Example #1
        void ResolveStacktraces(string symbolPath, Regex regex)
            m_ResolvedStacktraces = String.Empty;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Text))
                m_ResolvedStacktraces = string.Format(" <color={0}>(Please add some log with addresses first)</color>", m_RedColor);

            var lines = m_Text.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (var l in lines)
                string address;
                string library;
                if (!ParseLine(regex, l, out address, out library))
                    m_ResolvedStacktraces += l;
                    string resolved   = string.Format(" <color={0}>(Not resolved)</color>", m_RedColor);
                    var    symbolFile = GetSymbolFile(symbolPath, library);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolFile))
                        resolved = string.Format(" <color={0}>({1} not found)</color>", m_RedColor, library);
                            var result = Addr2LineWrapper.Run("\"" + symbolFile + "\"", new[] { address });
                            AndroidLogcatInternalLog.Log("addr2line \"{0}\" {1}", symbolFile, address);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result[0]))
                                resolved = string.Format(" <color={0}>({1})</color>", m_GreenColor, result[0].Trim());
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            m_ResolvedStacktraces = string.Format("Exception while running addr2line ('{0}', {1}):\n{2}", symbolFile, address, ex.Message);

                    m_ResolvedStacktraces += l.Replace(address, address + resolved);

                m_ResolvedStacktraces += Environment.NewLine;
        private void ResolveStackTrace(List <LogEntry> entries)
            var unresolvedAddresses = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <BuildInfo, string>, List <UnresolvedAddress> >();

            // Gather unresolved address if there are any
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                var entry = entries[i];
                // Only process stacktraces from Error/Fatal priorities
                if (entry.priority != Priority.Error && entry.priority != Priority.Fatal)

                // Only process stacktraces if tag is "CRASH" or "DEBUG"
                if (entry.tag.GetHashCode() != kCrashHashCode && entry.tag.GetHashCode() != kDebugHashCode)

                BuildInfo buildInfo;
                // Unknown build info, that means we don't know where the symbols are located
                if (!m_BuildInfos.TryGetValue(entry.processId, out buildInfo))

                string address, libName;
                if (!ParseCrashMessage(entry.message, out address, out libName))

                List <UnresolvedAddress> addresses;
                var key = new KeyValuePair <BuildInfo, string>(buildInfo, libName);
                if (!unresolvedAddresses.TryGetValue(key, out addresses))
                    unresolvedAddresses[key] = new List <UnresolvedAddress>();

                unresolvedAddresses[key].Add(new UnresolvedAddress()
                    logEntryIndex = i, unresolvedAddress = address

            var engineDirectory = BuildPipeline.GetPlaybackEngineDirectory(BuildTarget.Android, BuildOptions.None);

            // Resolve addresses
            foreach (var u in unresolvedAddresses)
                var buildInfo = u.Key.Key;
                var libName   = u.Key.Value;

                var      addresses = u.Value;
                string[] paths     = { engineDirectory, "Variations", buildInfo.scriptingImplementation, buildInfo.buildType, "Symbols", buildInfo.cpu, libName };
                var      libpath   = CombinePaths(paths);

                // For optimizations purposes, we batch addresses which belong to same library, so addr2line can be ran less
                    var result = Addr2LineWrapper.Run(libpath, addresses.Select(m => m.unresolvedAddress));
                    for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++)
                        var idx    = addresses[i].logEntryIndex;
                        var append = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result[i]) ? "(Not Resolved)" : result[i];
                        entries[idx] = new LogEntry(entries[idx])
                            message = ModifyLogEntry(entries[idx].message, append, false)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++)
                        var idx = addresses[i].logEntryIndex;
                        entries[idx] = new LogEntry(entries[idx])
                            message = ModifyLogEntry(entries[idx].message, "(Addr2Line failure)", true)
                        var errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
                        errorMessage.AppendLine("Addr2Line failure");
                        errorMessage.AppendLine("Scripting Backend: " + buildInfo.scriptingImplementation);
                        errorMessage.AppendLine("Build Type: " + buildInfo.buildType);
                        errorMessage.AppendLine("CPU: " + buildInfo.cpu);