public MSL_Agreement_Search() { InitializeComponent(); AgmResult.Hide(); AgmWait.Hide(); SetConnectionString(); }
private void AgmSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CountryName = Country.Text; ProgramName = Program.Text; CustomerTypeCode = CustomerType.Text; AgmType = AgreementType.Text; Agmcontract = ContractType.Text; Status = AgmStatus.Text; if (CountryName == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Country"); } else if (ProgramName == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Program Name"); } else if (CustomerTypeCode == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Customer Type"); } else if (AgmType == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Agreement Type"); } else if (Agmcontract == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Agreement Contract"); } else if (Status == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Agreement Status"); } else { AgmWait.Show(); AgmSearch.Enabled = false; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { string countryCode = GetCountryCode(CountryName); string programCode = GetProgramCode(ProgramName); string customerType = GetCustomerTypeCode(CustomerTypeCode); string AType = GetAgmType(AgmType); string AContract = GetAgmContract(Agmcontract); string AStatus = GetAgmStatus(Status); AgmResult.Show(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format(@"select A.Agreementnumber,A.Programcode,AP.CustomerTypeCode,A.StartEffectiveDate, A.ContractTypeCode,A.LicenseAgreementTypeCode, * from Agreement A join AgreementParticipant AP on A.AgreementID = AP.AgreementID where SalesLocationCode = '{0}' and Programcode = '{1}' and AgreementTypeCode = '{2}' and CustomerTypeCode ='{3}' and AgreementStatusCode = '{4}' and ContractTypeCode='{5}' order by A.StartEffectiveDate desc", countryCode, programCode, AType, customerType, AStatus, AContract), conn); conn.Open(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(dt); AgmWait.Hide(); AgmResult.DataSource = dt; AgmResult.Show(); AgmSearch.Enabled = true; } } }