private void loadUsersBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); List <AllUsers> ulist = userRepo.GetAllUsers(); this.userGridView1.DataSource = ulist; }
public AllUsersServices() { if (allUsersRepository == null) { allUsersRepository = new AllUsersRepository(); } }
private void dataGridView1_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { BookTicketRepository bkRepo = new BookTicketRepository(); AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); if (e.RowIndex >= 0) { AllUsers u = userRepo.GetUserById(passId); DataGridViewRow row = bookTicketGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex]; int x = bkRepo.TicketCount(); int y; y = x + 2; Console.WriteLine(passId + " " + u.UserId + " " + u.UserName + " " + u.UserFullName + " - " + x); this.bookTicketTabs.SelectTab(1); flightIdLabel.Text = row.Cells["FlightId"].Value.ToString(); airplaneLabel.Text = row.Cells["AirlineName"].Value.ToString(); ticketIdLabel.Text = y.ToString(); passengerIdLabel.Text = passId.ToString(); passengerFullNameLabel.Text = u.UserFullName; usernameLabel.Text = u.UserName; sourceLabel.Text = row.Cells["Source"].Value.ToString(); destinationLabel.Text = row.Cells["Destination"].Value.ToString(); departureLabel.Text = row.Cells["Departure"].Value.ToString(); costLabel.Text = row.Cells["Cost"].Value.ToString(); } }
private void loginBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uname = this.userTextBox1.Text; string upass = this.passTextBox2.Text; //Console.WriteLine("user: "******"pass: "******"SELECT * from AllUsers WHERE Username = '******' and Password = '******'"; DataTable tbl = dt.dbConnect(query); string designation = ""; try { userId = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[0]["UserId"]); designation = tbl.Rows[0]["UserType"].ToString(); }catch (Exception er) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password or Username"); } //Console.WriteLine(designation); if (tbl.Rows.Count == 1) { if (designation.Equals("Admin")) { AdminHomeForm aform = new AdminHomeForm(userId); aform.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if (designation.Equals("Employee")) { EmployeeForm aform = new EmployeeForm(userId); aform.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if (designation.Equals("Passenger")) { PassengerForm aform = new PassengerForm(userId); aform.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Unknown User"); } } else { passWLabel.Text = "Wrong User or Password."; userTextBox1.Clear(); passTextBox2.Clear(); } }
private void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AllUsers a = new AllUsers(); AllUsersRepository aRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); a.UserFullName = this.textBox1.Text; a.UserName = textBox2.Text; a.UserType = "Passenger"; a.UserQuestion = textBox10.Text; if (this.textBox5.Text == this.textBox4.Text) { a.UserPassword = this.textBox5.Text; PassengerRepository pRepo = new PassengerRepository(); Passenger p = new Passenger(); int x = pRepo.PassengerCount(); x++; p.PassengerId = x; p.Pname = this.textBox1.Text; p.Pusername = this.textBox2.Text; p.Pemail = this.textBox3.Text; p.Ppassword = this.textBox5.Text; p.Pgender = this.textBox6.Text; p.Page = Convert.ToInt32(this.textBox7.Text); p.Paddress = this.textBox9.Text; p.Pquestion = this.textBox10.Text; if (pRepo.Insert(p) && aRepo.Insert(a)) { MessageBox.Show("New User Added"); } else { MessageBox.Show("New User not Added. \nCould not connect to database", "Insert Error"); } this.textBox1.Text = ""; this.textBox2.Text = ""; this.textBox3.Text = ""; this.textBox4.Text = ""; this.textBox5.Text = ""; this.textBox6.Text = ""; this.textBox7.Text = ""; this.textBox9.Text = ""; this.textBox10.Text = ""; //this.textBox11.Text = ""; } else { wrongPasslabel.Text = "Password Don't match"; this.textBox4.Text = ""; this.textBox5.Text = ""; } }
private void searchAllBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uid = this.searchAlltextBox1.Text; AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); List <AllUsers> aList = new List <AllUsers>(); AllUsers a = userRepo.GetUser(uid); aList.Add(a); userGridView1.DataSource = aList; }
private void addEmpBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add emp btn AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); AllUsers user = new AllUsers(); user.UserFullName = textBox71.Text; user.UserType = "Employee"; user.UserName = textBox72.Text; user.UserPassword = textBox74.Text; user.UserQuestion = textBox79.Text; EmployeeRepository empRepo = new EmployeeRepository(); Employee emp = new Employee(); int x = empRepo.EmployeeCount(); x = x + 1; Console.WriteLine("emp count : " + x); emp.EmployeeID = x; emp.Name = textBox71.Text; emp.Username = textBox72.Text; emp.Email = textBox73.Text; emp.Password = textBox74.Text; emp.Gender = textBox75.Text; emp.Age = Convert.ToInt32(textBox76.Text); emp.Address = textBox78.Text; emp.Question = textBox79.Text; if (empRepo.Insert(emp) && userRepo.Insert(user)) { MessageBox.Show("New User Added"); textBox71.Text = ""; textBox72.Text = ""; textBox73.Text = ""; textBox74.Text = ""; textBox75.Text = ""; textBox76.Text = ""; textBox78.Text = ""; textBox79.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("User not Added. Error adding employee to database."); } }
private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add admin btn AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); AllUsers user = new AllUsers(); user.UserFullName = textBox81.Text; user.UserType = "Admin"; user.UserName = textBox82.Text; user.UserPassword = textBox84.Text; user.UserQuestion = textBox89.Text; AdminRepository adminRepo = new AdminRepository(); Admin a = new Admin(); int x = adminRepo.AdminCount(); x = x + 1; a.AdminId = x; a.Name = textBox81.Text; a.Username = textBox82.Text; a.Email = textBox83.Text; a.Password = textBox84.Text; a.Gender = textBox85.Text; a.Age = Convert.ToInt32(textBox86.Text); a.Address = textBox88.Text; a.Question = textBox89.Text; if (adminRepo.Insert(a) && userRepo.Insert(user)) { MessageBox.Show("New User Added"); textBox81.Text = ""; textBox82.Text = ""; textBox83.Text = ""; textBox84.Text = ""; textBox85.Text = ""; textBox86.Text = ""; textBox88.Text = ""; textBox89.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("New User did not Added. Error adding admin to database."); } }
private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //add admin btn AdminRepository adminRepo = new AdminRepository(); Admin a = new Admin(); a.AdminId = textBox70.Text; a.Name = textBox71.Text; a.Username = textBox72.Text; a.Email = textBox73.Text; a.Password = textBox74.Text; a.Gender = textBox75.Text; a.Age = Convert.ToInt32(textBox76.Text); a.Address = textBox78.Text; a.Question = textBox79.Text; if (adminRepo.Insert(a)) { AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); AllUsers user = new AllUsers(); user.UserId = a.AdminId; user.UserType = "Admin"; user.UserName = a.Username; if (userRepo.Insert(user)) { MessageBox.Show("New User Added"); } else { MessageBox.Show("New User did not Added"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error adding admin to database."); } }
private void addEmpBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EmployeeRepository empRepo = new EmployeeRepository(); Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.EmployeeID = textBox70.Text; emp.Name = textBox71.Text; emp.Username = textBox72.Text; emp.Email = textBox73.Text; emp.Password = textBox74.Text; emp.Gender = textBox75.Text; emp.Age = Convert.ToInt32(textBox76.Text); emp.Address = textBox78.Text; emp.Question = textBox79.Text; if (empRepo.Insert(emp)) { AllUsersRepository userRepo = new AllUsersRepository(); AllUsers user = new AllUsers(); user.UserId = emp.EmployeeID; user.UserType = "Employee"; user.UserName = emp.Username; if (userRepo.Insert(user)) { MessageBox.Show("New User Added"); } else { MessageBox.Show("New User did not Added"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error adding employee to database."); } }
public ActionResult RemoveNotifications(string id) { User user; using (AllUsersRepository usersRep = new AllUsersRepository()) { user = usersRep.GetList().SingleOrDefault(x => x.NotificationCode == id); if (user == null) { return(Error(Loc.Dic.error_user_not_found)); } user.NotificationEmail = null; if (usersRep.Update(user) == null) { return(Error(Loc.Dic.error_database_error)); } } ViewBag.Title = Loc.Dic.RemoveNotifications; ViewBag.Message = Loc.Dic.NotificationsWereRemoved; ViewBag.Align = "right"; return(View()); }
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) { if ( HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] == null ) { var authenticatedCookie = httpContext.Request.Cookies[OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME]; if (authenticatedCookie != null) { var authenticatedCookieValue = authenticatedCookie.Value.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authenticatedCookieValue)) { var user = OpenIdUser.FromCookieString(authenticatedCookieValue); if (user != null && user.IsActive) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("User", user); } else { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie(OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME); myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d); httpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } } } } else { OpenIdUser sessionUser = (OpenIdUser)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]; User databaseUser; using (AllUsersRepository allUserRep = new AllUsersRepository()) { databaseUser = allUserRep.GetEntity(sessionUser.UserId); } if (databaseUser != null) { sessionUser.Roles = databaseUser.Roles; } if (databaseUser == null || !databaseUser.IsActive) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Remove("User"); HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie(OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME); myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } } if (HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] != null) { //Create culture info object CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(((OpenIdUser)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]).LanguageCode); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name); } return(HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] != null); }
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) { if ( HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] == null ) { var authenticatedCookie = httpContext.Request.Cookies[OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME]; if (authenticatedCookie != null) { var authenticatedCookieValue = authenticatedCookie.Value.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authenticatedCookieValue)) { var user = OpenIdUser.FromCookieString(authenticatedCookieValue); if (user != null && user.IsActive) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("User", user); } else { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie(OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME); myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d); httpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } } } } else { OpenIdUser sessionUser = (OpenIdUser)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]; User databaseUser; using (AllUsersRepository allUserRep = new AllUsersRepository()) { databaseUser = allUserRep.GetEntity(sessionUser.UserId); } if (databaseUser != null) { sessionUser.Roles = databaseUser.Roles; } if (databaseUser == null || !databaseUser.IsActive) { HttpContext.Current.Session.Remove("User"); HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie(OpenIdMembershipService.LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME); myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } } if (HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] != null) { //Create culture info object CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(((OpenIdUser)HttpContext.Current.Session["User"]).LanguageCode); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name); } return HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] != null; }
private LogInResult ResponseIntoUser(IAuthenticationResponse response) { LogInResult logInResult = new LogInResult(); logInResult.IsAuthenticated = true; var fetchResponse = response.GetExtension<FetchResponse>(); if (fetchResponse != null) { logInResult.User = new OpenIdUser(fetchResponse, response.ClaimedIdentifier); using (AllUsersRepository userRep = new AllUsersRepository()) using (PendingUsersRepository pendingUserRep = new PendingUsersRepository()) { User user = userRep.GetList().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Email == logInResult.User.Email); if (user != null) { if (user.IsActive) { if (user.FirstName != logInResult.User.FirstName || user.LastName != logInResult.User.LastName) { user.FirstName = logInResult.User.FirstName; user.LastName = logInResult.User.LastName; userRep.Update(user); } logInResult.IsRegistered = true; logInResult.User.UserId = user.Id; return logInResult; } else { logInResult.IsRegistered = false; logInResult.IsCanceled = true; logInResult.User.UserId = user.Id; return logInResult; } } else { PendingUser pendingUser = pendingUserRep.GetList().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Email == logInResult.User.Email); if (pendingUser != null) { User newUser = new User() { CompanyId = pendingUser.CompanyId, Email = logInResult.User.Email, FirstName = logInResult.User.FirstName, LastName = logInResult.User.LastName, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastLogInTime = DateTime.Now, Roles = pendingUser.Roles, LanguageId = pendingUser.LanguageId, IsActive = true }; if (!userRep.Create(newUser)) return logInResult; logInResult.User.UserId = newUser.Id; pendingUserRep.Delete(pendingUser.Id); logInResult.IsNewUser = true; logInResult.IsRegistered = true; return logInResult; } else { return logInResult; } } } } else { return logInResult; } }
public ActionResult RemoveNotifications(string id) { User user; using (AllUsersRepository usersRep = new AllUsersRepository()) { user = usersRep.GetList().SingleOrDefault(x => x.NotificationCode == id); if (user == null) return Error(Loc.Dic.error_user_not_found); user.NotificationEmail = null; if (usersRep.Update(user) == null) return Error(Loc.Dic.error_database_error); } ViewBag.Title = Loc.Dic.RemoveNotifications; ViewBag.Message = Loc.Dic.NotificationsWereRemoved; ViewBag.Align = "right"; return View(); }
private LogInResult ResponseIntoUser(IAuthenticationResponse response) { LogInResult logInResult = new LogInResult(); logInResult.IsAuthenticated = true; var fetchResponse = response.GetExtension <FetchResponse>(); if (fetchResponse != null) { logInResult.User = new OpenIdUser(fetchResponse, response.ClaimedIdentifier); using (AllUsersRepository userRep = new AllUsersRepository()) using (PendingUsersRepository pendingUserRep = new PendingUsersRepository()) { User user = userRep.GetList().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Email == logInResult.User.Email); if (user != null) { if (user.IsActive) { if (user.FirstName != logInResult.User.FirstName || user.LastName != logInResult.User.LastName) { user.FirstName = logInResult.User.FirstName; user.LastName = logInResult.User.LastName; userRep.Update(user); } logInResult.IsRegistered = true; logInResult.User.UserId = user.Id; return(logInResult); } else { logInResult.IsRegistered = false; logInResult.IsCanceled = true; logInResult.User.UserId = user.Id; return(logInResult); } } else { PendingUser pendingUser = pendingUserRep.GetList().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Email == logInResult.User.Email); if (pendingUser != null) { User newUser = new User() { CompanyId = pendingUser.CompanyId, Email = logInResult.User.Email, FirstName = logInResult.User.FirstName, LastName = logInResult.User.LastName, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, LastLogInTime = DateTime.Now, Roles = pendingUser.Roles, LanguageId = pendingUser.LanguageId, IsActive = true }; if (!userRep.Create(newUser)) { return(logInResult); } logInResult.User.UserId = newUser.Id; pendingUserRep.Delete(pendingUser.Id); logInResult.IsNewUser = true; logInResult.IsRegistered = true; return(logInResult); } else { return(logInResult); } } } } else { return(logInResult); } }
public static OpenIdUser FromCookieString(string cookieString) { if (cookieString.Contains(",")) { int claimedId; string claimedIdString = String.Empty; string claimedHashValue = String.Empty; string claimedIdentifier = String.Empty; var stringParts = cookieString.Split(','); if (stringParts.Length > 0) { claimedIdString = stringParts[0]; } if (stringParts.Length > 1) { claimedHashValue = stringParts[1]; } if (stringParts.Length > 2) { claimedIdentifier = stringParts[2]; } bool isValidId = int.TryParse(claimedIdString, out claimedId); if (isValidId && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(claimedHashValue)) { using (CookiesRepository cookiesRep = new CookiesRepository()) using (AllUsersRepository userRep = new AllUsersRepository()) { bool isCookieValid = cookiesRep.GetList().Any(x => x.UserId == claimedId && x.HashValue == claimedHashValue); if (isCookieValid) { User loggingUser = userRep.GetEntity(claimedId); if (loggingUser != null) { return(new OpenIdUser() { UserId = loggingUser.Id, CompanyId = loggingUser.CompanyId, CompanyName = loggingUser.Company.Name, CompanyCoinSign = loggingUser.Company.CoinSign, Email = loggingUser.Email, NotificationEmail = loggingUser.NotificationEmail, NotificationCode = loggingUser.NotificationCode, FirstName = loggingUser.FirstName, LastName = loggingUser.LastName, Roles = loggingUser.Roles, CreationTime = loggingUser.CreationTime, LastLogInTime = loggingUser.LastLogInTime, IsSignedByProvider = false, ClaimedIdentifier = claimedIdentifier, OrdersApprovalRouteId = loggingUser.DefaultApprovalRouteId, IsActive = loggingUser.IsActive, LanguageCode = loggingUser.Language.Code }); } } } } } return(null); }