Example #1
        private bool ValidateAlertJobsQueueData(AlertJobsQueueData newdata, IConfiguration configuration)
            var HRToken = new JwtSecurityToken(newdata.HRToken);

            if (Helper.TokenValid(HRToken) == false)

            if (newdata.HRToken.Trim() == "")
            if (newdata.AlertNames.Count() < 1)
            if (newdata.AlertJobsQueue == null)

            // Check if HR is up before calling HR routines
            var hrResponse = Helper.GetHRServerStatus(configuration);

            // We expect a 400 - Bad Request, if 404 Not Found, return an error
            if (hrResponse.StatusCode == 404)

Example #2
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] AlertJobsQueueData newdata)
            var data = _repository.CreateAlertJobsQueue(newdata, _configuration);

Example #3
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] AlertJobsQueueData newmodel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                { return(NotFound()); }

            if (newmodel.HRToken.Trim() == "")
                { return(NotFound("Invalid Token")); }
            if (newmodel.AlertNames.Count() < 1)
                return(BadRequest("No Alert Names found"));
            if (newmodel.AlertJobsQueue == null)
                return(BadRequest("No Alert Job found"));

            // Check if HR is up
            var hruri      = _configuration.GetSection("HumanReview:uri").Value + "auth/token";
            var hrResponse = Common.ServerStatusBy(hruri);

            // We expect a 400 - Bad Request, anything else specifically 404 Not Found, return an error
            if (hrResponse.StatusCode == 404)
                { return(NotFound("Error: Human Review Service unavailable")); }

            AlertJobsQueue    alertJobQueue = newmodel.AlertJobsQueue;
            List <AlertNames> alertNames    = newmodel.AlertNames;
            ReturnData        retValue      = null;

            int alertJobsQueueID = 0;
            var identity         = alertJobQueue.CreatedBy;

                var returnObject = _context.AlertJobsQueue.Add(alertJobQueue);

                // check id of new Batch contained in alertJobQueue
                alertJobsQueueID = alertJobQueue.AlertJobsQueueID;
                var todayUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                foreach (var alertname in alertNames)
                    var newAlertEntity = new AlertJobsQueueEntity();
                    newAlertEntity.AlertNameID      = alertname.AlertNameID;
                    newAlertEntity.AlertJobsQueueID = alertJobsQueueID; // created above
                    newAlertEntity.CreatedBy        = identity;
                    newAlertEntity.UpdatedBy        = identity;
                    newAlertEntity.DateCreatedUTC   = todayUtc;
                    newAlertEntity.LastUpdatedUTC   = todayUtc;
                    newAlertEntity.StatusID         = 26; // Newly Created, based in CollectionItem, CollectionID
            catch (Exception e)
                var loginfo = e.Message;

            // Human Review
            #region Human Review Entries

            var AlertEntities = _context.AlertJobsQueueEntity.Where(t => t.AlertJobsQueueID == alertJobsQueueID);
            var Modules       = _context.ApplicationModules;
            var QueueGuid     = (from mods in Modules
                                 where mods.ModuleName == "Alerts"
                                 select mods.QueueGuid).FirstOrDefault();
                foreach (var alertentity in AlertEntities)
                    var JsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alertentity);

                    WorkItemRequest HRCreateRequest = new WorkItemRequest();
                    HRCreateRequest.name                 = "Created WorkItem for Alert Entity " + alertentity.AlertJobsQueueEntityID;
                    HRCreateRequest.description          = "Created WorkItem for Alert Entity " + alertentity.AlertJobsQueueEntityID;
                    HRCreateRequest.queueGuid            = QueueGuid;
                    HRCreateRequest.statusDetailTypeGuid = _configuration.GetSection("HumanReview:statusDetailTypeGuid_ins").Value;
                    HRCreateRequest.reviewTypeGuid       = _configuration.GetSection("HumanReview:reviewTypeGuid_ins").Value;
                    HRCreateRequest.formDefinitionJson   = JsonData;
                    HRCreateRequest.isActive             = true;

                    var returnGuid = Common.getWorkItemAsync(HRCreateRequest, newmodel.HRToken, _configuration);

                    if (returnGuid.value.workItemGuid == null)
                        var workitemnotcreated = new
                            Success = false,
                            Message = "WorkItem not created"


                    alertentity.WorkItemID = new Guid(returnGuid.value.workItemGuid);

                retValue = _context.SaveData();
                if (retValue.Message == "Success")
                }                        // return error if workitemid was not updated for this entity
            catch (Exception e)
                var loginfo    = e.Message;
                var iactdelete = Delete(alertJobsQueueID);


            { return(BadRequest(retValue)); }
Example #4
        public AlertJobsQueue CreateAlertJobsQueue(AlertJobsQueueData newdata, IConfiguration configuration)
            bool DataValid = ValidateAlertJobsQueueData(newdata, configuration);

            if (DataValid == false)

            // Editorial Routines

            AlertJobsQueue    alertJobQueue = newdata.AlertJobsQueue;
            List <AlertNames> alertNames    = newdata.AlertNames;

            int alertJobsQueueID = 0;
            var identity         = alertJobQueue.CreatedBy;

            // Save the Job Queue entry
            var returnObject = _context.AlertJobsQueue.Add(alertJobQueue);


            // check id of new Batch contained in alertJobQueue
            alertJobsQueueID = alertJobQueue.AlertJobsQueueID;
            var todayUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Save each Alert Entitiy
            foreach (var alertname in alertNames)
                var newAlertEntity = new AlertJobsQueueEntity
                    AlertNameID      = alertname.AlertNameID,
                    AlertJobsQueueID = alertJobsQueueID,
                    CreatedBy        = identity,
                    UpdatedBy        = identity,
                    DateCreatedUTC   = todayUtc,
                    LastUpdatedUTC   = todayUtc,
                    StatusID         = 26 // Newly Created, based in CollectionItem, CollectionID

            // Human Review routines

            var AlertEntities = _context.AlertJobsQueueEntity.Where(t => t.AlertJobsQueueID == alertJobsQueueID);
            var Modules       = _context.ApplicationModules;

            // Human Review Queue Guid saved in the Editorial Database
            var QueueGuid       = (from mods in Modules where mods.ModuleName == EditorialModules.Alerts select mods.QueueGuid).FirstOrDefault();
            var QueueGuidString = QueueGuid.ToString();

            foreach (var alertentity in AlertEntities)
                var JsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(alertentity);

                var HRCreateRequest = Helper.BuildHRWorkItemRequest(EditorialModules.Alerts,
                                                                    QueueGuidString, JsonData,
                                                                    configuration, null, HRRequestMode.Create);

                var returnGuid = Helper.GetHRWorkItem((WorkItemRequest)HRCreateRequest, newdata.HRToken, configuration);

                if (returnGuid.Value.workItemGuid == null)

                // Save the WorkItemGuid created above to this Alert Entity entry
                alertentity.WorkItemID = new Guid(returnGuid.Value.workItemGuid);

