private void askForMordredTarget(Card[] selection, Card mordredCard) { advDeck.discardCard(new Card[] { mordredCard }); tempCardSelection = hp.removeCard(selection, mordredCard); if (activeQuest != null) { ui.askForPlayerChoice(activeQuest.getCurrentPlayer(), state.ASKINGFORMORDREDTARGET, "Select player you wish to remove an ally from", hp.removePlayers(activeQuest.getPlayerArr(), activeQuest.getPlayerInt(activeQuest.getCurrentPlayer()))); } else if (tourney != null) { ui.askForPlayerChoice(tourney.getCurrentPlayer(), state.ASKINGFORMORDREDTARGET, "Select player you wish to remove an ally from", hp.removePlayers(tourney.getPlayerArr(), tourney.getPlayerInt(tourney.getCurrentPlayer()))); } }
public override Card[] playTournament(ActiveTourney tourney) { bool someoneWillEvolve = false; bool iWillEvolve = false; Card[] tempHand = getOnlyType("ally", "weapon", "amour"); tempHand = sortHand(tempHand); int BPtotal = 0; Card[] submit = null; for (int i = 0; i < tourney.getPlayerArr().Length; i++) { if (tourney.getPlayerArr()[i] != player) { if (hp.willPlayerEvolve(tourney.getPlayerArr()[i], tounamentReward)) { someoneWillEvolve = true; } } } iWillEvolve = hp.willPlayerEvolve(player, tounamentReward); if (iWillEvolve || someoneWillEvolve) { Card [] weaponHand = getOnlyType("weapon"); weaponHand = sortHand(weaponHand); Card [] amourHand = getOnlyType("amour"); amourHand = sortHand(amourHand); Card [] allyHand = getOnlyType("ally"); allyHand = sortHand(allyHand); if (amourHand != null) { for (int i = 0; i < amourHand.Length; i++) { submit = hp.addCard(submit, amourHand[i]); } } if (allyHand != null) { for (int i = 0; i < allyHand.Length; i++) { submit = hp.addCard(submit, allyHand[i]); } } if (weaponHand != null) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponHand.Length; i++) { if (!hp.checkIfArrayContainsCard(submit, weaponHand[i])) { submit = hp.addCard(submit, weaponHand[i]); } } } player.discardCard(submit); return(submit); } else { for (int i = 0; i < hand.Length; i++) { if (hp.numberOfCardInstancesInHand(hand, hand[i]) >= 2) { submit = hp.addCard(submit, hand[i]); player.discardCard(submit); return(submit); } } } return(submit); }