Example #1
        public bool TryAssignAttack(bool replace = true)
            bool didAssignAttack = TryAssignAttackUnit(replace, Owner, AllUnits, AggroRadius);

            // we prioritize units over buildings, since units can fight back
            // At this time, only bad guys can attack buildings. May need to change
            // this if we decide to add units that are built by the bad guys:
            if (!didAssignAttack && Owner.UnitData.IsEnemy)
                if (AllBuildings == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException($"Need to assign {nameof(AllBuildings)} when instantiating this unit.");

                float buildingAggroSquared = (AggroRadius + 24) * (AggroRadius + 24);
                var   foundBuilding        = AllBuildings
                                             .Where(item => (item.Position - Owner.Position).LengthSquared() < buildingAggroSquared)
                                             .OrderBy(item => (item.Position - Owner.Position).LengthSquared())

                if (foundBuilding != null)
                    var attackBuildingGoal = Owner.AssignAttackGoal(foundBuilding, replace);

                    // prefer attacking units:
                    attackBuildingGoal.PreferAttackingUnits = true;

                    didAssignAttack = true;
Example #2
        internal void AssignAttackThenRetreat(float worldX, float worldY, bool replace = true)
            // we'll just make a circle:
            var circle = new Circle();

            circle.Radius = AttackThenRetreat.BuildingAttackingRadius;;
            circle.X      = worldX;
            circle.Y      = worldY;

            var buildingsToTarget = AllBuildings
                                    .Where(item => item.CollideAgainst(circle))

            // if there's no buildings, then just do a regular attack move:
            if (buildingsToTarget.Count == 0)
                AssignMoveAttackGoal(worldX, worldY, replace);
                var goal = new AttackThenRetreat();
                goal.StartX = this.X;
                goal.StartY = this.Y;

                goal.TargetX = worldX;
                goal.TargetY = worldY;

                goal.AllUnits = AllUnits;
                goal.Owner = this;

                if (replace)
                this.ImmediateGoal = null;
        public WalkToHighLevelGoal GetResourceReturnWalkGoal()
            WalkToHighLevelGoal walkGoal = null;

            // Set up to return resource
            // Find "closest" building by position comparison.
            // FUTURE: Get building with shorted node path (in case closest is a long winding path).
            ResourceReturnBuilding = AllBuildings
                                     .Where(building => building.BuildingData.Name == BuildingData.TownHall && building.IsConstructionComplete)
                                     .OrderBy(building => (building.Position - Owner.Position).Length())

            if (ResourceReturnBuilding != null)
                walkGoal = new WalkToHighLevelGoal();
                ResourceReturnBuildingTile = GetSingleTile(ResourceReturnBuilding.Position);
                Vector3 pointSlightlySkewedTowardOwner = DeterminePositionWithinTileSlightlyCloserToOwner(ResourceReturnBuildingTile.Position, ResourceReturnBuildingTile.Width);
                walkGoal                = new WalkToHighLevelGoal();
                walkGoal.Owner          = Owner;
                walkGoal.TargetPosition = pointSlightlySkewedTowardOwner;
                walkGoal.ForceAttemptToGetToExactTarget = true;