private void grvSpots_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            ActiveUserAndSpot uas = new ActiveUserAndSpot();

            uas.Place = (Place)e.ClickedItem;
            uas.User  = _vm.ActiveUser;
            Frame.Navigate(typeof(DetailSpotPage), uas);
Example #2
        private void topspotMap_Tap_1(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
            ActiveUserAndSpot uas = new ActiveUserAndSpot();

            uas.Place = _vm.Places[1];
            uas.User  = _vm.ActiveUser;
            u.Email   = "*****@*****.**";
            NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/DetailSpotPage.xaml?user="******"&spotId=" + uas.Place.PlaceId, UriKind.Relative));
Example #3
        /// The methods provided in this section are simply used to allow
        /// NavigationHelper to respond to the page's navigation methods.
        /// Page specific logic should be placed in event handlers for the
        /// <see cref="GridCS.Common.NavigationHelper.LoadState"/>
        /// and <see cref="GridCS.Common.NavigationHelper.SaveState"/>.
        /// The navigation parameter is available in the LoadState method
        /// in addition to page state preserved during an earlier session.

        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            uas             = (ActiveUserAndSpot)e.Parameter;
            _vm.ActivePlace = uas.Place;
            bingMap.SetView(new Location(_vm.ActivePlace.Latitude, _vm.ActivePlace.Longitude));
Example #4
 private void Spot3_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     if (_vm.ActiveUser == null)
         ActiveUserAndSpot uas = new ActiveUserAndSpot();
         uas.Place = _vm.Places[2];
         uas.User  = _vm.ActiveUser;
         Frame.Navigate(typeof(DetailSpotPage), uas);
Example #5
        private void OnPushTapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Image img         = sender as Image;
            Place tappedPlace = (Place)img.Tag;

            foreach (Place p in _vm.Places)
                if (p.Latitude == tappedPlace.Latitude || p.Longitude == tappedPlace.Longitude)
                    //txtTappedPlace.Text = p.PlaceId.ToString();
                    ActiveUserAndSpot uas = new ActiveUserAndSpot();
                    uas.Place = p;
                    uas.User  = _vm.ActiveUser;

                    //user.Email = "*****@*****.**";

                    NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/DetailSpotPage.xaml?user="******"&spotId=" + uas.Place.PlaceId, UriKind.Relative));
        private void OnPushTapped(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            LocationIcon10m locationPin = sender as LocationIcon10m;

            if (locationPin != null)
                var    x   = MapLayer.GetPosition(locationPin);
                double lat = x.Latitude;
                // _vm.GetSpotByLatitude(lat);
                foreach (Place p in _vm.Places)
                    if (p.Latitude == x.Latitude || p.Longitude == x.Longitude)
                        //txtTappedPlace.Text = p.PlaceId.ToString();
                        ActiveUserAndSpot uas = new ActiveUserAndSpot();
                        uas.Place = p;
                        uas.User  = _vm.ActiveUser;
                        Frame.Navigate(typeof(DetailSpotPage), uas);