/// <summary>
        /// Shows the alert dialog with multiple buttons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_title">Text that appears in title bar.</param>
        /// <param name="_message">Descriptive text that provides more details.</param>
        /// <param name="_buttonsList">Title of action buttons.</param>
        /// <param name="_onCompletion">Calls the delegate when action button is pressed.</param>
        public void ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons(string _title, string _message, string[] _buttonsList, AlertDialogCompletion _onCompletion)
            // Cache callback
            string _callbackTag	= CacheAlertDialogCallback(_onCompletion);

            // Show alert
            ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons(_title, _message, _buttonsList, _callbackTag);
		private string CacheAlertDialogCallback (AlertDialogCompletion _newCallback)
			if (_newCallback != null)
				string _tag								= NPBinding.Utility.GetUUID();
				m_alertDialogCallbackCollection[_tag]	= _newCallback;

				return _tag;

			return string.Empty;
Example #3
        private string CacheAlertDialogCallback(AlertDialogCompletion _newCallback)
            if (_newCallback != null)
                string _tag = NPBinding.Utility.GetUUID();
                m_alertDialogCallbackCollection[_tag] = _newCallback;


Example #4
        private void AlertDialogClosed(string _jsonStr)
            IDictionary _jsonData = JSONUtility.FromJSON(_jsonStr) as IDictionary;
            string      _buttonPressed;
            string      _callerTag;

            // Parse received data
            ParseAlertDialogDismissedData(_jsonData, out _buttonPressed, out _callerTag);
            Console.Log(Constants.kDebugTag, "[UI] Alert dialog closed, ButtonPressed=" + _buttonPressed);

            // Get callback
            AlertDialogCompletion _alertCompletionCallback = GetAlertDialogCallback(_callerTag);

            // Completion callback is triggered
            if (_alertCompletionCallback != null)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows an alert dialog with multiple buttons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_title">The string that appears in the title bar.</param>
        /// <param name="_message">Descriptive text that provides more details than the title.</param>
        /// <param name="_buttonsList">An array of string values, used as title of action buttons.</param>
        /// <param name="_onCompletion">Callback that will be called after operation is completed.</param>
        /// <example>
        /// The following code example demonstrates how to show alert dialog with 2 action buttons.
        /// <code>
        /// using UnityEngine;
        /// using System.Collections;
        /// using VoxelBusters.NativePlugins;
        /// public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
        /// {
        ///     public void ShowAlertDialog ()
        ///     {
        ///         string[]	_buttons	= new string[] {
        ///             "Ok",
        ///             "Cancel"
        ///         };
        ///         NPBinding.UI.ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons("Test", "This is a sample message.", _buttons, OnButtonPressed);
        ///     }
        ///     private void OnButtonPressed (string _buttonPressed)
        ///     {
        ///         Debug.Log("Button pressed: " + _buttonPressed);
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public void ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons(string _title, string _message, string[] _buttonsList, AlertDialogCompletion _onCompletion)
            // Cache callback
            string _callbackTag = CacheAlertDialogCallback(_onCompletion);

            // Show alert
            ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons(_title, _message, _buttonsList, _callbackTag);
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows an alert dialog with single button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_title">The string that appears in the title bar.</param>
 /// <param name="_message">Descriptive text that provides more details than the title.</param>
 /// <param name="_button">Title of action button.</param>
 /// <param name="_onCompletion">Callback that will be called after operation is completed.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// The following code example demonstrates how to show alert dialog with single button.
 /// <code>
 /// using UnityEngine;
 /// using System.Collections;
 /// using VoxelBusters.NativePlugins;
 /// public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
 /// {
 ///     public void ShowAlertDialog ()
 ///     {
 ///         NPBinding.UI.ShowAlertDialogWithSingleButton("Test", "This is a sample message.", "Ok", OnButtonPressed);
 ///     }
 ///     private void OnButtonPressed (string _buttonPressed)
 ///     {
 ///         Debug.Log("Button pressed: " + _buttonPressed);
 ///     }
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 public void ShowAlertDialogWithSingleButton(string _title, string _message, string _button, AlertDialogCompletion _onCompletion)
     ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons(_title, _message, new string[] { _button }, _onCompletion);
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows the alert dialog with single button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_title">Text that appears in title bar.</param>
 /// <param name="_message">Descriptive text that provides more details.</param>
 /// <param name="_button">Title of action button.</param>
 /// <param name="_onCompletion">Calls the delegate when action button is pressed.</param>
 public void ShowAlertDialogWithSingleButton(string _title, string _message, string _button, AlertDialogCompletion _onCompletion)
     ShowAlertDialogWithMultipleButtons(_title, _message, new string[] {_button }, _onCompletion);