private void ShowNotification(string content, string folderPath, AlertTypeEnum alertTypeEnum = AlertTypeEnum.Success) { Invoke(new Action(() => { Common.Alert(content, folderPath, alertTypeEnum); })); }
public static void AddAlert(this Controller controller, AlertTypeEnum alertType, HtmlString title, HtmlString body, bool dismissable) { controller.AddAlert(new Alert() { Type = alertType, Title = title, Body = body, Dismissable = dismissable }); }
//显示Ok提示框,只有Ok按钮,没有取消、关闭按钮 //按钮点击后,窗口自动关闭 public void ShowOkAlert(string tip, string cmd, ClickCallback okFun, string textOk) { if ("" == textOk) { textOk = LanguageManager.GetWord("ConfirmView.Ok"); } alertType = AlertTypeEnum.Ok; ShowWindow(tip, cmd, okFun, textOk, null, ""); }
public AlertItem(string ItemNo, string Description, AlertTypeEnum AlertType, AlertSeverityEnum Severity, bool ActionNeeded, Nullable <decimal> MacolaQOH, Nullable <decimal> AccessQOH) { m_sItemNo = ItemNo; m_sDescription = Description; m_iType = AlertType; m_iSeverity = Severity; m_bActionNeeded = ActionNeeded; m_dblMacolaQOH = MacolaQOH; m_dblAccessQOH = AccessQOH; }
public static void CreateAlert(this Controller controller, AlertTypeEnum alertType, List <string> messages, bool isInternalServerError = false, bool canCloseAlert = true) { var alertViewModel = new AlertViewModel { AlertType = alertType, IsInternalServerError = isInternalServerError, Messages = messages, CanCloseAlert = canCloseAlert }; controller.TempData["alerts"] = alertViewModel; }
public bool SetAlert(string msg, string folderPath, AlertTypeEnum type) { FolderDownloadedPath = folderPath; this.Opacity = 0.0; this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; string fname; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { fname = "alert" + i.ToString(); FormAlert f = (FormAlert)Application.OpenForms[fname]; if (f == null) { this.Name = fname; this.x = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - this.Width + 15; this.y = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - this.Height * i - 5 * i; this.Location = new Point(this.x, this.y); break; } } this.x = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - base.Width - 5; switch (type) { case AlertTypeEnum.Success: this.GunaPictureBox1.Image = Resources.Checkmark_28px; this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(42, 171, 160); break; case AlertTypeEnum.Warning: this.GunaPictureBox1.Image = Resources.Warning_28px; this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 179, 2); break; case AlertTypeEnum.Error: this.GunaPictureBox1.Image = Resources.Error_28px; this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 121, 70); break; case AlertTypeEnum.Info: this.GunaPictureBox1.Image = Resources.Info_28px; this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(71, 169, 248); break; } this.GunaLabel1.Text = msg; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; this.TopMost = true; this.Show(); this.action = actionEnum.start; this.Timer1.Interval = 1; this.Timer1.Start(); return true; }
public void ShowAlertMessage(string content, AlertTypeEnum alertType) { if (Alerts == null) { Alerts = new List <AlertModel>(); } Alerts.Add(new AlertModel { AlertType = alertType, Content = content }); }
//显示二者选一窗口,没有关闭按钮 public void ShowSelectOneAlert(string tip, string cmd, ClickCallback okFun, string txtOk, ClickCallback cancelFun, string txtCancel) { alertType = AlertTypeEnum.SelectOne; if ("" == txtOk) { txtOk = LanguageManager.GetWord("ConfirmView.Ok"); } if ("" == txtCancel) { txtCancel = LanguageManager.GetWord("ConfirmView.Cancel"); } ShowWindow(tip, cmd, okFun, txtOk, cancelFun, txtCancel); }
public static void AddAlert(this Controller controller, AlertTypeEnum alertType, HtmlString title, HtmlString body) { controller.AddAlert(alertType, title, body, false); }
public static void CreateAlert(this Controller controller, AlertTypeEnum alertType, string message, bool isInternalServerError = false, bool canCloseAlert = true) { controller.CreateAlert(alertType, new List <string> { message }, isInternalServerError, canCloseAlert); }
/// <summary> /// This method returns all created grade of the given type. /// </summary> /// <param name="gradeType">This is the type of the grade.</param> /// <returns>Grade List.</returns> public static List <Alert> GetAll(AlertTypeEnum alertType) { return(InMemoryDatabaseSingleton.DatabaseInstance.SelectMany <Alert>( x => x.AlertType == alertType).OrderByDescending( x => x.CreationDate).ToList()); }
public static void Create_MedicalEventAlert(int medicalEventId, string description, AlertTypeEnum alertType, int referenceId) { using (Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities dc = new Health.Back.BE.HealthEntities(Common.CnnString_Entities)) { MedicalEventAlert wMedicalEventAlert = new MedicalEventAlert(); wMedicalEventAlert.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; wMedicalEventAlert.Enabled = true; wMedicalEventAlert.ReferenceId = referenceId; wMedicalEventAlert.MedicalEventId = medicalEventId; wMedicalEventAlert.Description = description; wMedicalEventAlert.AlertType = (int)alertType; dc.MedicalEventAlerts.AddObject(wMedicalEventAlert); dc.SaveChanges(); } }
// 显示普通信息,按钮名字为确定,取消 // 按钮点击后,窗口自动关闭 public void ShowOkCancelAlert(string tip, string cmd, ClickCallback okFun) { alertType = AlertTypeEnum.Common; ShowWindow(tip, cmd, okFun, LanguageManager.GetWord("ConfirmView.Ok"), null, LanguageManager.GetWord("ConfirmView.Cancel")); }
//显示提示信息 入参 tips ok按钮回调事件 ok按钮文字 cancel回调事件 cancel按钮文字 //按钮点击后,窗口自动关闭 public void ShowCommonAlert(string tip, string cmd, ClickCallback okFun, string textOk, ClickCallback cancelFun, string textCancel) { alertType = AlertTypeEnum.Common; ShowWindow(tip, cmd, okFun, textOk, cancelFun, textCancel); }
public static void AddAlert(this Controller controller, AlertTypeEnum alertType, string title, HtmlString body, bool dismissable) { controller.AddAlert(alertType, new HtmlString(System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(title)), body, dismissable); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the last created class from the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="gradeTypeEnum">This is the grade type enum.</param> /// <returns>The grade</returns> public static Alert Get(AlertTypeEnum alertTypeEnum) { return(InMemoryDatabaseSingleton.DatabaseInstance.SelectMany <Alert>(x => x.AlertType == alertTypeEnum && x.IsCreated).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreationDate).First()); }
public static bool Alert(string msg, string folderPath, AlertTypeEnum type) { FormAlert f = new FormAlert(); return(f.SetAlert(msg, folderPath, type)); }