Example #1
 private TcAdsDataType()
     this._flags        = AdsDataTypeFlags.DataType;
     this._baseTypeName = string.Empty;
     this._comment      = string.Empty;
     this._id           = ++s_id;
Example #2
 internal TcAdsSymbol(AdsSymbolEntry symbolEntry, TcAdsDataType typeEntry)
     if (symbolEntry == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("symbolEntry");
     if (typeEntry == null)
         object[] args = new object[] { symbolEntry.name };
         Module.Trace.TraceWarning("No data type found for AdsSymbolEntry '{0}'", args);
     this._indexGroup      = symbolEntry.indexGroup;
     this._indexOffset     = symbolEntry.indexOffset;
     this._size            = symbolEntry.size;
     this._typeId          = (AdsDatatypeId)symbolEntry.dataType;
     this._typeEntryFlags  = typeEntry.Flags;
     this._flags           = symbolEntry.flags;
     this._name            = symbolEntry.name;
     this._typeName        = symbolEntry.type;
     this._comment         = symbolEntry.comment;
     this._arrayDimensions = symbolEntry.arrayDim;
     this._arrayInfos      = symbolEntry.array;
     this._attributeCount  = symbolEntry.attributeCount;
     this._attributes      = symbolEntry.attributes;
     this._dataType        = typeEntry;
        internal static AdsSymbolFlags Convert(AdsDataTypeFlags dataTypeFlags)
            AdsSymbolFlags none = AdsSymbolFlags.None;

            if ((dataTypeFlags & (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.ReferenceTo)) == (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.ReferenceTo))
                none |= AdsSymbolFlags.None | AdsSymbolFlags.ReferenceTo;
            if ((dataTypeFlags & (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.TComInterfacePtr)) == (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.TComInterfacePtr))
                none |= AdsSymbolFlags.None | AdsSymbolFlags.TComInterfacePtr;
            if ((dataTypeFlags & AdsDataTypeFlags.BitValues) == AdsDataTypeFlags.BitValues)
                none |= AdsSymbolFlags.BitValue;
            if ((dataTypeFlags & (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.TypeGuid)) == (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.TypeGuid))
                none |= AdsSymbolFlags.None | AdsSymbolFlags.TypeGuid;
            if ((dataTypeFlags & (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.Persistent)) == (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.Persistent))
                none |= AdsSymbolFlags.None | AdsSymbolFlags.Persistent;
Example #4
        public AdsDataTypeEntry(Type t)
            EntryLength   = (uint)new AdsDataTypeEntry().GetSize();
            Version       = 1;
            HashValue     = 1;
            TypeHashValue = 10;
            Size          = 1;
            Offset        = 0;
            BaseTypeId    = AdsDatatypeId.ADST_UINT8;
            Flags         = AdsDataTypeFlags.None;
            ArrayDim      = 0;
            NameLength    = 4;
            TypeLength    = 4;
            CommentLength = 0;
            SubItems      = 0;

            EntryName = new byte[5];
            TypeName  = new byte[5];
            Comment   = new byte[81];

            var typeBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("BYTE");

            Array.Copy(typeBytes, EntryName, typeBytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(typeBytes, TypeName, typeBytes.Length);
Example #5
 internal DataType(DataTypeCategory cat, AdsDataTypeEntry entry)
     this.id         = s_idCounter;
     this.comment    = string.Empty;
     this.flags      = AdsDataTypeFlags.DataType;
     this.attributes = new TypeAttributeCollection();
     this.category   = cat;
     this.comment    = entry.comment;
     this.name       = entry.entryName;
     this.flags      = entry.flags;
     this.size       = (int)entry.size;
     this.dataTypeId = entry.baseTypeId;
     if ((this.dataTypeId == AdsDatatypeId.ADST_BIGTYPE) && (this.category == DataTypeCategory.Unknown))
         this.category = DataTypeCategory.Interface;
     else if (this.category == DataTypeCategory.Unknown)
         this.category = DataTypeCategory.Primitive;
     this.typeHashValue = entry.typeHashValue;
     if (entry.HasAttributes)
         this.attributes = new TypeAttributeCollection(entry.attributes);
Example #6
        private void calcAccess(ISymbol parent, Member member, out uint indexGroup, out uint indexOffset)
            DataType         dataType    = (DataType)member.DataType;
            AdsDataTypeFlags memberFlags = member.MemberFlags;
            bool             flag        = memberFlags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.Static);

            this.calcAccess(parent, dataType, member.Offset, member.Flags, memberFlags, out indexGroup, out indexOffset);
            if (indexGroup == 0xf017)
                indexOffset = member.TypeHashValue;
Example #7
 internal DataType(string name, AdsDatatypeId typeId, DataTypeCategory cat, int size, Type dotnetType, AdsDataTypeFlags flags)
     this.id         = s_idCounter;
     this.comment    = string.Empty;
     this.flags      = AdsDataTypeFlags.DataType;
     this.attributes = new TypeAttributeCollection();
     this.name       = name;
     this.dataTypeId = typeId;
     this.category   = cat;
     this.flags      = flags | AdsDataTypeFlags.DataType;
     this.size       = size;
     this.dotnetType = dotnetType;
Example #8
 internal TcAdsSymbolInfo(AdsParseSymbols symbolParser, TcAdsSymbolInfo parent, int subIndex, AdsSymbolEntry symbolEntry, TcAdsDataType typeEntry) : this(symbolParser, parent, subIndex)
     if (symbolEntry == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("symbolEntry");
     this.indexGroup  = symbolEntry.indexGroup;
     this.indexOffset = symbolEntry.indexOffset;
     this.size        = symbolEntry.size;
     this.dataTypeId  = (AdsDatatypeId)symbolEntry.dataType;
     if (typeEntry != null)
         this.typeEntryFlags = typeEntry.Flags;
     if (this.typeEntryFlags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.Static))
         this.indexGroup  = 0xf019;
         this.indexOffset = 0;
     this.flags        = symbolEntry.flags;
     this.instancePath = symbolEntry.name;
     this.shortName    = symbolEntry.name;
     this.typeName     = symbolEntry.type;
     this.comment      = symbolEntry.comment;
     this.dataType     = typeEntry;
     if (((symbolEntry.array != null) || (typeEntry == null)) || !typeEntry.IsArray)
         this.arrayInfo = symbolEntry.array;
         this.arrayInfo = typeEntry.Dimensions.ToArray();
         if (typeEntry.Size != this.size)
             this.size = (uint)typeEntry.Size;
     if (symbolEntry.attributes != null)
         this.attributes = new TypeAttributeCollection(symbolEntry.attributes).AsReadOnly();
         this.attributes = null;
Example #9
        internal Symbol(Member member, ISymbol parent)
            this.accessRights = SymbolAccessRights.All;
            if (member == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("member");
            if (parent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parent");
            this.factoryServices = ((ISymbolFactoryServicesProvider)parent).FactoryServices;
            this.parent          = parent;
            string instanceName = member.InstanceName;

            base.instanceName     = instanceName;
            this.instancePath     = parent.InstancePath + "." + instanceName;
            base.resolvedDataType = (DataType)member.DataType;
            base.flags            = this.getSymbolFlags(parent, member);
            this._memberFlags     = member.MemberFlags;
            this.staticAddress    = parent.IsStatic || this._memberFlags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.Static);
            base.attributes       = (member.Attributes.Count <= 0) ? null : new TypeAttributeCollection(member.Attributes);
            base.comment          = member.Comment;
            if (base.resolvedDataType != null)
                base.size       = base.resolvedDataType.Size;
                base.dataTypeId = ((DataType)base.resolvedDataType).DataTypeId;
                base.category   = base.resolvedDataType.Category;
                base.typeName   = base.resolvedDataType.Name;
                base.size       = member.Size;
                base.dataTypeId = member.DataTypeId;
                base.category   = member.Category;
                base.typeName   = member.TypeName;
            this.calcAccess(parent, member, out this.indexGroup, out this.indexOffset);
            DataTypeCategory category = base.category;
Example #10
 internal TcAdsSymbolInfo(AdsParseSymbols symbolParser, TcAdsSymbolInfo parent, int subIndex, TcAdsDataType typeEntry) : this(symbolParser, parent, subIndex)
     if (typeEntry == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("typeEntry");
     this.indexGroup     = (uint)parent.IndexGroup;
     this.indexOffset    = (uint)parent.IndexOffset;
     this.size           = (uint)typeEntry.Size;
     this.dataTypeId     = typeEntry.DataTypeId;
     this.typeEntryFlags = typeEntry.Flags;
     this.flags          = DataTypeFlagConverter.Convert(typeEntry.Flags);
     this.instancePath   = parent.Name;
     this.shortName      = parent.ShortName;
     this.typeName       = typeEntry.Name;
     this.comment        = typeEntry.Comment;
     this.dataType       = typeEntry;
     this.arrayInfo      = typeEntry.ArrayInfo;
     this.attributes     = typeEntry.Attributes;
Example #11
 internal TcAdsDataType(string name, AdsDatatypeId dataType, uint size, AdsDataTypeFlags flags, DataTypeCategory cat, string baseTypeName, Type managedType, IDataTypeResolver resolver) : this()
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name");
     this._table       = resolver;
     this._typeName    = name;
     this._size        = size;
     this._flags       = flags;
     this._dataTypeId  = dataType;
     this._category    = cat;
     this._managedType = managedType;
     if ((this._category == DataTypeCategory.Array) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseTypeName))
         string message = $"Base type of ARRAY '{name}' not defined!";
     this._baseTypeName = baseTypeName;
Example #12
        private void calcAccess(ISymbol parent, DataType memberType, int offset, AdsSymbolFlags symbolFlags, AdsDataTypeFlags flags, out uint indexGroup, out uint indexOffset)
            ISymbol symbol    = Unwrap(parent);
            bool    isBitType = false;

            if (memberType != null)
                isBitType = memberType.IsBitType;
            bool flag2 = flags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.Static);

            if ((flags & (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.PropItem)) == (AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.PropItem))
                indexGroup  = 0xf017;
                indexOffset = 0;
            else if (flag2)
                indexGroup  = 0xf019;
                indexOffset = 0;
            else if (symbol.IsBitType | isBitType)
                this.calcBitAccess(symbol, offset, symbolFlags, flags, out indexGroup, out indexOffset);
            else if (this.IsDereferencedPointer)
                indexGroup  = !isBitType ? 0xf014 : 0xf01a;
                indexOffset = 0;
            else if (base.IsReference || this.IsDereferencedReference)
                indexGroup  = !isBitType ? 0xf016 : 0xf01b;
                indexOffset = 0;
                indexGroup  = ((IAdsSymbol)symbol).IndexGroup;
                indexOffset = ((IAdsSymbol)symbol).IndexOffset + ((uint)offset);
Example #13
        public void Read(long parentEndPosition, Encoding encoding, AdsBinaryReader reader)
            long position = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            this.entryLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
            long num2 = position + this.entryLength;

            this.version       = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.hashValue     = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.typeHashValue = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.size          = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.offset        = reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.baseTypeId    = (AdsDatatypeId)reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.flags         = (AdsDataTypeFlags)reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.nameLength    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.typeLength    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.commentLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.arrayDim      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.subItems      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.entryName     = reader.ReadPlcString(this.nameLength + 1, encoding);
            this.typeName      = reader.ReadPlcString(this.typeLength + 1, encoding);
            this.comment       = reader.ReadPlcString(this.commentLength + 1, encoding);
            this.arrayInfos    = SubStructureReader <AdsDatatypeArrayInfo> .Read(this.arrayDim, num2, encoding, reader);

            this.subEntries = SubStructureReader <AdsFieldEntry> .Read(this.subItems, num2, encoding, reader);

            if ((this.subEntries != null) && (this.subEntries.Length != this.subItems))
                object[] args = new object[] { this.entryName, this.typeName, this.subItems, this.subEntries.Length };
                Module.Trace.TraceWarning("Entry name '{0}', type '{1}' indicates {2} subentries but only {3} subentries found!", args);
                this.subItems = (ushort)this.subEntries.Length;
            if (this.flags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.None | AdsDataTypeFlags.TypeGuid))
                this.typeGuid = reader.ReadGuid();
            if (this.flags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.CopyMask))
                this.copyMask = reader.ReadBytes((int)this.size);
            if (this.flags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.MethodInfos))
                this.methodCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
                this.methods     = SubStructureReader <AdsMethodEntry> .Read(this.methodCount, num2, encoding, reader);
            if (this.flags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.Attributes))
                this.attributeCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
                this.attributes     = SubStructureReader <AdsAttributeEntry> .Read(this.attributeCount, num2, encoding, reader);
            if (this.flags.HasFlag(AdsDataTypeFlags.EnumInfos))
                this.enumInfoCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
                this.enums         = EnumSubStructureReader <AdsEnumInfoEntry> .Read(this.enumInfoCount, this.size, num2, encoding, reader);
            if (reader.BaseStream.Position <= num2)
                this.reserved = reader.ReadBytes((int)(num2 - reader.BaseStream.Position));
            else if (reader.BaseStream.Position > num2)
                object[] args = new object[] { this.entryName };
                Module.Trace.TraceError("Reading DataType entry for '{0}' failed!", args);
                reader.BaseStream.Position = num2;
Example #14
 protected DataType(DataType copy) : this(copy.Name, copy.dataTypeId, copy.Category, copy.size, copy.dotnetType)
     this.flags    = copy.flags;
     this.ns       = copy.ns;
     this.resolver = copy.resolver;
Example #15
 public Member(DataType parent, AdsFieldEntry subEntry) : base(parent, subEntry)
     this.offset         = (int)subEntry.offset;
     this._memberFlags   = subEntry.Flags;
     this._typeHashValue = subEntry.typeHashValue;
Example #16
 public ArrayType(string typeName, DataType elementType, DimensionCollection dims, AdsDataTypeFlags flags) : base(typeName, AdsDatatypeId.ADST_BIGTYPE, DataTypeCategory.Array, dims.ElementCount * elementType.ByteSize, null, flags)
     this.elementType     = elementType;
     this.elementTypeName = elementType.Name;
     this._dimensions     = dims;
Example #17
 internal TcAdsDataType(AdsDataTypeEntry entry, IDataTypeResolver table) : this()
     if (entry == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("entry");
     if (table == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
     this._table         = table;
     this._size          = entry.size;
     this._typeName      = entry.entryName;
     this._typeHashValue = entry.typeHashValue;
     this._comment       = entry.Comment;
     this._flags         = entry.flags;
     this._offset        = entry.offset;
     this._dataTypeId    = entry.baseTypeId;
     if (entry.nameLength > 0)
         bool   isUnicode            = false;
         int    length               = 0;
         string referencedType       = null;
         AdsDatatypeArrayInfo[] dims = null;
         string baseType             = null;
         if (entry.IsArray)
             if (DataTypeStringParser.TryParseArray(this._typeName, out dims, out baseType))
                 this._category     = DataTypeCategory.Array;
                 this._arrayInfo    = dims;
                 this._baseTypeName = baseType;
                 this._arrayInfo    = entry.arrayInfos;
                 this._category     = DataTypeCategory.Array;
                 this._baseTypeName = entry.Name;
         else if (DataTypeStringParser.TryParseString(this._typeName, out length, out isUnicode))
             this._category = DataTypeCategory.String;
         else if (DataTypeStringParser.TryParseReference(this._typeName, out referencedType))
             this._baseTypeName = referencedType;
             this._category     = DataTypeCategory.Reference;
         else if (DataTypeStringParser.TryParsePointer(this._typeName, out referencedType))
             this._baseTypeName = referencedType;
             this._category     = DataTypeCategory.Pointer;
         else if (DataTypeStringParser.TryParseSubRange(this._typeName, out referencedType))
             this._baseTypeName = entry.Name;
             this._category     = DataTypeCategory.SubRange;
         else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Name))
             this._baseTypeName = entry.Name;
             this._category     = DataTypeCategory.Alias;
     if (entry.subItems <= 0)
         if (entry.IsEnum)
             this._enumInfos = entry.enums;
             this._category  = DataTypeCategory.Enum;
             bool flag3 = PrimitiveTypeConverter.TryGetManagedType(this._dataTypeId, out this._managedType);
         this._subItems = new TcAdsSubItem[entry.subItems];
         bool flag2 = false;
         int  num2  = 0;
         int  index = 0;
         while (true)
             int num1;
             if (index < entry.subItems)
                 if (entry.subEntries[index] != null)
                     this._subItems[index] = new TcAdsSubItem(entry.subEntries[index], table);
                     if (!this._subItems[index].IsStatic && !this._subItems[index].IsProperty)
                         int num4 = 0;
                         num4   = !this._subItems[index].IsBitType ? (this._subItems[index].Offset * 8) : this._subItems[index].Offset;
                         flag2 |= num4 < num2;
                         num2  += this._subItems[index].BitSize;
                 object[] args = new object[] { index, entry.Name };
                 Module.Trace.TraceError("SubEntry '{0}' missing in TcAdsDataType '{1}'", args);
             if ((entry.subItems <= 1) || (entry.BitSize >= num2))
                 num1 = 0;
                 num1 = (int)!entry.IsBitType;
             this._category = ((num1 & flag2) == 0) ? DataTypeCategory.Struct : DataTypeCategory.Union;
     if (entry.HasAttributes)
         this._attributes = entry.attributes;
     if (entry.HasRpcMethods)
         this._rpcMethodInfos = entry.methods;
     if (this._category == DataTypeCategory.Unknown)
         this._category = (entry.DataTypeId != AdsDatatypeId.ADST_BIGTYPE) ? DataTypeCategory.Primitive : DataTypeCategory.Interface;
     if ((this._category == DataTypeCategory.Array) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._baseTypeName))
         string message = $"Base type of ARRAY '{this._typeName}' not defined!";
Example #18
        private void calcBitAccess(ISymbol parent, int bitOffset, AdsSymbolFlags symbolFlags, AdsDataTypeFlags flags, out uint indexGroup, out uint indexOffset)
            ISymbol symbol = Unwrap(parent);
            uint    num    = ((IAdsSymbol)symbol).IndexGroup;
            uint    num2   = ((IAdsSymbol)symbol).IndexOffset;

            if (!this.IsDereferencedPointer)
                if (base.IsReference)
                    goto TR_0002;
                else if (!this.IsDereferencedReference)
                    if (num > 0x4020)
                        if (num > 0x4040)
                            if ((num != 0xf020) && (num != 0xf030))
                                goto TR_0003;
                        else if ((num != 0x4030) && (num != 0x4040))
                            goto TR_0003;
                        goto TR_0004;
                    else if (((num == 0x4000) || (num == 0x4010)) || (num == 0x4020))
                        goto TR_0004;
                    goto TR_0002;
                num  = 0xf01a;
                num2 = 0;
                goto TR_0000;
            goto TR_0003;
            indexGroup  = num;
            indexOffset = num2;

            num  = 0xf01b;
            num2 = 0;
            goto TR_0000;
            num2 = (num <= 0x100000) ? (num2 + ((uint)bitOffset)) : calcPidBitAddressing(num2, bitOffset);
            goto TR_0000;
            num2 = (num2 * 8) + ((uint)bitOffset);
            goto TR_0000;
Example #19
 internal TcAdsDataType(string name, AdsDatatypeId dataType, uint size, AdsDataTypeFlags flags, DataTypeCategory cat, Type managedType, IDataTypeResolver resolver) : this(name, dataType, size, flags, cat, string.Empty, managedType, resolver)