Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a dictionary of all album IDs in the gallery and, for each one, a flattened list of all album IDs contained in it,
        /// recursively including all child IDs, not just those of its immediate children. The key is the album ID and the value is a list
        /// of all child album IDs contained in the album.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="albumRelationships">The album relationships for the current gallery.</param>
        /// <returns>ConcurrentDictionary&lt;System.Int32, List&lt;System.Int32&gt;&gt;.</returns>
        private static ConcurrentDictionary <int, List <int> > GenerateFlattenedAlbums(AlbumTuple[] albumRelationships)
            var flatIds     = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, List <int> >();
            var albumLookup = albumRelationships.ToLookup(a => a.AlbumParentId, v => v);

            int?rootAlbumParentId = null;

            // Get a reference to the root album
            AlbumTuple rootAlbum = albumLookup[rootAlbumParentId].FirstOrDefault();

            if (rootAlbum != null)
                // Add the root album to our flat list and set up the child list
                flatIds.TryAdd(rootAlbum.AlbumId, new List <int> {

                // Now add the children of the root album
                foreach (AlbumTuple albumTuple in albumLookup[rootAlbum.AlbumId])
                    FlattenAlbum(albumTuple, albumLookup, flatIds, new List <int> {

        /// <summary>
        /// Flatten the gallery into a dictionary of album IDs (key) and the flattened list of all albums each album
        /// contains (value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The gallery ID.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of Dictionary&lt;int, List&lt;int&gt;&gt;.</returns>
        private static Dictionary <int, List <int> > FlattenGallery(int galleryId)
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > flatIds = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

            List <AlbumTuple> rawAlbums = new List <AlbumTuple>();

            using (IDataReader dr = Album.GetCommandAlbumSelectAll(galleryId).ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
                while (dr.Read())
                    // SQL:
                    //SELECT AlbumId, AlbumParentId
                    //FROM dbo.[gs_Album]
                    //WHERE FKGalleryId = @GalleryId
                    rawAlbums.Add(new AlbumTuple
                        AlbumId       = dr.GetInt32(0),
                        AlbumParentId = dr.GetInt32(1)

            // To get the ILookup, we have to call ToLookup() on something that implements IEnumerable, so that's why
            // we converted the DataReader into a List of AlbumTuples first.
            ILookup <int, AlbumTuple> albums = rawAlbums.ToLookup(a => a.AlbumParentId, v => v);

            const int rootAlbumParentId = 0;

            // Get a reference to the root album
            AlbumTuple rootAlbum = albums[rootAlbumParentId].First();

            // Add the root album to our flat list and set up the child list
            flatIds.Add(rootAlbum.AlbumId, new List <int> {

            // Now add the children of the root album
            foreach (AlbumTuple albumTuple in albums[rootAlbum.AlbumId])
                FlattenAlbum(albumTuple, albums, flatIds, new List <int> {

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the <paramref name="album" /> to all albums in <paramref name="flatIds" /> where it is a child. Recursively
        /// process the album's children. The end result is a dictionary of album IDs (key) and the flattened list of all albums
        /// each album contains (value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="album">The album to flatten. This object is not modified.</param>
        /// <param name="hierarchicalIds">A lookup list where all albums (value) with a particular parent ID (key) can be quickly
        /// found. This object is not modified.</param>
        /// <param name="flatIds">The flattened list of albums and their child albums. The <paramref name="album" /> and its
        /// children are added to this list.</param>
        /// <param name="currentAlbumFlatIds">The current hierarchy of album IDs we are processing. The function uses this to
        /// know which items in <paramref name="flatIds" /> to update for each album.</param>
        private static void FlattenAlbum(AlbumTuple album, ILookup <int?, AlbumTuple> hierarchicalIds, ConcurrentDictionary <int, List <int> > flatIds, List <int> currentAlbumFlatIds)
            // First time we get here, ID=2, ParentId=1
            flatIds.TryAdd(album.AlbumId, new List <int> {

            // For each album in the current hierarchy, find its match in flatIds and add the album to its list.
            foreach (int currentAlbumFlatId in currentAlbumFlatIds)

            // Now add this album to the list so it will get updated when any children are processed.

            foreach (AlbumTuple albumTuple in hierarchicalIds[album.AlbumId])
                FlattenAlbum(albumTuple, hierarchicalIds, flatIds, new List <int>(currentAlbumFlatIds));
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the <paramref name="album" /> to all albums in <paramref name="flatIds" /> where it is a child. Recursively
        /// process the album's children. The end result is a dictionary of album IDs (key) and the flattened list of all albums 
        /// each album contains (value).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="album">The album to flatten. This object is not modified.</param>
        /// <param name="hierarchicalIds">A lookup list where all albums (value) with a particular parent ID (key) can be quickly 
        /// found. This object is not modified.</param>
        /// <param name="flatIds">The flattened list of albums and their child albums. The <paramref name="album" /> and its
        /// children are added to this list.</param>
        /// <param name="currentAlbumFlatIds">The current hierarchy of album IDs we are processing. The function uses this to 
        /// know which items in <paramref name="flatIds" /> to update for each album.</param>
        private static void FlattenAlbum(AlbumTuple album, ILookup<int, AlbumTuple> hierarchicalIds, Dictionary<int, List<int>> flatIds, List<int> currentAlbumFlatIds)
            // First time we get here, ID=2, ParentId=1
            flatIds.Add(album.AlbumId, new List<int> { album.AlbumId });

            // For each album in the current hierarchy, find its match in flatIds and add the album to its list.
            foreach (int currentAlbumFlatId in currentAlbumFlatIds)

            // Now add this album to the list so it will get updated when any children are processed.

            foreach (AlbumTuple albumTuple in hierarchicalIds[album.AlbumId])
                FlattenAlbum(albumTuple, hierarchicalIds, flatIds, new List<int>(currentAlbumFlatIds));