Example #1
    // Saves the changes based on the states of the UI in the customization menu to the chosen alarm.
    public void SaveChanges(AlarmScript newAlarm)
        int newHour;
        int newMinute;

        int.TryParse(windowManager.GetComponentInChildren <WindowManagerScript>().hourField.text, out newHour);
        int.TryParse(windowManager.GetComponentInChildren <WindowManagerScript>().minuteField.text, out newMinute);

        newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().SetHour(newHour);
        newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().SetMinute(newMinute);

        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            // This sets the weekday state in the new alarm to the state of the corresponding button.
            newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().SetWeekdayState(
                i, windowManager.GetComponentInChildren <WindowManagerScript>().weekdayButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren <WeekdayButtonScript>().WeekdayIsSelected());
        string newWeekdayText = "";

        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(0))
            newWeekdayText += "Mon ";
        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(1))
            newWeekdayText += "Tue ";
        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(2))
            newWeekdayText += "Wed ";
        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(3))
            newWeekdayText += "Thu ";
        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(4))
            newWeekdayText += "Fri ";
        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(5))
            newWeekdayText += "Sat ";
        if (newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <AlarmScript>().GetWeekdayState(6))
            newWeekdayText += "Sun";
        if (newWeekdayText == "")
            newWeekdayText = "No repeat";

        newAlarm.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = newWeekdayText;
Example #2
 // Returns 1 if this alarm is later than the other alarm, 0 if they are equal, and -1 if this one is earlier.
 public int CompareAlarmTimes(AlarmScript alarm2)
     if (hour > alarm2.GetHour())
     if (hour == alarm2.GetHour())
         if (minute > alarm2.GetMinute())
         else if (minute == alarm2.GetMinute())
Example #3
    // Loads an alarm's values into the UI
    public void LoadAlarm(AlarmScript alarm)
        editingMode = true;

        hourField.text   = "";
        minuteField.text = "";
        if (alarm.GetHour() < 10)
            hourField.text += "0";
        if (alarm.GetMinute() < 10)
            minuteField.text += "0";
        hourField.text   += alarm.GetHour().ToString();
        minuteField.text += alarm.GetMinute().ToString();
        for (int i = 0; i < weekdayButtons.Length; i++)
            weekdayButtons[i].GetComponent <WeekdayButtonScript>().SetWeekday(alarm.GetWeekdayState(i));
Example #4
 // Finds the alarm that is being edited.
 public void SetExistingAlarm()
     existingAlarm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("loaded").GetComponent <AlarmScript>();