Example #1
        public static void GeneraterNewBadges(Guid userId)
            using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
                var badges     = dbContext.Badges.ToList();
                var userBadges = dbContext.UserBadges.Where(x => x.UserID == userId).ToList();

                foreach (var badge in badges)
                    if (userBadges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BadgeID == badge.BadgeID) == null)
                        if (CheckIfUserWonThisBadge(userId, badge))
                            var userBadge = new UserBadge();
                            userBadge.UserID  = userId;
                            userBadge.BadgeID = badge.BadgeID;
                            userBadge.Date    = DateTime.UtcNow;

Example #2
 private static bool NewJoiner(Guid userId, Badge badge)
     using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
         return(dbContext.UserBadges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserID == userId && x.Badge.Name == badge.Name) == null);
 private bool ActivityAlreadyExist(string externalId)
     using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
         return(externalId != null && dbContext.UserActivities.Any(activity => externalId == activity.ExternalID));
 private static bool HasBadge(Guid userId, int Quantity)
     using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
         return(dbContext.UserBadges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserID == userId && x.Badge.RuleName == "Walk" + Quantity) != null);
        public static bool GenerateNewCommunications(Guid userId)
            var newComm = false;

            using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
                var comms     = dbContext.Communications.ToList();
                var userComms = dbContext.UserCommunications.Where(x => x.UserID == userId).ToList();

                foreach (var comm in comms)
                    if (checkIfUserHasCommunication(userId, comm, userComms))
                        var userComm = new UserCommunication();
                        userComm.CommunicationID = comm.CommunicationID;
                        userComm.UserID          = userId;
                        userComm.Date            = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        newComm = true;

 private ActivityType GetActivityTypeByCode(string activityTypeCode)
     using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
         return(dbContext.ActivityTypes.FirstOrDefault(type => type.Code == activityTypeCode));
 private User GetUserBytUtn(int utn)
     using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
         return(dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UTN == utn));
Example #8
 private static bool WalkCount(Guid userId, Badge badge, int nbFootSteps)
     using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
         var maxFootStepsPerDay = dbContext.UserActivities.Where(x => x.UserID == userId && x.ActivityTypeID == 1).GroupBy(x => x.Date.DayOfYear).Select(x => new { x.Key, FootSteps = x.Sum(y => y.Quantity) }).ToList();
         return(maxFootStepsPerDay.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FootSteps >= nbFootSteps) != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Assume we do calculation on the same day of the activity was made. Activities in the past isn't possible,
        /// the activity should be sent on the same day or retrieved on the same day in an external system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        private void AdjustHealthPoints(UserActivity activity, ActivityType type)
            using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
                var todayUserActivites = dbContext.UserActivities.Where(activity =>
                                                                        activity.UserID.Equals(activity.UserID) &&
                                                                        activity.Date > DateTime.UtcNow.Date);

                int todayAccumulatedHealthPoints = todayUserActivites.Sum(activity => activity.HealthPoints);
                if (todayAccumulatedHealthPoints < Constants.MAX_HEALTH_POINTS_PER_DAY)
                {   // Max HealthPoints per day not reatch, add points up to the maximum remaining (Hackathon doesn't care about parrallel calls that could go over maximum)
                    int calculatedPointsForTheActivity = (int)Math.Floor(activity.Quantity * type.QuantityMultiplier);
                    int maximumAllowableHealthPoints   = Constants.MAX_HEALTH_POINTS_PER_DAY - todayAccumulatedHealthPoints;
                    activity.HealthPoints = Math.Min(calculatedPointsForTheActivity, maximumAllowableHealthPoints);
        private static bool NoActivityFor3Days(Guid userId, Communication comm, List <UserCommunication> userComms)
            using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
                var userActivities = dbContext.UserActivities.Where(x => x.UserID == userId && x.Date > DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3)).ToList();

                if (userActivities == null || userActivities.Count == 0)
                    var alreadyNotified = userComms.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CommunicationID == comm.CommunicationID && x.Date > DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-14)) != null;
                    if (!alreadyNotified)

        /// <summary>
        /// Méthode réutilisable pour créer une activité
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="createActivityParameter"></param>
        private void CreateUserActivity(User user, CreateActivityParameter createActivityParameter)
            var type = GetActivityTypeByCode(createActivityParameter.ActivityTypeCode);

            ValidateUserActivityCreation(user, type, createActivityParameter);

            var activity = new UserActivity
                UserID         = user.UserID,
                ActivityTypeID = type.ActivityTypeID,
                Date           = createActivityParameter.CreationDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow,
                Quantity       = createActivityParameter.Quantity,
                ExternalID     = createActivityParameter.ExternalId

            AdjustHealthPoints(activity, type);

            using (var dbContext = new ActivityTrackerDbContext())
 public ActivityTrackerController(ActivityTrackerDbContext dbContext)
     this._dbContext = dbContext;