internal static int CheckIv(AlgorithmMode mode, byte[] iv, int defaulIvSize) { switch (mode) { case AlgorithmMode.CBC: case AlgorithmMode.CFB128: case AlgorithmMode.CFB8: case AlgorithmMode.CFB64: case AlgorithmMode.OFB128: case AlgorithmMode.OFB64: if (iv != null && iv.Length != defaulIvSize) { throw new ArgumentException("IV must be " + defaulIvSize + " bytes long"); } break; case AlgorithmMode.CTR: if (iv != null && iv.Length > defaulIvSize) { throw new ArgumentException("CTR IV must be less than " + defaulIvSize + " bytes long"); } break; } return(defaulIvSize); }
internal static IBufferedCipher CreateBufferedCipher(string name, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode, IParametersWithIV <IParameters <Algorithm>, Algorithm> parameters, bool forEncryption, IEngineProvider <Internal.IBlockCipher> cipherProvider) { Internal.IBlockCipher baseCipher = cipherProvider.CreateEngine(GetUsage(forEncryption, algorithmMode)); Internal.IBlockCipher cipher; switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.CBC: cipher = new CbcBlockCipher(baseCipher); break; case AlgorithmMode.CS1: return(new NistCtsBlockCipher(NistCtsBlockCipher.CS1, baseCipher)); case AlgorithmMode.CS2: return(new NistCtsBlockCipher(NistCtsBlockCipher.CS2, baseCipher)); case AlgorithmMode.CS3: return(new NistCtsBlockCipher(NistCtsBlockCipher.CS3, baseCipher)); case AlgorithmMode.CFB8: cipher = new CfbBlockCipher(baseCipher, 8); break; case AlgorithmMode.CFB64: cipher = new CfbBlockCipher(baseCipher, 64); break; case AlgorithmMode.CFB128: cipher = new CfbBlockCipher(baseCipher, 128); break; case AlgorithmMode.OpenPGPCFB: cipher = new OpenPgpCfbBlockCipher(baseCipher); break; case AlgorithmMode.OFB64: cipher = new OfbBlockCipher(baseCipher, 64); break; case AlgorithmMode.OFB128: cipher = new OfbBlockCipher(baseCipher, 128); break; case AlgorithmMode.CTR: cipher = new SicBlockCipher(baseCipher); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown algorithm mode passed to " + name + ".Provider: " + algorithmMode); } return(new BufferedBlockCipher(cipher)); }
public bool CheckNeighbourhoods(int i, int j, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode, BoundaryConditionType boundaryConditionType = BoundaryConditionType.Periodic) { Dictionary <int, int> grainIds = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int grainId = -1; switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.TheGameOfLife: grainId = this.CheckConditions(this.GetAlgorithmConditions(i, j, algorithmMode), this.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j), boundaryConditionType); if (this.CountNeighbourhoods(i, j, boundaryConditionType) == 3 || (this.GetCorrectValue(i, j, boundaryConditionType) && this.CountNeighbourhoods(i, j, boundaryConditionType) == 2)) { grainId = this.CheckConditions(this.GetAlgorithmConditions(i, j, algorithmMode), this.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j), boundaryConditionType); if (grainId == -1) { return(false); } this.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j, boundaryConditionType).SetGrainId(grainId); return(true); } return(false); case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegRandom: algorithmMode = new Random().Next(0, 2) == 1 ? AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegLeft : AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegRight; break; case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexRandom: algorithmMode = new Random().Next(0, 2) == 1 ? AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexLeft : AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexRight; break; } // all grain growth algorithms grainId = this.CheckConditions(this.GetAlgorithmConditions(i, j, algorithmMode), this.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j), boundaryConditionType); if (grainId == -1) { return(false); } this.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j, boundaryConditionType).SetGrainId(grainId); return(true); }
internal static IAeadBlockCipher CreateAeadCipher(string name, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode, IParametersWithIV <IParameters <Algorithm>, Algorithm> parameters, bool forEncryption, IEngineProvider <Internal.IBlockCipher> cipherProvider) { Internal.IBlockCipher baseCipher = cipherProvider.CreateEngine(GetUsage(forEncryption, algorithmMode)); switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.CCM: return(new CcmBlockCipher(baseCipher)); case AlgorithmMode.GCM: return(new GcmBlockCipher(baseCipher)); default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown algorithm mode passed to " + name + ".Provider: " + algorithmMode); } }
internal static IBufferedCipher CreateBufferedCipher(string name, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode, IParameters <Algorithm> parameters, Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Internal.IBlockCipher baseCipher) { Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Internal.IBlockCipher cipher; switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.ECB: cipher = baseCipher; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown algorithm mode passed to " + name + ".Provider: " + algorithmMode); } return(new BufferedBlockCipher(cipher)); }
private static EngineUsage GetUsage(bool forEncryption, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode) { switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.OFB64: case AlgorithmMode.OFB128: case AlgorithmMode.CFB8: case AlgorithmMode.CFB64: case AlgorithmMode.CFB128: case AlgorithmMode.OpenPGPCFB: case AlgorithmMode.CTR: case AlgorithmMode.GCM: case AlgorithmMode.CCM: return(EngineUsage.ENCRYPTION); } return(forEncryption ? EngineUsage.ENCRYPTION : EngineUsage.DECRYPTION); }
public AlgorithmControls(AlgorithmMode algorithmMode, Grid parametersGrid, Button processButton, Image originalImage, Image watermarkImage, Image watermarkedImage, Action <System.Drawing.Bitmap> onUse, TabControl tabControl, TabItem resultTab, int resultTabIndex, Grid resultGrid, ScrollViewer resultScrollViewer, Button closeButton, Button cancelButton) { AlgorithmMode = algorithmMode; ParametersGrid = parametersGrid; ProcessButton = processButton; OriginalImage = originalImage; WatermarkImage = watermarkImage; WatermarkedImage = watermarkedImage; OnUse = onUse; TabControl = tabControl; ResultTab = resultTab; ResultTabIndex = resultTabIndex; ResultGrid = resultGrid; ResultScrollViewer = resultScrollViewer; CloseButton = closeButton; CancelButton = cancelButton; }
private void Neighboorhood_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (neighboorhood.Text) { case "thegameoflife": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.TheGameOfLife; break; case "neumann": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthNeumann; break; case "moore": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthMoore; break; case "hexleft": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexLeft; break; case "hexright": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexRight; break; case "hexrandom": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexRandom; break; case "pexleft": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegLeft; break; case "pexright": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegRight; break; case "pexrandom": this.algorithmMode = AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegRandom; break; } }
public SymmetricKeyProvider(AlgorithmName name = AlgorithmName.Aes, AlgorithmMode mode = AlgorithmMode.Cbc, AlgorithmPadding padding = AlgorithmPadding.Pkcs7, byte[] salt = null) { Name = name; Mode = mode; Padding = padding; Salt = salt ?? DefaultSalt; switch (Name) { case AlgorithmName.Aes: _alg = Aes.Create(); break; case AlgorithmName.TripleDes: _alg = TripleDES.Create(); break; } switch (Mode) { case AlgorithmMode.Cbc: _alg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; break; case AlgorithmMode.Ecb: _alg.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; break; } switch (Padding) { case AlgorithmPadding.None: _alg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; break; case AlgorithmPadding.Pkcs7: _alg.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; break; case AlgorithmPadding.Zeros: _alg.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros; break; } }
internal static IWrapper CreateWrapper(string name, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode, bool useInverse, bool forWrapping, IEngineProvider <Internal.IBlockCipher> baseCipherProvider) { Internal.IBlockCipher baseCipher = baseCipherProvider.CreateEngine(GetWrapUsage(useInverse, forWrapping)); IWrapper cipher; switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.WRAP: cipher = new SP80038FWrapEngine(baseCipher, useInverse); break; case AlgorithmMode.WRAPPAD: cipher = new SP80038FWrapWithPaddingEngine(baseCipher, useInverse); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unknown wrapper algorithm passed to " + name + ".Provider: " + algorithmMode); } cipher.Init(forWrapping, null); return(cipher); }
internal FipsAlgorithm(FipsAlgorithm algorithm, AlgorithmMode mode) : base(algorithm.Name, mode) { }
internal FipsAlgorithm(string name, AlgorithmMode mode) : base(name, mode) { }
internal DigestAlgorithm(string name, AlgorithmMode mode) : base(name, mode) { }
internal static AlgorithmModeDetails GetDetails(AlgorithmMode mode) { return((AlgorithmModeDetails)detailsTable[mode]); }
private AlgorithmModeDetails(AlgorithmMode mode, string code, bool expectsIV) { this.mode = mode; this.code = code; this.expectsIV = expectsIV; }
// Neighbourhoods private int[,] GetAlgorithmConditions(int i, int j, AlgorithmMode algorithmMode) { switch (algorithmMode) { case AlgorithmMode.TheGameOfLife: { int[,] conditions = { { i - 1, j - 1 }, { i - 1, j }, { i - 1, j + 1 }, { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 }, { i + 1, j - 1 }, { i + 1, j }, { i + 1, j + 1 } }; return(conditions); } case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthNeumann: { int[,] conditions = { { i - 1, j }, { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 }, { i + 1, j } }; return(conditions); } case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthMoore: { int[,] conditions = { { i - 1, j - 1 }, { i - 1, j }, { i - 1, j + 1 }, { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 }, { i + 1, j - 1 }, { i + 1, j }, { i + 1, j + 1 } }; return(conditions); } case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexLeft: { int[,] conditions = { { i - 1, j - 1 }, { i - 1, j }, { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 }, { i + 1, j }, { i + 1, j + 1 } }; return(conditions); } case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthHexRight: { int[,] conditions = { { i - 1, j }, { i - 1, j + 1 }, { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 }, { i + 1, j - 1 }, { i + 1, j } }; return(conditions); } case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegLeft: { int[,] conditions = { { i - 1, j - 1 }, { i - 1, j }, { i - 1, j + 1 }, { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 } }; return(conditions); } case AlgorithmMode.GrainGrowthPegRight: { int[,] conditions = { { i, j - 1 }, { i, j + 1 }, { i + 1, j - 1 }, { i + 1, j }, { i + 1, j + 1 } }; return(conditions); } } return(null); }
internal Algorithm(string name, AlgorithmMode mode) { = name; this.mode = mode; }
internal Algorithm(Algorithm algorithm, AlgorithmMode mode) : this(algorithm.Name, mode) { }
internal GeneralAlgorithm(Algorithm algorithm, AlgorithmMode mode) : base(algorithm.Name, mode) { }
internal static bool isBlockCipherMode(Algorithm algorithm) { AlgorithmMode mode = algorithm.Mode; return(mode == AlgorithmMode.ECB || mode == AlgorithmMode.CBC); }
// Cells operations public void RecalculateCells(BoundaryConditionType boundaryConditionType = BoundaryConditionType.Periodic, AlgorithmMode algorithMode = AlgorithmMode.TheGameOfLife) { int[] gridSize = this.GetGridSize(); Grid newGrid = new Grid(gridSize[0], gridSize[1]); for (int i = 0; i < gridSize[0]; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gridSize[1]; j++) { newGrid.SetCorrectGridElement(i, j, this.CheckNeighbourhoods(i, j, algorithMode, boundaryConditionType)); newGrid.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j, boundaryConditionType).SetGrainId(this.GetCorrectGridElement(i, j, boundaryConditionType).GetGrainId()); } } this.cells = newGrid.cells; }