Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
        public Program()
            soundBlock  = (IMySoundBlock)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(nameSoundBlock);
            lightBlocks = new List <IMyInteriorLight>
            lcdPanel = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(nameLCDPanel);

            bigBadAlertLight         = new AlertLight(lightBlocks[0], Color.Yellow, true);
            biggerBadderAlertLight   = new AlertLight(lightBlocks[1]);
            bigBadAlertSound         = new AlertSound(soundBlock);
            bigBadAlertMessage       = new AlertText(lcdPanel, warningMessage, 2f, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow);
            biggerBadderAlertMessage = new AlertText(lcdPanel, warningMessage2, 3f, Color.Cyan, Color.Red);
            bigBadAlert = new Alert(new List <AlertObject> {
                bigBadAlertLight, bigBadAlertMessage, bigBadAlertSound
            biggerBadderAlert = new Alert(new List <AlertObject> {
                biggerBadderAlertLight, bigBadAlertLight, biggerBadderAlertMessage, bigBadAlertSound

            alertSystemManager = new AlertSystemManager <int>(new Dictionary <int, Alert> {
                { 0, bigBadAlert }, { 1, biggerBadderAlert }
Example #2
    public IEnumerator ShowAlertMessage(AlertText CurrentAlert)
        var CurrentTime = 0f;

        var tmp = Instantiate(AlertPrefab, transform.GetChild(0).transform);

        tmp.GetComponent <Text>().text = CurrentAlert.AlertMessage;

        while (CurrentTime < CurrentAlert.AlertDuration)
            CurrentTime += Time.deltaTime;

            var Fraction  = (CurrentTime / CurrentAlert.AlertDuration);
            var TextColor = CurrentAlert.GetAlertTextColor();
            TextColor.a = TextOpacityAnimation.Evaluate(Fraction);

            tmp.GetComponent <Text>().color = TextColor;

            yield return(null);


        yield return(null);
Example #3
    // Print alert text
    public void printAlertText(string message)
        Vector3 spawnLocation =;

        // If the player's location is greater than 0 on the z-axis
        // Set the spawn location to be the left side
        if (player.transform.position.z > 0)
            spawnLocation = alertTextSpawnPoints[0].position;

        // Otherwise set the spawn location to be the right side
            spawnLocation = alertTextSpawnPoints[1].position;

        AlertText spawnedText = Instantiate(alertTextPrefab, spawnLocation,

        spawnedText.gameObject.transform.localScale =;

        Destroy(spawnedText.gameObject, 20.0f);
            public LowHydrogenWarningSystem(List <IMyGasTank> h2TankBlocks, IMyInteriorLight warningLightBlock, IMyTextPanel warningLCDBlock, IMySoundBlock warningSoundBlock)
                gasTanksManager = new GasTanksManager(h2TankBlocks);

                AlertLight warningLight = new AlertLight(warningLightBlock);
                AlertLight warningLCD   = new AlertText(warningLCDBlock, "Low H2!");
                AlertLight warningSound = new AlertSound(warningSoundBlock);

                listAlertObjects = new List <AlertLight> {
                    warningLight, warningLCD, warningSound
Example #5
        void DrawAlert()
            string[] lines       = AlertText.Split('\n');
            int      longestLine = 0;

            foreach (string l in lines)
                if (longestLine < l.Length)
                    longestLine = l.Length;
            if (AlertOptions != null)
                foreach (string l in AlertOptions.Values)
                    if (longestLine < l.Length + 3)
                        longestLine = l.Length + 3;
            if (AlertTitle.Length > longestLine)
                longestLine = AlertTitle.Length;

            int height = 3 + lines.Count() + (AlertTextBox ? 2 : 0);

            if (AlertOptions != null)
                height += AlertOptions.Count * 2;
            int upper = WindowHeight / 2 - height / 2;
            int width = 4 + longestLine;
            int left  = WindowWidth / 2 - (width) / 2;

            // clear space
            for (int y = upper; y < (upper + height); y++)
                for (int x = left; x < (left + width); x++)
                    Screen[x, y]           = ' ';
                    ScreenForeground[x, y] = AlertFG;
                    ScreenBackground[x, y] = AlertBG;

            // draw alert title bar
            for (int x = left; x < (left + width); x++)
                Screen[x, upper]           = '-';
                ScreenForeground[x, upper] = (int)ConsoleColor.Black;
                ScreenBackground[x, upper] = (int)ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            // draw title text
            WriteCentered(AlertTitle, upper);
            // draw message
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count(); i++)
                WriteUpperLeft(lines[i], left + 2, upper + 2 + i);

            // draw options
            if (AlertOptions != null)
                int y = upper + 3 + lines.Count();
                foreach (var opt in AlertOptions)
                    ScreenForeground[left + 3, y] = (int)ConsoleColor.Black;
                    ScreenForeground[left + 4, y] = (int)ConsoleColor.Black;
                    ScreenBackground[left + 3, y] = (int)ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    ScreenBackground[left + 4, y] = (int)ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    Screen[left + 3, y]           = opt.Key;
                    Screen[left + 4, y]           = '.';
                    WriteUpperLeft(opt.Value, left + 7, y);
                    y += 2;

            // draw text box
            if (AlertTextBox)
                for (int x = left + 1; x < (left + width - 1); x++)
                    ScreenForeground[x, upper + height - 2] = (int)ConsoleColor.White;
                    ScreenBackground[x, upper + height - 2] = (int)ConsoleColor.Black;

                AlertTextBoxX = left + 1;
                AlertTextBoxY = upper + height - 2;
Example #6
 public static void AddAlertToQueue(AlertText alert)
 void Start()
     scaleMode = 0;
     newScaling =;
     newRotate = new Vector3 (90, 0, 0);
     vc = volumeController.GetComponent<VolumeControl> ();
     at = alertObj.GetComponent<AlertText> ();
     if (blueprints.Length > 0) {
         mode = 0;
         setCurrSel (mode);