Example #1
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * A event handler to check tickets using the given values

        string date        = TextBox1.Text;
        string from        = TextBox2.Text;
        string to          = TextBox3.Text;
        int    noOfTickets = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox4.Text);
        string start       = null;
        string end         = null;

         * Check if the ticket is available for given date,source,destination,nooftickets
        AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client client = new AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client();
        bool isTicketsAvailable = client.isTicketAvailable(date, from, to, noOfTickets, start, end);

        string[] availableFlightsInfo = client.MatchingFlights(date, from, to, noOfTickets);

        if (isTicketsAvailable == true)
            Label5.Text = "Tickets Available";
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<table border = '1'>");

             * Header for table
            sb.AppendFormat("<tr><th>{0}</th><th>{1}</th><th>{2}</th><th>{3}</th><th>{4}</th></tr>", "Date", "Source", "Destination", "Start", "End");
            foreach (string flight in availableFlightsInfo)
                string[] array = flight.Split(' ');

                 * Information for table
                sb.AppendFormat("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td>{4}</td></tr>", array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]);


             * Get the details and populate it in the placeholder
            var table = sb.ToString();
            PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new Literal {
                Text = sb.ToString()
            Label5.Text = "Tickets Unavailable";
Example #2
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Get the local service reference
        AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client client = new AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client();
        bool isCancellationSuccess = client.CancelTicket(TextBox1.Text);

         * Display appropriate message
        if (isCancellationSuccess == true)
            Label2.Text = "Status : Cancellation successful";
            Label2.Text = "Status : Cancellation failed";
Example #3
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * A event handler to reserve tickets using the given values

        string username    = TextBox1.Text;
        string date        = TextBox2.Text;
        string from        = TextBox3.Text;
        string to          = TextBox4.Text;
        string start       = TextBox5.Text;
        string end         = TextBox6.Text;
        int    noOfTickets = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox7.Text);

         * Send the values to the service and get back the response in boolean and
         * display the status of the reservation accordingly
        AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client client = new AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client();
        bool reserveTickets = client.ReserveTickets(username, date, from, to, start, end, noOfTickets);

        Label8.Text = (reserveTickets == true) ? "Status : Success" : "Status : Failed";
Example #4
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Check if the ticket is available for given date,source,destination,nooftickets

        AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client client = new AirlineSVCReference.Service1Client();
        string[] availableFlightsInfo             = client.CompleteFlights();

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<table border = '1'>");

         * Header for table
        sb.AppendFormat("<tr><th>{0}</th><th>{1}</th><th>{2}</th><th>{3}</th><th>{4}</th></tr>", "Date", "Source", "Destination", "Start", "End");
        foreach (string flight in availableFlightsInfo)
            string[] array = flight.Split(' ');

             * Information for table
            sb.AppendFormat("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td>{4}</td></tr>", array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4]);


         * Get the details and populate it in the placeholder
        var table = sb.ToString();

        PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new Literal {
            Text = sb.ToString()