public static void Main() { var alpr = new AlprNet( "eu", Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\openalpr.conf", Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\runtime_data"); if (!alpr.IsLoaded()) { Console.WriteLine("OpenAlpr failed to load!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Version: {AlprNet.GetVersion()}"); var results = alpr.Recognize(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\samples\niki_ivo.jpg"); for (int index = 0; index < results.Plates.Count; index++) { var result = results.Plates[index]; Console.WriteLine($"Plate {index}: {result.TopNPlates.Count} result(s)"); Console.WriteLine($" Processing Time: {result.ProcessingTimeMs} msec(s)"); foreach (var plate in result.TopNPlates) { Console.WriteLine( $" - {plate.Characters}\t Confidence: {plate.OverallConfidence}\tMatches Template: {plate.MatchesTemplate}"); } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var region = "us"; var detectRegion = false; var benchmark = false; var json = false; var filename = string.Empty; args.Process( () => Console.WriteLine("Usage: r=us/eu b=0/1 j=0/1 d=0/1 f=<filename>"), new CommandLine.Switch("r", val => { if (val.Any()) { region = val.First().Trim().ToLower(); } }), new CommandLine.Switch("b", val => { if (val.Any()) { benchmark = StrToBool(val.First()); } }), new CommandLine.Switch("j", val => { if (val.Any()) { json = StrToBool(val.First()); } }), new CommandLine.Switch("d", val => { if (val.Any()) { detectRegion = StrToBool(val.First()); } }), new CommandLine.Switch("f", val => { if (val.Any()) { filename = val.First().Trim(); } }) ); Console.WriteLine("OpenAlpr Version: {0}", AlprNet.GetVersion()); var config = Path.Combine(AssemblyDirectory, "openalpr.conf"); var runtime_data = Path.Combine(AssemblyDirectory, "runtime_data"); var alpr = new AlprNet(region, config, runtime_data); if (!alpr.IsLoaded()) { Console.WriteLine("OpenAlpr failed to load!"); return; } //var samplePath = Path.Combine(AssemblyDirectory, @"samples\eu-1.jpg"); //alpr.TopN = 3; alpr.DefaultRegion = region; alpr.DetectRegion = detectRegion; if (Directory.Exists(filename)) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(filename, "*.jpg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (var fname in files) { PerformAlpr(alpr, fname, benchmark, json); } return; } if (!File.Exists(filename)) { Console.WriteLine("The file doesn't exist!"); return; } var buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); PerformAlpr(alpr, buffer, benchmark, json); }