// Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     regulated        = StaticDecisionsMade.chooseToRegulateUber;
     _regulated       = regulated;
     source1          = advisor1.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     source2          = advisor2.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     advisor1Animator = advisor1.GetComponent <AdvisorAnimationController>();
     advisor2Animator = advisor2.GetComponent <AdvisorAnimationController>();
     fader            = player.GetComponentInChildren <FadeScript>();
     radioAudioSource = radio.GetComponent <AudioSource> ();
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        // Take out this if statement to set the value using setter when ever you change it in the inspector.
        // But then it gets called a couple of times when ever inspector updates
        // By having a button, you can control when the value goes through the setter and getter, your self.

        if (target.GetType() == typeof(AdvisorAnimationController))
            AdvisorAnimationController getterSetter = (AdvisorAnimationController)target;
            getterSetter.currentlyPlaying = getterSetter._currentlyPlaying;
            getterSetter.pauseAnimation   = getterSetter._pauseAnimation;