private static void AssertAdaptiveText(string expectedAdaptiveTextXml, AdaptiveText text)
     AssertBindingGenericPayload("<binding template='ToastGeneric'>" + expectedAdaptiveTextXml + "</binding>", new ToastBindingGeneric()
         Children =
        private TileBinding CreateTileBinding(TileSize size, string title, int readingTime, string imageSource)
            var binding = new TileBinding()
                Branding = TileBranding.Logo,
                Content  = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()

            // Create the XML in code
            var group    = new AdaptiveGroup();
            var subgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup();

            // Add the title to the tile
            var tileTitle = new AdaptiveText()
                Text         = title,
                HintMaxLines = size == TileSize.Large ? 3 : 2,
                HintWrap     = true,
                HintStyle    = size == TileSize.Medium ? AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption : AdaptiveTextStyle.Body


            // Add the reading time
            string resourceName = size == TileSize.Medium ? "LiveTileReadingTimeShort" : "LiveTileReadingTime";

            subgroup.Children.Add(new AdaptiveText()
                Text      = string.Format(_device.GetLocalizedResource(resourceName), readingTime),
                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle

            // Finally add the subgroup to the tile

            // Add the background image if neccessary
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSource))
                (binding.Content as TileBindingContentAdaptive).BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage()
                    Source      = imageSource,
                    HintOverlay = 60

            // Add the group to the tile
            (binding.Content as TileBindingContentAdaptive).Children.Add(group);

Example #3
        private static IList <AdaptiveText> GetNotificationText(SignalMessage message)
            List <AdaptiveText> text  = new List <AdaptiveText>();
            AdaptiveText        title = new AdaptiveText()
                Text         = message.Author.ThreadDisplayName,
                HintMaxLines = 1
            AdaptiveText messageText = new AdaptiveText()
                Text     = message.Content.Content,
                HintWrap = true

Example #4
        private IList <AdaptiveText> GetNotificationText(string authorName, string content)
            List <AdaptiveText> text  = new List <AdaptiveText>();
            AdaptiveText        title = new AdaptiveText()
                Text         = authorName,
                HintMaxLines = 1
            AdaptiveText messageText = new AdaptiveText()
                Text     = content,
                HintWrap = true

        private void CreateOrUpdateTextEntities(AdaptiveText myTarget, TutorialManagerModelMiddleware model)
            SerializedProperty arraySizeProperty = bindingIdsProperty.FindPropertyRelative("Array.size");
            int listCount = arraySizeProperty.intValue;

            for (int a = 0; a < listCount; a++)
                string qualifiedBindingId = string.Format("{0}-text", bindingIdsProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(a).stringValue);
                if (model.TMData.contentTable.ContainsKey(qualifiedBindingId))
                    model.UpdateContentEntity(qualifiedBindingId, myTarget.GetCurrentText());
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(myTarget.bindingIds[a]) == false)
                    model.CreateContentEntity(myTarget.bindingIds[a], ContentType.text, myTarget.GetCurrentText());
Example #6
        private static AdaptiveSubgroup CreateAdaptiveGroupColumn(string title, string value, string dateValue)
            AdaptiveSubgroup adaptiveColumnGroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup();
            var contentTitle = new AdaptiveText();

            contentTitle.Text = title;

            var contenteValue = new AdaptiveText();

            contenteValue.Text = value;

            var contentDate = new AdaptiveText();

            contentDate.Text = dateValue;

        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            AdaptiveText myTarget = (AdaptiveText)target;
            TutorialManagerModelMiddleware model = TutorialManagerModelMiddleware.GetInstance();


            if (lastKnownTextValue != myTarget.GetCurrentText() || bindingsHaveChanged)
                CreateOrUpdateTextEntities(myTarget, model);

            bool hasText = false;

            if (myTarget.GetComponent <Text>() != null || myTarget.GetComponent <TextMesh>() != null)
                hasText = true;
            if (!hasText && myTarget.GetComponent <TMP_Text>() != null)
                hasText = true;
            if (hasText == false)
                // Display warning
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(k_TextRequiredMessage, MessageType.Warning, true);

            lastKnownTextValue  = myTarget.GetCurrentText();
            bindingsHaveChanged = false;
Example #8
 private static void AssertAdaptiveTextPropertyValue(string expectedPropertyName, string expectedPropertyValue, AdaptiveText text)
     AssertAdaptiveChild($"<text {expectedPropertyName}='{expectedPropertyValue}'/>", text);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure the main app tile is an icon tile type
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateMainTile(int unreadCount)
            // Setup the main tile as iconic for small and medium
            TileContent content = new TileContent()
                Visual = new TileVisual()
                    TileSmall = new TileBinding()
                        Content = new TileBindingContentIconic()
                            Icon = new TileImageSource("ms-appx:///Assets/AppAssets/IconicTiles/Iconic144.png"),
                    TileMedium = new TileBinding()
                        Content = new TileBindingContentIconic()
                            Icon = new TileImageSource("ms-appx:///Assets/AppAssets/IconicTiles/Iconic200.png"),

            // If the user is signed in we will do more for large and wide.
            if (m_baconMan.UserMan.IsUserSignedIn && m_baconMan.UserMan.CurrentUser != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_baconMan.UserMan.CurrentUser.Name))
                content.Visual.TileWide = new TileBinding()
                    Content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive()
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveText
                                Text      = m_baconMan.UserMan.CurrentUser.Name,
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                            new AdaptiveText
                                Text      = String.Format("{0:N0}", m_baconMan.UserMan.CurrentUser.CommentKarma) + " comment karma",
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                            new AdaptiveText
                                Text      = String.Format("{0:N0}", m_baconMan.UserMan.CurrentUser.LinkKarma) + " link karma",
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption

                // If we have messages replace the user name with the message string.
                if (unreadCount != 0)
                    var unreadCountText = new AdaptiveText
                        Text      = unreadCount + " Unread Inbox Message" + (unreadCount == 1 ? "" : "s"),
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body
                    ((TileBindingContentAdaptive)content.Visual.TileWide.Content).Children[0] = unreadCountText;

                // Also set the cake day if it is today
                DateTime origin           = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                DateTime userCreationTime = origin.AddSeconds(m_baconMan.UserMan.CurrentUser.CreatedUtc).ToLocalTime();
                TimeSpan elapsed          = DateTime.Now - userCreationTime;
                double   fullYears        = Math.Floor((elapsed.TotalDays / 365));
                int      daysUntil        = (int)(elapsed.TotalDays - (fullYears * 365));

                if (daysUntil == 0)
                    // Make the text
                    var cakeDayText = new AdaptiveText
                        Text      = "Today is your cake day!",
                        HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body
                    ((TileBindingContentAdaptive)content.Visual.TileWide.Content).Children[0] = cakeDayText;

            // Set large to the be same as wide.
            content.Visual.TileLarge = content.Visual.TileWide;

            // Update the tile
            TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(new TileNotification(content.GetXml()));

            // Update the badge
            BadgeNumericNotificationContent badgeContent = new BadgeNumericNotificationContent();

            badgeContent.Number = (uint)unreadCount;
            BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForApplication().Update(new BadgeNotification(badgeContent.GetXml()));
Example #10
        public static ToastNotification CreateMentionToast(string server, string username, string channel, string text)
                AdaptiveText message;
                if (text.StartsWith("ACTION"))
                    message = new AdaptiveText
                        Text = text.Replace("ACTION", " * " + username)
                    message = new AdaptiveText
                        Text = text
                // Construct the visuals of the toast
                ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual()
                    BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric()
                        Children =
                            new AdaptiveText {
                                Text = "Message from " + username
                        Attribution = new ToastGenericAttributionText
                            Text = "Mention in " + channel

                ToastActionsCustom actions = new ToastActionsCustom()
                    Inputs =
                        new ToastTextBox("tbReply")
                            PlaceholderContent = "Reply to this mention..."
                    Buttons =
                        new ToastButton("Reply", new QueryString()
                            { "action",          "reply"  },
                            { "server",          server   },
                            { "channel",         channel  },
                            { "username",        username }
                            ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground,
                            ImageUri       = "Assets/Send.png",
                            TextBoxId      = "tbReply"

                // Now we can construct the final toast content
                ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent()
                    Visual  = visual,
                    Actions = actions,

                    // Arguments when the user taps body of toast
                    Launch = new QueryString()
                        { "action", "viewConversation" },
                        { "server", server },
                        { "channel", channel }

                // And create the toast notification
                return(new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()));
            catch (Exception e)

Example #11
        private static TileBindingContentAdaptive GenerateCondition(Weather weather, ForecastTileType forecastTileType)
            var userlang = GlobalizationPreferences.Languages[0];
            var culture  = new CultureInfo(userlang);

            var content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive
                // Background URI
                BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage()
                    Source = wm.GetBackgroundURI(weather)

            if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Small)
                content.Children.Add(new AdaptiveGroup()
                    Children =
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            Children =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = weather.update_time.ToString("ddd", culture),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Base,
                                    HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_c)) + "º",
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body,
                                    HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            else if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Medium)
                content.Children.Add(new AdaptiveGroup()
                    Children =
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight = 1,
                            Children   =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = null
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight       = 3,
                            HintTextStacking = AdaptiveSubgroupTextStacking.Center,
                            Children         =
                                new AdaptiveImage()
                                    HintRemoveMargin = true,
                                    Source           = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(weather.condition.icon)
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_c)) + "º",
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body,
                                    HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center,
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight = 1,
                            Children   =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = null
            else if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Wide)
                // Current Condition (Extended)
                var forecastGroup = new AdaptiveGroup();

                var condition = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                    HintWeight = 25,
                    Children   =
                        new AdaptiveImage()
                            HintRemoveMargin = true,
                            Source           = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(weather.condition.icon)
                    HintTextStacking = AdaptiveSubgroupTextStacking.Center
                var details = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                    HintWeight = 75,
                    Children   =
                        new AdaptiveText()
                            Text      = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ? "---" :,
                            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                        new AdaptiveText()
                            Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("Temp_Label"),
                                                 (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_c)) + "º"),
                            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                        new AdaptiveText()
                            Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("FeelsLike_Label"),
                                                 (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.feelslike_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.feelslike_c)) + "º"),
                            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                        new AdaptiveText()
                            Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("Wind_Label"),
                                                 Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.wind_mph) + " mph" : Math.Round(weather.condition.wind_kph) + " kph"),
                            HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle

            else if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Large)
                // Condition + 5-day forecast
                var forecastGroup = new AdaptiveGroup();
                var condition     = weather.condition;

                int forecastLength = LARGE_FORECAST_LENGTH;
                if (weather.forecast.Length < forecastLength)
                    forecastLength = weather.forecast.Length;

                var conditionGroup = new AdaptiveGroup()
                    Children =
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight       = 25,
                            HintTextStacking = AdaptiveSubgroupTextStacking.Center,
                            Children         =
                                new AdaptiveImage()
                                    Source = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(weather.condition.icon)
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight = 75,
                            Children   =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ? "---" :,
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("Temp_Label"),
                                                         (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_c)) + "º"),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("FeelsLike_Label"),
                                                         (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.feelslike_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.feelslike_c)) + "º"),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("Wind_Label"),
                                                         Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.wind_mph) + " mph" : Math.Round(weather.condition.wind_kph) + " kph"),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                var text = new AdaptiveText()
                    Text = ""

                for (int i = 0; i < forecastLength; i++)
                    var forecast = weather.forecast[i];

                    var subgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 1,
                        Children   =
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text      ="ddd", culture),
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                HintRemoveMargin = true,
                                Source           = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(forecast.icon)
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ?
                                        Math.Round(double.Parse(forecast.high_f)).ToString() : Math.Round(double.Parse(forecast.high_c)).ToString()) + "º",
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ?
                                        Math.Round(double.Parse(forecast.low_f)).ToString() : Math.Round(double.Parse(forecast.low_c)).ToString()) + "º",
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle,
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center



Example #12
        private static TileBindingContentAdaptive GenerateHrForecast(Weather weather, ForecastTileType forecastTileType)
            var userlang = GlobalizationPreferences.Languages[0];
            var culture  = new CultureInfo(userlang);

            var content = new TileBindingContentAdaptive
                // Background URI
                BackgroundImage = new TileBackgroundImage()
                    Source = wm.GetBackgroundURI(weather)

            if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Small)
                content.Children.Add(new AdaptiveGroup()
                    Children =
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            Children =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = weather.update_time.ToString("ddd", culture),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Base,
                                    HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_c)) + "º",
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body,
                                    HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
            else if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Medium)
                var dateGroup     = new AdaptiveGroup();
                var forecastGroup = new AdaptiveGroup();
                var tempGroup     = new AdaptiveGroup();

                string timeformat = culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern.Contains("H") ?
                                    "HH" : "ht";

                int forecastLength = MEDIUM_FORECAST_LENGTH;
                if (weather.hr_forecast.Length < forecastLength)
                    forecastLength = weather.hr_forecast.Length;

                // 3hr forecast
                for (int i = 0; i < forecastLength; i++)
                    var hrforecast = weather.hr_forecast[i];

                    var dateSubgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 1,
                        Children   =
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text      =, culture).ToLower(),
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                    var iconSubgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 1,
                        Children   =
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                HintRemoveMargin = true,
                                Source           = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(hrforecast.icon)
                    var tempSubgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight       = 1,
                        HintTextStacking = AdaptiveSubgroupTextStacking.Bottom,
                        Children         =
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ?
                                        Math.Round(double.Parse(hrforecast.high_f)).ToString() : Math.Round(double.Parse(hrforecast.high_c)).ToString()) + "º",
                                HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption,
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center


            else if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Wide)
                // 5-hr forecast
                var forecastGroup = new AdaptiveGroup();

                string timeformat = culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern.Contains("H") ?
                                    "HH" : "ht";

                int forecastLength = LARGE_FORECAST_LENGTH;
                if (weather.hr_forecast.Length < forecastLength)
                    forecastLength = weather.hr_forecast.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i < forecastLength; i++)
                    var hrforecast = weather.hr_forecast[i];

                    var subgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 1,
                        Children   =
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text      =, culture).ToLower(),
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                HintRemoveMargin = true,
                                Source           = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(hrforecast.icon)
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ?
                                        Math.Round(double.Parse(hrforecast.high_f)).ToString() : Math.Round(double.Parse(hrforecast.high_c)).ToString()) + "º",
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center


            else if (forecastTileType == ForecastTileType.Large)
                // Condition + 5-hr forecast
                var forecastGroup = new AdaptiveGroup();

                string timeformat = culture.DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern.Contains("H") ?
                                    "HH" : "ht";
                string poplabel = (weather.source.Equals(WeatherAPI.OpenWeatherMap) || weather.source.Equals(WeatherAPI.MetNo)) ?
                                  App.ResLoader.GetString("Cloudiness_Label") : App.ResLoader.GetString("Precipitation_Label"); // Cloudiness or Precipitation

                int forecastLength = LARGE_FORECAST_LENGTH;
                if (weather.hr_forecast.Length < forecastLength)
                    forecastLength = weather.hr_forecast.Length;

                var conditionGroup = new AdaptiveGroup()
                    Children =
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight       = 25,
                            HintTextStacking = AdaptiveSubgroupTextStacking.Center,
                            Children         =
                                new AdaptiveImage()
                                    Source = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(weather.condition.icon)
                        new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                            HintWeight = 75,
                            Children   =
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text      = (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ? "---" :,
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("Temp_Label"),
                                                         (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.temp_c)) + "º"),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Caption
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("FeelsLike_Label"),
                                                         (Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.feelslike_f) : Math.Round(weather.condition.feelslike_c)) + "º"),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = string.Format("{0}: {1}", App.ResLoader.GetString("Wind_Label"),
                                                         Settings.IsFahrenheit ? Math.Round(weather.condition.wind_mph) + " mph" : Math.Round(weather.condition.wind_kph) + " kph"),
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                                new AdaptiveText()
                                    Text = weather.precipitation != null ?
                                           string.Format("{0}: {1}", poplabel, weather.precipitation.pop + "%") : "",
                                    HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.CaptionSubtle
                var text = new AdaptiveText()
                    Text = ""

                for (int i = 0; i < forecastLength; i++)
                    var hrforecast = weather.hr_forecast[i];

                    var subgroup = new AdaptiveSubgroup()
                        HintWeight = 1,
                        Children   =
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text      =, culture).ToLower(),
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center
                            new AdaptiveImage()
                                HintRemoveMargin = true,
                                Source           = wm.GetWeatherIconURI(hrforecast.icon)
                            new AdaptiveText()
                                Text = (Settings.IsFahrenheit ?
                                        Math.Round(double.Parse(hrforecast.high_f)).ToString() : Math.Round(double.Parse(hrforecast.high_c)).ToString()) + "º",
                                HintAlign = AdaptiveTextAlign.Center



 private static void AssertAdaptiveText(string expectedAdaptiveTextXml, AdaptiveText text)
     AssertBindingGenericPayload("<binding template='ToastGeneric'>" + expectedAdaptiveTextXml + "</binding>", new ToastBindingGeneric()
         Children =
 private static void AssertAdaptiveTextPropertyValue(string expectedPropertyName, string expectedPropertyValue, AdaptiveText text)
     AssertAdaptiveChild($"<text {expectedPropertyName}='{expectedPropertyValue}'/>", text);