Example #1
        public Afspraken(Administration a, bool loadMeeting)
            administration = a;
            rtbInfo.Enabled = false;

            lblType.Text = loadMeeting ? "Afspraken:" : "Reviews";
            containsMeetings = loadMeeting;

            if (loadMeeting)
                //Load meetings
                foreach (string s in administration.GetMainAccountMeetings())
                    rtbInfo.Text += s + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                //If the logged in user is a 'hulpverlener', he wants to see the reviews posted to his account
                //If the logged in user is a 'hulpbehoevende', he wants to see the reviews he posted to people
                bool isPoster = administration.MainAccountData(6) == "Hulpverlener" ? false : true;
                foreach (string s in administration.GetAccountReviews(isPoster))
                    rtbInfo.Text += s + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;