Example #1
 void FixedUpdate()
     onGround = CheckGrounded();
     if (AgentRigidbody.velocity.y < 0)          //if player character is falling and not on a moving platform
         AgentAnimator.SetBool("Falling", true); //play falling animation. This can't be a trigger because we are unsure how far the player character is falling and so the animation has to be played
     }                                           // until explicitly told to stop. (i.e boolean is false again)
     //prioritise getting powerup but ignore if player is closer to it
     //otherwise melee attack player.
     myHealthBar.UpdateHealth(hitpoints, 800f);
     if (!MeleePowerUp && (!powerupSpriteRenderer.enabled || playerObstructingPowerup()) && !PlayerMeleeRange())
         if (!(activeState is RangedAttackState))
             SetState(new RangedAttackState());
     else if (powerupSpriteRenderer.enabled && !playerObstructingPowerup() && PowerUpReachable())
         if (!(activeState is SeekPowerState))
             SetState(new SeekPowerState());
     else if (!(activeState is MeleeAttackState))
         SetState(new MeleeAttackState());
Example #2
 private bool CheckGrounded()
     if (AgentRigidbody.velocity.y <= 0)  //if we are not jumping
         foreach (Transform point in groundPoints)
             Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(point.position, groundCollideRadius, whatIsGround);  //create colliders that check for whatIsGround (currently set to everything)
                                                                                                                      //within groundCollideRadius (set in unity) of point.position (The PC's feet and a centre point between them)
             for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
                 if (colliders[i].gameObject != gameObject)   //if the colliders are colliding with a gameObject that is not the player (i.e. the ground)
                     AgentAnimator.SetBool("Falling", false); // we have finished falling (or we never were) so tell Unity we don't need to play the animation
                     return(true);                            //then we are on the ground
     return(false);                   //otherwise if colliders are only colliding with the player character, we must not be on the ground
Example #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (Alive())
            if (!(activeState is RangedAttackState))
                AgentAnimator.SetBool("Shooting", false);
            PlayerNearby = LookForPlayer();

            if (!hiding)
                if (!Patrol && !PlayerNearby && !(activeState is IdleState))
                    SetState(new IdleState());
                else if (Patrol && !PlayerNearby && !(activeState is PatrolState))
                    SetState(new PatrolState());

            if (PlayerNearby && !IsPlayerReachable() && !(activeState is HideState))
                SetState(new HideState());
                hiding = true;
            else if (IsPlayerReachable() && !(activeState is RangedAttackState))
                SetState(new RangedAttackState());
                hiding = false;
Example #4
    void FixedUpdate()
        onGround = CheckGrounded();
        if (AgentRigidbody.velocity.y < 0)          //if player character is falling and not on a moving platform
            AgentAnimator.SetBool("Falling", true); //play falling animation. This can't be a trigger because we are unsure how far the player character is falling and so the animation has to be played
        }                                           // until explicitly told to stop. (i.e boolean is false again)

        myHealthBar.UpdateHealth(hitpoints, 400f);
        if (hitpoints < 300 && !SecondPhaseReached)
            FirstPhase  = false;
            SecondPhase = true;
        else if (hitpoints < 200 && !ThirdPhaseReached)
            ThirdPhase = true;
        else if (hitpoints < 100 && !FourthPhaseReached)
            FourthPhase = true;
        else if (hitpoints <= 0)
            if (!(activeState is PhaseChangeState))
                SetState(new PhaseChangeState());

        if (Alive())
            if (FirstPhase)
                PlayerNearby = LookForPlayer();
                if (SecondPhase || ThirdPhase || FourthPhase)
                    if (!(activeState is PhaseChangeState))
                        SetState(new PhaseChangeState());
                else if (!Patrol && !PlayerNearby && !(activeState is IdleState))
                    SetState(new IdleState());                                          //can possibly remove idle and patrol states here.
                else if (Patrol && !PlayerNearby && !(activeState is PatrolState))
                    SetState(new PatrolState());
                else if (PlayerMeleeRange() && !(activeState is MeleeAttackState))
                    SetState(new MeleeAttackState());
                else if (PlayerNearby && !PlayerMeleeRange() && !(activeState is ChaseState))
                    SetState(new ChaseState());
                if (SecondPhase || ThirdPhase || FourthPhase)
                    Debug.Log("SecondPhase : " + SecondPhase);
                    Debug.Log("ThirdPhase : " + ThirdPhase);
                    Debug.Log("FourthPhase : " + FourthPhase);

                    if (!(activeState is PhaseChangeState))
                        SetState(new PhaseChangeState());
                else if (PlayerMeleeRange() && !(activeState is MeleeAttackState))
                    AgentAnimator.SetBool("Throwing", false);
                    SetState(new MeleeAttackState());
                else if (!(activeState is RangedAttackState))
                    SetState(new RangedAttackState());
