Example #1
        public int PostUpDateAhwalMapping([FromBody] Ahwalmapping frm)
            int    ret       = 0;
            string UpdateQry = "";

            UpdateQry = "update AhwalMapping set ahwalid = " + frm.Ahwalid + ",sectorid=" + frm.Sectorid + ",citygroupid=" + frm.Citygroupid + ",shiftid=" + frm.Shiftid + ",patrolroleid=" + frm.Patrolroleid + ",Personid=" + frm.Personid + " where ahwalmappingid = " + frm.Ahwalmappingid;
            ret       = DAL.PostGre_ExNonQry(UpdateQry);
Example #2
        public Operationlogs AddNewMapping(Users u, Ahwalmapping m)  //requires AhwalRole
                //first we have to check if this user is authorized to perform this transaction
                //if (!_user.isAuthorized(u.Userid, m.Ahwalid, Handler_User.User_Role_Ahwal))
                //    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                //    ol_failed.Userid = u.Userid;
                //    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                //    ol_failed.Statusid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnAuthorized;
                //    ol_failed.Text = "المستخدم لايملك صلاحية هذه العمليه";
                //    _oper.Add_New_Operation_Log(ol_failed);
                //    return ol_failed;
                //we have to check first that this person doesn't exists before in mapping
                var GetPerson = _context.Persons.FirstOrDefault <Persons>(e => e.Personid.Equals(m.Personid));
                if (GetPerson == null)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على الفرد: " + m.Personid; //todo, change it actual person name

                var person_mapping_exists = _context.Ahwalmapping.FirstOrDefault <Ahwalmapping>(e => e.Personid.Equals(m.Personid));
                if (person_mapping_exists != null)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "هذا الفرد موجود مسبقا، لايمكن اضافته مرة اخرى: " + GetPerson.Milnumber.ToString() + " " + GetPerson.Name;

                m.Sortingindex = 10000;
                //m.Patrolid = null;
                //m.Handheldid = null;
                ////force Sector to Public and CityGroup to None for PatrolRole_CaptainAllSectors and PatrolRole_CaptainShift
                //if (m.Patrolroleid == Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainAllSectors ||
                //m.Patrolroleid == Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainShift)
                //    m.SectorID = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.Sector_Public;
                //    m.CityGroupID = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.CityGroup_None;
                ////force citygroup to be None for Sector Captain and SubCaptain
                //if (m.Patrolroleid == Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainSector ||
                //    m.Patrolroleid == Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_SubCaptainSector)
                //    m.CityGroupID = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.CityGroup_None;

                if (GetPerson.Fixedcallerid.Trim() != "" && GetPerson.Fixedcallerid != null)
                    m.Hasfixedcallerid = Convert.ToByte(1);
                    m.Callerid         = GetPerson.Fixedcallerid.Trim();
                //we have to check as well, if we have already 10 people within same citygroup
                //we cannot add more than 10 per group
                var totalInSame = _context.Ahwalmapping.Where <Ahwalmapping>(e => e.Ahwalid == m.Ahwalid &&
                                                                             e.Shiftid == m.Shiftid && e.Sectorid == m.Sectorid &&
                                                                             e.Citygroupid == m.Citygroupid &&
                                                                             e.Patrolroleid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_Associate &&
                                                                             e.Patrolroleid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainAllSectors &&
                                                                             e.Patrolroleid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainShift);
                if (totalInSame != null)
                    if (totalInSame.Count <Ahwalmapping>() >= 10)
                        Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                        ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                        ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                        ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                        ol_failed.Text        = "لايمكن اضافة اكثر من عشر اشخاص في نفس المنطقة";
                // m.Sector = _context.Sectors.f;
                //m.Sunrisetimestamp = null;
                //m.Sunsettimestamp = null;
                //m.Lastlandtimestamp = null;
                //m.Incidentid = null;
                m.Hasdevices = 0;
                //m.Lastawaytimestamp = null;
                //m.Lastcomebacktimestamp = null;
                m.Patrolpersonstateid = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_None;
                //if (m.Sectorid !=null)
                //   m.Sector = _context.Sectors.FirstOrDefault<Sectors>(ec => ec.Sectorid == m.Sectorid);


                //if (m.Citygroupid != null)
                //    m.Citygroup = _context.Citygroups.FirstOrDefault<Citygroups>(ec => ec.Citygroupid == m.Citygroupid);


                //if (m.Shiftid != null)
                //    m.Shift = _context.Shifts.FirstOrDefault<Shifts>(ec => ec.Shiftid == m.Shiftid);


                //if (m.Patrolroleid != null)

                //    m.Patrolrole = _context.Patrolroles.FirstOrDefault<Patrolroles>(ec => ec.Patrolroleid == m.Patrolroleid);


                //  m.Patrolpersonstate = _context.Patrolpersonstates.FirstOrDefault<Patrolpersonstates>(ec => ec.Patrolpersonstateid == m.Patrolpersonstateid);
                /// m.Person = _context.Persons.FirstOrDefault<Persons>(ec => ec.Personid == m.Personid);
                string InsQry = "";
                InsQry = "insert into AhwalMapping(ahwalid,sectorid,citygroupid,shiftid,patrolroleid,personid,hasDevices," +
                         "patrolPersonStateID,sortingIndex,hasFixedCallerID,callerID) values (" +
                         m.Ahwalid + "," + m.Sectorid + "," + m.Citygroupid + "," + m.Shiftid + "," + m.Patrolid +
                         "," + m.Personid + "," + m.Hasdevices + "," + m.Patrolpersonstateid + "," + m.Sortingindex + "," + m.Hasfixedcallerid +
                         ",'" + m.Callerid + "')";
                int ret = DAL.PostGre_ExNonQry(InsQry);

                //  _context.Ahwalmapping.Add(m);
                //   _context.SaveChanges();

                //time to resort sortingindex
                // Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.ReSortMappings();
                //log it
                Operationlogs ol = new Operationlogs();
                ol.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                ol.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Success;
                ol.Text        = "تم اضافة الفرد: " + GetPerson.Milnumber.ToString() + " " + GetPerson.Name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnKnownError;
                ol_failed.Text        = ex.Message;
Example #3
        public Operationlogs CheckInPatrolAndHandHeld(Users u, Ahwalmapping m, Patrolcars p, Handhelds h)
                //first we have to check if this user is authorized to perform this transaction
                //if (!_user.isAuthorized(u.Userid, p.Ahwalid, Handler_User.User_Role_Ahwal))
                //    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                //    ol_failed.Userid = u.Userid;
                //    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_CheckInPatrolAndHandHeld;
                //    ol_failed.Statusid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnAuthorized;
                //    ol_failed.Text = "المستخدم لايملك صلاحية هذه العمليه";
                //    _oper.Add_New_Operation_Log(ol_failed);
                //    return ol_failed;
                //we have to check first that this person doesn't exists before in mapping

                var person_mapping_exists = _context.Ahwalmapping.FirstOrDefault <Ahwalmapping>(e => e.Ahwalmappingid.Equals(m.Ahwalmappingid));
                if (person_mapping_exists == null)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_CheckInPatrolAndHandHeld;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على التوزيع";
                var GetPerson = _context.Persons.FirstOrDefault <Persons>(e => e.Personid.Equals(m.Personid));
                if (GetPerson == null)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_CheckInPatrolAndHandHeld;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على الفرد: " + m.Personid; //todo, change it actual person name
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(person_mapping_exists.Hasdevices))
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_CheckInPatrolAndHandHeld;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "هذا المستخدم يملك حاليا اجهزة";
                person_mapping_exists.Patrolid                 = p.Patrolid;
                person_mapping_exists.Handheldid               = h.Handheldid;
                person_mapping_exists.Patrolpersonstateid      = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_SunRise;
                person_mapping_exists.Sunrisetimestamp         = DateTime.Now;
                person_mapping_exists.Sunsettimestamp          = null;//we have to reset this time
                person_mapping_exists.Hasdevices               = Convert.ToByte(1);
                person_mapping_exists.Laststatechangetimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                //log it

                //we have to add this record in checkIn and CheckOut Table
                var PatrolCheckInLog = new Patrolcheckinout();
                PatrolCheckInLog.Checkinoutstateid = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.CheckInState;
                PatrolCheckInLog.Timestamp         = DateTime.Now;
                PatrolCheckInLog.Personid          = m.Personid;
                PatrolCheckInLog.Patrolid          = p.Patrolid;

                var HandHeldCheckInLog = new Handheldscheckinout();
                HandHeldCheckInLog.Checkinoutstateid = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.CheckInState;
                HandHeldCheckInLog.Timestamp         = DateTime.Now;
                HandHeldCheckInLog.Personid          = m.Personid;
                HandHeldCheckInLog.Handheldid        = h.Handheldid;


                //record this in personstatechangelog
                var personStateLog = new Patrolpersonstatelog();
                personStateLog.Userid = u.Userid;
                personStateLog.Patrolpersonstateid = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_SunRise;
                personStateLog.Timestamp           = DateTime.Now;
                personStateLog.Personid            = m.Personid;

                Operationlogs ol = new Operationlogs();
                ol.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_CheckInPatrolAndHandHeld;
                ol.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Success;
                ol.Text        = "تم تسليم الفرد: " + GetPerson.Milnumber.ToString() + " " + GetPerson.Name +
                                 "  الدورية رقم: " + p.Platenumber + " والجهاز رقم: " + h.Serial;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_CheckOutPatrolAndHandHeld;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnKnownError;
                ol_failed.Text        = ex.Message;
        public Operationlogs HandOver_Incident_To_Person(Users u, Ahwalmapping m, Incidents i)
                //first we have to check if this Users is authorized to perform this transaction

                //Usersrolesmap permisson_esists = _context.Usersrolesmap.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Userid == u.Userid && r.Userroleid == Core.Handler_User.User_Role_Ops);

                //if (permisson_esists == null)
                //    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                //    ol_failed.Userid = u.Userid;
                //    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
                //    ol_failed.Statusid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnAuthorized;
                //    ol_failed.Text = "المستخدم لايملك صلاحية هذه العمليه";
                //    _oper.Add_New_Operation_Log(ol_failed);
                //    return ol_failed;

                var personmapping = _context.Ahwalmapping.FirstOrDefault <Ahwalmapping>(a => a.Ahwalmappingid == m.Ahwalmappingid);
                if (personmapping == null)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnAuthorized;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على التوزيع رقم: " + m.Ahwalmappingid.ToString();

                var Incidents = _context.Incidents.FirstOrDefault <Incidents>(a => a.Incidentid == i.Incidentid);
                if (Incidents == null)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnAuthorized;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على البلاغ رقم: " + i.Incidentid.ToString();
                //we have to check the state of the person, we cannot hand over Incidents to wrong state
                if (personmapping.Patrolpersonstateid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_SunRise &&
                    personmapping.Patrolpersonstateid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_Sea &&
                    personmapping.Patrolpersonstateid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_Back &&
                    personmapping.Patrolpersonstateid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_WalkingPatrol &&
                    personmapping.Patrolpersonstateid != Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_BackFromWalking)
                    Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                    ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                    ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
                    ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnAuthorized;
                    ol_failed.Text        = "الدورية في حالة لاتسمح باستلام بلاغ" + i.Incidentid.ToString();
                //update mapping to show that person has an Incidents
                personmapping.Incidentid = Incidents.Incidentid;

                Incidents.Lastupdate      = DateTime.Now;
                Incidents.Incidentstateid = Core.Handler_Incidents.Incident_State_HasComments;
                var newIncidentComment = new Incidentscomments();
                newIncidentComment.Incidentid = Incidents.Incidentid;
                newIncidentComment.Userid     = u.Userid;
                newIncidentComment.Text       = "قام بتسليم البلاغ للدورية صاحبة النداء: " + m.Callerid.ToString();
                newIncidentComment.Timestamp  = DateTime.Now;
                AddNewIncidentViewForAllExceptOriginalPoster(u, i);

                Operationlogs ol_success = new Operationlogs();
                ol_success.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol_success.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
                ol_success.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Success;
                ol_success.Text        = "ناجح" + i.Incidentsourceid.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_UnKnownError;
                ol_failed.Text        = ex.Message;
            Operationlogs ol = new Operationlogs();

            ol.Userid      = u.Userid;
            ol.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Incidents_HandOverIncident;
            ol.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Success;
            ol.Text        = "تم تسليم الدورية صاحبة النداء: " + m.Callerid.ToString() + "  البلاغ رقم: " + i.Incidentid.ToString();
Example #5
        public Operationlogs updatePersonState([FromQuery] string selmenu, [FromQuery] int ahwalMappingID, [FromQuery] int Userid)
            //string ol_label = "";
            int PatrolPersonStateID = 0;

            if (selmenu == "غياب")
                PatrolPersonStateID = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_Absent;
            else if (selmenu == "مرضيه")
                PatrolPersonStateID = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_Sick;
            else if (selmenu == "اجازه")
                PatrolPersonStateID = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_Off;

            Ahwalmapping person_mapping_exists = GetAhwal(ahwalMappingID);

            if (person_mapping_exists == null)
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_Ahwal_ChangePersonState;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على التوزيع";

            Persons GetPerson = GetPersonById(person_mapping_exists.Personid);

            if (GetPerson == null)
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_Ahwal_ChangePersonState;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                ol_failed.Text        = "لم يتم العثور على الفرد: " + person_mapping_exists.Personid; //todo, change it actual person name

            //last check
            //if he has devices, dont change his state to anything
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(person_mapping_exists.Hasdevices))
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_Ahwal_ChangePersonState;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                ol_failed.Text        = "هذا المستخدم يملك حاليا اجهزة";

            Operationlogs ol  = new Operationlogs();
            int           ret = 0;
            string        Qry = "";

            Qry = "update AhwalMapping set PatrolPersonStateID = " + PatrolPersonStateID + " , LastStateChangeTimeStamp = '" + DateTime.Now + "' where AhwalMappingId = " + ahwalMappingID;
            ret = DAL.PostGre_ExNonQry(Qry);
            Qry = "insert into patrolpersonstatelog (Userid,PatrolPersonStateID,TimeStamp,Personid) values(" + Userid + " , " + PatrolPersonStateID + " , '" + DateTime.Now + "' , " + person_mapping_exists.Personid + ")";
            ret = DAL.PostGre_ExNonQry(Qry);
            if (ret > 0)
                ol.Userid      = Userid;
                ol.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_Ahwal_ChangePersonState;
                ol.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Success;
                ol.Text        = "احوال تغيير حالة الفرد " + GetPerson.Milnumber + " " + GetPerson.Name;
            ol.Statusid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
            ol.Text     = "Failed";
Example #6
        public Operationlogs PostAddAhwalMapping([FromBody] JObject data)
            Ahwalmapping frm = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Ahwalmapping>(data["ahwalmappingobj"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore
            Users u = data["userobj"].ToObject <Users>();
            //  GetPerson = "";
            // string ol_failed = "";
            //Operationlogs ol = new Operationlogs();
            //we have to check first that this person doesn't exists before in mapping
            Persons GetPerson = GetPersonById(frm.Personid);

            if (GetPerson == null)
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;

                ol_failed.Text = "لم يتم العثور على الفرد: " + frm.Personid; //todo, change it actual person name

            string person_mapping_exists = DAL.PostGre_ExScalar("select count(1) from AhwalMapping where Personid = " + frm.Personid);

            if (person_mapping_exists == null || person_mapping_exists == "0")
                Operationlogs ol_failed = new Operationlogs();
                ol_failed.Userid      = u.Userid;
                ol_failed.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
                ol_failed.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Failed;
                ol_failed.Text        = "هذا الفرد موجود مسبقا، لايمكن اضافته مرة اخرى: " + GetPerson.Milnumber.ToString() + " " + GetPerson.Name;
            frm.Sortingindex     = 10000;
            frm.Hasfixedcallerid = 0;
            if (GetPerson.Fixedcallerid != null)
                if (GetPerson.Fixedcallerid.Trim() != "" && GetPerson.Fixedcallerid != null)
                    frm.Hasfixedcallerid = Convert.ToByte(1);
                    frm.Callerid         = GetPerson.Fixedcallerid.Trim();
            //frm.sunRiseTimeStamp = null;
            //frm.sunSetTimeStamp = null;
            //frm.lastLandTimeStamp = null;
            //frm.incidentID = null;
            frm.Hasdevices = 0;
            //frm.lastAwayTimeStamp = null;
            //frm.lastComeBackTimeStamp = null;
            frm.Patrolpersonstateid = Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolPersonState_None;

            string InsQry = "";

            if (frm.Patrolroleid == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainAllSectors || frm.Patrolroleid == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainShift)
                InsQry = "insert into AhwalMapping(ahwalid,sectorid,citygroupid,shiftid,patrolroleid,Personid,hasDevices," +
                         "patrolPersonStateID,sortingIndex,hasFixedCallerID,callerID) values (" +
                         frm.Ahwalid + "," + frm.Sectorid + "," + frm.Citygroupid + "," + frm.Shiftid + "," + frm.Patrolroleid +
                         "," + frm.Personid + "," + frm.Hasdevices + "," + frm.Patrolpersonstateid + "," + frm.Sortingindex + "," + frm.Hasfixedcallerid +
                         ",'" + frm.Callerid + "')";
            else if (frm.Patrolroleid == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainSector || frm.Patrolroleid == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_SubCaptainSector)
                InsQry = "insert into AhwalMapping(ahwalid,sectorid,citygroupid,shiftid,patrolroleid,Personid,hasDevices," +
                         "patrolPersonStateID,sortingIndex,hasFixedCallerID,callerID) values (" +
                         frm.Ahwalid + "," + frm.Sectorid + "," + frm.Citygroupid + "," + frm.Shiftid + "," + frm.Patrolroleid +
                         "," + frm.Personid + "," + frm.Hasdevices + "," + frm.Patrolpersonstateid + "," + frm.Sortingindex + "," + frm.Hasfixedcallerid +
                         ",'" + frm.Callerid + "')";
            else if (frm.Patrolroleid == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_Associate)
                InsQry = "insert into AhwalMapping(ahwalid,sectorid,citygroupid,shiftid,patrolroleid,Personid,hasDevices," +
                         "patrolPersonStateID,sortingIndex,hasFixedCallerID,callerID) values (" +
                         frm.Ahwalid + "," + frm.Sectorid + "," + frm.Citygroupid + "," + frm.Shiftid + "," + frm.Patrolroleid +
                         "," + frm.Personid + "," + frm.Hasdevices + "," + frm.Patrolpersonstateid + "," + frm.Sortingindex + "," + frm.Hasfixedcallerid +
                         ",'" + frm.Callerid + "')";
                InsQry = "insert into AhwalMapping(ahwalid,sectorid,citygroupid,shiftid,patrolroleid,Personid,hasDevices," +
                         "patrolPersonStateID,sortingIndex,hasFixedCallerID,callerID) values (" +
                         frm.Ahwalid + "," + frm.Sectorid + "," + frm.Citygroupid + "," + frm.Shiftid + "," + frm.Patrolroleid +
                         "," + frm.Personid + "," + frm.Hasdevices + "," + frm.Patrolpersonstateid + "," + frm.Sortingindex + "," + frm.Hasfixedcallerid +
                         ",'" + frm.Callerid + "')";

            int ret = DAL.PostGre_ExNonQry(InsQry);

            Operationlogs ol = new Operationlogs();

            ol.Userid      = u.Userid;
            ol.Operationid = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Mapping_AddNew;
            ol.Statusid    = Handler_Operations.Opeartion_Status_Success;
            ol.Text        = "تم اضافة الفرد: " + GetPerson.Milnumber.ToString() + " " + GetPerson.Name;
        public IActionResult PostAddAhwalMapping([FromBody] JObject RqHdr)
            var selectedRole = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(RqHdr["PatrolRoleId"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore
            var personSelection = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(RqHdr["Milnumber"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore

            var uiSelShiftId = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(RqHdr["ShiftId"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore
            var uiSelSectorId = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(RqHdr["SectorId"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore
            var uiSelCityGroupId = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(RqHdr["CityGroupId"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore

            //var uiSelAhwalMappingID = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(RqHdr["AhwalMappingID"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore });
            var uiSelAssociateAhwalMappingID = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(RqHdr["AssociateAhwalMappingID"].ToString(), new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                NullValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore

            string responsemsg = "";

            if (selectedRole == null)
                responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار المسؤولية";
            if (personSelection == null)
                responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار الفرد";

            Users user = new Users();

            user.Userid = Convert.ToInt32(RqHdr["userid"]);

            var personMilNumber = Convert.ToInt64(personSelection.ToString());

            var person = _person.GetPersonForUserForRole(user, personMilNumber, Handler_User.User_Role_Ahwal);

            if (person == null)
                responsemsg = "لم يتم العثور على الفرد";

            var m = new Ahwalmapping();

            if (Convert.ToInt64(selectedRole) == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainAllSectors ||
                Convert.ToInt64(selectedRole) == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainShift)
                var shiftSelection = uiSelShiftId;
                if (shiftSelection == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار الشفت";
                var personID = person.Personid;
                m.Ahwalid  = person.Ahwalid;
                m.Sectorid = Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.Sector_Public;
                //the first result of an ahwal will alway be the generic public sector
                var cityID = _context.Citygroups.FirstOrDefault <Citygroups>(ec => ec.Ahwalid == person.Ahwalid);
                m.Citygroupid = cityID.Citygroupid;// Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.CityGroup_Sector_Public_CityGroupNone;
                m.Shiftid     = Convert.ToInt16(shiftSelection.ToString());
                m.Patrolid    = Convert.ToInt16(selectedRole);
                m.Personid    = personID;
                Operationlogs result;
                //if (Request.Form["AhwalMappingAddMethod"] == "UPDATE")
                //    m.Ahwalmappingid = Convert.ToInt64(uiSelAhwalMappingID);
                //    result = _ahwalmapping.UpDateMapping(user, m);
                result = _ahwalmapping.AddNewMapping(user, m);
                responsemsg = result.Text;
            else if (Convert.ToInt64(selectedRole) == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_CaptainSector ||
                     Convert.ToInt64(selectedRole) == Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_SubCaptainSector)
                var shiftSelection = uiSelShiftId;
                if (shiftSelection == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار الشفت";
                var personID = person.Personid;
                m.Ahwalid = person.Ahwalid;
                var sectorSelection = uiSelSectorId;
                if (sectorSelection == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار القطاع";

                m.Sectorid = Convert.ToInt16(uiSelSectorId.ToString());

                //the first result of an ahwal and sector, will alwayy be considered as the public sector
                var cityID = _context.Citygroups.FirstOrDefault <Citygroups>(ec => ec.Ahwalid == person.Ahwalid && ec.Sectorid == m.Sectorid);
                m.Citygroupid = cityID.Citygroupid;// Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.CityGroup_Sector_Public_CityGroupNone;
                m.Shiftid     = Convert.ToInt16(uiSelShiftId.ToString());
                m.Patrolid    = Convert.ToInt16(selectedRole);
                m.Personid    = personID;
                Operationlogs result;
                //if (Request.Form["AhwalMappingAddMethod"] == "UPDATE")
                //    m.Ahwalmappingid = Convert.ToInt64(uiSelAhwalMappingID);
                //    result = _ahwalmapping.UpDateMapping(user, m);
                result = _ahwalmapping.AddNewMapping(user, m);

                //  }
                responsemsg = result.Text;
            else if (Convert.ToInt64(selectedRole) == Core.Handler_AhwalMapping.PatrolRole_Associate)
                var associateSelectionmappingID = uiSelAssociateAhwalMappingID;
                if (associateSelectionmappingID == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار المرافق";

                var ahwalMappingForAssociate = _ahwalmapping.GetMappingByID(user, Convert.ToInt64(associateSelectionmappingID.ToString()), Core.Handler_User.User_Role_Ahwal);
                if (ahwalMappingForAssociate != null)
                    var personID = person.Personid;
                    if (personID == ahwalMappingForAssociate.Personid)
                        responsemsg = "المرافق نفس الفرد، ماهذا ؟؟؟؟";

                    m.Ahwalid            = ahwalMappingForAssociate.Ahwalid;
                    m.Personid           = personID;
                    m.Associtatepersonid = ahwalMappingForAssociate.Personid;
                    m.Sectorid           = ahwalMappingForAssociate.Sectorid;
                    m.Citygroupid        = ahwalMappingForAssociate.Citygroupid;
                    m.Shiftid            = ahwalMappingForAssociate.Shiftid;
                    m.Patrolid           = Convert.ToInt16(selectedRole);
                    Operationlogs result;
                    //if (Request.Form["AhwalMappingAddMethod"] == "UPDATE")
                    //    m.Ahwalmappingid = Convert.ToInt64(uiSelAhwalMappingID);
                    //    result = _ahwalmapping.UpDateMapping(user, m);
                    result = _ahwalmapping.AddNewMapping(user, m);

                    // }
                    responsemsg = result.Text;
                var shiftSelection = uiSelShiftId;
                if (shiftSelection == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار الشفت";
                var personID = person.Personid;
                m.Ahwalid = person.Ahwalid;
                var sectorSelection = uiSelSectorId;
                if (sectorSelection == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار القطاع";
                var citySelection = uiSelCityGroupId;
                if (citySelection == null)
                    responsemsg = "يرجى اختيار المنطقة";
                m.Sectorid    = Convert.ToInt16(uiSelSectorId.ToString());
                m.Citygroupid = Convert.ToInt16(uiSelCityGroupId.ToString());
                m.Shiftid     = Convert.ToInt16(uiSelShiftId.ToString());
                m.Patrolid    = Convert.ToInt16(selectedRole);
                m.Personid    = personID;
                Operationlogs result;
                //if (Request.Form["AhwalMappingAddMethod"] == "UPDATE")
                //    m.Ahwalmappingid = Convert.ToInt64(uiSelAhwalMappingID);
                //    result = _ahwalmapping.UpDateMapping(user, m);
                result = _ahwalmapping.AddNewMapping(user, m);

                // }

                responsemsg = result.Text;