public async Task <IActionResult> AddReservation([FromBody] AddReservationViewModel newReservation)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var modelErrors = new List <string>();
                foreach (var modelState in ModelState.Values)
                    foreach (var modelError in modelState.Errors)
                return(BadRequest(new AddingResult {
                    Successful = false, Errors = modelErrors

            string userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value;
            var    user   = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

            var feedback = await _reservationsService
                           .AddServiceReservationAsync(newReservation, userId);

            if (feedback.Successful == false)
                return(BadRequest("Could not add service because: " + feedback.Message));
            return(BadRequest("Could not add service because: " + feedback.Message));
        public async Task GetAllReservations_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            // Arrange
            var context = HotelDbContextInMemoryFactory.InitializeContext();
            var reservationRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Reservation>(context);
            var reservationsService   = this.GetReservationService(reservationRepository, context);
            var seeder = new ReservationsServiceTestsSeeder();
            await seeder.SeedReservationAsync(context);

            // Act
            var actualResult   = reservationsService.GetAllReservations <AddReservationViewModel>().ToList();
            var expectedResult = new AddReservationViewModel[]
                new AddReservationViewModel
                    StartDate           = new DateTime(2020, 4, 4),
                    EndDate             = new DateTime(2020, 4, 8),
                    Adults              = 2,
                    Kids                = 1,
                    ReservationStatusId = context.ReservationStatuses.First().Id,
                    PaymentTypeId       = context.PaymentTypes.First().Id,

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult.Length, actualResult.Count());
        public async Task GetAllReservations_ShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            var errorMessagePrefix = "ReservationsService GetAllReservations() method does not work properly.";

            // Arrange
            var context = HotelDbContextInMemoryFactory.InitializeContext();
            var reservationRepository = new EfDeletableEntityRepository <Reservation>(context);
            var reservationsService   = this.GetReservationService(reservationRepository, context);
            var seeder = new ReservationsServiceTestsSeeder();
            await seeder.SeedReservationAsync(context);

            // Act
            var actualResult   = reservationsService.GetAllReservations <AddReservationViewModel>().ToList();
            var expectedResult = new AddReservationViewModel[]
                new AddReservationViewModel
                    StartDate           = new DateTime(2020, 4, 4),
                    EndDate             = new DateTime(2020, 4, 8),
                    Adults              = 2,
                    Kids                = 1,
                    ReservationStatusId = context.ReservationStatuses.First().Id,
                    PaymentTypeId       = context.PaymentTypes.First().Id,

            Assert.True(expectedResult[0].StartDate == actualResult[0].StartDate, errorMessagePrefix + " " + "Start date is not returned properly.");
            Assert.True(expectedResult[0].EndDate == actualResult[0].EndDate, errorMessagePrefix + " " + "End date is not returned properly.");
            Assert.True(expectedResult[0].Adults == actualResult[0].Adults, errorMessagePrefix + " " + "Adults is not returned properly.");
            Assert.True(expectedResult[0].Kids == actualResult[0].Kids, errorMessagePrefix + " " + "Kids is not returned properly.");
            Assert.True(expectedResult[0].ReservationStatusId == actualResult[0].ReservationStatusId, errorMessagePrefix + " " + "Reservation status is not returned properly.");
            Assert.True(expectedResult[0].PaymentTypeId == actualResult[0].PaymentTypeId, errorMessagePrefix + " " + "Payment type id is not returned properly.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new reservation in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"> Information about the reservation. </param>
        /// <param name="id"> Holds all the needed ids. </param>
        /// <returns> It is a void method. </returns>
        public async Task CreateAsync(AddReservationViewModel model, string id)
            this.addReservationViewModel = model;
            this.hotelId = id.Split()[0];

            var guest = await this.IsTheGuestRegisteredBeforeAsync()
                ? await this.GetUserProfileAsync()
                : await this.CreateNewUserProfileAsync();

            await this.AddGuestToRoleAsync(guest);

            await this.CreateReservationAsync(guest);
Example #5
        public ActionResult Create(AddReservationViewModel reservation)
            if (reservation != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                var dbReservation = Mapper.Map <Reservation>(reservation);


                return(this.RedirectToAction("MyReservations", "Reservations"));

Example #6
        public ActionResult Create()
            var pets = this.Data.Pets
                       .Where(p => p.OwnerId == this.UserProfile.Id)
                       .Select(p => new SelectListItem {
                Value = p.Id.ToString(), Text = p.Name

            var model = new AddReservationViewModel {
                Pets = pets

Example #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] AddReservationViewModel model)
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)

                var statusCode = await ValidateEntities(model);

                if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)

                model.ReservationDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                var newReservationEntity = _mapper.Map <AddReservationViewModel, Reservation>(model);
                await _hotelRepository.DecreaseAvailableRoomQuantity((int)model.HotelId);

                if (await _reservationRepository.SaveAsync())
                    model.Id = newReservationEntity.Id;
                    var newUri = Url.Link("GetReservation", new { id = model.Id });
                    return(Created(newUri, model));
                    _message = "Nie udało się dodać nowej rezerwacji";
            catch (Exception e)
Example #8
        public void AddReservationTest()
            ReservationManager      rm            = new ReservationManager(new UnitOfWork(new ReservationContextTest()));
            AddReservationViewModel mockViewModel = new AddReservationViewModel(rm);

            Client client = new Client(999, "Alice", "Cards", ClientCategory.Vip, new Address());

            Location     start  = Location.Antwerpen;
            Location     stop   = Location.Brussel;
            List <Price> prices = new List <Price>();

            prices.Add(new Price(Arrangement.Airport, 100m));
            prices.Add(new Price(Arrangement.Business, 100m));
            prices.Add(new Price(Arrangement.NightLife, 900m));
            prices.Add(new Price(Arrangement.Wedding, 800m));
            prices.Add(new Price(Arrangement.Wellness, 750m));
            Car             car     = new Car("RabbitHole", "Delux", "Brown", prices);
            DeliveryAddress address = new DeliveryAddress("Teaparty", "1", "Wonderland");

            DateTime    startTime   = new DateTime(2020, 12, 12, 8, 0, 0);
            Arrangement arrangement = Arrangement.Airport;
            DateTime    endTime     = new DateTime(2020, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0);

            var reservationInfo = new ReservationInfo(start, stop, startTime, arrangement, endTime, address);

            mockViewModel.CurrentClient   = client;
            mockViewModel.ReservationInfo = reservationInfo;
            mockViewModel.CurrentCar      = car;
            var reservation = new Reservation(client, car, reservationInfo);


            Assert.AreEqual(reservation.Client, mockViewModel.Reservations.Last().Client);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(AddReservationViewModel model)
            byte[] empIdBytes = new byte[200];
            if (HttpContext.Session.TryGetValue("empId", out empIdBytes))
                int employeeId = int.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(empIdBytes));
                if (employeeId == 1)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = true;

                else if (employeeId != 1 && employeeId > 0)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 where emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        Ticket      t    = (from _t in _context.Tickets where _t.TicketTypeId == model.TicketTypeId select _t).First();
                        int         rId  = _context.Reservations.Max(r => r.Id);
                        Reservation _res = new Reservation()
                            Id = rId + 1,
                            ReservationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            TicketId        = t.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int      pId   = _context.Passagers.Max(p => p.Id);
                        Passager _pass = new Passager()
                            Id            = pId + 1,
                            FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                            SecondName    = model.SecondName,
                            LastName      = model.LastName,
                            Egn           = model.EGN,
                            PhoneNumber   = model.PhoneNumber,
                            NationalityId = model.NationalityId

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int _flId = _context.Flights.Find(_context.Tickets.Find(_res.TicketId).FlightId).Id;
                        foreach (var item in flightCtrl.passagerNames)
                            if (item.Equals(new Tuple <int, List <string> >(_flId, new List <string>())))
                                item.Item2.Add(_pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName);

                        int psId = _context.ReservationPassagers.Max(ps => ps.Id);
                        ReservationPassager _rp = new ReservationPassager()
                            Id           = psId + 1,
                            PassagerId   = _pass.Id,
                            ResrvationId = _res.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // sends email
                        MimeMessage    message = new MimeMessage();
                        MailboxAddress from    = new MailboxAddress("Admin",
                        string         passFullName = _pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName;
                        MailboxAddress to           = new MailboxAddress(passFullName,

                        message.Subject = "About your flight reservation:";

                        string text = "Hello, " + passFullName + "!" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Today (" + _res.ReservationDate + "), you made a reservation for a plane ticket for a flight with No "
                                      + model.FlightId + ". Your ticket is with No "
                                      + _res.TicketId + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Personal Information:" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "First Name: " + _pass.FirstName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Second Name: " + _pass.SecondName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Last Name: " + _pass.LastName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Personal Identification Number: " + _pass.Egn + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Phone Number: " + _pass.PhoneNumber + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Email: " + model.Email + Environment.NewLine
                                      + Environment.NewLine + "If some of this data is incorrect or the person who made this reservation was not you,"
                                      + " please contact us on email: [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Greetings from FlightManager's team!";

                        message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                            Text = text
                        using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                            client.Connect("", 587, false);
                            client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "myPass_Petya123");

                            await client.DisconnectAsync(true);


                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        Ticket      t    = (from _t in _context.Tickets where _t.TicketTypeId == model.TicketTypeId select _t).First();
                        int         rId  = _context.Reservations.Max(r => r.Id);
                        Reservation _res = new Reservation()
                            Id = rId + 1,
                            ReservationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            TicketId        = t.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int      pId   = _context.Passagers.Max(p => p.Id);
                        Passager _pass = new Passager()
                            Id            = pId + 1,
                            FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                            SecondName    = model.SecondName,
                            LastName      = model.LastName,
                            Egn           = model.EGN,
                            PhoneNumber   = model.PhoneNumber,
                            NationalityId = model.NationalityId

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int psId = _context.ReservationPassagers.Max(ps => ps.Id);
                        ReservationPassager _rp = new ReservationPassager()
                            Id           = psId + 1,
                            PassagerId   = _pass.Id,
                            ResrvationId = _res.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // sends email
                        MimeMessage    message = new MimeMessage();
                        MailboxAddress from    = new MailboxAddress("Admin",
                        string         passFullName = _pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName;
                        MailboxAddress to           = new MailboxAddress(passFullName,

                        message.Subject = "About your flight reservation:";

                        string text = "Hello, " + passFullName + "!" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Today (" + _res.ReservationDate + "), you made a reservation for a plane ticket for a flight with No "
                                      + model.FlightId + ". Your ticket is with No "
                                      + _res.TicketId + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Personal Information:" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "First Name: " + _pass.FirstName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Second Name: " + _pass.SecondName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Last Name: " + _pass.LastName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Personal Identification Number: " + _pass.Egn + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Phone Number: " + _pass.PhoneNumber + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Email: " + model.Email + Environment.NewLine
                                      + Environment.NewLine + "If some of this data is incorrect or the person who made this reservation was not you,"
                                      + " please contact us on email: [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Greetings from FlightManager's team!";

                        message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                            Text = text
                        using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                            client.Connect("", 587, false);
                            client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "myPass_Petya123");

                            await client.DisconnectAsync(true);


                ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Ticket      t    = (from _t in _context.Tickets where _t.TicketTypeId == model.TicketTypeId select _t).First();
                    int         rId  = _context.Reservations.Max(r => r.Id);
                    Reservation _res = new Reservation()
                        Id = rId + 1,
                        ReservationDate = DateTime.Now,
                        TicketId        = t.Id

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    int      pId   = _context.Passagers.Max(p => p.Id);
                    Passager _pass = new Passager()
                        Id            = pId + 1,
                        FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                        SecondName    = model.SecondName,
                        LastName      = model.LastName,
                        Egn           = model.EGN,
                        PhoneNumber   = model.PhoneNumber,
                        NationalityId = model.NationalityId

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    int psId = _context.ReservationPassagers.Max(ps => ps.Id);
                    ReservationPassager _rp = new ReservationPassager()
                        Id           = psId + 1,
                        PassagerId   = _pass.Id,
                        ResrvationId = _res.Id

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    // sends email
                    MimeMessage    message = new MimeMessage();
                    MailboxAddress from    = new MailboxAddress("Admin",
                    string         passFullName = _pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName;
                    MailboxAddress to           = new MailboxAddress(passFullName,

                    message.Subject = "About your flight reservation:";

                    string text = "Hello, " + passFullName + "!" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Today (" + _res.ReservationDate + "), you made a reservation for a plane ticket for a flight with No "
                                  + model.FlightId + ". Your ticket is with No "
                                  + _res.TicketId + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Personal Information:" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "First Name: " + _pass.FirstName + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Second Name: " + _pass.SecondName + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Last Name: " + _pass.LastName + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Personal Identification Number: " + _pass.Egn + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Phone Number: " + _pass.PhoneNumber + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Email: " + model.Email + Environment.NewLine
                                  + Environment.NewLine + "If some of this data is incorrect or the person who made this reservation was not you,"
                                  + " please contact us on email: [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Greetings from FlightManager's team!";

                    message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                        Text = text
                    using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                        client.Connect("", 587, false);
                        client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "myPass_Petya123");

                        await client.DisconnectAsync(true);


 public AddReservationView(AddReservationViewModel viewModel)
     : base(viewModel, DataWindowMode.Custom)