Example #1
 public Character(string name, AffinityColor affinityColor, Vector3 initialTile, GameObject model, GameObject instance)
     _affinityColor = affinityColor;
     _name          = name;
     _initialTile   = initialTile;
     _instance      = instance;
Example #2
    public static void ActivateColor(AffinityColor color)
        int height = MapArray.GetLength(0);
        int width  = MapArray.GetLength(1);

        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                BlockCharacterMovement blockCharacterMovement = MapGameObjects [i, j].GetComponentInChildren <BlockCharacterMovement> ();
                BlockPropertyChanger   blockPropertyChanger   = MapGameObjects [i, j].GetComponentInChildren <BlockPropertyChanger> ();
                NavMeshObstacle        navMeshObstacle        = MapGameObjects [i, j].GetComponentInChildren <NavMeshObstacle> ();

                bool color_match = false;
                foreach (AffinityColor c in MapArray[i, j].Colors)
                    int index_color = (int)c;
                    if (c == color)
                        color_match = true;
                        if (navMeshObstacle != null)
                            navMeshObstacle.enabled = false;
                        blockCharacterMovement.enabled      = true;
                        blockPropertyChanger.mat            = Materials [index_color];
                        blockPropertyChanger.highlightedMat = HighlightedMaterials [index_color];
                        blockPropertyChanger.transparentMat = TransparentMaterials [index_color];
                if (!color_match)
                    if (navMeshObstacle != null)
                        navMeshObstacle.enabled = true;
                    blockCharacterMovement.enabled      = false;
                    blockPropertyChanger.mat            = NeutralMaterial;
                    blockPropertyChanger.highlightedMat = NeutralMaterial;
                    blockPropertyChanger.transparentMat = NeutralMaterial;
    /// <summary>
    /// Main A* Function
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The star.</returns>
    /// <param name="Position">Position of the character</param>
    /// <param name="TargetPosition">Position of the target that the character must reach</param>
    public static Stack AStar(
        Vector3 PositionReference,
        Vector3 Position,
        Vector3 TargetPosition,
        AffinityColor color,
        int maxSquares,
        List <CharacterComponent> characterQueue)
        Stack roadToTake = new Stack();

        Position       -= PositionReference;
        TargetPosition -= PositionReference;

        List <Vector2> arrayPositionCharacters = new List <Vector2> ();

        foreach (CharacterComponent character in characterQueue)
            int x_char = -(int)(character.transform.position).z;
            int y_char = +(int)(character.transform.position).x;

            arrayPositionCharacters.Add(new Vector2(x_char, y_char));

        ArrayList closedList = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList openedList = new ArrayList();

        int i = -(int)(Position).z;
        int j = +(int)(Position).x;

        int i_target = -(int)(TargetPosition).z;
        int j_target = +(int)(TargetPosition).x;

        if (Map.MapArray [i_target, j_target].Colors.IndexOf(color) == -1)

        block current = new block();

        current.cost      = 0;
        current.position  = new Vector2(i, j);
        current.previous  = null;
        current.costSoFar = 0;


        while (openedList.Count > 0)
            ArrayList openedListClose = new ArrayList();

            // we make a loop on just the lowest cost blocks
            GetMinCostBlock(openedList, ref openedListClose);

            foreach (block item_block in openedListClose)
                Vector2 item      = item_block.position;
                int     i_current = (int)item.x;
                int     j_current = (int)item.y;
                if (i_target == i_current && j_target == j_current)
                    roadToTake = DrawToBeforeLine(PositionReference, item_block, roadToTake, maxSquares);

                    GetSurroundingBlocks(PositionReference, TargetPosition, i_current, j_current, ref openedList, closedList, item_block, color, arrayPositionCharacters);
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the surrounding blocks and checks who must be put in the openedlist
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="TargetPosition">Target position.</param>
    /// <param name="i_current">I current.</param>
    /// <param name="j_current">J current.</param>
    /// <param name="openedList">Opened list.</param>
    /// <param name="closedList">Closed list.</param>
    /// <param name="item_block">Item block.</param>
    static void GetSurroundingBlocks(
        Vector3 PositionReference,
        Vector3 TargetPosition,
        int i_current,
        int j_current,
        ref ArrayList openedList,
        ArrayList closedList,
        block item_block,
        AffinityColor color,
        List <Vector2> arrayPositionCharacters)
        int[] i_directions = new int[4];
        int[] j_directions = new int[4];

        i_directions [0] = i_current - 1;
        j_directions [0] = j_current;
        i_directions [1] = i_current;
        j_directions [1] = j_current - 1;
        i_directions [2] = i_current + 1;
        j_directions [2] = j_current;
        i_directions [3] = i_current;
        j_directions [3] = j_current + 1;

        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
            int i_test = i_directions [k];
            int j_test = j_directions [k];
            if (i_test >= 0 && i_test < Map.MapArray.GetLength(0) && j_test >= 0 && j_test < Map.MapArray.GetLength(1))
                bool testPosExists = false;
                foreach (Vector2 arrayPos in arrayPositionCharacters)
                    if (i_test == arrayPos.x && j_test == arrayPos.y)
                        testPosExists = true;
                int tile = (int)Map.MapArray [i_test, j_test].Type;
                if (                /*Map.TileCost [tile] != 0 && */
                    Map.MapArray [i_test, j_test].Colors.IndexOf(color) >= 0 &&
                    // if block is in opened list
                    bool inside_open = false;
                    foreach (block item_blocksearch in openedList)
                        Vector2 item_search = item_blocksearch.position;
                        if (item_search.x == i_test && item_search.y == j_test)
                            inside_open = true;

                    // if block is in closed list
                    bool inside_closed = false;
                    foreach (block item_blocksearch in closedList)
                        Vector2 item_search = item_blocksearch.position;
                        if (item_search.x == i_test && item_search.y == j_test)
                            inside_closed = true;

                    if (!inside_open && !inside_closed)
                        float cost =
                            item_block.costSoFar +
                            Map.TileCost [tile] +
                            CalculateRoadCost(TargetPosition + PositionReference, new Vector3(j_test, -i_test) + PositionReference);

                        block new_block = new block();
                        new_block.cost      = cost;
                        new_block.position  = new Vector2(i_test, j_test);
                        new_block.previous  = item_block;
                        new_block.costSoFar = item_block.costSoFar + Map.TileCost [tile];