private void Awake()
     player          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     playerManager   = player.GetComponent <PlayerManager>();
     characterStats  = playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();
     focusController = playerManager.player.GetComponent <FocusController>();
     shop            = focusController.focus.interactionPoint.GetComponent <Shop>().transform;
     itemSpawnPos    = focusController.focus.interactionPoint.GetComponent <Shop>().itemsSpawnPosition;
Example #2
    private void Start()
        int SlotSize = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(EquipmentSlots)).Length;

        equipmentSlot = new EquipmentBlueprint[SlotSize];

        // Get player instance
        playerManager  = PlayerManager.Instance.player.GetComponent <PlayerManager>();
        characterStats = playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();
Example #3
    public void Start()
        playerManager  = PlayerManager.Instance.player.GetComponent <PlayerManager>();
        characterStats = playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();

        focusController = playerManager.player.GetComponent <FocusController>();

        if (interactionPoint == null)
            interactionPoint = this.transform;
Example #4
    public static void SaveData(AllCharacterStats characterStats, Inventory inventory)
        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

        string     path   = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data.bacon";
        FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);

        SavedData data = new SavedData(characterStats, inventory);

        formatter.Serialize(stream, data);

Example #5
    // Used the Player Instance Class to avoid slowdowns
    //private GameObject playerInstance;

    // In order to avoid having to drag and drop each Gameobject to every single coin we create,
    //  we can use GetComponent and search all the game files for the specific gameobject, this
    //  is not a perfect solution but we only do it once right before the game starts.
    private void Start()
        // Removed this in order to prevent unessesary game slowdowns
        // Replaced it with an instance of the player in 1 global script
        //GameObject Player = GameObject.Find("Player");
        //focusController = Player.GetComponent<FocusController>();
        //characterStats = Player.GetComponent<AllCharacterStats>();

        // Get player instance
        playerManager = PlayerManager.Instance.player.GetComponent <PlayerManager>();

        focusController = playerManager.player.GetComponent <FocusController>();
        characterStats  = playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();
Example #6
    public void Start()
        playerManager  = PlayerManager.Instance.player.GetComponent <PlayerManager>();
        characterStats = playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();

        focusController = playerManager.player.GetComponent <FocusController>();

        if (interactionPoint == null)
            interactionPoint = this.transform;

        // set the health on spawn of enemy
        health = enemy.maxHealth;
    private void Start()
        player         = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        characterStats = player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();

        if (navigationName == "")
            Debug.LogError("ERROR - Ai: Navigation was not assigned!");
            spawner = GameObject.Find(navigationName).GetComponent <AiSpawner>();

            if (spawner.characterType == CharacterType.Enemy)
                for (int i = 0; i < spawner.EnemyBlueprints.Count; i++)
                    if ( == spawner.EnemyBlueprints[i].prefabName)
                        indexInList = i;

                        totalAttackChance = spawner.EnemyBlueprints[i].smallAttackChance +
                                            spawner.EnemyBlueprints[i].bigAttackChance +
                for (int i = 0; i < spawner.passiveNPCBlueprints.Count; i++)
                    if ( == spawner.passiveNPCBlueprints[i].prefabName)
                        indexInList = i;

            timer = attackTimer;
 private void Start()
     player         = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     characterStats = player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();
     inventory      = Inventory.InventoryInstance;
Example #9
    public SavedData(AllCharacterStats characterStats, Inventory inventory)
        // player position/rotation
        position    = new float[3];
        position[0] = characterStats.transform.position.x;
        position[1] = characterStats.transform.position.y;
        position[2] = characterStats.transform.position.z;

        rotation    = new float[4];
        rotation[0] = characterStats.transform.rotation.x;
        rotation[1] = characterStats.transform.rotation.y;
        rotation[2] = characterStats.transform.rotation.z;
        rotation[3] = characterStats.transform.rotation.w;

        // player stats
        balance    = characterStats.Balance;
        health     = characterStats.Health;
        protection = characterStats.Protection;
        speed      = characterStats.Speed;
        damage     = characterStats.Damage;

        // player inventory
        inventorySlots     = inventory.InventoryItems.Count;
        inventoryItems     = new List <InventoryItem>();
        inventoryEquipment = new List <InventoryEquipment>();
        for (int i = 0; i < inventorySlots; i++)
            Debug.Log("checking inventory slot at index" + i);

            if (inventory.GetInventory()[i] != null)
                Debug.Log("found item at index " + i);

                if (inventory.GetInventory()[i].item is EquipmentBlueprint)
                    InventoryEquipment item    = new InventoryEquipment();
                    EquipmentBlueprint equipBP = inventory.GetInventory()[i].item.equipBP;

                    EquipmentSlots equipmentSlots = equipBP.EquipSlot;
                    item.EquipSlot = equipmentSlots;

                    List <Positives> positives = new List <Positives>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < equipBP.PositiveTraits.Count; j++)
                        Positives posTrait = new Positives();
                        posTrait.traitLevel = equipBP.PositiveTraits[j].traitLevel;
                        posTrait.traits     = equipBP.PositiveTraits[j].traits;


                    List <Negatives> negatives = new List <Negatives>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < equipBP.NegativeTraits.Count; j++)
                        Negatives negTrait = new Negatives();
                        negTrait.traitLevel = equipBP.NegativeTraits[j].traitLevel;
                        negTrait.traits     = equipBP.NegativeTraits[j].traits;


                    item.ItemName = equipBP.ItemName;

                    Texture2D tex = equipBP.ItemIcon.texture;
                    exportObj.x     = tex.width;
                    exportObj.y     = tex.height;
                    exportObj.bytes = ImageConversion.EncodeToPNG(tex);
                    string icon = JsonUtility.ToJson(exportObj, false);

                    item.ItemIcon   = icon;
                    item.isDefault  = equipBP.isDefault;
                    item.StackUntil = equipBP.StackUntil;

                    item.Bundle    = equipBP.Bundle;
                    item.AssetName = equipBP.AssetName;

                    item.ItemDescription = equipBP.ItemDescription;

                    InventoryItem item   = new InventoryItem();
                    ItemBlueprint itemBP = inventory.GetInventory()[i].item;

                    item.ItemName = itemBP.ItemName;

                    Texture2D tex = itemBP.ItemIcon.texture;
                    exportObj.x     = tex.width;
                    exportObj.y     = tex.height;
                    exportObj.bytes = ImageConversion.EncodeToPNG(tex);
                    string icon = JsonUtility.ToJson(exportObj, false);

                    item.ItemIcon   = icon;
                    item.isDefault  = itemBP.isDefault;
                    item.StackUntil = itemBP.StackUntil;

                    item.Bundle    = itemBP.Bundle;
                    item.AssetName = itemBP.AssetName;

                    item.ItemDescription = itemBP.ItemDescription;

Example #10
 private void Start()
     // Get player instance
     playerManager  = PlayerManager.Instance.player.GetComponent <PlayerManager>();
     characterStats = playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>();