public override void CreateNetwork()
            Nodes = new NeuralNodeBase[NodeCount];
            Links = new NeuralLink[LinkCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < NodeCount - 2; i++)     // Create Input Nodes
                Nodes[i] = new InputNode();

            Nodes[NodeCount - 2] = new BiasNode();      // Create Bias Node
            Nodes[NodeCount - 1] = new AdalineNode(LearningRate);

            for (var i = 0; i < LinkCount; i++)
                var l = new AdalineLink(Nodes[i], Nodes[NodeCount - 1]); // Create links
                Links[i] = l;

            for (var i = 0; i < LinkCount; i++)           // Connect inputs to ADALINE
                Nodes[NodeCount - 1].InLinks.Add(Links[i]);
                Links[i].InNode  = Nodes[i];
                Links[i].OutNode = Nodes[NodeCount - 1];

                var inNode  = Nodes[i];
                var outNode = Nodes[NodeCount - 1];
                var link    = Links[i];


                link.InNode  = inNode;
                link.OutNode = outNode;
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO: Add code to start application here

            Console.WriteLine("Network class test......");

            //NeuralNodeBase [] nodes = new NeuralNodeBase[5];

//			for( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
//			{
//				nodes[i] = new FeedbackNode();
//				nodes[i].Name = string.Format( "Node:{0}", i.ToString() );
//			}
//			Console.WriteLine("Creatiung a network, it should look like this:");
//			Console.WriteLine("(0)--\\");
//			Console.WriteLine("(1)===\\");
//			Console.WriteLine("		 (4)");
//			Console.WriteLine("(2)===/");
//			Console.WriteLine("(3)--/");

            NeuralNodeBase [] nodes = new NeuralNodeBase[4];
            NeuralLink []     Link  = new NeuralLink[3];

            nodes[0] = new InputNode();                      // Create Nodes for Network
            nodes[1] = new InputNode();

            nodes[0].Name = "Input1";
            nodes[1].Name = "Input2";

            nodes[2]      = new BiasNode();
            nodes[2].Name = "BiasNode";

            nodes[3]      = new AdalineNode(0.45);         // ADALINE node with learning rate of 0.45
            nodes[3].Name = "AdalineNode";

            Link[0] = new AdalineLink(nodes[0], nodes[3]);                      // Create Links for Network
            Link[1] = new AdalineLink(nodes[1], nodes[3]);
            Link[2] = new AdalineLink(nodes[2], nodes[3]);

            NeuralNodeBase.Link(nodes[0], nodes[3], Link[0]);               // Connect Network
            NeuralNodeBase.Link(nodes[1], nodes[3], Link[1]);
            NeuralNodeBase.Link(nodes[2], nodes[3], Link[2]);

            // add output links
//			nodes[0].Link( nodes[4], LinkDirection.OUTPUT );
//			nodes[1].Link( nodes[4], LinkDirection.OUTPUT );
//			nodes[2].Link( nodes[4], LinkDirection.OUTPUT );
//			nodes[3].Link( nodes[4], LinkDirection.OUTPUT );
//			// add input links
//			nodes[4].Link( nodes[0], LinkDirection.INPUT );
//			nodes[4].Link( nodes[1], LinkDirection.INPUT );
//			nodes[4].Link( nodes[2], LinkDirection.INPUT );
//			nodes[4].Link( nodes[3], LinkDirection.INPUT );

            // let's see
            Console.WriteLine("Examining Links.....");

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Node Index: {0}, Node Name: {1}", i, nodes[i].Name);
                Console.WriteLine("   Input Nodes ({0}):", nodes[i].InLinks.Count);
                foreach (NeuralLink link in nodes[i].InLinks)
                    Console.WriteLine("      In Node:{0} Out Node:{1}", link.InNode.Name, link.OutNode.Name);

                Console.WriteLine("   Output Nodes ({0}):", nodes[i].OutLinks.Count);
                foreach (NeuralLink link in nodes[i].OutLinks)
                    Console.WriteLine("      In Node:{0} Out Node:{1}", link.InNode.Name, link.OutNode.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue....");