Example #1
 public virtual ApplicationResourceUsageReport GetResourceUsageReport()
     lock (this)
         AggregateAppResourceUsage resUsage = GetRunningAggregateAppResourceUsage();
         return(ApplicationResourceUsageReport.NewInstance(liveContainers.Count, reservedContainers
                                                           .Count, Resources.Clone(currentConsumption), Resources.Clone(currentReservation)
                                                           , Resources.Add(currentConsumption, currentReservation), resUsage.GetMemorySeconds
                                                               (), resUsage.GetVcoreSeconds()));
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestUsageWithOneAttemptAndOneContainer()
            MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);

            MockNM nm = new MockNM("", 15120, rm.GetResourceTrackerService());

            RMApp        app0         = rm.SubmitApp(200);
            RMAppMetrics rmAppMetrics = app0.GetRMAppMetrics();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Before app submittion, memory seconds should have been 0 but was "
                                          + rmAppMetrics.GetMemorySeconds(), rmAppMetrics.GetMemorySeconds() == 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Before app submission, vcore seconds should have been 0 but was "
                                          + rmAppMetrics.GetVcoreSeconds(), rmAppMetrics.GetVcoreSeconds() == 0);
            RMAppAttempt attempt0 = app0.GetCurrentAppAttempt();

            MockAM am0 = rm.SendAMLaunched(attempt0.GetAppAttemptId());

            RMContainer rmContainer = rm.GetResourceScheduler().GetRMContainer(attempt0.GetMasterContainer
            // Allow metrics to accumulate.
            int sleepInterval       = 1000;
            int cumulativeSleepTime = 0;

            while (rmAppMetrics.GetMemorySeconds() <= 0 && cumulativeSleepTime < 5000)
                cumulativeSleepTime += sleepInterval;
            rmAppMetrics = app0.GetRMAppMetrics();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("While app is running, memory seconds should be >0 but is "
                                          + rmAppMetrics.GetMemorySeconds(), rmAppMetrics.GetMemorySeconds() > 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("While app is running, vcore seconds should be >0 but is "
                                          + rmAppMetrics.GetVcoreSeconds(), rmAppMetrics.GetVcoreSeconds() > 0);
            MockRM.FinishAMAndVerifyAppState(app0, rm, nm, am0);
            AggregateAppResourceUsage ru = CalculateContainerResourceMetrics(rmContainer);

            rmAppMetrics = app0.GetRMAppMetrics();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Unexcpected MemorySeconds value", ru.GetMemorySeconds
                                                (), rmAppMetrics.GetMemorySeconds());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Unexpected VcoreSeconds value", ru.GetVcoreSeconds
                                                (), rmAppMetrics.GetVcoreSeconds());
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void AmRestartTests(bool keepRunningContainers)
            MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);

            RMApp app = rm.SubmitApp(200, "name", "user", new Dictionary <ApplicationAccessType
                                                                          , string>(), false, "default", -1, null, "MAPREDUCE", false, keepRunningContainers
            MockNM nm = new MockNM("", 10240, rm.GetResourceTrackerService());

            MockAM am0           = MockRM.LaunchAndRegisterAM(app, rm, nm);
            int    NumContainers = 1;

            // allocate NUM_CONTAINERS containers
            am0.Allocate("", 1024, NumContainers, new AList <ContainerId>());
            // wait for containers to be allocated.
            IList <Container> containers = am0.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(), new AList

            while (containers.Count != NumContainers)
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(containers, am0.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(),
                                                                    new AList <ContainerId>()).GetAllocatedContainers());
            // launch the 2nd container.
            ContainerId containerId2 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(am0.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      (), 2);

            nm.NodeHeartbeat(am0.GetApplicationAttemptId(), containerId2.GetContainerId(), ContainerState
            rm.WaitForState(nm, containerId2, RMContainerState.Running);
            // Capture the containers here so the metrics can be calculated after the
            // app has completed.
            ICollection <RMContainer> rmContainers = rm.scheduler.GetSchedulerAppInfo(am0.GetApplicationAttemptId
            // fail the first app attempt by sending CONTAINER_FINISHED event without
            // registering.
            ContainerId amContainerId = app.GetCurrentAppAttempt().GetMasterContainer().GetId

            nm.NodeHeartbeat(am0.GetApplicationAttemptId(), amContainerId.GetContainerId(), ContainerState
            long memorySeconds = 0;
            long vcoreSeconds  = 0;

            // Calculate container usage metrics for first attempt.
            if (keepRunningContainers)
                // Only calculate the usage for the one container that has completed.
                foreach (RMContainer c in rmContainers)
                    if (c.GetContainerId().Equals(amContainerId))
                        AggregateAppResourceUsage ru = CalculateContainerResourceMetrics(c);
                        memorySeconds += ru.GetMemorySeconds();
                        vcoreSeconds  += ru.GetVcoreSeconds();
                        // The remaining container should be RUNNING.
                        NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("After first attempt failed, remaining container "
                                                      + "should still be running. ", c.GetContainerState().Equals(ContainerState.Running
                // If keepRunningContainers is false, all live containers should now
                // be completed. Calculate the resource usage metrics for all of them.
                foreach (RMContainer c in rmContainers)
                    AggregateAppResourceUsage ru = CalculateContainerResourceMetrics(c);
                    memorySeconds += ru.GetMemorySeconds();
                    vcoreSeconds  += ru.GetVcoreSeconds();
            // wait for app to start a new attempt.
            rm.WaitForState(app.GetApplicationId(), RMAppState.Accepted);
            // assert this is a new AM.
            RMAppAttempt attempt2 = app.GetCurrentAppAttempt();

            // launch the new AM
            MockAM am1 = rm.SendAMLaunched(attempt2.GetAppAttemptId());

            // allocate NUM_CONTAINERS containers
            am1.Allocate("", 1024, NumContainers, new AList <ContainerId>());
            // wait for containers to be allocated.
            containers = am1.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(), new AList <ContainerId>())
            while (containers.Count != NumContainers)
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(containers, am1.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(),
                                                                    new AList <ContainerId>()).GetAllocatedContainers());
            rm.WaitForState(app.GetApplicationId(), RMAppState.Running);
            // Capture running containers for later use by metrics calculations.
            rmContainers = rm.scheduler.GetSchedulerAppInfo(attempt2.GetAppAttemptId()).GetLiveContainers
            // complete container by sending the container complete event which has
            // earlier attempt's attemptId
            amContainerId = app.GetCurrentAppAttempt().GetMasterContainer().GetId();
            nm.NodeHeartbeat(am0.GetApplicationAttemptId(), amContainerId.GetContainerId(), ContainerState
            MockRM.FinishAMAndVerifyAppState(app, rm, nm, am1);
            // Calculate container usage metrics for second attempt.
            foreach (RMContainer c_1 in rmContainers)
                AggregateAppResourceUsage ru = CalculateContainerResourceMetrics(c_1);
                memorySeconds += ru.GetMemorySeconds();
                vcoreSeconds  += ru.GetVcoreSeconds();
            RMAppMetrics rmAppMetrics = app.GetRMAppMetrics();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Unexcpected MemorySeconds value", memorySeconds,
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Unexpected VcoreSeconds value", vcoreSeconds, rmAppMetrics
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestUsageWithMultipleContainersAndRMRestart()
            // Set max attempts to 1 so that when the first attempt fails, the app
            // won't try to start a new one.
            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmAmMaxAttempts, 1);
            conf.SetBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RecoveryEnabled, true);
            conf.SetBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RmWorkPreservingRecoveryEnabled, false);
            MemoryRMStateStore memStore = new MemoryRMStateStore();

            MockRM rm0 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);

            MockNM nm = new MockNM("", 65536, rm0.GetResourceTrackerService());

            RMApp app0 = rm0.SubmitApp(200);

            rm0.WaitForState(app0.GetApplicationId(), RMAppState.Accepted);
            RMAppAttempt         attempt0   = app0.GetCurrentAppAttempt();
            ApplicationAttemptId attemptId0 = attempt0.GetAppAttemptId();

            rm0.WaitForState(attemptId0, RMAppAttemptState.Scheduled);
            rm0.WaitForState(attemptId0, RMAppAttemptState.Allocated);
            MockAM am0 = rm0.SendAMLaunched(attempt0.GetAppAttemptId());

            int NumContainers = 2;

            am0.Allocate("", 1000, NumContainers, new AList <ContainerId>());
            IList <Container> conts = am0.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(), new AList <ContainerId

            while (conts.Count != NumContainers)
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(conts, am0.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(), new
                                                               AList <ContainerId>()).GetAllocatedContainers());
            // launch the 2nd and 3rd containers.
            foreach (Container c in conts)
                nm.NodeHeartbeat(attempt0.GetAppAttemptId(), c.GetId().GetContainerId(), ContainerState
                rm0.WaitForState(nm, c.GetId(), RMContainerState.Running);
            // Get the RMContainers for all of the live containers, to be used later
            // for metrics calculations and comparisons.
            ICollection <RMContainer> rmContainers = rm0.scheduler.GetSchedulerAppInfo(attempt0
            // Allow metrics to accumulate.
            int sleepInterval       = 1000;
            int cumulativeSleepTime = 0;

            while (app0.GetRMAppMetrics().GetMemorySeconds() <= 0 && cumulativeSleepTime < 5000
                cumulativeSleepTime += sleepInterval;
            // Stop all non-AM containers
            foreach (Container c_1 in conts)
                if (c_1.GetId().GetContainerId() == 1)
                nm.NodeHeartbeat(attempt0.GetAppAttemptId(), c_1.GetId().GetContainerId(), ContainerState
                rm0.WaitForState(nm, c_1.GetId(), RMContainerState.Completed);
            // After all other containers have completed, manually complete the master
            // container in order to trigger a save to the state store of the resource
            // usage metrics. This will cause the attempt to fail, and, since the max
            // attempt retries is 1, the app will also fail. This is intentional so
            // that all containers will complete prior to saving.
            ContainerId cId = ContainerId.NewContainerId(attempt0.GetAppAttemptId(), 1);

            nm.NodeHeartbeat(attempt0.GetAppAttemptId(), cId.GetContainerId(), ContainerState
            rm0.WaitForState(nm, cId, RMContainerState.Completed);
            // Check that the container metrics match those from the app usage report.
            long memorySeconds = 0;
            long vcoreSeconds  = 0;

            foreach (RMContainer c_2 in rmContainers)
                AggregateAppResourceUsage ru = CalculateContainerResourceMetrics(c_2);
                memorySeconds += ru.GetMemorySeconds();
                vcoreSeconds  += ru.GetVcoreSeconds();
            RMAppMetrics metricsBefore = app0.GetRMAppMetrics();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Unexcpected MemorySeconds value", memorySeconds,
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Unexpected VcoreSeconds value", vcoreSeconds, metricsBefore
            // create new RM to represent RM restart. Load up the state store.
            MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf, memStore);

            RMApp app0After = rm1.GetRMContext().GetRMApps()[app0.GetApplicationId()];
            // Compare container resource usage metrics from before and after restart.
            RMAppMetrics metricsAfter = app0After.GetRMAppMetrics();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Vcore seconds were not the same after RM Restart"
                                            , metricsBefore.GetVcoreSeconds(), metricsAfter.GetVcoreSeconds());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Memory seconds were not the same after RM Restart"
                                            , metricsBefore.GetMemorySeconds(), metricsAfter.GetMemorySeconds());