public void ScanFile(IProgressStatus monitor, string file, AddinScanFolderInfo folderInfo, AddinScanResult scanResult)
            if (monitor.VerboseLog)
                monitor.Log("Scanning file: " + file);

            string scannedAddinId = null;
            bool   scannedIsRoot  = false;
            bool   scanSuccessful = false;

            try {
                string           ext    = Path.GetExtension(file);
                AddinDescription config = null;

                if (ext == ".dll" || ext == ".exe")
                    scanSuccessful = ScanAssembly(monitor, file, scanResult, out config);
                    scanSuccessful = ScanConfigAssemblies(monitor, file, scanResult, out config);

                if (config != null)
                    AddinFileInfo fi = folderInfo.GetAddinFileInfo(file);

                    // If version is not specified, make up one
                    if (config.Version.Length == 0)
                        config.Version = "";

                    if (config.LocalId.Length == 0)
                        // Generate an internal id for this add-in
                        config.LocalId   = database.GetUniqueAddinId(file, (fi != null ? fi.AddinId : null), config.Namespace, config.Version);
                        config.HasUserId = false;

                    // Check errors in the description
                    StringCollection errors = config.Verify();

                    if (database.IsGlobalRegistry && config.AddinId.IndexOf('.') == -1)
                        errors.Add("Add-ins registered in the global registry must have a namespace.");

                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        scanSuccessful = false;
                        monitor.ReportError("Errors found in add-in '" + file + ":", null);
                        foreach (string err in errors)
                            monitor.ReportError(err, null);

                    // Make sure all extensions sets are initialized with the correct add-in id


                    scanResult.ChangesFound = true;

                    // If the add-in already existed, try to reuse the relation data it had.
                    // Also, the dependencies of the old add-in need to be re-analized

                    AddinDescription existingDescription = null;
                    bool             res;

                    if (config.IsRoot)
                        res = database.GetHostDescription(monitor, config.AddinId, config.AddinFile, out existingDescription);
                        res = database.GetAddinDescription(monitor, config.AddinId, out existingDescription);

                    // If we can't get information about the old assembly, just regenerate all relation data
                    if (!res)
                        scanResult.RegenerateRelationData = true;

                    string replaceFileName = null;

                    if (existingDescription != null)
                        // Reuse old relation data
                        Util.AddDependencies(existingDescription, scanResult);
                        replaceFileName = existingDescription.FileName;

                    // If the scanned file results in an add-in version different from the one obtained from
                    // previous scans, the old add-in needs to be uninstalled.
                    if (fi != null && fi.AddinId != null && fi.AddinId != config.AddinId)
                        if (fi.IsRoot)
                            database.UninstallRootAddin(monitor, fi.AddinId, file, scanResult);
                            database.UninstallAddin(monitor, fi.AddinId, scanResult);

                        // If the add-in version has changed, regenerate everything again since old data can't be reused
                        if (Addin.GetIdName(fi.AddinId) == Addin.GetIdName(config.AddinId))
                            scanResult.RegenerateRelationData = true;

                    // If a description could be generated, save it now (if the scan was successful)
                    if (scanSuccessful)
                        if (database.SaveDescription(monitor, config, replaceFileName))
                            // The new dependencies also have to be updated
                            Util.AddDependencies(config, scanResult);
                            scannedAddinId = config.AddinId;
                            scannedIsRoot  = config.IsRoot;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                monitor.ReportError("Unexpected error while scanning file: " + file, ex);
            finally {
                folderInfo.SetLastScanTime(file, scannedAddinId, scannedIsRoot, File.GetLastWriteTime(file), !scanSuccessful);