/// <summary>
        /// Initiates a call to pull available gateways from Air Mesh.  All found gateways will be placed on an Azure Queue to be picked up by
        /// the Controllers Web Job
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timer"></param>
        /// <param name="log"></param>
        public static void PollGateways([TimerTrigger("00:15:00", RunOnStartup = true, UseMonitor = true)] TimerInfo timer, TextWriter log)
                // Fire up Air Mesh API...
                var airMesh = new AirMeshService(log);

                // Get the available sites
                var siteIDs = airMesh.GetSiteIDs();

                // Get the Gateways for each site
                var gateways = airMesh.GetGateways(siteIDs);

                // Get the Azure Queue...
                var queue = QueueService.GetQueue(Constants.REAL_TIME_DEVICE_QUEUE);

                // Push the Gateways onto the queue
                foreach (var gateway in gateways)
                    queue.AddMessageAsync(new CloudQueueMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gateway)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Format logging
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Listens on the Azure queue realtimedevicequeue[ENVRIONMENT]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gateway">The Gateway to pull controller statuses from</param>
        /// <param name="log">Azure L</param>
        public static void ProcessRealtimeQueueMessage([QueueTrigger(Constants.REAL_TIME_DEVICE_QUEUE_TRIGGER)] Gateway gateway, TextWriter log)
                var ingressService = new IngressService(log);
                var airMeshService = new AirMeshService(log);

                foreach (var controllerStatus in airMeshService.GetControllerStatusForGateway(gateway))
                    // Check if we have registered this device, if not let's do it...
                    if (!RegisteredDeviceService.IsDeviceRegistered(controllerStatus.UUID))
                        // TODO: Confirm this pattern ->  Should we poll devices at startup, and get them registered before
                        ingressService.PushDataToPlatform(D2CAPI.DeviceTree, controllerStatus.Controller.controller_id, controllerStatus.GetDeviceTree());

                    // Push Realtimes...
                    ingressService.PushDataToPlatform(D2CAPI.Realtimes, controllerStatus.Controller.controller_id, controllerStatus.GetRealTimes());

                    // Push Trends...
                    ingressService.PushDataToPlatform(D2CAPI.Trends, controllerStatus.Controller.controller_id, controllerStatus.GetTrends());
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO: Improve logging text