private PageResult LoadPage(string returnUrl)
            // create the model used by the partial page
            AddEditRoleMasterPartialModel model = new AddEditRoleMasterPartialModel();

            model.Operation = CrudOperation.Add;
            model.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            // assign values to the model used by this page
            PartialModel = model;

            // assign the return url
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

Example #2
        public PageResult LoadPage(int id, string returnUrl)
            // select a record by primary key(s)
            CourseEnquiryAPI.BusinessObject.RoleMaster objRoleMaster = RoleMaster.SelectByPrimaryKey(id);

            // create the model used by the partial page
            AddEditRoleMasterPartialModel model = new AddEditRoleMasterPartialModel();

            model.Operation  = CrudOperation.Update;
            model.ReturnUrl  = returnUrl;
            model.RoleMaster = objRoleMaster;

            // assign values to the model used by this page
            PartialModel = model;

            // assign the return url
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
