private static async Task <List <T> > ToListWithMultipleSortAsync <T>(this Client client, string whereQuery, int skip, int take, List <RedisearchSortDescriptor> sorts)
            where T : class, new()
            PropertyInfo[] props = Helpers.GetModelProperties <T>().Where(x => x.GetSetMethod() != null).ToArray();
            SortedField[]  sort  = sorts.Select(x => new SortedField($"@{x.PropertyName}", x.Ascending ? Order.Ascending : Order.Descending))
            string[]           returnFields = props.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();
            AggregationBuilder aggregation  = new AggregationBuilder(whereQuery).Load(returnFields)
                                              .Limit(skip, take);
            AggregationResult aggreagate = await client.AggregateAsync(aggregation);

            IReadOnlyList <Dictionary <string, RedisValue> > aggregationResult = aggreagate.GetResults();

            return(aggregationResult.Select(x => SerializeProperties <T>(props, x.ToList()))
Example #2
        public void TestGetTagFieldUnf()
            // Add version check

            Client cl = GetClient();

            // Check that UNF can't be given to non-sortable filed
            try {
                var temp = new Schema().AddField(new TextField("non-sortable-unf", 1.0, sortable: false, unNormalizedForm: true));
            } catch (ArgumentException) {

            Schema sc = new Schema().AddSortableTextField("txt").AddSortableTextField("txt_unf", unf: true).
                        AddSortableTagField("tag").AddSortableTagField("tag_unf", unNormalizedForm: true);

            Assert.True(cl.CreateIndex(sc, new ConfiguredIndexOptions()));
            Db.Execute("HSET", "doc1", "txt", "FOO", "txt_unf", "FOO", "tag", "FOO", "tag_unf", "FOO");

            AggregationBuilder r = new AggregationBuilder()
                                   .GroupBy(new List <string> {
                "@txt", "@txt_unf", "@tag", "@tag_unf"
            }, new List <Aggregation.Reducers.Reducer> {

            AggregationResult res = cl.Aggregate(r);
            var results           = res.GetResults()[0];

            Assert.Equal(4, results.Count);
            Assert.Equal("foo", results["txt"]);
            Assert.Equal("FOO", results["txt_unf"]);
            Assert.Equal("foo", results["tag"]);
            Assert.Equal("FOO", results["tag_unf"]);