public ActionResult Describe(int id)
            UserModel authUser = (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ?
                new UserRepository().GetByUsername( User.Identity.Name ) : null);

            // check if album with given id exists
            AlbumRepository albums = new AlbumRepository();
            AlbumModel album = albums.GetById( id,
                withUser: true, withPhotos: true, withComments: true, withCategory: true, withTrustedUsers: true );
            if ( album == null )
                throw new Exception( "album not found" );

            // check if the caller can access the album
            if ( !albums.IsUserAuthorizedToViewAlbum( album, authUser, false ) )
                throw new Exception( "user not authorized to view this album" );

            // prepare photos list
            List<string> photos = new List<string>();
            foreach ( PhotoModel photo in album.Photos )
                photos.Add( string.Format( "{0}/api/photos/{1}", Helpers.BaseURL(), photo.Id ) );

            // prepare comments list
            List<Object> comments = new List<Object>();
            foreach ( CommentModel comment in album.Comments )
                comments.Add( new
                    author = comment.User.Login,
                    date = new
                        day = comment.Date.Day,
                        month = comment.Date.Month,
                        year = comment.Date.Year
                    body = comment.Body
                } );

            // send back the album information
            return Json( new
                ok = true,
                data = new
                    id = album.Id,
                    name = album.Name,
                    description = album.Description,
                    category = album.Category.Name,
                    owner = album.User.Login,
                    is_public = album.Public,
                    rating = album.Rating,
                    views = album.Views,
                    photos = photos,
                    comments = comments
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet );
        public ActionResult Describe(string userName)
            UserModel authUser = (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ?
                new UserRepository().GetByUsername( User.Identity.Name ) : null);

            userName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode( userName ).Trim();
            if ( userName == string.Empty )
                throw new Exception( "empty username" );

            UserRepository users = new UserRepository();
            UserModel user = users.GetByUsernameWithAlbums( userName, withTrustedUsers:true );
            if ( user == null )
                throw new Exception( "user not found" );

            AlbumRepository albumRepository = new AlbumRepository();
            List<string> albums = new List<string>();
            foreach ( AlbumModel album in user.Albums )
                if ( albumRepository.IsUserAuthorizedToViewAlbum( album, authUser, false ) )
                    albums.Add( string.Format( "{0}/api/albums/{1}", Helpers.BaseURL(), album.Id ) );

            return Json( new
                ok = true,
                data = new
                    id = user.Id,
                    username = user.Login,
                    date_of_birth = (user.DateOfBirth.HasValue ? new
                        day = user.DateOfBirth.Value.Day,
                        month = user.DateOfBirth.Value.Month,
                        year = user.DateOfBirth.Value.Year
                    } : null),
                    about = user.About,
                    albums = albums
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet );
        public ActionResult Describe(int id)
            UserModel authUser = (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ?
                new UserRepository().GetByUsername( User.Identity.Name ) : null);

            // check if photo with given id exists
            PhotoRepository photos = new PhotoRepository();
            PhotoModel photo = photos.GetById( id, withAlbum: true );
            if ( photo == null )
                throw new Exception( "photo not found" );

            // check if the caller can access the album containing the photo
            AlbumRepository albums = new AlbumRepository();
            AlbumModel album = albums.GetById( photo.Album.Id, withUser: true, withTrustedUsers: true );
            if ( !albums.IsUserAuthorizedToViewAlbum( album, authUser, false ) )
                throw new Exception( "user not authorized to view this photo/album" );

            // send back the photo information
            return Json( new
                ok = true,
                data = new
                    id = photo.Id,
                    album = string.Format( "{0}/api/albums/{1}", Helpers.BaseURL(), album.Id ),
                    date = new
                        day = photo.Date.Day,
                        month = photo.Date.Month,
                        year = photo.Date.Year
                    description = photo.Description,
                    image = Helpers.BaseURL() + photo.Path,
                    thumbnail = Helpers.BaseURL() + photo.Path.Substring(0, photo.Path.LastIndexOf(".jpg")) + "_mini.jpg",
                    latitude = photo.LocationLatitude,
                    longitude = photo.LocationLongitude
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet );
Example #4
        public ActionResult Show(int id)
            AlbumRepository albums = new AlbumRepository();
            AlbumModel album = albums.GetByIdForShow(id);

            UserRepository users = new UserRepository();
            var user = users.GetByUsername(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);

            // check if album has a password, if it does, authorize
            if (!albums.authorizeWithPassword(album, user, (string)Session["Album" + album.Id.ToString()]))
                return RedirectToAction("PasswordForAlbum", new { id = album.Id });

            // if user is not authorized
            if (!albums.IsUserAuthorizedToViewAlbum(album, user, true))
                return View("NotAuthorized");

            if (user == null || user.Id != album.User.Id) //if not logged in or not an author
                //increment views
                album.Views += 1;
            @ViewBag.user = user;
            return View(album);