Example #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Output file by table name, field name and primary key
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Action result</returns>

            public async Task <IActionResult> GetFile(string table, string field, string recordkey)
                // Get parameters
                string sessionId = Get("session");
                bool   resize    = Get <bool>("resize");
                int    width     = Get <int>("width");
                int    height    = Get <int>("height");
                bool   download  = Query.TryGetValue("download", out StringValues d) ? ConvertToBool(d) : true;              // Download by default

                if (width == 0 && height == 0 && resize)
                    width  = Config.ThumbnailDefaultWidth;
                    height = Config.ThumbnailDefaultHeight;

                // Get table object
                string  tableName = "";
                dynamic tbl       = null;

                if (!Empty(table))
                    tbl       = CreateTable(table);
                    tableName = tbl.Name;
                if (Empty(tableName) || Empty(field) || Empty(recordkey))
                bool validRequest = false;

                if (Security == null)
                    Security = new AdvancedSecurity();
                if (Security.IsLoggedIn)
                Security.LoadCurrentUserLevel(Config.ProjectId + tableName);
                if (Security.IsLoggedIn)
                validRequest = Security.CanList || Security.CanView || Security.CanDelete;                 // With permission
                if (validRequest)
                    await Security.LoadUserID();


                // Reject invalid request
                if (!validRequest)
                return(await tbl.GetFileData(field, recordkey, resize, width, height));
Example #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Output file by file name
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>Action result</returns>

            public IActionResult GetFile(string fn)
                // Get parameters
                string sessionId = Get("session");
                bool   resize    = Get <bool>("resize");
                int    width     = Get <int>("width");
                int    height    = Get <int>("height");
                bool   download  = Query.TryGetValue("download", out StringValues d) ? ConvertToBool(d) : true;              // Download by default

                if (width == 0 && height == 0 && resize)
                    width  = Config.ThumbnailDefaultWidth;
                    height = Config.ThumbnailDefaultHeight;
                if (Security == null)
                    Security = new AdvancedSecurity();
                bool validRequest = Security.IsLoggedIn;                 // Logged in

                // Reject invalid request
                if (!validRequest)

                // If using session (internal request), file path is always encrypted.
                // If not (external request), DO NOT support external request for file path.

                string key = Config.RandomKey + sessionId;

                fn = (UseSession) ? Decrypt(fn, key) : "";
                if (FileExists(fn))
                    string ext = Path.GetExtension(fn).Replace(".", "").ToLower();
                    string ct  = ContentType(fn);
                    if (Config.ImageAllowedFileExtensions.Contains(ext, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (width > 0 || height > 0)
                            return(Controller.File(ResizeFileToBinary(fn, ref width, ref height), ct, Path.GetFileName(fn)));
                            return(Controller.PhysicalFile(fn, ct, Path.GetFileName(fn)));
                    else if (Config.DownloadAllowedFileExtensions.Contains(ext, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return(Controller.PhysicalFile(fn, ct, Path.GetFileName(fn)));
Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromForm] LoginModel model)
            // User profile
            Profile = new UserProfile();

            // Security
            Security = new AdvancedSecurity();

            // As an example, AuthService.CreateToken can return Jose.JWT.Encode(claims, YourTokenSecretKey, Jose.JwsAlgorithm.HS256);
            if (await Security.ValidateUser(model, false))
                return(Ok(new { JWT = Security.JwtToken }));
            return(BadRequest("Invalid username or password!"));
Example #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromForm] LoginModel model)
            // User profile
            Profile = new UserProfile();

            // Security
            Security = new AdvancedSecurity();
            bool validPwd = await Security.ValidateUser(model, false);

            // As an example, AuthService.CreateToken can return Jose.JWT.Encode(claims, YourTokenSecretKey, Jose.JwsAlgorithm.HS256);
            if (validPwd)
                return(Ok(new { JWT = BuildToken(model.Username, Security.CurrentUserID, Security.CurrentParentUserID, Security.CurrentUserLevelID) }));
                return(BadRequest("Invalid username or password!"));