Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the specified exception to Airbrake.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exception">The e.</param>
        public void Send(Exception exception)
            AirbrakeNotice notice = this.builder.Notice(exception);

            //TODO: set up request, session and server headers
            // Why would that be necessary, it's set in Send(AirbrakeNotice), isn't it? - @asbjornu

            // Send the notice
        public void Notice_contains_ServerEnvironment_and_Notifier()
            AirbrakeNotice notice = this.builder.Notice((AirbrakeError)null);

            Assert.That(notice.ServerEnvironment, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(notice.ServerEnvironment.ProjectRoot, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(notice.ServerEnvironment.EnvironmentName, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(notice.Notifier, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(notice.ApiKey, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(notice.Version, Is.Not.Null);
Example #3
        public void Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance <AirbrakeError>();

            error.Class     = "TestError";
            error.Message   = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                    Method = "unknown"

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey  = "123456",
                Error   = error,
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri("http://example.com/"), GetType().FullName)
                    Action    = "Maximal_notice_generates_valid_XML",
                    Component = "MyApp.HomeController",
                    CgiData   = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST"),
                    Params = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("Form.Key1", "Form.Value1"),
                    Session = new[]
                        new AirbrakeVar("UserId", "1"),
                    Url = "http://example.com/myapp",
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url     = "http://github.com/asbjornu/SharpBrake",
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the specified notice to Airbrake.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notice">The notice.</param>
        public void Send(AirbrakeNotice notice)
            InternalLogger.Debug("{0}.Send({1})", GetType(), notice);

                // If no API key, get it from the appSettings
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(notice.ApiKey))
                    // If none is set, just return... throwing an exception is pointless, since one was already thrown!
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Airbrake.ApiKey"]))
                        InternalLogger.Fatal("No 'Airbrake.ApiKey' found. Please define one in AppSettings.");

                    notice.ApiKey = this.builder.Configuration.ApiKey;

                // Create the web request
                var request = WebRequest.Create(this.configuration.ServerUri) as HttpWebRequest;

                if (request == null)
                    InternalLogger.Fatal("Couldn't create a request to '{0}'.", this.configuration.ServerUri);

                // Set the basic headers
                request.ContentType = "text/xml";
                request.Accept      = "text/xml";
                request.KeepAlive   = false;

                // It is important to set the method late... .NET quirk, it will interfere with headers set after
                request.Method = "POST";

                InternalLogger.Debug("Sending Airbrake notice to {0} with key {1}, env: {2}",
                                     this.configuration.ServerUri, this.configuration.ApiKey, this.configuration.EnvironmentName);

                // Go populate the body
                SetRequestBody(request, notice);

                // Begin the request, yay async
                request.BeginGetResponse(RequestCallback, request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                InternalLogger.Fatal("An error occurred while trying to send to Airbrake: {0}", ex.Message);
Example #5
        private void SetRequestBody(WebRequest request, AirbrakeNotice notice)
            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

            this.log.Debug(f => f("Sending the following to '{0}':\n{1}", request.RequestUri, xml));

            byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml);
            request.ContentLength = payload.Length;

            using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                stream.Write(payload, 0, payload.Length);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes logging event to the log target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logEvent">Logging event to be written out.</param>
        protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
            if (logEvent.Exception != null)
                AirbrakeNotice notice = this.SharpbrakeClient.BuildNotice(logEvent.Exception);

                // Override the notice message so we have the full exception
                // message, including the messages of the inner exceptions.
                // Also, include the log message, if it is set.
                string exceptionMessage = BuildExceptionMessage(logEvent.Exception);
                notice.Error.Message = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(logEvent.Message) ? logEvent.Message + " " + exceptionMessage : exceptionMessage;

Example #7
        public void Send_EndRequestEventIsInvoked_And_ResponseOnlyContainsApiError()
            bool requestEndInvoked = false;

            AirbrakeResponseError[] errors = null;
            int i = 0;

            this.client.RequestEnd += (sender, e) =>
                requestEndInvoked = true;
                errors            = e.Response.Errors;

            var configuration = new AirbrakeConfiguration
                ApiKey          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
                EnvironmentName = "test",

            var builder = new AirbrakeNoticeBuilder(configuration);

            AirbrakeNotice notice = builder.Notice(new Exception("Test"));

            notice.Request = new AirbrakeRequest("http://example.com", "Test")
                Params = new[]
                    new AirbrakeVar("TestKey", "TestValue")


            while (!requestEndInvoked)
                // Sleep for maximum 5 seconds to wait for the request to end. Can probably be done more elegantly.
                if (i++ == 50)


            Assert.That(requestEndInvoked, Is.True);
            Assert.That(errors, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(errors, Has.Length.EqualTo(1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="AirbrakeNotice"/> from the the specified exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exception">The exception.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="AirbrakeNotice"/>, created from the the specified exception.
        /// </returns>
        public AirbrakeNotice Notice(Exception exception)
            if (exception == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("exception");

            this.log.Debug(f => f("{0}.Notice({1})", GetType(), exception.GetType()), exception);

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey            = Configuration.ApiKey,
                Error             = ErrorFromException(exception),
                Notifier          = Notifier,
                ServerEnvironment = ServerEnvironment,

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="AirbrakeNotice"/> from the the specified error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AirbrakeNotice Notice(AirbrakeError error)
            this.log.Debug(f => f("{0}.Notice({1})", GetType(), error));

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey            = Configuration.ApiKey,
                Error             = error,
                Notifier          = Notifier,
                ServerEnvironment = ServerEnvironment,

            MethodBase catchingMethod = (error != null)
                                            ? error.CatchingMethod
                                            : null;

            AddContextualInformation(notice, catchingMethod);

        public void LogEvent_WithExecption_CallsClient()
            var       client = A.Fake <ISharpbrakeClient>();
            Exception ex     = new ApplicationException("something bad happened");

            // using activator to avoid the obsolete tag on the constructor.
            AirbrakeError  error  = Activator.CreateInstance <AirbrakeError>();
            AirbrakeNotice notice = new AirbrakeNotice()
                Error = error

            A.CallTo(() => client.BuildNotice(ex)).Returns(notice);

            AirBrakeTarget target = new AirBrakeTarget(client);


            logger.InfoException("kaboom", ex);
            A.CallTo(() => client.Send(notice)).MustHaveHappened();
Example #11
        public void Minimal_notice_with_request_generates_valid_XML()
            var error = Activator.CreateInstance <AirbrakeError>();

            error.Class     = "TestError";
            error.Message   = "something blew up";
            error.Backtrace = new[]
                new AirbrakeTraceLine("unknown.cs", 0)
                    Method = "unknown"

            var notice = new AirbrakeNotice
                ApiKey  = "123456",
                Error   = error,
                Request = new AirbrakeRequest(new Uri("http://example.com/"), GetType().FullName)
                    Session = new AirbrakeVar[0]
                Notifier = new AirbrakeNotifier
                    Name    = "sharpbrake",
                    Version = "2.2",
                    Url     = "http://github.com/asbjornu/SharpBrake"
                ServerEnvironment = new AirbrakeServerEnvironment("staging")
                    ProjectRoot = "/test",

            var    serializer = new CleanXmlSerializer <AirbrakeNotice>();
            string xml        = serializer.ToXml(notice);

Example #12
        public void Send_EndRequestEventIsInvoked_And_ResponseOnlyContainsApiError()
            bool requestEndInvoked = false;

            AirbrakeResponseError[] errors = null;
            int i = 0;

            this.client.RequestEnd += (sender, e) =>
                requestEndInvoked = true;
                errors            = e.Response.Errors;

            var configuration = new AirbrakeConfiguration
                ApiKey          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
                EnvironmentName = "test",

            var builder = new AirbrakeNoticeBuilder(configuration);

            AirbrakeNotice notice = builder.Notice(new Exception("Test"));

            notice.Request = new AirbrakeRequest("http://example.com", "Test")
                Params = new[]
                    new AirbrakeVar("TestKey", "TestValue")


            Assert.That(requestEndInvoked, Is.True.After(5000));
            Assert.That(errors, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(errors, Has.Length.EqualTo(1));
 public void Send(AirbrakeNotice notice)
        private void AddContextualInformation(AirbrakeNotice notice, MethodBase catchingMethod)
            var component = String.Empty;
            var action    = String.Empty;

            if ((notice.Error != null) && (notice.Error.Backtrace != null) && notice.Error.Backtrace.Any())
                // TODO: We should perhaps check whether the topmost back trace is in fact a Controller+Action by performing some sort of heuristic (searching for "Controller" etc.). @asbjornu
                var backtrace = notice.Error.Backtrace.First();
                action    = backtrace.Method;
                component = backtrace.File;
            else if (catchingMethod != null)
                action = catchingMethod.Name;

                if (catchingMethod.DeclaringType != null)
                    component = catchingMethod.DeclaringType.FullName;

            var request = new AirbrakeRequest("http://example.com/", component)
                Action = action

            var cgiData = new List <AirbrakeVar>
                new AirbrakeVar("Environment.MachineName", Environment.MachineName),
                new AirbrakeVar("Environment.OSversion", Environment.OSVersion),
                new AirbrakeVar("Environment.Version", Environment.Version)

            var parameters  = new List <AirbrakeVar>();
            var session     = new List <AirbrakeVar>();
            var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;

            if (httpContext != null)
                var httpRequest = httpContext.Request;
                request.Url = httpRequest.Url.ToString();


                if (httpContext.User != null)
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("User.Identity.Name", httpContext.User.Identity.Name));

                var browser = httpRequest.Browser;

                if (browser != null)
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.Browser", browser.Browser));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.ClrVersion", browser.ClrVersion));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.Cookies", browser.Cookies));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.Crawler", browser.Crawler));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.EcmaScriptVersion", browser.EcmaScriptVersion));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.JavaApplets", browser.JavaApplets));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.MajorVersion", browser.MajorVersion));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.MinorVersion", browser.MinorVersion));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.Platform", browser.Platform));
                    cgiData.Add(new AirbrakeVar("Browser.W3CDomVersion", browser.W3CDomVersion));

            request.CgiData = cgiData.ToArray();
            request.Params  = parameters.Any() ? parameters.ToArray() : null;
            request.Session = session.Any() ? session.ToArray() : null;
            notice.Request  = request;
Example #15
 public void Send(AirbrakeNotice notice)
     SharpBreak.AirbrakeNotice actualNotice = AirbreakNoticeMap.Map[notice];