Apparel_VisibleAccessory: The head drawing code is incomplete and the apparel '" + this.Label + "' will not be drawn.", (int)this.def.debugRandomId, false);
            Rot4    rot    = default(Rot4);
            float   angle  = 0f;
            Vector3 vector = base.Wearer.Drawer.DrawPos;
            Rot4    rot2;

            if (base.Wearer.GetPosture() != PawnPosture.Standing)
                rot2 = this.LayingFacing();
                if (building_Bed != null)
                    rot        = building_Bed.Rotation;
                    rot.AsInt += 2;
                    angle      = rot.AsAngle;
                    AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 14);
                    vector.y = base.Wearer.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer).y;
                    vector  += rot.FacingCell.ToVector3() * -base.Wearer.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
                    vector.y = base.Wearer.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn).y;
                    if (base.Wearer.Downed)
                        float?num = (((((base.Wearer.Drawer == null) ? null : base.Wearer.Drawer.renderer) == null) ? null : base.Wearer.Drawer.renderer.wiggler) == null) ? null : new float?(base.Wearer.Drawer.renderer.wiggler.downedAngle);
                        if (num != null)
                            angle = num.Value;
                        angle = rot2.FacingCell.AngleFlat;
                vector.y += 0.005f;
                rot2     = base.Wearer.Rotation;
                vector.y = base.Wearer.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(AltitudeLayer.Pawn).y;
            vector.y += this.GetAltitudeOffset(rot2);
            Graphic   graphic  = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(this.def.graphicData.texPath + "_" + ((base.Wearer == null) ? null : base.Wearer.story.bodyType.ToString()), ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex, this.def.graphicData.drawSize, this.DrawColor);
            Material  material = new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, this).graphic.MatAt(rot2, null);
            Vector3   s        = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
            Matrix4x4 matrix   = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
            //    Graphics.DrawMesh((rot2 == Rot4.West) ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, material, 0);

            CompPauldronDrawer comp = base.GetComp <CompPauldronDrawer>();

            if (comp != null)
                //    comp.PostDraw_Pads(vector, rot2);

Example #16
        public static void DrawGhostThing(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Graphic baseGraphic, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude)
            if (baseGraphic == null)
                baseGraphic = thingDef.graphic;
            Graphic graphic = GhostDrawer.GhostGraphicFor(baseGraphic, thingDef, ghostCol);
            Vector3 loc     = Gen.TrueCenter(center, rot, thingDef.Size, Altitudes.AltitudeFor(drawAltitude));

            graphic.DrawFromDef(loc, rot, thingDef, 0f);
            if (thingDef.PlaceWorkers != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < thingDef.PlaceWorkers.Count; i++)
                    thingDef.PlaceWorkers[i].DrawGhost(thingDef, center, rot);
Example #17
        public override void DrawWornExtras()
            if (Wearer == null || !Wearer.Spawned)
            Building_Bed bed = Wearer.CurrentBed();

            if (bed != null && !bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody && !onHead)

            //Since I haven't a head apparel item to test the drawing code against for now we throw an error (ONCE) and exit.
            if (this.onHead)
                Log.ErrorOnce(string.Concat("Combat Extended :: Apparel_VisibleAccessory: The head drawing code is incomplete and the apparel '",
                                            this.Label, "' will not be drawn."), this.def.debugRandomId);

            // compute drawVec, angle and Rot4 vars
            Rot4    rotation;
            Rot4    bedRotation = new Rot4();
            float   angle       = 0;
            Vector3 drawVec     = Wearer.Drawer.DrawPos;

            if (Wearer.GetPosture() != PawnPosture.Standing)
                rotation = LayingFacing();
                if (bed != null)
                    bedRotation        = bed.Rotation;
                    bedRotation.AsInt += 2;
                    angle              = bedRotation.AsAngle;
                    AltitudeLayer altitude = (AltitudeLayer)((byte)Mathf.Max((int)bed.def.altitudeLayer, 14));
                    drawVec.y = Wearer.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altitude).y;
                    drawVec  += bedRotation.FacingCell.ToVector3() * (-Wearer.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z);
                    drawVec.y = Wearer.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn).y;
                    if (Wearer.Downed)      // Wearer.Spawned == false when Pawn.Dead == true.
                        float?newAngle = (((((Wearer.Drawer == null) ? null : Wearer.Drawer.renderer) == null) ? null : Wearer.Drawer.renderer.wiggler) == null) ? (float?)null : Wearer.Drawer.renderer.wiggler.downedAngle;
                        if (newAngle != null)
                            angle = newAngle.Value;
                        angle = rotation.FacingCell.AngleFlat;
                drawVec.y += 0.005f;
                rotation  = Wearer.Rotation;
                drawVec.y = Wearer.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(AltitudeLayer.Pawn).y;

            drawVec.y += GetAltitudeOffset(rotation);

            // Get the graphic path
            string  path    = def.graphicData.texPath + "_" + ((Wearer == null) ? null : Wearer.story.bodyType.ToString());
            Graphic graphic = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Multi>(path, ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex, def.graphicData.drawSize, DrawColor);
            ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphic = new ApparelGraphicRecord(graphic, this);

            Material mat = apparelGraphic.graphic.MatAt(rotation);
            Vector3  s   = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);

            //mat.shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex;
            //mat.color = DrawColor;
            Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(drawVec, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
            Graphics.DrawMesh(rotation == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, mat, 0);
        public override void DrawGhost(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, ThingDef thingDef, Color ghostCol, AltitudeLayer drawAltitude)
            Graphic graphic = GhostUtility.GhostGraphicFor(CompFireOverlay.FireGraphic, thingDef, ghostCol);

            graphic.DrawFromDef(center.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(drawAltitude), rot, thingDef, 0f);
Example #19
        public void RenderPawnAt(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump, bool invisible, int curLevel, int baseLevel)
            if (!
            if (this.pawn.GetPosture() == PawnPosture.Standing)
                this.RenderPawnInternal(drawLoc, 0f, true, bodyDrawType, headStump, invisible, curLevel, baseLevel);
                if (this.pawn.carryTracker != null)
                    Thing carriedThing = this.pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
                    if (carriedThing != null)
                        Vector3 vector = drawLoc;
                        bool    flag   = false;
                        bool    flip   = false;
                        if (this.pawn.CurJob == null || ! vector, ref flag, ref flip))
                            if (carriedThing is Pawn || carriedThing is Corpse)
                                vector += new Vector3(0.44f, 0f, 0f);
                                vector += new Vector3(0.18f, 0f, 0.05f);
                        if (flag)
                            vector.y -= 0.03787879f;
                            vector.y += 0.03787879f;

                        if (!cachedGraphics.TryGetValue(carriedThing, out var graphics))
                            graphics = new Dictionary <int, Graphic>();
                            cachedGraphics[carriedThing] = graphics;
                        if (!graphics.TryGetValue(curLevel, out var graphic))
                            Vector2 drawSize = carriedThing.Graphic.drawSize;
                            drawSize.x *= 1f - ((curLevel - baseLevel) / DrawDynamicThings.pawnDrawScale);
                            drawSize.y *= 1f - ((curLevel - baseLevel) / DrawDynamicThings.pawnDrawScale);
                            if (carriedThing.Graphic is Graphic_RandomRotated graphicRandomRotated)
                                graphic = graphicRandomRotated.subGraphic.GetCopy(drawSize);
                                graphic = carriedThing.Graphic.GetCopy(drawSize);
                            graphics[curLevel] = graphic;

                        graphic.Draw(vector, carriedThing.Rotation, carriedThing);
                if (!invisible)
                    if (this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData != null)
                        if (this.shadowGraphic == null)
                            this.shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData);
                        this.shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
                    if ( != null && != null)
              , Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
                float        angle        = this.BodyAngle();
                Rot4         rot          = this.LayingFacing();
                Building_Bed building_Bed = this.pawn.CurrentBed();
                bool         renderBody;
                Vector3      rootLoc;
                if (building_Bed != null && this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                    renderBody = building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody;
                    AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 16);
                    Vector3       vector2;
                    Vector3       a = vector2 = this.pawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
                    vector2.y += 0.0265151523f;
                    Rot4 rotation = building_Bed.Rotation;
                    rotation.AsInt += 2;
                    float   d  = -this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
                    Vector3 a2 = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
                    rootLoc    = a + a2 * d;
                    rootLoc.y += 0.007575758f;
                    renderBody = true;
                    rootLoc    = drawLoc;
                    if (!this.pawn.Dead && this.pawn.CarriedBy == null)
                        rootLoc.y = AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn.AltitudeFor() + 0.007575758f;
                this.RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, angle, renderBody, rot, rot, bodyDrawType, false, headStump,
                                        invisible, curLevel, baseLevel);
            if (this.pawn.Spawned && !this.pawn.Dead)
        // 仮
        private static void MakeBaseGeometry(Section section, LayerSubMesh sm, AltitudeLayer altitudeLayer)
            sm.Clear(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris);
            var cellRect = new CellRect(section.botLeft.x, section.botLeft.z, 17, 17);

            var y = altitudeLayer.AltitudeFor();

            sm.verts.Capacity = cellRect.Area * 9;
            for (var i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++)
                for (var j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++)
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i, y, j));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i, y, j + 0.5f));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i, y, j + 1));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 0.5f, y, j + 1));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 1, y, j + 1));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 1, y, j + 0.5f));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 1, y, j));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 0.5f, y, j));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 0.5f, y, j + 0.5f));

            var num = cellRect.Area * 8 * 3;

            sm.tris.Capacity = num;
            var num2 = 0;

            while (sm.tris.Count < num)
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 2);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 4);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 6);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                num2 += 9;

            sm.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris);