protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int adminId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnAdminId.Value); Administrators administrators = bAdministrator.List().Where(m => m.Administrators_Id == adminId).FirstOrDefault(); administrators.Admin_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; administrators.Password = txtPassword.Text; administrators = bAdministrator.Update(administrators); ActivityHelper.Create("Password Reset", "Password Updated on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully", adminId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(administrators.ErrorMessage)) { Response.Redirect("~/account/logout.aspx?logout=1000&redUrl=HGHGH786876"); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + administrators.ErrorMessage; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int adminId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnAdminId.Value); Administrators administrators = bAdministrator.List().Where(m => m.Administrators_Id == adminId).FirstOrDefault(); administrators.FullName = txtFullname.Text; administrators.EmailId = txtEmailId.Text; administrators.Description = txtDescription.Text; administrators.Phone = txtPhone.Text; administrators.Admin_Status = ddlStatus.Text; administrators.Admin_Role = ddlRole.Text; administrators.Photo = administrators.Photo; administrators.Send_Activity_Mail = (chkGetActivityMail.Checked) ? 1 : 0; if (imgInp.HasFile) { administrators.Photo = "files/administrators/" + "Admin_" + administrators.Administrators_Id + ".png"; administrators = bAdministrator.Update(administrators); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(administrators.ErrorMessage)) { string path = Server.MapPath("../" + administrators.ProductBanner); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Exists)//check file exsit or not { file.Delete(); } Upload(administrators.Administrators_Id.ToString()); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + administrators.ErrorMessage; } } else { administrators.Admin_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; administrators = bAdministrator.Update(administrators); } ActivityHelper.Create("Profile Updaion", "Admin Profile Updated On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully, for EmailId " + administrators.EmailId + ".", Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString())); LoadDetail(administrators.Administrators_Id.ToString()); Response.Redirect("/administration/alladmin.aspx?id=100&redirect-url=uyiretieyt7985798435ihtiuertireyte&id-red=alladmin.html"); } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int subCatId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnCatId.Value); int catId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnCurrentSubCatCatId.Value); SubCategories _otherSubCat = bSubCategory.List().Where(m => m.Category_Id == catId && m.SubCategory_Id != subCatId & m.SubCategory_Title == txtCategory.Text).FirstOrDefault(); int adminId = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()]); if (_otherSubCat == null) { SubCategories SubCategories = bSubCategory.List().Where(m => m.SubCategory_Id == subCatId).FirstOrDefault(); SubCategories.SubCategory_Title = txtCategory.Text; SubCategories.SubCategory_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; SubCategories.Administrators_Id = adminId; SubCategories.Category_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCategory.SelectedValue); SubCategories.SubCategory_Status = (chkIsActive.Checked) ? eStatus.Active.ToString() : eStatus.InActive.ToString(); SubCategories = bSubCategory.Update(SubCategories); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubCategories.ErrorMessage) && SubCategories.SubCategory_Status == eStatus.InActive.ToString()) { List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); products = bProduct.List().Where(m => m.Product_Status == eProductStatus.Published.ToString() && m.SubCategory.SubCategory_Id == SubCategories.SubCategory_Id).ToList(); foreach (var item in products) { item.Product_Status = eProductStatus.ReviewPending.ToString(); bProduct.Update(item); ProductHelper.CreateProductFlow(item.Product_Id, item.Product_Title, adminId, "System", "Sub Category In Active : Product Updated and set to Review Pending Status", item.Product_Status); bProduct.DeleteTopEight(item.Product_Id); bProduct.DeleteProductFeature(item.Product_Id); bProduct.DeleteCart(item.Product_Id); } } ActivityHelper.Create("Update Sub Category", "Sub Category Updated On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully and Title is " + SubCategories.SubCategory_Title + ".", adminId); Response.Redirect("/administration/categories/subcategory.aspx?id=2000&redirecturl=admin-category-RachnaTeracotta"); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! Sub Category not updated successfully, sub category name should not be same as other."; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! " + ex.Message.ToString(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int storeId = Convert.ToInt32(hdnStoreId.Value); Stores _otherStr = bStores.List().Where(m => m.Store_Id != storeId && m.Store_Name == txtStoreName.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); if (_otherStr == null) { Stores stores = bStores.List().Where(m => m.Store_Id == storeId).FirstOrDefault(); stores.Store_Name = txtStoreName.Text; stores.Store_Url = txtImageUrl.Text; stores.Store_Status = ddlStatus.Text; stores.Store_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; stores.Store_Description = txtDescription.Text; if (imgInp.HasFile) { stores.Store_Logo = "files/store/" + "Store_" + stores.Store_Id + ".png"; string path = Server.MapPath("../" + stores.Store_Logo); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Exists)//check file exsit or not { file.Delete(); } Upload(stores.Store_Id); } stores.Store_Url = "?storecode=" + stores.StoreCode + "&redirect-url=" + stores.Store_Name.Trim() + ".html"; stores = bStores.Update(stores); ActivityHelper.Create("Store Updation", "Store Detail Updated On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully, for Store Name " + stores.Store_Name + ".", Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString())); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stores.ErrorMessage)) { Response.Redirect("/administration/store.aspx?id=100&redirecturl=admin-store-rachna-teracotta"); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + stores.ErrorMessage; } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! Store detail not updated successfully, because store name should not be same as other"; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Categories _category1 = new Categories(); _category1 = bCategory.List().Where(m => m.Category_Title == txtCategory.Text).FirstOrDefault(); int adminId = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString()); if (_category1 == null) { Categories Categories = new Categories() { Category_Title = txtCategory.Text, Administrators_Id = adminId, Category_Photo = (imgInp.HasFile) ? "files/category/" + "Category_" + imgInp.FileName : "content/noimage.png", Category_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Category_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, Category_Status = eStatus.Active.ToString() }; Categories = bCategory.Create(Categories); ActivityHelper.Create("New Category", "New Category Created On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully and Title is " + Categories.Category_Title + ".", adminId); if ((Categories.Category_Id != null || Categories.Category_Id != 0) && imgInp.HasFile) { Upload(); } pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Success!!! Category Created Successfully."; txtCategory.Text = ""; } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Category cannot be created. Entered Category Name already exists in the database."; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stores Stores1 = bStores.List().Where(m => m.Store_Name == txtStoreName.Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); if (Stores1 == null) { Stores stores = new Stores() { Store_Name = txtStoreName.Text.Trim(), Store_Logo = "files/store/" + "Store_" + imgInp.FileName, Store_Status = eStatus.Active.ToString(), Store_Description = txtDescription.Text, Store_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Store_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; stores = bStores.Create(stores); ActivityHelper.Create("New Store Creation", "New Store Created On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully, for Store Name " + stores.Store_Name + ".", Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString())); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stores.ErrorMessage)) { Upload(); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Store Detail Updated Successfully"; ClearFields(); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + stores.ErrorMessage; } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! Store detail not updated successfully, because store name should not be same as other"; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SubCategories _category1 = new SubCategories(); int catId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCategory.SelectedValue); _category1 = bSubCategory.List().Where(m => m.Category_Id == catId && m.SubCategory_Title == txtCategory.Text).FirstOrDefault(); int adminId = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString()); if (_category1 == null) { SubCategories SubCategories = new SubCategories() { SubCategory_Title = txtCategory.Text, Administrators_Id = adminId, Category_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCategory.SelectedValue), SubCategory_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, SubCategory_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, SubCategory_Status = eStatus.Active.ToString() }; bSubCategory.Create(SubCategories); ActivityHelper.Create("New Sub Category", "New Sub Category Created On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully and Title is " + SubCategories.SubCategory_Title + ".", adminId); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "New Sub Category Created Successfully.."; ClearFields(); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Sub Category cannot be created. Entered Sub Category Name already exists in the database."; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.Message; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string str = Globals.RequestFormStr("action"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { if (str == "End") { int aid = Globals.RequestFormNum("delId"); if (aid > 0) { if (ActivityHelper.EndAct(aid)) { context.Response.Write("{\"state\":\"true\",\"msg\":\"活动成功结束\"}"); } else { context.Response.Write("{\"state\":\"false\",\"msg\":\"活动结束失败\"}"); } } else { context.Response.Write("{\"state\":\"false\",\"msg\":\"参数不正确\"}"); } } } else { try { int id = int.Parse(context.Request["id"].ToString()); string str2 = context.Request["name"].ToString(); string val = context.Request["begin"].ToString(); string str4 = context.Request["end"].ToString(); string str5 = context.Request["memberlvl"].ToString(); string str6 = context.Request["defualtGroup"].ToString(); string str7 = context.Request["customGroup"].ToString(); string str8 = context.Request["maxNum"].ToString(); string str9 = context.Request["type"].ToString(); string str10 = context.Request["attendType"].ToString(); string str11 = context.Request["meetType"].ToString(); int i = 0; int num4 = 0; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime time2 = DateTime.Now; int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; if (str2.Length > 30) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"活动名称不能超过30个字符\"}"); } else if (!val.bDate(ref now)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请输入正确的开始时间\"}"); } else if (!str4.bDate(ref time2)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请输入正确的结束时间\"}"); } else if (time2 < now) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"结束时间不能早于开始时间\"}"); } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(str5) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6)) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(str7)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择适用会员等级\"}"); } else if (!str8.bInt(ref num5)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择参与次数\"}"); } else if (!str9.bInt(ref num6)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择参与商品类型\"}"); } else if (!str10.bInt(ref i)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择优惠类型\"}"); } else if (!str11.bInt(ref num4)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择优惠条件\"}"); } else { List <ActivityDetailInfo> list = new List <ActivityDetailInfo>(); JArray array = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(context.Request.Form["stk"].ToString()); if (array.Count > 1) { for (int j = 0; j < (array.Count - 1); j++) { JToken token = array[j]["meet"]; for (int k = j + 1; k < array.Count; k++) { if (array[k]["meet"] == token) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"多级优惠的各级满足金额不能相同\"}"); return; } } } } if (array.Count > 0) { for (int m = 0; m < array.Count; m++) { ActivityDetailInfo item = new ActivityDetailInfo(); string str12 = array[m]["meet"].ToString(); string str13 = array[m]["meetNumber"].ToString(); string str14 = array[m]["redus"].ToString(); string str15 = array[m]["free"].ToString(); string str16 = array[m]["point"].ToString(); string str17 = array[m]["coupon"].ToString(); decimal num10 = 0M; int num11 = 0; decimal num12 = 0M; bool flag = false; int num13 = 0; int num14 = 0; int num15 = 0; if (!str13.bInt(ref num11)) { int num17 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num17.ToString() + "级优惠满足次数输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!str12.bDecimal(ref num10)) { int num18 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num18.ToString() + "级优惠满足金额输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!str14.bDecimal(ref num12)) { int num19 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num19.ToString() + "级优惠减免金额输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!str15.bInt(ref num15)) { int num20 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num20.ToString() + "级优惠免邮选择错误!\"}"); return; } flag = num15 != 0; if (!str16.bInt(ref num13)) { int num21 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num21.ToString() + "级优惠积分输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!str16.bInt(ref num13)) { int num22 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num22.ToString() + "级优惠积分输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!str17.bInt(ref num14)) { int num23 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num23.ToString() + "级优惠优惠券选择错误!\"}"); return; } if ((num11 == 0) && (num12 > num10)) { int num24 = m + 1; context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + num24.ToString() + "级优惠减免金额不能大于满足金额!\"}"); return; } item.ActivitiesId = 0; item.bFreeShipping = flag; item.CouponId = num14; item.MeetMoney = num10; item.MeetNumber = num11; item.ReductionMoney = num12; item.Integral = num13; list.Add(item); } } ActivityInfo act = new ActivityInfo(); if (id != 0) { act = ActivityHelper.GetAct(id); if (act == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"没有找到这个活动\"}"); return; } } act.ActivitiesName = str2; act.EndTime = time2.Date.AddDays(1.0).AddSeconds(-1.0); act.StartTime = now.Date; act.attendTime = num5; act.attendType = i; act.isAllProduct = num6 == 0; act.MemberGrades = str5; act.DefualtGroup = str6; act.CustomGroup = str7; act.Type = 0; act.MeetMoney = 0M; act.ReductionMoney = 0M; act.Details = list; act.MeetType = num4; string msg = ""; int activitiesId = 0; if (id == 0) { activitiesId = ActivityHelper.Create(act, ref msg); } else { activitiesId = act.ActivitiesId; if (!ActivityHelper.Update(act, ref msg)) { activitiesId = 0; } } if (activitiesId > 0) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"success\",\"data\":\"" + activitiesId.ToString() + "\"}"); } else { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"" + msg + "\"}"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"" + exception.Message + "\"}"); } } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Administrators _admin1 = bAdministrator.List().Where(m => m.EmailId == txtEmailId.Text || m.Phone == txtPhone.Text).FirstOrDefault(); Invitations Invitation = bInvitations.List().Where(m => m.Invitation_EmailId == txtEmailId.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (_admin1 == null && Invitation == null) { Invitations invitations = new Invitations() { Store_Id = Convert.ToInt32(hdnStoreId.Value), Invitation_Code = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Invitation_EmailId = txtEmailId.Text, Invitation_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Invitation_Status = eStatus.InActive.ToString(), Role = ddlRole.Text, Invitation_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; invitations = bInvitations.Create(invitations); ActivityHelper.Create("New Invitation", "New Invitation Created On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully, for EmailId " + invitations.Invitation_EmailId + ".", Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString())); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(invitations.ErrorMessage)) { Administrators administrators = new Administrators() { Invitation_Id = invitations.Invitation_Id, FullName = txtFullname.Text, EmailId = txtEmailId.Text, Phone = txtPhone.Text, Description = "admin description should be here", Photo = "content/noimage.png", Password = "******", Admin_Status = eStatus.Active.ToString(), Admin_Role = ddlRole.Text, Admin_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Admin_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, Admin_Login_Attempt = 0, Store_Id = Convert.ToInt32(hdnStoreId.Value) }; administrators = bAdministrator.Create(administrators); ActivityHelper.Create("New Administrator", "New Administrator Created On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully, for EmailId " + administrators.Administrators_Id + ".", Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString())); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(administrators.ErrorMessage)) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["IsEmailEnable"])) { txtEmailId.Text = ""; string body = MailHelper.AccountCreated(administrators.FullName, administrators.EmailId, administrators.Password, administrators.Admin_Role); MailHelper.SendEmail(administrators.EmailId, "[Rachna Teracotta]-New Account Creation", body, "[Rachna Teracotta]-New Account Creation"); txtEmailId.Text = ""; txtFullname.Text = ""; txtPhone.Text = ""; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Success! Admin Detail Updated Successfully."; } else { txtEmailId.Text = ""; txtFullname.Text = ""; txtPhone.Text = ""; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Success! New Admin Account created successfully."; } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + administrators.ErrorMessage; } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + invitations.ErrorMessage; } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! You cannot create the admin because admin already exists in the database. Please try with different emailid."; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.Message; } }
public void ProcessRequest(System.Web.HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string text = Globals.RequestFormStr("action"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { if (text == "End") { int num = Globals.RequestFormNum("delId"); if (num > 0) { if (ActivityHelper.EndAct(num)) { context.Response.Write("{\"state\":\"true\",\"msg\":\"活动成功结束\"}"); return; } context.Response.Write("{\"state\":\"false\",\"msg\":\"活动结束失败\"}"); return; } else { context.Response.Write("{\"state\":\"false\",\"msg\":\"参数不正确\"}"); } } return; } try { int num2 = int.Parse(context.Request["id"].ToString()); string text2 = context.Request["name"].ToString(); string val = context.Request["begin"].ToString(); string val2 = context.Request["end"].ToString(); string text3 = context.Request["memberlvl"].ToString(); string text4 = context.Request["defualtGroup"].ToString(); string text5 = context.Request["customGroup"].ToString(); string val3 = context.Request["maxNum"].ToString(); string val4 = context.Request["type"].ToString(); string val5 = context.Request["attendType"].ToString(); string val6 = context.Request["meetType"].ToString(); int attendType = 0; int meetType = 0; System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; System.DateTime now2 = System.DateTime.Now; int attendTime = 0; int num3 = 0; if (text2.Length > 30) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"活动名称不能超过30个字符\"}"); } else if (!val.bDate(ref now)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请输入正确的开始时间\"}"); } else if (!val2.bDate(ref now2)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请输入正确的结束时间\"}"); } else if (now2 < now) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"结束时间不能早于开始时间\"}"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(text4) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(text5)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择适用会员等级\"}"); } else if (!val3.bInt(ref attendTime)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择参与次数\"}"); } else if (!val4.bInt(ref num3)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择参与商品类型\"}"); } else if (!val5.bInt(ref attendType)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择优惠类型\"}"); } else if (!val6.bInt(ref meetType)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"请选择优惠条件\"}"); } else { System.Collections.Generic.List <ActivityDetailInfo> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ActivityDetailInfo>(); JArray jArray = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(context.Request.Form["stk"].ToString()); if (jArray.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < jArray.Count - 1; i++) { JToken jToken = jArray[i]["meet"]; for (int j = i + 1; j < jArray.Count; j++) { if (jArray[j]["meet"] == jToken) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"多级优惠的各级满足金额不能相同\"}"); return; } } } } if (jArray.Count > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < jArray.Count; k++) { ActivityDetailInfo activityDetailInfo = new ActivityDetailInfo(); string val7 = jArray[k]["meet"].ToString(); string val8 = jArray[k]["meetNumber"].ToString(); string val9 = jArray[k]["redus"].ToString(); string val10 = jArray[k]["free"].ToString(); string val11 = jArray[k]["point"].ToString(); string val12 = jArray[k]["coupon"].ToString(); decimal num4 = 0m; int num5 = 0; decimal num6 = 0m; int integral = 0; int couponId = 0; int num7 = 0; if (!val8.bInt(ref num5)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠满足次数输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!val7.bDecimal(ref num4)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠满足金额输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!val9.bDecimal(ref num6)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠减免金额输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!val10.bInt(ref num7)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠免邮选择错误!\"}"); return; } bool bFreeShipping = num7 != 0; if (!val11.bInt(ref integral)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠积分输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!val11.bInt(ref integral)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠积分输入错误!\"}"); return; } if (!val12.bInt(ref couponId)) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠优惠券选择错误!\"}"); return; } if (num5 == 0 && num6 > num4) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"第" + (k + 1).ToString() + "级优惠减免金额不能大于满足金额!\"}"); return; } activityDetailInfo.ActivitiesId = 0; activityDetailInfo.bFreeShipping = bFreeShipping; activityDetailInfo.CouponId = couponId; activityDetailInfo.MeetMoney = num4; activityDetailInfo.MeetNumber = num5; activityDetailInfo.ReductionMoney = num6; activityDetailInfo.Integral = integral; list.Add(activityDetailInfo); } } ActivityInfo activityInfo = new ActivityInfo(); if (num2 != 0) { activityInfo = ActivityHelper.GetAct(num2); if (activityInfo == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"没有找到这个活动\"}"); return; } } activityInfo.ActivitiesName = text2; activityInfo.EndTime = now2.Date.AddDays(1.0).AddSeconds(-1.0); activityInfo.StartTime = now.Date; activityInfo.attendTime = attendTime; activityInfo.attendType = attendType; activityInfo.isAllProduct = (num3 == 0); activityInfo.MemberGrades = text3; activityInfo.DefualtGroup = text4; activityInfo.CustomGroup = text5; activityInfo.Type = new int?(0); activityInfo.MeetMoney = 0m; activityInfo.ReductionMoney = 0m; activityInfo.Details = list; activityInfo.MeetType = meetType; string str = ""; int num8; if (num2 == 0) { num8 = ActivityHelper.Create(activityInfo, ref str); } else { num8 = activityInfo.ActivitiesId; if (!ActivityHelper.Update(activityInfo, ref str)) { num8 = 0; } } if (num8 > 0) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"success\",\"data\":\"" + num8.ToString() + "\"}"); } else { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"" + str + "\"}"); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { context.Response.Write("{\"type\":\"error\",\"data\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}"); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Invitations _invitation = bInvitations.List().Where(m => m.Invitation_EmailId == txtEmailId.Text).FirstOrDefault(); Administrators _administrators = bAdministrator.List().Where(m => m.EmailId == txtEmailId.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (_invitation == null && _administrators == null) { Invitations invitations = new Invitations() { Store_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlStore.SelectedValue), Invitation_Code = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Invitation_EmailId = txtEmailId.Text, Invitation_CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Invitation_Status = eStatus.Active.ToString(), Role = ddlRole.Text, Invitation_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now, Send_Activity_Mail = (chkGetActivityMail.Checked) ? 1 : 0 }; invitations = bInvitations.Create(invitations); ActivityHelper.Create("New Invitation", "New Invitation Created On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully, for EmailId " + invitations.Invitation_EmailId + ".", Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString())); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(invitations.ErrorMessage)) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["IsEmailEnable"])) { txtEmailId.Text = ""; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlStore.SelectedIndex = 0; string host = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DomainUrl"].ToString(); host = host + "account/invitation.aspx?code=" + invitations.Invitation_Code + "&emailid=" + invitations.Invitation_EmailId; string body = MailHelper.InvitationLink(host); MailHelper.SendEmail(invitations.Invitation_EmailId, "Hurray!!! You Are Invited To Rachna Teracotta.", body, "Rachna Teracotta Invitation"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Success! New Invitation Successfully."; } else { txtEmailId.Text = ""; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlStore.SelectedIndex = 0; pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-success alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Success! New Invitation Successfully."; } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Failed!" + invitations.ErrorMessage; } _invitation = null; invitations = null; } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! Invitation cannot be created, because entered email id already exists in the database."; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int id = Convert.ToInt32(hdnCatId.Value); Categories _otherCat = bCategory.List().Where(m => m.Category_Id != id && m.Category_Title == txtCategory.Text).FirstOrDefault(); int adminId = Convert.ToInt32(Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["AdminSession"].ToString()].ToString()); if (_otherCat == null) { Categories Categories = bCategory.List().Where(m => m.Category_Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); Categories.Category_Title = txtCategory.Text; Categories.Category_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; Categories.Administrators_Id = adminId; Categories.Category_Status = (chkIsActive.Checked) ? eStatus.Active.ToString() : eStatus.InActive.ToString(); if (imgInp.HasFile) { Categories.Category_Photo = "files/category/" + "Category_" + Categories.Category_Id + ".png"; string path = Server.MapPath("../" + Categories.Category_Photo); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Exists)//check file exsit or not { file.Delete(); } Upload(Categories.Category_Id); } Categories = bCategory.Update(Categories); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Categories.ErrorMessage) && Categories.Category_Status == eStatus.InActive.ToString()) { List <SubCategories> subCategories = new List <SubCategories>(); List <Product> products = new List <Product>(); subCategories = bSubCategory.List().Where(m => m.Category_Id == Categories.Category_Id && m.SubCategory_Status == eStatus.Active.ToString()).ToList(); foreach (var item113 in subCategories) { List <Product> productsTemp = new List <Product>(); productsTemp = bProduct.List().Where(m => m.Product_Status == eProductStatus.Published.ToString() && m.SubCategory.SubCategory_Id == item113.SubCategory_Id).ToList(); products.AddRange(productsTemp); } foreach (var item in products) { item.Product_Status = eProductStatus.ReviewPending.ToString(); bProduct.Update(item); ProductHelper.CreateProductFlow(item.Product_Id, item.Product_Title, adminId, "System", "Category In Active : Product Updated and set to Review Pending Status", item.Product_Status); bProduct.DeleteTopEight(item.Product_Id); bProduct.DeleteProductFeature(item.Product_Id); bProduct.DeleteCart(item.Product_Id); } } ActivityHelper.Create("Update Category", "New Category Updated On " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully and Title is " + Categories.Category_Title + ".", adminId); Response.Redirect("/administration/categories/category.aspx?id=2000&redirecturl=admin-category-RachnaTeracotta"); } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = "Oops!! Category not updated successfully, category name should not be same as other"; } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.Text = ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message; } }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Administrators _admin = bAdministrator.List().Where(m => m.EmailId == txtUserName.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (_admin == null) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Oops!!! No entered email id exists in our database."; } else if (_admin.Admin_Status == "inactive") { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Oops!!! Cannot login to your account, becaues your account is inactive. Please raise request to activate your account."; } else if (_admin.Admin_Login_Attempt > 5) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Oops!!! Cannot login to your account, becaues your account is locked. Please raise request to unlock your account."; } else if (_admin.Password != txtPassword.Text && _admin.Admin_Login_Attempt < 5) { _admin.Admin_Login_Attempt = (_admin.Admin_Login_Attempt + 1); _admin.Admin_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; _admin = bAdministrator.Update(_admin); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Oops!!! Entered password is invalid for entered emailid."; } else { ActivityHelper.Create("Login", "Loogged In on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("D") + " Successfully", _admin.Administrators_Id); pnlErrorMessage.Visible = false; lblErrorMessage.Text = ""; if (_admin.Admin_Role != eRole.Vendor.ToString()) { Session[ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SupportSession"].ToString()] = _admin.Administrators_Id; if (_admin.Admin_Login_Attempt != 0) { _admin.Admin_Login_Attempt = 0; _admin.Admin_UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; _admin = bAdministrator.Update(_admin); } if (Session["PreviousUrl"] != null) { Response.Redirect(Session["PreviousUrl"].ToString(), false); } else { Response.Redirect("/support/home/default.aspx?redirecturl=rachna-teracotta-home"); } } else { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Oops!! You are not authorized user to access this page."; } } } catch (Exception ex) { pnlErrorMessage.Attributes.Remove("class"); pnlErrorMessage.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"; pnlErrorMessage.Visible = true; lblErrorMessage.Text = "Oops!! Server error occured, please contact administrator."; } }