// In this function the activity action is performed
        private void PerformWork(ActivityActionData data)
            bool      failed    = false;
            Exception exception = null;

                // setting up the streams
                data.command.Streams.Debug    = data.streams.DebugStream;
                data.command.Streams.Error    = data.streams.ErrorStream;
                data.command.Streams.Progress = data.streams.ProgressStream;
                data.command.Streams.Verbose  = data.streams.VerboseStream;
                data.command.Streams.Warning  = data.streams.WarningStream;

                // Custom WinRM Workflow Endpoint details
                // run CustomWorkflowEndpointSetup.ps1 in Powershell console as administrator, if you have not done.
                WSManConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo();
                connectionInfo.ShellUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/CustomeWorkflowEndpoint";

                // Create runspace pool on custom workflow endpoint where command will be invoked
                using (RunspacePool r = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspacePool(1, 1, connectionInfo))
                        data.command.RunspacePool = r;

                        // now executing the powershell command.
                        data.command.Invoke(data.streams.InputStream, data.streams.OutputStream, new PSInvocationSettings());
            catch (Exception e)
                // since work is getting performed on background thread so there should not be any exception.
                failed    = true;
                exception = e;

            // Now since activity action has already been performed so now we need to resume the execution of the
            // workflow. This will be done by
            PSWorkflowJob job = _runtime.JobManager.GetJob(data.jobInstanceId);

            // Now resuming the job
            if (failed)
                job.ResumeBookmark(data.bookmark, this.SupportDisconnectedPSStreams, data.streams, exception);
                job.ResumeBookmark(data.bookmark, this.SupportDisconnectedPSStreams, data.streams);
        // the servicing thread will execute this function to perform the activity action.
        private void ServiceRequests(object state)
            Guid jobInstanceId            = (Guid)state;
            ActivityActionData actiondata = null;

            ActivityActionsQueue.TryRemove(jobInstanceId, out actiondata);

            if (actiondata != null)
                // the work is getting perform here
        // This function executes the activity.
        // It is highly recommended to not to block the execution of this function while executing the activity.
        // All the information should be logged into the queue and the function should be returned.
        // In a separate thread or on a separate machine, read the data from the queue and execute the activity.
        // Once the activity action is completed the bookmark should be resumed.
        // Design the activity controller to hanlde multiple activities from one workflowflow.
        public override void StartResumablePSCommand(Guid jobInstanceId, Bookmark bookmark, PowerShell command, PowerShellStreams<PSObject, PSObject> streams, PSActivityEnvironment environment, PSActivity activityInstance)
            ActivityActionData data = new ActivityActionData();
            data.jobInstanceId = jobInstanceId;
            data.bookmark = bookmark;
            data.command = command;
            data.streams = streams;
            data.environment = environment;

            // Add the request to the queue.
            ActivityActionsQueue.TryAdd(jobInstanceId, data);

            // Return the fucntion and allow the workfow do other work in parallel.
            // There should be a servicing thead which gets the data from the queue and perform the action.
            // To keep this sample simple, the worker thread calls the servicing function.
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ServiceRequests, jobInstanceId);
        // This function executes the activity.
        // It is highly recommended to not to block the execution of this function while executing the activity.
        // All the information should be logged into the queue and the function should be returned.
        // In a separate thread or on a separate machine, read the data from the queue and execute the activity.
        // Once the activity action is completed the bookmark should be resumed.
        // Design the activity controller to hanlde multiple activities from one workflowflow.
        public override void StartResumablePSCommand(Guid jobInstanceId, Bookmark bookmark, PowerShell command, PowerShellStreams <PSObject, PSObject> streams, PSActivityEnvironment environment, PSActivity activityInstance)
            ActivityActionData data = new ActivityActionData();

            data.jobInstanceId = jobInstanceId;
            data.bookmark      = bookmark;
            data.command       = command;
            data.streams       = streams;
            data.environment   = environment;

            // Add the request to the queue.
            ActivityActionsQueue.TryAdd(jobInstanceId, data);

            // Return the fucntion and allow the workfow do other work in parallel.
            // There should be a servicing thead which gets the data from the queue and perform the action.
            // To keep this sample simple, the worker thread calls the servicing function.
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ServiceRequests, jobInstanceId);
        // In this function the activity action is performed
        private void PerformWork(ActivityActionData data)
            bool failed = false;
            Exception exception = null;

                // setting up the streams
                data.command.Streams.Debug = data.streams.DebugStream;
                data.command.Streams.Error = data.streams.ErrorStream;
                data.command.Streams.Progress = data.streams.ProgressStream;
                data.command.Streams.Verbose = data.streams.VerboseStream;
                data.command.Streams.Warning = data.streams.WarningStream;

                // Custom WinRM Workflow Endpoint details
                // run CustomWorkflowEndpointSetup.ps1 in Powershell console as administrator, if you have not done.
                WSManConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo();
                connectionInfo.ShellUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/CustomeWorkflowEndpoint";

                // Create runspace pool on custom workflow endpoint where command will be invoked
                using (RunspacePool r = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspacePool(1, 1, connectionInfo))
                        data.command.RunspacePool = r;

                        // now executing the powershell command.
                        data.command.Invoke(data.streams.InputStream, data.streams.OutputStream, new PSInvocationSettings());
            catch (Exception e)
                // since work is getting performed on background thread so there should not be any exception.
                failed = true;
                exception = e;

            // Now since activity action has already been performed so now we need to resume the execution of the
            // workflow. This will be done by
            PSWorkflowJob job = _runtime.JobManager.GetJob(data.jobInstanceId);

            // Now resuming the job
            if (failed)
                job.ResumeBookmark(data.bookmark, this.SupportDisconnectedPSStreams, data.streams, exception);
                job.ResumeBookmark(data.bookmark, this.SupportDisconnectedPSStreams, data.streams);