IEnumerator GetCountryDetails(string url)
        using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url))
            /*www.SetRequestHeader("x-rapidapi-host", "");
             * www.SetRequestHeader("x-rapidapi-key", "89d62bcfc9msh09c9b0cd6551e3cp11a1dfjsnd72713b8ae5d");*/

            // Request and wait for the desired result.
            yield return(www.SendWebRequest());

            if (www.isNetworkError)
                Debug.Log(": Error:" + www.error);
                //Debug.Log(":\nReceived: " + www.downloadHandler.text);
                string json    = www.downloadHandler.text;
                string newJson = "{ \"country\": " + json + "}"; // this is because parseing can not done with json arrayObject only support with jsonObject
                AllCountry countryDetails = JsonUtility.FromJson <AllCountry>(newJson);
                //AllCountry countryDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AllCountry>(newJson);
                allCountry = countryDetails;
        // GET: ForeignCitizen/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            AllCountry country = new AllCountry();

            ViewBag.GenderList     = db.SexModels.ToList();
            ViewBag.CountryAllList = country.CountryList();
        //get all the details as per restaurant Id : user

        public async Task <AllDetails> GetRestaurantDetails(int id)
            var eatery = await _dataRepository.Where <Restaurant>(r => r.ID == id).Include(l => l.Location).FirstAsync();

            var reviews = await _dataRepository.Where <Review>(r => r.Restaurant.ID == id).Include(u => u.User).ToListAsync();

            var comments = await _dataRepository.GetAll <Comment>().Include(c => c.User).ToListAsync();

            var reviewsAC = new List <ReviewsAC>();

            _mapper.Map(reviews, reviewsAC);

            var commentACs           = new List <CommentAC>();
            List <CommentAC> comment = new List <CommentAC>();

            foreach (var item in reviewsAC)
                var allComments = comments.Where(k => k.ReviewID == item.ReviewId).ToList();
                _mapper.Map(allComments, commentACs);
            //adding every detail to AllDetails class
            var details = new AllDetails
                RestaurantID   = id,
                LocationID     = eatery.ID,
                Locations      = eatery.Location,
                RestaurantName = eatery.RestaurantName,
                Description    = eatery.Description,
                ContactNumber  = eatery.ContactNumber,
                CuisineType    = eatery.CuisineType,
                AverageCost    = eatery.AverageCost,
                OpeningHours   = eatery.OpeningHours,
                MoreInfo       = eatery.MoreInfo,
                Reviews        = reviewsAC,
                Comments       = comment

            var allCity    = new AllCity();
            var allCountry = new AllCountry();

            _mapper.Map(await _dataRepository.Where <City>(c => c.ID == eatery.Location.FirstOrDefault().CityID).FirstAsync(), allCity);
            _mapper.Map(await _dataRepository.Where <Country>(c => c.ID == eatery.Location.FirstOrDefault().CountryID).FirstAsync(), allCountry);

            details.City    = allCity;
            details.Country = allCountry;

Example #4
 private void PopulateList(AllCountry allCountry)
     foreach (var item in
         string nameAndCode = item.alpha2Code + " " + "(" + + ")";
     foreach (var item in countryList)
     Debug.Log("this is PopulateList mathod");
    void GetcounInfo(string url)
        RestSharp.RestClient client = new RestSharp.RestClient(url);
        client.Timeout = -1;
        var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

        request.AddHeader("Cookie", "__cfduid=de73afb10b16885a45ff1a8da23025d091602322209");
        IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
        string        json     = response.Content;
        string        newJson  = "{ \"country\": " + json + "}"; // this is because parseing can not done with json arrayObject only support with jsonObject

        AllCountry countryDetails = JsonUtility.FromJson <AllCountry>(newJson);

        //AllCountry countryDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AllCountry>(newJson);
        allCountry = countryDetails;
        // GET: ForeignCitizen/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(Guid?id)
            AllCountry country = new AllCountry();

            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            ForeignCitizenModel model = db.ForeignCitizenModels.Find(id);

            ViewBag.CountryAllList = country.CountryList();
            ForeignCitizenViewModel Vmodel = new ForeignCitizenViewModel
                ForignCitizenId  = model.ForignCitizenId,
                CitizenName      = model.CitizenName,
                FatherName       = model.FatherName,
                MotherName       = model.MotherName,
                PassportNo       = model.PassportNo,
                CountryName      = model.CountryName,
                Age              = model.Age,
                State            = model.State,
                Contact          = model.Contact,
                PresenrAddress   = model.PresenrAddress,
                Email            = model.Email,
                DrivingLicenceNo = model.DrivingLicenceNo,
                PostCode         = model.PostCode,
                City             = model.City,
                LivingTown       = model.LivingTown,
                Gender           = model.Gender,
                MaritalStatus    = model.MaritalStatus,
                PersonImage      = model.PersonImage,
                PassportImagCopy = model.PassportImagCopy,
                DLicenceCopy     = model.DLicenceCopy,
                PoliceClearImg   = model.PoliceClearImg,
