Example #1
        public static string get(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData)
            string result = null;

            try {
                string editorRow = "";
                editorRow = AdminUIEditorController.getGroupRuleEditor(core, adminData);
                result    = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, true, "Group Membership", "", editorRow);
                adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Configure Edit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            CoreController core = cp.core;

            try {
                KeyPtrController Index = new KeyPtrController();
                int    ContentId       = cp.Doc.GetInteger(RequestNameToolContentId);
                var    contentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true);
                int    RecordCount     = 0;
                int    formFieldId     = 0;
                string StatusMessage   = "";
                string ErrorMessage    = "";
                bool   ReloadCDef      = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("ReloadCDef");
                if (contentMetadata != null)
                    string ToolButton = cp.Doc.GetText("Button");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolButton))
                        bool AllowContentAutoLoad = false;
                        if (ToolButton != ButtonCancel)
                            // Save the form changes
                            AllowContentAutoLoad = cp.Site.GetBoolean("AllowContentAutoLoad", true);
                            cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", "false");
                            // ----- Save the input
                            RecordCount = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaRecordCount"));
                            if (RecordCount > 0)
                                int RecordPointer = 0;
                                for (RecordPointer = 0; RecordPointer < RecordCount; RecordPointer++)
                                    string formFieldName = cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaName." + RecordPointer);
                                    CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum formFieldTypeId = (CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum)cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaType." + RecordPointer);
                                    formFieldId = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaID." + RecordPointer));
                                    bool formFieldInherited = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaInherited." + RecordPointer);
                                    // problem - looking for the name in the Db using the form's name, but it could have changed.
                                    // have to look field up by id
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> cdefFieldKvp in contentMetadata.fields)
                                        if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.id == formFieldId)
                                            // Field was found in CDef
                                            if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited && (!formFieldInherited))
                                                // Was inherited, but make a copy of the field
                                                using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                    if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields"))
                                                        using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                            if (CSSource.openRecord("Content Fields", formFieldId))
                                                        formFieldId = CSTarget.getInteger("ID");
                                                        CSTarget.set("ContentID", ContentId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                                            else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (formFieldInherited))
                                                // Was a field, make it inherit from it's parent
                                                MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Content Fields", formFieldId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                                            else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (!formFieldInherited))
                                                // not inherited, save the field values and mark for a reload
                                                    if (formFieldName.IndexOf(" ") != -1)
                                                        // remoave spaces from new name
                                                        StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was renamed [" + GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "") + "] because the field name can not include spaces.</LI>";
                                                        formFieldName = GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "");
                                                    string SQL = null;
                                                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) && ((int)formFieldTypeId != 0) && ((cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc == "") || (cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId == 0)))
                                                        // Create Db field, Field is good but was not before
                                                        core.db.createSQLTableField(contentMetadata.tableName, formFieldName, formFieldTypeId);
                                                        StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition and a database field was created in [" + contentMetadata.tableName + "].</LI>";
                                                    else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) || ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0))
                                                        // name blank or type=0 - do nothing but tell them
                                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName) && ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0))
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a name and field type are required.</LI>";
                                                        else if (formFieldName == "unnamedfield" + formFieldId.ToString())
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field name is required.</LI>";
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field type are required.</LI>";
                                                    else if ((formFieldName == cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc) && (formFieldTypeId != cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId))
                                                        // Field Type changed, must be done manually
                                                        ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] changed type from [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId) + "] to [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)formFieldTypeId) + "]. This may have caused a problem converting content.</LI>";
                                                        int DataSourceTypeId = core.db.getDataSourceType();
                                                        switch (DataSourceTypeId)
                                                        case DataSourceTypeODBCMySQL:
                                                            SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " change " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";";

                                                            SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " alter column " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";";
                                                    SQL = "Update ccFields"
                                                          + " Set name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(formFieldName)
                                                          + ",type=" + (int)formFieldTypeId
                                                          + ",caption=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaCaption." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",DefaultValue=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",EditSortPriority=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(GenericController.encodeText(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordPointer)))
                                                          + ",Active=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaActive." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",ReadOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Authorable=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Required=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaRequired." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",UniqueName=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",TextBuffered=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Password="******"dtfaPassword." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",HTMLContent=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",EditTab=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaEditTab." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Scramble=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaScramble." + RecordPointer)) + "";
                                                    if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                                        SQL += ",adminonly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordPointer));
                                                    if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper())
                                                        SQL += ",DeveloperOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordPointer));
                                                    SQL += " where ID=" + formFieldId;
                                                    ReloadCDef = true;
                        if (ToolButton == ButtonAdd)
                            // ----- Insert a blank Field
                            var defaultValues = ContentMetadataModel.getDefaultValueDict(core, ContentFieldModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                            var field         = ContentFieldModel.addDefault <ContentFieldModel>(core.cpParent, defaultValues);
                            field.name             = "unnamedField" + field.id.ToString();
                            field.contentId        = ContentId;
                            field.editSortPriority = 0;
                            ReloadCDef = true;
                        // ----- Button Reload CDef
                        if (ToolButton == ButtonSaveandInvalidateCache)
                        // ----- Restore Content Autoload site property
                        if (AllowContentAutoLoad)
                            cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", AllowContentAutoLoad.ToString());
                        // ----- Cancel or Save, reload CDef and go
                        if ((ToolButton == ButtonCancel) || (ToolButton == ButtonOK))
                            // ----- Exit back to menu
                            return(core.webServer.redirect(core.appConfig.adminRoute, "Tool-ConfigureContentEdit, ok or cancel button, go to root."));
                //   Print Output
                string description = ""
                                     + HtmlController.p("Use this tool to add or modify content definition fields and the underlying sql table fields.")
                                     + ((ContentId.Equals(0)) ? "" : ""
                                        + HtmlController.ul(""
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Content", "?aa=0&cid=3&id=" + ContentId + "&tx=&ad=0&asf=1&af=4", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Records", "?cid=" + ContentId, "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Select Different Fields", "?af=105", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            , "nav")
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Manage Admin Edit Fields", description));
                // -- status of last operation
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StatusMessage))
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormRow(core, "<UL>" + StatusMessage + "</UL>"));
                // -- errors with last operations
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div("There was a problem saving these changes" + "<UL>" + ErrorMessage + "</UL>", "ccError"));
                if (ReloadCDef)
                    contentMetadata = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true);
                string ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSelect;
                if (ContentId == 0)
                    // content tables that have edit forms to Configure
                    bool isEmptyList = false;
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Select a Content Definition to Configure", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "Content"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, "")));
                    // Configure edit form
                    Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId));
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK + "," + ButtonAdd;
                    // Get a new copy of the content definition
                    Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "<P><B>" + contentMetadata.name + "</b></P>");
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">");
                    int  ParentContentId  = contentMetadata.parentId;
                    bool AllowCDefInherit = false;
                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel ParentCDef = null;
                    if (ParentContentId == -1)
                        AllowCDefInherit = false;
                        AllowCDefInherit = true;
                        string ParentContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ParentContentId);
                        ParentCDef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ParentContentId, true, true);
                    bool NeedFootNote1 = false;
                    bool NeedFootNote2 = false;
                    if (contentMetadata.fields.Count > 0)
                        // -- header row
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\"></td>");
                        if (!AllowCDefInherit)
                            Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited*</b></span></td>");
                            NeedFootNote1 = true;
                            Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Field</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Caption</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Edit Tab</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Default</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Type</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Edit<br>Order</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Active</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Read<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Auth</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Req</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Unique</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Buffer</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Pass</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Scrm</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>HTML</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Admin<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Dev<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        RecordCount = 0;
                        // Build a select template for Type
                        string TypeSelectTemplate = core.html.selectFromContent("menuname", -1, "Content Field Types", "", "unknown");
                        // Index the sort order
                        List <FieldSortClass> fieldList = new List <FieldSortClass>();
                        int FieldCount = contentMetadata.fields.Count;
                        foreach (var keyValuePair in contentMetadata.fields)
                            FieldSortClass fieldSort = new FieldSortClass();
                            string         sortOrder = "";
                            fieldSort.field = keyValuePair.Value;
                            sortOrder       = "";
                            if (fieldSort.field.active)
                                sortOrder += "0";
                                sortOrder += "1";
                            if (fieldSort.field.authorable)
                                sortOrder += "0";
                                sortOrder += "1";
                            sortOrder     += fieldSort.field.editTabName + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.editSortPriority, 10) + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.id, 10);
                            fieldSort.sort = sortOrder;
                        fieldList.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.sort.CompareTo(p2.sort));
                        StringBuilderLegacyController StreamValidRows = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                        var contentFieldsCdef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, "content fields");
                        foreach (FieldSortClass fieldsort in fieldList)
                            StringBuilderLegacyController streamRow = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                            bool rowValid = true;
                            // If Field has name and type, it is locked and can not be changed
                            bool FieldLocked = (fieldsort.field.nameLc != "") && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId != 0);
                            // put the menu into the current menu format
                            formFieldId = fieldsort.field.id;
                            streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaID." + RecordCount, formFieldId));
                            // edit button
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + AdminUIController.getRecordEditAnchorTag(core, contentFieldsCdef, formFieldId) + "</td>");
                            // Inherited
                            if (!AllowCDefInherit)
                                // no parent
                                streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False</span></td>");
                            else if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                // inherited property
                                streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>");
                                Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel parentField = null;
                                // CDef has a parent, but the field is non-inherited, test for a matching Parent Field
                                if (ParentCDef == null)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> kvp in ParentCDef.fields)
                                        if (kvp.Value.nameLc == fieldsort.field.nameLc)
                                            parentField = kvp.Value;
                                if (parentField == null)
                                    streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False**</span></td>");
                                    NeedFootNote2 = true;
                                    streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>");
                            // name
                            bool tmpValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldsort.field.nameLc);
                            rowValid = rowValid && !tmpValue;
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "&nbsp;</SPAN>");
                            else if (FieldLocked)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "&nbsp;</SPAN><input type=hidden name=dtfaName." + RecordCount + " value=\"" + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "\">");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.nameLc, 1, 10));
                            // caption
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.caption + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaCaption." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.caption, 1, 10));
                            // Edit Tab
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editTabName + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditTab." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editTabName, 1, 10));
                            // default
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue) + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordCount, GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue), 1, 10));
                            // type
                            rowValid = rowValid && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId > 0);
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    csData.openRecord("Content Field Types", (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId);
                                    if (!csData.ok())
                                        streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "Unknown[" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "]</SPAN>");
                                        streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + csData.getText("Name") + "</SPAN>");
                            else if (FieldLocked)
                                streamRow.add(DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId) + HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaType." + RecordCount, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId));
                                string TypeSelect = TypeSelectTemplate;
                                TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "menuname", "dtfaType." + RecordCount, 1, 99, 1);
                                TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\"", "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\" selected", 1, 99, 1);
                            // sort priority
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editSortPriority + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editSortPriority.ToString(), 1, 10));
                            // active
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaActive." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.active, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // read only
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.readOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // authorable
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.authorable, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // required
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaRequired." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.required, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // UniqueName
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.uniqueName, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // text buffered
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.textBuffered, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // password
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaPassword." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.password, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // scramble
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaScramble." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.scramble, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // HTML Content
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.htmlContent, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // Admin Only
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.adminOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // Developer Only
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper())
                                streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.developerOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            RecordCount = RecordCount + 1;
                            // rows are built - put the blank rows at the top
                            if (!rowValid)
                        Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaRecordCount", RecordCount));
                    if (NeedFootNote1)
                        Stream.add("<br>*Field Inheritance is not allowed because this Content Definition has no parent.");
                    if (NeedFootNote2)
                        Stream.add("<br>**This field can not be inherited because the Parent Content Definition does not have a field with the same name.");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("ReloadCDef", ReloadCDef));
                // -- assemble form
                return(AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string sampleTool(CPClass cp)
            string         result = "";
            CoreController core   = cp.core;

            try {
                var resultForm = new StringBuilder();
                resultForm.Append(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Sample Tool", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi. In vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Tortor consequat id porta nibh. Pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada. Facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. Nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget. Lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor. Auctor urna nunc id cursus metus aliquam. Gravida neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque. Faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non nisi est sit amet. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. In egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim. Sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu. Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend."));
                // process form
                string button     = cp.Doc.GetText("button");
                string PageSize   = cp.Doc.GetText("pageSize");
                int    countryId  = cp.Doc.GetInteger("countryId");
                var    buttonList = new List <string> {
                if (button == ButtonCancel)
                    // Cancel just exits with no content
                else if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                    // Not Admin Error
                    // Process Requests
                    switch (button)
                    case ButtonSave:
                    case ButtonOK: {
                        // perform action

                    default: {
                        // nothing
                    if (button.Equals(ButtonOK))
                        // Exit on OK
                // display form
                resultForm.Append(cp.Html5.P("Enter sample data."));
                resultForm.Append(HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, "sampleText", "", 10));
                // Buttons
                // Close Tables
                resultForm.Append(HtmlController.inputHidden(rnAdminSourceForm, AdminFormSecurityControl));
                bool isEmptyList = false;
                resultForm.Append(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Caption", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, "countryId", countryId, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "countries"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, "")));
                resultForm.Append(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Caption", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "PageSize", PageSize.ToString())));
                // -- assemble form
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, resultForm.ToString(), String.Join(",", buttonList));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Run manual query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            string         returnHtml = "";
            CoreController core       = cp.core;

            try {
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Run Manual Query", "This tool runs an SQL statement on a selected datasource. If there is a result set, the set is printed in a table."));
                // Get the members SQL Queue
                string SQLFilename = core.userProperty.getText("SQLArchive");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQLFilename))
                    SQLFilename = "SQLArchive" + core.session.user.id.ToString("000000000") + ".txt";
                    core.userProperty.setProperty("SQLArchive", SQLFilename);
                string SQLArchive = core.cdnFiles.readFileText(SQLFilename);
                // Read in arguments if available
                int Timeout = core.docProperties.getInteger("Timeout");
                if (Timeout == 0)
                    Timeout = 30;
                int pageSize = core.docProperties.getInteger("PageSize");
                if (pageSize == 0)
                    pageSize = 10;
                int pageNumber = core.docProperties.getInteger("PageNumber");
                if (pageNumber == 0)
                    pageNumber = 1;
                string SQL = core.docProperties.getText("SQL");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL))
                    SQL = core.docProperties.getText("SQLList");
                DataSourceModel datasource = DataSourceModel.create(core.cpParent, core.docProperties.getInteger("dataSourceid"));
                if ((core.docProperties.getText("button")) == ButtonRun)
                    // Add this SQL to the members SQL list
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL))
                        string SQLArchiveOld = SQLArchive.Replace(SQL + Environment.NewLine, "");
                        SQLArchive = SQL.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ") + Environment.NewLine;
                        int LineCounter = 0;
                        while ((LineCounter < 10) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQLArchiveOld)))
                            string line = getLine(ref SQLArchiveOld).Trim();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                                SQLArchive += line + Environment.NewLine;
                        core.cdnFiles.saveFile(SQLFilename, SQLArchive);
                    // Run the SQL
                    string errBefore = ErrorController.getDocExceptionHtmlList(core);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errBefore))
                        // -- error in interface, should be fixed before attempting query
                        Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL NOT executed. The following errors were detected before execution");
                        Stream.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Executing sql [" + SQL + "] on DataSource [" + datasource.name + "]");
                        DataTable dt = null;
                        try {
                            dt = core.db.executeQuery(SQL, DbController.getStartRecord(pageSize, pageNumber), pageSize);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            // ----- error
                            Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL execution returned the following error");
                            Stream.add("<br>" + ex.Message);
                        string errSql = ErrorController.getDocExceptionHtmlList(core);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errSql))
                            Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL execution returned the following error");
                            Stream.add("<br>" + errSql);
                            Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL executed successfully");
                            if (dt == null)
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL returned invalid data.");
                            else if (dt.Rows == null)
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL returned invalid data rows.");
                            else if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The SQL returned no data.");
                                // ----- print results
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The following results were returned");
                                // --- Create the Fields for the new table
                                int FieldCount = dt.Columns.Count;
                                Stream.add("<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-sm table-striped\">");
                                Stream.add("<thead class=\"thead - inverse\"><tr>");
                                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                                    Stream.add("<th>" + dc.ColumnName + "</th>");
                                string[,] resultArray = core.db.convertDataTabletoArray(dt);
                                int    RowMax      = resultArray.GetUpperBound(1);
                                int    ColumnMax   = resultArray.GetUpperBound(0);
                                string RowStart    = "<tr>";
                                string RowEnd      = "</tr>";
                                string ColumnStart = "<td>";
                                string ColumnEnd   = "</td>";
                                int    RowPointer  = 0;
                                for (RowPointer = 0; RowPointer <= RowMax; RowPointer++)
                                    int ColumnPointer = 0;
                                    for (ColumnPointer = 0; ColumnPointer <= ColumnMax; ColumnPointer++)
                                        string CellData = resultArray[ColumnPointer, RowPointer];
                                        if (isNull(CellData))
                                            Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[null]" + ColumnEnd);
                                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellData))
                                            Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                            Stream.add(ColumnStart + HtmlController.encodeHtml(GenericController.encodeText(CellData)) + ColumnEnd);
                    Stream.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</p>");
                // Display form
                    // -- sql form
                    int SQLRows = core.docProperties.getInteger("SQLRows");
                    if (SQLRows == 0)
                        SQLRows = core.userProperty.getInteger("ManualQueryInputRows", 5);
                        core.userProperty.setProperty("ManualQueryInputRows", SQLRows.ToString());
                    Stream.add(AdminUIEditorController.getHtmlCodeEditor(core, "SQL", SQL, false, "SQL", false));
                    Stream.add("&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=\"Text\" TabIndex=-1 NAME=\"SQLRows\" SIZE=\"3\" VALUE=\"" + SQLRows + "\" ID=\"\"  onchange=\"SQL.rows=SQLRows.value; return true\"> Rows");
                // -- data source
                bool isEmptyList = false;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Data Source", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, "DataSourceID", datasource.id, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "data sources"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, "")));
                    // -- sql list
                    string        js          = "var e = document.getElementById('SQLList');SQL.value=e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;";
                    List <string> lookupList  = SQLArchive.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                    string        inputSelect = AdminUIEditorController.getLookupListEditor(core, "SQLList", 0, lookupList, false, "SQLList", "", false);
                    inputSelect = inputSelect.Replace("<select ", "<select onChange=\"" + js + "\" ");
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Previous Queries", inputSelect));
                // -- page size
                if (isNull(pageSize))
                    pageSize = 100;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Page Size", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "PageSize", pageSize.ToString())));
                // -- page number
                if (isNull(pageNumber))
                    pageNumber = 1;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Page Number", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "PageNumber", pageNumber.ToString())));
                // -- timeout
                if (isNull(Timeout))
                    Timeout = 30;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Timeout (sec)", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "Timeout", Timeout.ToString())));
                // -- assemble form
                returnHtml = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Control edit tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="adminData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv)
            string result = null;

            try {
                bool disabled = false;
                var tabPanel = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminData.adminContent.name))
                    // Content not found or not loaded
                    if (adminData.adminContent.id == 0)
                        LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("No content definition was specified for this page"));
                        return(HtmlController.p("No content was specified."));
                        // Content Definition was not specified
                        LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("The content definition specified for this page [" + adminData.adminContent.id + "] was not found"));
                        return(HtmlController.p("No content was specified."));
                // ----- Authoring status
                bool FieldRequired = false;

                List <string> TabsFound = new List <string>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                    if ((field.editTabName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("control info")) && (field.authorable) && (field.active))
                        tabPanel.add(EditorRowClass.getEditorRow(core, field, adminData, editorEnv));
                // ----- RecordID
                    string fieldValue  = (adminData.editRecord.id == 0) ? "(available after save)" : adminData.editRecord.id.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore", fieldValue, true, "");
                    string fieldHelp   = "This is the unique number that identifies this record within this content.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Record Number", fieldHelp, true, false, ""));
                // -- Active
                    string htmlId      = "fieldActive";
                    string fieldEditor = HtmlController.checkbox("active", adminData.editRecord.active, htmlId, disabled, "", adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly);
                    string fieldHelp   = "When unchecked, add-ons can ignore this record as if it was temporarily deleted.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Active", fieldHelp, false, false, htmlId));
                // -- GUID
                    string guidSetHtmlId   = "guidSet" + GenericController.getRandomInteger(core).ToString();
                    string guidInputHtmlId = "guidInput" + GenericController.getRandomInteger(core).ToString();
                    string fieldValue      = GenericController.encodeText(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["ccguid"].value);
                    string fieldEditor     = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly)
                        // -- readonly
                        fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore", fieldValue, true, "");
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue))
                        // add a set button
                        string setButton        = "<input id=\"" + guidSetHtmlId + "\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Set\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm\">";
                        string setButtonWrapped = "<div class=\"input-group-append\">" + setButton + "</div>";
                        string inputCell        = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ccguid", "", false, guidInputHtmlId);
                        fieldEditor = HtmlController.div(inputCell + setButtonWrapped, "input-group");
                        string newGuid   = GenericController.getGUID(true);
                        string onClickFn = "function(e){e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();$('#" + guidInputHtmlId + "').val('" + newGuid + "');}";
                        string script    = "$('body').on('click','#" + guidSetHtmlId + "'," + onClickFn + ")";
                        core.html.addScriptCode(script, "Admin edit control-info-tab guid set button");
                        // field is read-only except for developers
                        fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ccguid", fieldValue, !core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper(), guidInputHtmlId);
                    string FieldHelp = "This is a unique number that identifies this record globally. A GUID is not required, but when set it should never be changed. GUIDs are used to synchronize records. When empty, you can create a new guid. Only Developers can modify the guid.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "GUID", FieldHelp, false, false, guidInputHtmlId));
                // ----- EID (Encoded ID)
                    if (GenericController.toUCase(adminData.adminContent.tableName) == GenericController.toUCase("ccMembers"))
                        string htmlId      = "fieldGuid";
                        bool   AllowEId    = (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true)) || (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkRecognize", true));
                        string fieldHelp   = "This string is an authentication token that can be used in the URL for the next 15 minutes to log in as this user.";
                        string fieldEditor = "";
                        if (!AllowEId)
                            fieldEditor = "(link login and link recognize are disabled in security preferences)";
                        else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                            fieldEditor = "(available after save)";
                            string eidQueryString = "eid=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(SecurityController.encodeToken(core, adminData.editRecord.id, core.doc.profileStartTime.AddMinutes(15)));
                            string sampleUrl      = core.webServer.requestProtocol + core.webServer.requestDomain + "/" + core.siteProperties.serverPageDefault + "?" + eidQueryString;
                            if (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true))
                                fieldHelp = " If " + eidQueryString + " is added to a url querystring for this site, the user be logged in as this person.";
                                fieldHelp = " If " + eidQueryString + " is added to a url querystring for this site, the user be recognized in as this person, but not logged in.";
                            fieldHelp  += " To enable, disable or modify this feature, use the security tab on the Preferences page.";
                            fieldHelp  += "<br>For example: " + sampleUrl;
                            fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_eid", eidQueryString, true, htmlId);
                        tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Member Link Login Querystring", fieldHelp, true, false, htmlId));
                // ----- Controlling Content
                    string HTMLFieldString          = "";
                    string FieldHelp                = "The content in which this record is stored. This is similar to a database table.";
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = null;
                    if (adminData.adminContent.fields.ContainsKey("contentcontrolid"))
                        field = adminData.adminContent.fields["contentcontrolid"];
                        // if this record has a parent id, only include CDefs compatible with the parent record - otherwise get all for the table
                        FieldHelp     = GenericController.encodeText(field.helpMessage);
                        FieldRequired = GenericController.encodeBoolean(field.required);
                        int FieldValueInteger = (adminData.editRecord.contentControlId.Equals(0)) ? adminData.adminContent.id : adminData.editRecord.contentControlId;
                        if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                            HTMLFieldString = HTMLFieldString + HtmlController.inputHidden("contentControlId", FieldValueInteger);
                            string RecordContentName = adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name;
                            string TableName2        = MetadataController.getContentTablename(core, RecordContentName);
                            int    TableId           = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, "Tables", TableName2);
                            // Test for parentid
                            int  ParentId = 0;
                            bool ContentSupportsParentId = false;
                            if (adminData.editRecord.id > 0)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    if (csData.openRecord(RecordContentName, adminData.editRecord.id))
                                        ContentSupportsParentId = csData.isFieldSupported("ParentID");
                                        if (ContentSupportsParentId)
                                            ParentId = csData.getInteger("ParentID");
                            bool IsEmptyList = false;
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                // administrator, and either ( no parentid or does not support it), let them select any content compatible with the table
                                string sqlFilter  = "(ContentTableID=" + TableId + ")";
                                int    contentCId = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, ContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, ContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                                HTMLFieldString += AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, "contentcontrolid", FieldValueInteger, contentCId, ref IsEmptyList, adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly, "", "", true, sqlFilter);
                                FieldHelp        = FieldHelp + " (Only administrators have access to this control. Changing the Controlling Content allows you to change who can author the record, as well as how it is edited.)";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HTMLFieldString))
                        HTMLFieldString = adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name;
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, HTMLFieldString, "Controlling Content", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Created By
                    string FieldHelp  = "The people account of the user who created this record.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.createdBy == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                        int FieldValueInteger = adminData.editRecord.createdBy.id;
                        if (FieldValueInteger == 0)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.open("people", "(id=" + FieldValueInteger + ")", "name,active", false);
                                if (!csData.ok())
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", (deleted)";
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", " + csData.getText("name");
                                    if (!csData.getBoolean("active"))
                                        fieldValue += " (inactive)";
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_createdBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Created By", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Created Date
                    string FieldHelp  = "The date and time when this record was originally created.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                        if (GenericController.encodeDateMinValue(adminData.editRecord.dateAdded) == DateTime.MinValue)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            fieldValue = adminData.editRecord.dateAdded.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_createdDate", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Created Date", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Modified By
                    string FieldHelp  = "The people account of the last user who modified this record.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.modifiedBy == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                        int FieldValueInteger = adminData.editRecord.modifiedBy.id;
                        if (FieldValueInteger == 0)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.open("people", "(id=" + FieldValueInteger + ")", "name,active", false);
                                if (!csData.ok())
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", (deleted)";
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", " + csData.getText("name");
                                    if (!csData.getBoolean("active"))
                                        fieldValue += " (inactive)";
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_modifiedBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Modified By", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Modified Date
                    string FieldHelp  = "The date and time when this record was last modified.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                        if (GenericController.encodeDateMinValue(adminData.editRecord.modifiedDate) == DateTime.MinValue)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            fieldValue = adminData.editRecord.modifiedDate.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_modifiedBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Modified Date", FieldHelp, false, false, ""));
                string s = AdminUIController.editTable(tabPanel.text);
                result = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, true, "Control Information", "", s);
                adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
                tabPanel = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
Example #6
        public static string getEditorRow(CoreController core, ContentFieldMetadataModel field, AdminDataModel adminData, EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv)
            string whyReadOnlyMsg = "";

            Models.EditRecordModel editRecord = adminData.editRecord;
            object fieldValueObject           = editRecord.fieldsLc[field.nameLc].value;
            string fieldValue_text            = encodeText(fieldValueObject);
            int    fieldRows    = 1;
            string fieldHtmlId  = field.nameLc + field.id.ToString();
            string fieldCaption = field.caption;

            if (field.uniqueName)
                fieldCaption = "&nbsp;**" + fieldCaption;
                if (field.nameLc.ToLowerInvariant() == "email")
                    if ((adminData.adminContent.tableName.ToLowerInvariant() == "ccmembers") && ((core.siteProperties.getBoolean("allowemaillogin", false))))
                        fieldCaption = "&nbsp;***" + fieldCaption;
                        editorEnv.needUniqueEmailMessage = true;
            if (field.required)
                fieldCaption = "&nbsp;*" + fieldCaption;
            adminData.formInputCount = adminData.formInputCount + 1;
            bool fieldForceReadOnly = false;

            // Read only Special Cases
            if (editorEnv.isRootPage)
                // -- page content metadata, these are the special fields
                switch (GenericController.toLCase(field.nameLc))
                case "active": {
                    // if active, it is read only -- if inactive, let them set it active.
                    fieldForceReadOnly = encodeBoolean(fieldValueObject);
                    if (fieldForceReadOnly)
                        whyReadOnlyMsg = "&nbsp;(disabled because you can not mark the landing page inactive)";

                case "dateexpires":
                case "pubdate":
                case "datearchive":
                case "blocksection":
                case "archiveparentid":
                case "hidemenu": {
                    // These fields are read only on landing pages
                    fieldForceReadOnly = true;
                    whyReadOnlyMsg     = "&nbsp;(disabled for the landing page)";

                case "allowinmenus":
                case "allowinchildlists": {
                    fieldValueObject   = "1";
                    fieldForceReadOnly = true;
                    whyReadOnlyMsg     = "&nbsp;(disabled for root pages)";

                default: {
                    // do nothing
            // Special Case - ccemail table Alloweid should be disabled if siteproperty AllowLinkLogin is false
            if (GenericController.toLCase(adminData.adminContent.tableName) == "ccemail" && GenericController.toLCase(field.nameLc) == "allowlinkeid")
                if (!(core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true)))
                    fieldValueObject   = "0";
                    fieldForceReadOnly = true;
                    fieldValue_text    = "0";
            string     EditorString   = "";
            bool       editorReadOnly = (editorEnv.record_readOnly || field.readOnly || (editRecord.id != 0 && field.notEditable) || (fieldForceReadOnly));
            AddonModel editorAddon    = null;
            int        fieldTypeDefaultEditorAddonId = 0;
            var        fieldEditor = adminData.fieldTypeEditors.Find(x => (x.fieldTypeId == (int)field.fieldTypeId));

            if (fieldEditor != null)
                fieldTypeDefaultEditorAddonId = (int)fieldEditor.editorAddonId;
                editorAddon = DbBaseModel.create <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, fieldTypeDefaultEditorAddonId);
            bool useEditorAddon = false;

            if (editorAddon != null)
                // ----- Custom Editor
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorName", field.nameLc);
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorValue", fieldValue_text);
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorFieldId", field.id);
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorFieldType", (int)field.fieldTypeId);
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorReadOnly", editorReadOnly);
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorWidth", "");
                core.docProperties.setProperty("editorHeight", "");
                if (field.fieldTypeId.isOneOf(CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML, CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTMLCode, CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML, CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode))
                    // include html related arguments
                    core.docProperties.setProperty("editorAllowActiveContent", "1");
                    core.docProperties.setProperty("editorAddonList", editorEnv.editorAddonListJSON);
                    core.docProperties.setProperty("editorStyles", editorEnv.styleList);
                    core.docProperties.setProperty("editorStyleOptions", editorEnv.styleOptionList);
                EditorString = core.addon.execute(editorAddon, new BaseClasses.CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                    addonType           = BaseClasses.CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext.ContextEditor,
                    errorContextMessage = "field editor id:" + editorAddon.id
                useEditorAddon = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorString);
                if (useEditorAddon)
                    // -- editor worked
                    editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                    // -- editor failed, determine if it is missing (or inactive). If missing, remove it from the members preferences
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        if (!csData.openSql("select id from ccaggregatefunctions where id=" + editorAddon.id))
                            // -- missing, not just inactive
                            EditorString = "";
                            // load user's editor preferences to fieldEditorPreferences() - this is the editor this user has picked when there are >1
                            //   fieldId:addonId,fieldId:addonId,etc
                            //   with custom FancyBox form in edit window with button "set editor preference"
                            //   this button causes a 'refresh' action, reloads fields with stream without save
                            string tmpList  = core.userProperty.getText("editorPreferencesForContent:" + adminData.adminContent.id, "");
                            int    PosStart = GenericController.strInstr(1, "," + tmpList, "," + field.id + ":");
                            if (PosStart > 0)
                                int PosEnd = GenericController.strInstr(PosStart + 1, "," + tmpList, ",");
                                if (PosEnd == 0)
                                    tmpList = tmpList.left(PosStart - 1);
                                    tmpList = tmpList.left(PosStart - 1) + tmpList.Substring(PosEnd - 1);
                                core.userProperty.setProperty("editorPreferencesForContent:" + adminData.adminContent.id, tmpList);
            // -- style for editor wrapper used to limit the width of some editors like integer
            string editorWrapperSyle = "";

            if (!useEditorAddon)
                bool IsEmptyList = false;
                //string NonEncodedLink = null;
                //string EncodedLink = null;
                // if custom editor not used or if it failed
                if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Redirect)
                    // ----- Default Editor, Redirect fields (the same for normal/readonly/spelling)

                    EditorString = AdminUIEditorController.getRedirectEditor(core, field, adminData, editRecord, fieldValue_text, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required);
                    //string RedirectPath = core.appConfig.adminRoute;
                    //if (field.redirectPath != "") {
                    //    RedirectPath = field.redirectPath;
                    //RedirectPath = RedirectPath + "?" + RequestNameTitleExtension + "=" + GenericController.encodeRequestVariable(" For " + editRecord.nameLc + adminData.titleExtension) + "&" + RequestNameAdminDepth + "=" + (adminData.ignore_legacyMenuDepth + 1) + "&wl0=" + field.redirectId + "&wr0=" + editRecord.id;
                    //if (field.redirectContentId != 0) {
                    //    RedirectPath = RedirectPath + "&cid=" + field.redirectContentId;
                    //} else {
                    //    RedirectPath = RedirectPath + "&cid=" + ((editRecord.contentControlId.Equals(0)) ? adminData.adminContent.id : editRecord.contentControlId);
                    //if (editRecord.id == 0) {
                    //    EditorString += ("[available after save]");
                    //} else {
                    //    RedirectPath = GenericController.strReplace(RedirectPath, "'", "\\'");
                    //    EditorString += ("<a href=\"#\"");
                    //    EditorString += (" onclick=\" window.open('" + RedirectPath + "', '_blank', 'scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes'); return false;\"");
                    //    EditorString += (">");
                    //    EditorString += ("Open in New Window</A>");
                else if (editorReadOnly)
                    // ----- Display fields as read only
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whyReadOnlyMsg))
                        whyReadOnlyMsg = "<span class=\"ccDisabledReason\">" + whyReadOnlyMsg + "</span>";
                    switch (field.fieldTypeId)
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Link:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ResourceLink: {
                        // ----- Text Type
                        EditorString            += AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId);
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Boolean: {
                        // ----- Boolean ReadOnly
                        EditorString            += AdminUIEditorController.getBooleanEditor(core, field.nameLc, GenericController.encodeBoolean(fieldValueObject), editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId);
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Lookup: {
                        // ----- Lookup, readonly
                        if (field.lookupContentId != 0)
                            EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, field.nameLc, GenericController.encodeInteger(fieldValueObject), field.lookupContentId, ref IsEmptyList, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, whyReadOnlyMsg, field.required, "");
                            editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                            editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";
                        else if (field.lookupList != "")
                            EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getLookupListEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeInteger(fieldValueObject), field.lookupList.Split(',').ToList(), editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, whyReadOnlyMsg, field.required);
                            editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                            editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";
                            // -- log exception but dont throw
                            LogController.logWarn(core, new GenericException("Field [" + adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + "] is a Lookup field, but no LookupContent or LookupList has been configured"));
                            EditorString += "[Selection not configured]";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Date: {
                        // ----- date, readonly
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getDateTimeEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeDate(fieldValueObject), editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.MemberSelect: {
                        // ----- Member Select ReadOnly
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getMemberSelectEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeInteger(fieldValueObject), field.memberSelectGroupId_get(core), field.memberSelectGroupName_get(core), editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ManyToMany: {
                        //   Placeholder
                        EditorString = AdminUIEditorController.getManyToManyEditor(core, field, "field" + field.id, fieldValue_text, editRecord.id, editorReadOnly, whyReadOnlyMsg);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Currency: {
                        // ----- Currency ReadOnly
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += (HtmlController.inputCurrency(core, field.nameLc, encodeNumber(fieldValue_text), fieldHtmlId, "text form-control", editorReadOnly, false));
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Float: {
                        // ----- double/number/float
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += (HtmlController.inputNumber(core, field.nameLc, encodeNumber(fieldValue_text), fieldHtmlId, "text form-control", editorReadOnly, false));
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.AutoIdIncrement:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Integer: {
                        // ----- Others that simply print
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += (HtmlController.inputInteger(core, field.nameLc, encodeInteger(fieldValue_text), fieldHtmlId, "text form-control", editorReadOnly, false));
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTMLCode:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode: {
                        // edit html as html (see the code)
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += HtmlController.inputHidden(field.nameLc, fieldValue_text);
                        fieldRows     = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                        EditorString += HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, editorReadOnly, "form-control");

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML: {
                        // ----- HTML types readonly
                        if (field.htmlContent)
                            // edit html as html (see the code)
                            editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                            EditorString            += HtmlController.inputHidden(field.nameLc, fieldValue_text);
                            fieldRows     = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                            EditorString += HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, editorReadOnly, "form-control");
                            // edit html as wysiwyg readonly
                            editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                            EditorString            += AdminUIEditorController.getHtmlEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorEnv.editorAddonListJSON, editorEnv.styleList, editorEnv.styleOptionList, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileText: {
                        // ----- LongText, TextFile
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += HtmlController.inputHidden(field.nameLc, fieldValue_text);
                        fieldRows     = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                        EditorString += HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, editorReadOnly, " form-control");

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File: {
                        // ----- File ReadOnly
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getFileEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage: {
                        // ----- Image ReadOnly
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getImageEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);

                    default: {
                        // ----- Legacy text type -- not used unless something was missed
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += HtmlController.inputHidden(field.nameLc, fieldValue_text);
                        if (field.password)
                            // Password forces simple text box
                            EditorString += HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, field.nameLc, "*****", 0, 0, fieldHtmlId, true, true, "password form-control");
                        else if (!field.htmlContent)
                            // not HTML capable, textarea with resizing
                            if ((field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text) && (fieldValue_text.IndexOf("\n") == -1) && (fieldValue_text.Length < 40))
                                // text field shorter then 40 characters without a CR
                                EditorString += HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, 1, 0, fieldHtmlId, false, true, "text form-control");
                                // longer text data, or text that contains a CR
                                EditorString += HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, 10, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, true, " form-control");
                        else if (field.htmlContent)
                            // HTMLContent true, and prefered
                            fieldRows     = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".PixelHeight", 500));
                            EditorString += core.html.getFormInputHTML(field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, "500", "", false, true, editorEnv.editorAddonListJSON, editorEnv.styleList, editorEnv.styleOptionList);
                            EditorString  = "<div style=\"width:95%\">" + EditorString + "</div>";
                            // HTMLContent true, but text editor selected
                            fieldRows     = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                            EditorString += HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, editorReadOnly);
                    // -- Not Read Only - Display fields as form elements to be modified
                    switch (field.fieldTypeId)
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text: {
                        // ----- Text Type
                        if (field.password)
                            EditorString += AdminUIEditorController.getPasswordEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, false, fieldHtmlId);
                            EditorString += AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, false, fieldHtmlId);
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Boolean: {
                        // ----- Boolean
                        EditorString            += AdminUIEditorController.getBooleanEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeBoolean(fieldValueObject), false, fieldHtmlId);
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Lookup: {
                        // ----- Lookup
                        if (field.lookupContentId != 0)
                            EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeInteger(fieldValueObject), field.lookupContentId, ref IsEmptyList, field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, whyReadOnlyMsg, field.required, "");
                            editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                            editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";
                        else if (field.lookupList != "")
                            EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getLookupListEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeInteger(fieldValueObject), field.lookupList.Split(',').ToList(), field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, whyReadOnlyMsg, field.required);
                            editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                            editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";
                            // -- log exception but dont throw
                            LogController.logWarn(core, new GenericException("Field [" + adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + "] is a Lookup field, but no LookupContent or LookupList has been configured"));
                            EditorString += "[Selection not configured]";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Date: {
                        // ----- Date
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getDateTimeEditor(core, field.nameLc, GenericController.encodeDate(fieldValueObject), field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.MemberSelect: {
                        // ----- Member Select
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getMemberSelectEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeInteger(fieldValueObject), field.memberSelectGroupId_get(core), field.memberSelectGroupName_get(core), field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ManyToMany: {
                        //   Placeholder
                        EditorString = AdminUIEditorController.getManyToManyEditor(core, field, "field" + field.id, fieldValue_text, editRecord.id, false, whyReadOnlyMsg);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File: {
                        // ----- File
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getFileEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage: {
                        // ----- Image ReadOnly
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getImageEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Currency: {
                        // ----- currency
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += AdminUIEditorController.getCurrencyEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeNumberNullable(fieldValueObject), field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Float: {
                        // ----- double/number/float
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += AdminUIEditorController.getNumberEditor(core, field.nameLc, encodeNumberNullable(fieldValueObject), field.readOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required, whyReadOnlyMsg);
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.AutoIdIncrement:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Integer: {
                        // ----- Others that simply print
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString            += (HtmlController.inputInteger(core, field.nameLc, encodeIntegerNullable(fieldValue_text), fieldHtmlId, "text form-control", editorReadOnly, false));
                        editorWrapperSyle        = "max-width:400px";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Link: {
                        // ----- Link (href value
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getLinkEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ResourceLink: {
                        // ----- Resource Link (src value)
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getLinkEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId, field.required);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTMLCode:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode: {
                        // View the content as Html, not wysiwyg
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        EditorString             = AdminUIEditorController.getHtmlCodeEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML: {
                        // content is html
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        if (field.htmlContent)
                            // View the content as Html, not wysiwyg
                            EditorString = AdminUIEditorController.getHtmlCodeEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId);
                            // wysiwyg editor
                            EditorString = AdminUIEditorController.getHtmlEditor(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, editorEnv.editorAddonListJSON, editorEnv.styleList, editorEnv.styleOptionList, editorReadOnly, fieldHtmlId);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileText: {
                        // -- Long Text, use text editor
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        fieldRows    = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                        EditorString = HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "text form-control");

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileCSS: {
                        // ----- CSS field
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        fieldRows    = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                        EditorString = HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "styles form-control");

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileJavascript: {
                        // ----- Javascript field
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        fieldRows    = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                        EditorString = HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "text form-control");

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileXML: {
                        // ----- xml field
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        fieldRows    = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                        EditorString = HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "text form-control");

                    default: {
                        // ----- Legacy text type -- not used unless something was missed
                        editorEnv.formFieldList += "," + field.nameLc;
                        if (field.password)
                            // Password forces simple text box
                            EditorString = HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, -1, -1, fieldHtmlId, true, false, "password form-control");
                        else if (!field.htmlContent)
                            // not HTML capable, textarea with resizing
                            if ((field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text) && (fieldValue_text.IndexOf("\n", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) == -1) && (fieldValue_text.Length < 40))
                                // text field shorter then 40 characters without a CR
                                EditorString = HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, 1, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "text form-control");
                                // longer text data, or text that contains a CR
                                EditorString = HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, 10, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "text form-control");
                        else if (field.htmlContent)
                            // HTMLContent true, and prefered
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue_text))
                                // editor needs a starting p tag to setup correctly
                                fieldValue_text = HTMLEditorDefaultCopyNoCr;
                            fieldRows     = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".PixelHeight", 500));
                            EditorString += core.html.getFormInputHTML(field.nameLc, fieldValue_text, "500", "", false, true, editorEnv.editorAddonListJSON, editorEnv.styleList, editorEnv.styleOptionList);
                            EditorString  = "<div style=\"width:95%\">" + EditorString + "</div>";
                            // HTMLContent true, but text editor selected
                            fieldRows    = (core.userProperty.getInteger(adminData.adminContent.name + "." + field.nameLc + ".RowHeight", 10));
                            EditorString = HtmlController.inputTextarea(core, field.nameLc, HtmlController.encodeHtml(fieldValue_text), fieldRows, -1, fieldHtmlId, false, false, "text");
            // assemble the editor row
            return(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, EditorString, fieldCaption, field.helpDefault, field.required, false, fieldHtmlId, editorWrapperSyle));