/// <summary>
            /// Builds an AgentUpdate packet entirely from parameters. This
            /// will not touch the state of Self.Movement or
            /// Self.Movement.Camera in any way
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="controlFlags"></param>
            /// <param name="position"></param>
            /// <param name="forwardAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="leftAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="upAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="bodyRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="headRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="farClip"></param>
            /// <param name="reliable"></param>
            /// <param name="flags"></param>
            /// <param name="state"></param>
            public void SendManualUpdate(AgentManager.ControlFlags controlFlags, Vector3 position, Vector3 forwardAxis,
                                         Vector3 leftAxis, Vector3 upAxis, Quaternion bodyRotation, Quaternion headRotation, float farClip,
                                         AgentFlags flags, AgentState state, bool reliable)
                // Since version 1.40.4 of the Linden simulator, sending this update
                // causes corruption of the agent position in the simulator
                if (Client.Network.CurrentSim != null && (!Client.Network.CurrentSim.HandshakeComplete))

                AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

                update.AgentData.AgentID        = Client.Self.AgentID;
                update.AgentData.SessionID      = Client.Self.SessionID;
                update.AgentData.BodyRotation   = bodyRotation;
                update.AgentData.HeadRotation   = headRotation;
                update.AgentData.CameraCenter   = position;
                update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = forwardAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = leftAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = upAxis;
                update.AgentData.Far            = farClip;
                update.AgentData.ControlFlags   = (uint)controlFlags;
                update.AgentData.Flags          = (byte)flags;
                update.AgentData.State          = (byte)state;

                update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reliable"></param>
        public void UpdateCamera(bool reliable)
            AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

            update.AgentData.AgentID      = Client.Network.AgentID;
            update.AgentData.SessionID    = Client.Network.SessionID;
            update.AgentData.State        = 0;
            update.AgentData.BodyRotation = new LLQuaternion(0, 0.6519076f, 0, 0);
            update.AgentData.HeadRotation = new LLQuaternion();
            // Semi-sane default values
            update.AgentData.CameraCenter   = new LLVector3(9.549901f, 7.033957f, 11.75f);
            update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = new LLVector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0);
            update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = new LLVector3(-0.7f, 0.7f, 0);
            update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = new LLVector3(0.1822026f, 0.9828722f, 0);
            update.AgentData.Far            = 384;
            update.AgentData.ControlFlags   = 0;
            update.AgentData.Flags          = 0;
            update.Header.Reliable          = reliable;


            // Send an AgentFOV packet widening our field of vision

            /*AgentFOVPacket fovPacket = new AgentFOVPacket();
             * fovPacket.AgentData.AgentID = this.ID;
             * fovPacket.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
             * fovPacket.AgentData.CircuitCode = simulator.CircuitCode;
             * fovPacket.FOVBlock.GenCounter = 0;
             * fovPacket.FOVBlock.VerticalAngle = 6.28318531f;
             * fovPacket.Header.Reliable = true;
             * Client.Network.SendPacket((Packet)fovPacket);*/
        private Packet mProxy_AgentUpdatePacketReceived(Packet p, IPEndPoint ep)
            AgentUpdatePacket packet = p as AgentUpdatePacket;

            mLastUpdatePacket = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //Console.WriteLine("Recieved agent update packet. " + mLastUpdatePacket);

            /*Vector3 pos = packet.AgentData.CameraCenter;
             * if (mFrame.Core.ControlMode == ControlMode.Absolute) {
             *  //new Thread(() => {
             *  if (mViewerConfig.CheckForPause) {
             *      string key = MakeKey(pos);
             *      lock (mUnackedUpdates) {
             *          if (mUnackedUpdates.ContainsKey(key))
             *              mUnackedUpdates.Remove(key);
             *      }
             *      CheckForPause();
             *  }
             *  //}).Start();
             * }
             * if (pPositionChanged != null)
             *  pPositionChanged(pos, new Rotation(packet.AgentData.CameraAtAxis));*/
Example #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate packet to update our current camera
            /// position and rotation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="reliable">Whether to require server acknowledgement
            /// of this packet</param>
            /// <param name="simulator">Simulator to send the update to</param>
            public void SendUpdate(bool reliable, Simulator simulator)
                LLVector3 origin = Camera.Position;
                LLVector3 xAxis  = Camera.LeftAxis;
                LLVector3 yAxis  = Camera.AtAxis;
                LLVector3 zAxis  = Camera.UpAxis;

                // Attempted to sort these in a rough order of how often they might change
                if (agentControls == 0 &&
                    yAxis == LastCameraYAxis &&
                    origin == LastCameraCenter &&
                    State == lastState &&
                    HeadRotation == LastHeadRotation &&
                    BodyRotation == LastBodyRotation &&
                    xAxis == LastCameraXAxis &&
                    Camera.Far == LastFar &&
                    zAxis == LastCameraZAxis)
                    duplicateCount = 0;

                if (Client.Settings.CONTINUOUS_AGENT_UPDATES || duplicateCount < 10)
                    // Store the current state to do duplicate checking in the future
                    LastHeadRotation = HeadRotation;
                    LastBodyRotation = BodyRotation;
                    LastCameraYAxis  = yAxis;
                    LastCameraCenter = origin;
                    LastCameraXAxis  = xAxis;
                    LastCameraZAxis  = zAxis;
                    LastFar          = Camera.Far;
                    lastState        = State;

                    // Build the AgentUpdate packet and send it
                    AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
                    update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

                    update.AgentData.AgentID        = Client.Self.AgentID;
                    update.AgentData.SessionID      = Client.Self.SessionID;
                    update.AgentData.HeadRotation   = HeadRotation;
                    update.AgentData.BodyRotation   = BodyRotation;
                    update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = yAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraCenter   = origin;
                    update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = xAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = zAxis;
                    update.AgentData.Far            = Camera.Far;
                    update.AgentData.State          = (byte)State;
                    update.AgentData.ControlFlags   = agentControls;
                    update.AgentData.Flags          = (byte)Flags;

                    Client.Network.SendPacket(update, simulator);

Example #5
        void AgentUpdateHandler(Packet packet, Agent agent)
            AgentUpdatePacket update = (AgentUpdatePacket)packet;

            agent.Avatar.Rotation = update.AgentData.BodyRotation;
            agent.ControlFlags    = (AgentManager.ControlFlags)update.AgentData.ControlFlags;
            agent.State           = update.AgentData.State;
            agent.Flags           = (PrimFlags)update.AgentData.Flags;

            ObjectUpdatePacket fullUpdate = SimulationObject.BuildFullUpdate(agent.Avatar,
                                                                             server.RegionHandle, agent.State, agent.Flags);

            server.UDP.BroadcastPacket(fullUpdate, PacketCategory.State);
Example #6
 void SendAgentUpdate(SecondLife client, uint ControlID)
     AgentUpdatePacket p = new AgentUpdatePacket();
     p.AgentData.Far = DRAW_DISTANCE;
     //LLVector3 myPos = client.Self.Position;
     p.AgentData.CameraCenter = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
     p.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
     p.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
     p.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
     p.AgentData.HeadRotation = new LLQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); ;
     p.AgentData.BodyRotation = new LLQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); ;
     p.AgentData.AgentID = client.Network.AgentID;
     p.AgentData.SessionID = client.Network.SessionID;
     p.AgentData.ControlFlags = ControlID;
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate
            /// </summary>
            public void SendUpdate()
                AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

                update.AgentData.AgentID        = Client.Network.AgentID;
                update.AgentData.SessionID      = Client.Network.SessionID;
                update.AgentData.HeadRotation   = Camera.HeadRotation;
                update.AgentData.BodyRotation   = Camera.BodyRotation;
                update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = Camera.CameraAtAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraCenter   = Camera.CameraCenter;
                update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = Camera.CameraLeftAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = Camera.CameraUpAxis;
                update.AgentData.ControlFlags   = agentControls;
                update.AgentData.Far            = Camera.Far;

Example #8
        public void SitNow()
            plugin.SendUserAlert("Activated Sit");

            AgentUpdatePacket a = new AgentUpdatePacket();
            a.Type = PacketType.AgentUpdate;
            a.AgentData = new AgentUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock();
            a.AgentData.AgentID = frame.AgentID;
            a.AgentData.BodyRotation = Quaternion.Identity;
            a.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = shared.CameraAtAxis;
            a.AgentData.CameraCenter = shared.CameraPosition;
            a.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = shared.CameraLeftAxis;
            a.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = shared.CameraUpAxis;
            a.AgentData.ControlFlags = 131072;
            a.AgentData.Far = shared.Far;
            a.AgentData.Flags = 0;
            a.AgentData.HeadRotation = Quaternion.Identity;
            a.AgentData.SessionID = frame.SessionID;
            a.AgentData.State = 0;

            proxy.InjectPacket(a, Direction.Outgoing);
            /// <summary>
            /// Builds an AgentUpdate packet entirely from parameters. This
            /// will not touch the state of Self.Movement or
            /// Self.Movement.Camera in any way
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="controlFlags"></param>
            /// <param name="position"></param>
            /// <param name="forwardAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="leftAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="upAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="bodyRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="headRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="farClip"></param>
            /// <param name="reliable"></param>
            /// <param name="flags"></param>
            /// <param name="state"></param>
            public void SendManualUpdate(AgentManager.ControlFlags controlFlags, Vector3 position, Vector3 forwardAxis,
                                         Vector3 leftAxis, Vector3 upAxis, Quaternion bodyRotation, Quaternion headRotation, float farClip,
                                         AgentFlags flags, AgentState state, bool reliable)
                AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

                update.AgentData.AgentID        = Client.Self.AgentID;
                update.AgentData.SessionID      = Client.Self.SessionID;
                update.AgentData.BodyRotation   = bodyRotation;
                update.AgentData.HeadRotation   = headRotation;
                update.AgentData.CameraCenter   = position;
                update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = forwardAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = leftAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = upAxis;
                update.AgentData.Far            = farClip;
                update.AgentData.ControlFlags   = (uint)controlFlags;
                update.AgentData.Flags          = (byte)flags;
                update.AgentData.State          = (byte)state;

                update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

Example #10
        public void SitNow()
            plugin.SendUserAlert("Activated Sit");

            AgentUpdatePacket a = new AgentUpdatePacket();

            a.Type                     = PacketType.AgentUpdate;
            a.AgentData                = new AgentUpdatePacket.AgentDataBlock();
            a.AgentData.AgentID        = frame.AgentID;
            a.AgentData.BodyRotation   = Quaternion.Identity;
            a.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = shared.CameraAtAxis;
            a.AgentData.CameraCenter   = shared.CameraPosition;
            a.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = shared.CameraLeftAxis;
            a.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = shared.CameraUpAxis;
            a.AgentData.ControlFlags   = 131072;
            a.AgentData.Far            = shared.Far;
            a.AgentData.Flags          = 0;
            a.AgentData.HeadRotation   = Quaternion.Identity;
            a.AgentData.SessionID      = frame.SessionID;
            a.AgentData.State          = 0;

            proxy.InjectPacket(a, Direction.Outgoing);
Example #11
        public void HandleUpdate(AgentUpdatePacket pack)
            if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY) != 0)
                if (this._physActor.Flying == false)
                    this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_FLY"];
                    this.anim_seq     = 1;
                this._physActor.Flying = true;
                if (this._physActor.Flying == true)
                    this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_STAND"];
                    this.anim_seq     = 1;
                this._physActor.Flying = false;
            if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS) != 0)
                Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z);
                if (((movementflag & 1) == 0) || (q != this.bodyRot))
                    if (((movementflag & 1) == 0) && (!this._physActor.Flying))
                        this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_WALK"];
                        this.anim_seq     = 1;

                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity        = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3    = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = q * v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f);
                    if (this._physActor.Flying)
                        direc *= 2;

                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 1;
                    this.bodyRot = q;
            else if ((((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS) != 0) && (PhysicsEngineFlying))
                if (((movementflag & 2) == 0) && this._physActor.Flying)
                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity        = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3    = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc         = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f * 2);
                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 2;
            else if ((((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG) != 0) && (PhysicsEngineFlying))
                if (((movementflag & 4) == 0) && this._physActor.Flying)
                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity     = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(0, 0, -1);
                    //Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc         = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f * 2);
                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 4;
            else if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG) != 0)
                Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z);
                if (((movementflag & 8) == 0) || (q != this.bodyRot))
                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity        = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3    = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = q * v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f);
                    if (this._physActor.Flying)
                        direc *= 2;

                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 8;
                    this.bodyRot = q;
                if (movementflag == 16)
                    movementflag = 0;
                if ((movementflag) != 0)
                    NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce();
                    newVelocity.X = 0;
                    newVelocity.Y = 0;
                    newVelocity.Z = 0;
                    movementflag = 0;
                    // We're standing still, so make it show!
                    if (this._physActor.Flying == false)
                        this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_STAND"];
                        this.anim_seq     = 1;
                    this.movementflag = 16;
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate
            /// </summary>
            public void SendUpdate()
                AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
                update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
                update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
                update.AgentData.HeadRotation = Camera.HeadRotation;
                update.AgentData.BodyRotation = Camera.BodyRotation;
                update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = Camera.CameraAtAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraCenter = Camera.CameraCenter;
                update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = Camera.CameraLeftAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = Camera.CameraUpAxis;
                update.AgentData.ControlFlags = agentControls;
                update.AgentData.Far = Camera.Far;

Example #13
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate packet to update our current camera
            /// position and rotation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="reliable">Whether to require server acknowledgement
            /// of this packet</param>
            /// <param name="simulator">Simulator to send the update to</param>
            public void SendUpdate(bool reliable, Simulator simulator)
                // Since version 1.40.4 of the Linden simulator, sending this update
                // causes corruption of the agent position in the simulator
                if (simulator != null && (!simulator.AgentMovementComplete))

                Vector3 origin = Camera.Position;
                Vector3 xAxis  = Camera.LeftAxis;
                Vector3 yAxis  = Camera.AtAxis;
                Vector3 zAxis  = Camera.UpAxis;

                // Attempted to sort these in a rough order of how often they might change
                if (agentControls == 0 &&
                    yAxis == LastCameraYAxis &&
                    origin == LastCameraCenter &&
                    State == lastState &&
                    HeadRotation == LastHeadRotation &&
                    BodyRotation == LastBodyRotation &&
                    xAxis == LastCameraXAxis &&
                    Camera.Far == LastFar &&
                    zAxis == LastCameraZAxis)
                    duplicateCount = 0;

                if (Client.Settings.DISABLE_AGENT_UPDATE_DUPLICATE_CHECK || duplicateCount < 10)
                    // Store the current state to do duplicate checking
                    LastHeadRotation = HeadRotation;
                    LastBodyRotation = BodyRotation;
                    LastCameraYAxis  = yAxis;
                    LastCameraCenter = origin;
                    LastCameraXAxis  = xAxis;
                    LastCameraZAxis  = zAxis;
                    LastFar          = Camera.Far;
                    lastState        = State;

                    // Build the AgentUpdate packet and send it
                    AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
                    update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

                    update.AgentData.AgentID        = Client.Self.AgentID;
                    update.AgentData.SessionID      = Client.Self.SessionID;
                    update.AgentData.HeadRotation   = HeadRotation;
                    update.AgentData.BodyRotation   = BodyRotation;
                    update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis   = xAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraCenter   = origin;
                    update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = yAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis   = zAxis;
                    update.AgentData.Far            = Camera.Far;
                    update.AgentData.State          = (byte)State;
                    update.AgentData.ControlFlags   = agentControls;
                    update.AgentData.Flags          = (byte)Flags;

                    Client.Network.SendPacket(update, simulator);

                    if (autoResetControls)
Example #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Builds an AgentUpdate packet entirely from parameters. This
            /// will not touch the state of Self.Movement or
            /// Self.Movement.Camera in any way
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="controlFlags"></param>
            /// <param name="position"></param>
            /// <param name="forwardAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="leftAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="upAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="bodyRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="headRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="farClip"></param>
            /// <param name="reliable"></param>
            /// <param name="flags"></param>
            /// <param name="state"></param>
            public void SendManualUpdate(AgentManager.ControlFlags controlFlags, Vector3 position, Vector3 forwardAxis,
                Vector3 leftAxis, Vector3 upAxis, Quaternion bodyRotation, Quaternion headRotation, float farClip,
                AgentFlags flags, AgentState state, bool reliable)
                AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

                update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
                update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
                update.AgentData.BodyRotation = bodyRotation;
                update.AgentData.HeadRotation = headRotation;
                update.AgentData.CameraCenter = position;
                update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = forwardAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = leftAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = upAxis;
                update.AgentData.Far = farClip;
                update.AgentData.ControlFlags = (uint)controlFlags;
                update.AgentData.Flags = (byte)flags;
                update.AgentData.State = (byte)state;

                update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reliable"></param>
        public void UpdateCamera(bool reliable)
            AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
            update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
            update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            update.AgentData.State = 0;
            update.AgentData.BodyRotation = new LLQuaternion(0, 0.6519076f, 0, 0);
            update.AgentData.HeadRotation = new LLQuaternion();
            // Semi-sane default values
            update.AgentData.CameraCenter = new LLVector3(9.549901f, 7.033957f, 11.75f);
            update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = new LLVector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0);
            update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = new LLVector3(-0.7f, 0.7f, 0);
            update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = new LLVector3(0.1822026f, 0.9828722f, 0);
            update.AgentData.Far = 384;
            update.AgentData.ControlFlags = 0;
            update.AgentData.Flags = 0;
            update.Header.Reliable = reliable;


            // Send an AgentFOV packet widening our field of vision
            /*AgentFOVPacket fovPacket = new AgentFOVPacket();
            fovPacket.AgentData.AgentID = this.ID;
            fovPacket.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            fovPacket.AgentData.CircuitCode = simulator.CircuitCode;
            fovPacket.FOVBlock.GenCounter = 0;
            fovPacket.FOVBlock.VerticalAngle = 6.28318531f;
            fovPacket.Header.Reliable = true;
Example #16
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate packet to update our current camera 
            /// position and rotation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="reliable">Whether to require server acknowledgement
            /// of this packet</param>
            /// <param name="simulator">Simulator to send the update to</param>
            public void SendUpdate(bool reliable, Simulator simulator)
                Vector3 origin = Camera.Position;
                Vector3 xAxis = Camera.LeftAxis;
                Vector3 yAxis = Camera.AtAxis;
                Vector3 zAxis = Camera.UpAxis;

                // Attempted to sort these in a rough order of how often they might change
                if (agentControls == 0 &&
                    yAxis == LastCameraYAxis &&
                    origin == LastCameraCenter &&
                    State == lastState &&
                    HeadRotation == LastHeadRotation &&
                    BodyRotation == LastBodyRotation &&
                    xAxis == LastCameraXAxis &&
                    Camera.Far == LastFar &&
                    zAxis == LastCameraZAxis)
                    duplicateCount = 0;

                if (Self.DisableAgentUpdateDuplicateCheck || duplicateCount < 10)
                    // Store the current state to do duplicate checking
                    LastHeadRotation = HeadRotation;
                    LastBodyRotation = BodyRotation;
                    LastCameraYAxis = yAxis;
                    LastCameraCenter = origin;
                    LastCameraXAxis = xAxis;
                    LastCameraZAxis = zAxis;
                    LastFar = Camera.Far;
                    lastState = State;

                    // Build the AgentUpdate packet and send it
                    AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
                    update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

                    update.AgentData.AgentID = Network.AgentID;
                    update.AgentData.SessionID = Network.SessionID;
                    update.AgentData.HeadRotation = HeadRotation;
                    update.AgentData.BodyRotation = BodyRotation;
                    update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = yAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraCenter = origin;
                    update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = xAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = zAxis;
                    update.AgentData.Far = Camera.Far;
                    update.AgentData.State = (byte)State;
                    update.AgentData.ControlFlags = agentControls;
                    update.AgentData.Flags = (byte)Flags;

                    Network.SendPacket(update, simulator);

                    if (autoResetControls) {
Example #17
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate packet to update our current camera 
            /// position and rotation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="reliable">Whether to require server acknowledgement
            /// of this packet</param>
            /// <param name="simulator">Simulator to send the update to</param>
            public void SendUpdate(bool reliable, Simulator simulator)
                // Since version 1.40.4 of the Linden simulator, sending this update
                // causes corruption of the agent position in the simulator
                if (simulator != null && (!simulator.HandshakeComplete))

                Vector3 origin = Camera.Position;
                Vector3 xAxis = Camera.LeftAxis;
                Vector3 yAxis = Camera.AtAxis;
                Vector3 zAxis = Camera.UpAxis;

                // Attempted to sort these in a rough order of how often they might change
                if (agentControls == 0 &&
                    yAxis == LastCameraYAxis &&
                    origin == LastCameraCenter &&
                    State == lastState &&
                    HeadRotation == LastHeadRotation &&
                    BodyRotation == LastBodyRotation &&
                    xAxis == LastCameraXAxis &&
                    Camera.Far == LastFar &&
                    zAxis == LastCameraZAxis)
                    duplicateCount = 0;

                if (Client.Settings.DISABLE_AGENT_UPDATE_DUPLICATE_CHECK || duplicateCount < 10)
                    // Store the current state to do duplicate checking
                    LastHeadRotation = HeadRotation;
                    LastBodyRotation = BodyRotation;
                    LastCameraYAxis = yAxis;
                    LastCameraCenter = origin;
                    LastCameraXAxis = xAxis;
                    LastCameraZAxis = zAxis;
                    LastFar = Camera.Far;
                    lastState = State;

                    // Build the AgentUpdate packet and send it
                    AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
                    update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

                    update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
                    update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
                    update.AgentData.HeadRotation = HeadRotation;
                    update.AgentData.BodyRotation = BodyRotation;
                    update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = yAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraCenter = origin;
                    update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = xAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = zAxis;
                    update.AgentData.Far = Camera.Far;
                    update.AgentData.State = (byte)State;
                    update.AgentData.ControlFlags = agentControls;
                    update.AgentData.Flags = (byte)Flags;

                    Client.Network.SendPacket(update, simulator);

                    if (autoResetControls) {
Example #18
        private void AgentUpdateHandler(Packet packet, LLAgent agent)
            AgentUpdatePacket update = (AgentUpdatePacket)packet;

            // Update rotation if the agent is not sitting on anything
            if (agent.Parent == null)
                agent.RelativeRotation = update.AgentData.BodyRotation;

            agent.CameraPosition = update.AgentData.CameraCenter;
            agent.CameraAtAxis   = update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis;
            agent.CameraLeftAxis = update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis;
            agent.CameraUpAxis   = update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis;
            agent.DrawDistance   = update.AgentData.Far;

            agent.ControlFlags = (AgentManager.ControlFlags)update.AgentData.ControlFlags;
            agent.State        = (AgentState)update.AgentData.State;
            agent.HideTitle    = update.AgentData.Flags != 0;

            #region Standing

            ILinkable parent = agent.Parent;
            if (parent != null && (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_STAND_UP) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_STAND_UP)
                agent.SetParent(null, true, true);

                agent.RelativePosition = parent.ScenePosition
                                         + Vector3.Transform(agent.SitPosition, Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(agent.SitRotation))
                                         + Vector3.UnitZ;

                m_scene.SendPresenceAnimations(this, agent);

                agent.CollisionsEnabled = true;
                agent.DynamicsEnabled   = true;

                m_scene.EntityAddOrUpdate(this, agent, UpdateFlags.Position | UpdateFlags.Rotation, (uint)LLUpdateFlags.PrimFlags);

            #endregion Standing

            #region Inputs

            // Create forward and left vectors from the current avatar rotation
            Matrix4 rotMatrix = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(agent.RelativeRotation);
            Vector3 fwd       = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitX, rotMatrix);
            Vector3 left      = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.UnitY, rotMatrix);

            // Check control flags
            bool heldForward = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS;
            bool heldBack    = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG;
            bool heldLeft    = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_LEFT_POS) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_LEFT_POS;
            bool heldRight   = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_LEFT_NEG) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_LEFT_NEG;
            //bool heldTurnLeft = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_LEFT) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_LEFT;
            //bool heldTurnRight = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_RIGHT) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_RIGHT;
            bool heldUp   = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS;
            bool heldDown = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG;
            bool flying   = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY;
            //bool mouselook = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_MOUSELOOK) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_MOUSELOOK;
            bool nudgeForward = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_AT_POS) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_AT_POS;
            bool nudgeBack    = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_AT_NEG) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_AT_NEG;
            bool nudgeLeft    = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_LEFT_POS) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_LEFT_POS;
            bool nudgeRight   = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_LEFT_NEG) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_LEFT_NEG;
            bool nudgeUp      = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_UP_POS) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_UP_POS;
            bool nudgeDown    = (agent.ControlFlags & AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_UP_NEG) == AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_UP_NEG;

            // direction in which the avatar is trying to move
            Vector3 move = Vector3.Zero;
            if (heldForward)
                move.X += fwd.X; move.Y += fwd.Y;
            else if (nudgeForward)
                move.X += fwd.X * 0.5f; move.Y += fwd.Y * 0.5f;
            if (heldBack)
                move.X -= fwd.X; move.Y -= fwd.Y;
            else if (nudgeBack)
                move.X -= fwd.X * 0.5f; move.Y -= fwd.Y * 0.5f;

            if (heldLeft)
                move.X += left.X; move.Y += left.Y;
            else if (nudgeLeft)
                move.X += left.X * 0.5f; move.Y += left.Y * 0.5f;
            if (heldRight)
                move.X -= left.X; move.Y -= left.Y;
            else if (nudgeRight)
                move.X -= left.X * 0.5f; move.Y -= left.Y * 0.5f;

            if (heldUp)
                move.Z += 1f;
            else if (nudgeUp)
                move.Z += 0.5f;
            if (heldDown)
                move.Z -= 1f;
            else if (nudgeDown)
                move.Z -= 0.5f;

            bool jumping = agent.JumpStart != 0;

            float speed = (flying ? FLY_SPEED : agent.IsRunning && !jumping ? RUN_SPEED : WALK_SPEED);
            if ((heldForward || heldBack) && (heldLeft || heldRight))
                speed /= SQRT_TWO;

            #endregion Inputs

            agent.InputVelocity     = move * speed;
            agent.LastMovementState = agent.MovementState;
            agent.MovementState     = (flying ? MovementState.Flying : agent.IsRunning && !jumping ? MovementState.Running : MovementState.Walking);
Example #19
            /// <summary>
            /// Send new AgentUpdate packet to update our current camera 
            /// position and rotation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="reliable">Whether to require server acknowledgement
            /// of this packet</param>
            /// <param name="simulator">Simulator to send the update to</param>
            public void SendUpdate(bool reliable, Simulator simulator)
                // Attempted to sort these in a rough order of how often they might change
                if (agentControls == 0 &&
                    Camera.CameraAtAxis == Camera.LastCameraAtAxis &&
                    Camera.CameraCenter == Camera.LastCameraCenter &&
                    State != lastState &&
                    Camera.HeadRotation == Camera.LastHeadRotation &&
                    Camera.BodyRotation == Camera.LastBodyRotation &&
                    Camera.CameraLeftAxis == Camera.LastCameraLeftAxis &&
                    Camera.Far == Camera.LastFar &&
                    Camera.CameraUpAxis == Camera.LastCameraUpAxis)
                    duplicateCount = 0;

                if (duplicateCount < 2)
                    // Store the current state to do duplicate checking in the future
                    Camera.LastHeadRotation = Camera.HeadRotation;
                    Camera.LastBodyRotation = Camera.BodyRotation;
                    Camera.LastCameraAtAxis = Camera.CameraAtAxis;
                    Camera.LastCameraCenter = Camera.CameraCenter;
                    Camera.LastCameraLeftAxis = Camera.CameraLeftAxis;
                    Camera.LastCameraUpAxis = Camera.CameraUpAxis;
                    Camera.LastFar = Camera.Far;
                    lastState = State;

                    // Build the AgentUpdate packet and send it
                    AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();
                    update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

                    update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
                    update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
                    update.AgentData.HeadRotation = Camera.HeadRotation;
                    update.AgentData.BodyRotation = Camera.BodyRotation;
                    update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = Camera.CameraAtAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraCenter = Camera.CameraCenter;
                    update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = Camera.CameraLeftAxis;
                    update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = Camera.CameraUpAxis;
                    update.AgentData.Far = Camera.Far;
                    update.AgentData.State = (byte)State;
                    update.AgentData.ControlFlags = agentControls;
                    update.AgentData.Flags = (byte)Flags;

                    Client.Network.SendPacket(update, simulator);
Example #20
        public void HandleUpdate(AgentUpdatePacket pack)
            if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY) != 0)
                if (this._physActor.Flying == false)
                    this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_FLY"];
                    this.anim_seq = 1;
                this._physActor.Flying = true;

                if (this._physActor.Flying == true)
                    this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_STAND"];
                    this.anim_seq = 1;
                this._physActor.Flying = false;
            if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS) != 0)
                Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z);
                if (((movementflag & 1) == 0) || (q != this.bodyRot))

                    if (((movementflag & 1) == 0) && (!this._physActor.Flying))
                        this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_WALK"];
                        this.anim_seq = 1;

                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = q * v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f);
                    if (this._physActor.Flying)
                        direc *= 2;

                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 1;
                    this.bodyRot = q;
            else if ((((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS) != 0) && (PhysicsEngineFlying))
                if (((movementflag & 2) == 0) && this._physActor.Flying)
                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f * 2);
                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 2;
            else if ((((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG) != 0) && (PhysicsEngineFlying))
                if (((movementflag & 4) == 0) && this._physActor.Flying)
                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(0, 0, -1);
                    //Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f * 2);
                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 4;
            else if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG) != 0)
                Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z);
                if (((movementflag & 8) == 0) || (q != this.bodyRot))
                    //we should add a new force to the list
                    // but for now we will deal with velocities
                    NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce();
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
                    Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = q * v3;

                    //work out velocity for sim physics system
                    direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f);
                    if (this._physActor.Flying)
                        direc *= 2;

                    newVelocity.X = direc.x;
                    newVelocity.Y = direc.y;
                    newVelocity.Z = direc.z;
                    movementflag = 8;
                    this.bodyRot = q;
                if (movementflag == 16)
                    movementflag = 0;
                if ((movementflag) != 0)
                    NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce();
                    newVelocity.X = 0;
                    newVelocity.Y = 0;
                    newVelocity.Z = 0;
                    movementflag = 0;
                    // We're standing still, so make it show!
                    if (this._physActor.Flying == false)
                        this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["ANIM_AGENT_STAND"];
                        this.anim_seq = 1;
                    this.movementflag = 16;

Example #21
            /// <summary>
            /// Builds an AgentUpdate packet entirely from parameters. This
            /// will not touch the state of Self.Movement or
            /// Self.Movement.Camera in any way
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="controlFlags"></param>
            /// <param name="position"></param>
            /// <param name="forwardAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="leftAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="upAxis"></param>
            /// <param name="bodyRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="headRotation"></param>
            /// <param name="farClip"></param>
            /// <param name="reliable"></param>
            /// <param name="flags"></param>
            /// <param name="state"></param>
            public void SendManualUpdate(AgentManager.ControlFlags controlFlags, Vector3 position, Vector3 forwardAxis,
                Vector3 leftAxis, Vector3 upAxis, Quaternion bodyRotation, Quaternion headRotation, float farClip,
                AgentFlags flags, AgentState state, bool reliable)
                // Since version 1.40.4 of the Linden simulator, sending this update
                // causes corruption of the agent position in the simulator
                if (Client.Network.CurrentSim != null && (!Client.Network.CurrentSim.HandshakeComplete))

                AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

                update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Self.AgentID;
                update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Self.SessionID;
                update.AgentData.BodyRotation = bodyRotation;
                update.AgentData.HeadRotation = headRotation;
                update.AgentData.CameraCenter = position;
                update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = forwardAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = leftAxis;
                update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = upAxis;
                update.AgentData.Far = farClip;
                update.AgentData.ControlFlags = (uint)controlFlags;
                update.AgentData.Flags = (byte)flags;
                update.AgentData.State = (byte)state;

                update.Header.Reliable = reliable;

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends camera and action updates to the server including the 
        /// position and orientation of our camera, and a ControlFlags field
        /// specifying our current movement actions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reliable">Whether to ensure this packet makes it to the server</param>
        public void UpdateCamera(Avatar.AgentUpdateFlags controlFlags, LLVector3 position, LLVector3 forwardAxis,
            LLVector3 leftAxis, LLVector3 upAxis, LLQuaternion bodyRotation, LLQuaternion headRotation, float farClip,
            bool reliable)
            AgentUpdatePacket update = new AgentUpdatePacket();

            update.AgentData.AgentID = Client.Network.AgentID;
            update.AgentData.SessionID = Client.Network.SessionID;
            update.AgentData.State = 0;
            update.AgentData.BodyRotation = bodyRotation;
            update.AgentData.HeadRotation = headRotation;
            update.AgentData.CameraCenter = position;
            update.AgentData.CameraAtAxis = forwardAxis;
            update.AgentData.CameraLeftAxis = leftAxis;
            update.AgentData.CameraUpAxis = upAxis;
            update.AgentData.Far = farClip;
            update.AgentData.ControlFlags = (uint)controlFlags;
            update.AgentData.Flags = 0;
            update.Header.Reliable = reliable;
