public IActionResult EditGetAccount(int id)
                var accountService = _logicFactory.GetAccountService();
                //get the team
                Account a = accountService.GetByID(id);
                //create the view model
                AdminAccountEditView editAccountView = new AdminAccountEditView
                    AccountID        = a.AccountID,
                    AccountName      = a.AccountName,
                    AccountEmail     = a.AccountEmail,
                    AccountPassword  = a.AccountPassword,
                    PlayerID         = a.AccountPlayer?.PlayerID,
                    PlayerName       = a.AccountPlayer?.PlayerName,
                    PlayerPlatformID = a.AccountPlayer?.PlayerPlatformID

                return(PartialView("Account/_EditAccountPartial", editAccountView));
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Something went wrong trying to get a team to edit. |Message: {ex.Message} |Stacktrace: {ex.StackTrace}");
                //notfound will result in a ajax error result. this will show a message to the user.
        public IActionResult EditAccount(AdminAccountEditView model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var accountService = _logicFactory.GetAccountService();
                    var oldValues      = accountService.GetByID(model.AccountID); //change this, password should be handled in logic layer

                    Account accountToEdit = new Account
                        AccountID       = model.AccountID,
                        AccountName     = model.AccountName,
                        AccountPassword = model.AccountPassword != null ? model.AccountPassword : oldValues.AccountPassword, //change this
                        AccountEmail    = model.AccountEmail,
                        AccountPlayer   = model.PlayerID != null ? new Player {
                            PlayerID = model.PlayerID, PlayerName = model.PlayerName, PlayerPlatformID = model.PlayerPlatformID
                        } : oldValues.AccountPlayer


                    return(PartialView("Account/_AccountEditSuccess")); //success
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError($"Something went wrong trying to get an account to edit. |Message: {ex.Message} |Stacktrace: {ex.StackTrace}");
                    //notfound will result in a ajax error result. this will show a message to the user.
                return(PartialView("_EditTeamFormPartial", model));