public async Task <IActionResult> ActiveReservation(
            [FromBody] ActiveReservationDto activeReservationDto
                var    handler    = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
                string authHeader = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
                authHeader = authHeader.Replace("Bearer ", "");
                var jsonToken   = handler.ReadToken(authHeader);
                var tokenS      = handler.ReadToken(authHeader) as JwtSecurityToken;
                var nameId      = int.Parse(tokenS.Claims.First(claim => claim.Type == "nameid").Value);
                var reservation = await _reservationService.ActiveReservation(activeReservationDto);

            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task <ReservationResponseDto> ActiveReservation(ActiveReservationDto activeReservationDto)
            // Se valida que exista la reserva
            var reservation = await _reservationRepository.FindOneByIdAsync(activeReservationDto.ReservationId);

            if (reservation == null)
                throw new BadRequestException(
                          $"Reservation with id {activeReservationDto.ReservationId} was not found");

            // Se valida que la reserva no pueda ser activada por segunda vez
            if (reservation.ReservationStateId == ReservationStates.Active)
                throw new BadRequestException($"Reservation with id {reservation.Id} is already active");

            // Se valida que el activador exista
            var activator = await _userRepository.FindOneByStudentCodeAsync(activeReservationDto.ActivatorCode);

            if (activator == null)
                throw new BadRequestException($"User with id {activeReservationDto.ActivatorCode} was not found");

            /* TODO: Se debe preguntar a los bibliotecólogos cuantos
             *           cubiculos puede activar una persona por día [activador] */

            // Se valida que el activador no se encuentre en otra reserva
            var temp      = reservation.StartTime;
            var startTime = new DateTime(temp.Year, temp.Month, temp.Day);
            var isActivatorInAnotherReservation = await _userReservationRepository.IsActivatorInReservation(
                activator.Id, startTime, startTime.AddDays(1));

            if (isActivatorInAnotherReservation)
                throw new BadRequestException($"User with id {activator.Id} has already active in another reservation");

            // Se valida que el activador no sea el mismo host
            var host = await _userReservationRepository.GetHostByReservationId(reservation.Id);

            if (host == null)
                throw new BadRequestException("Host must be present in reservation");
            if (host.Id == activator.Id)
                throw new BadRequestException("Host cannot be activator");

            // TODO: Agregar timer para que se cambie el estado de la reserva
            // y agregar validacion por estado

            // Se valida que la reserva no se pueda activar hasta su hora de inicio
            // TODO: uncomment
            // if (DateTime.Now < reservation.StartTime)
            //     throw new BadRequestException($"Reservation cannot be activated until {reservation.StartTime}");

            // Se valida que la reserva no haya expirado
            // TODO: uncomment
            // var reservationStartTimeWithFiveMinutesAdded = reservation.StartTime.AddMinutes(5);
            // if (reservationStartTimeWithFiveMinutesAdded < DateTime.Now)
            //     throw new BadRequestException(
            //         $"Reservation time for activation has expired, your reservation has been canceled");

            // Se actualiza la información de la reserva
            reservation.UpdatedAt          = DateTime.Now;
            reservation.ReservationStateId = ReservationStates.Active;

            // Se coloca el activador como parte de la reserva
            var userReservations = new List <UserReservation>();

            userReservations.Add(new UserReservation
                UserId     = activator.Id,
                UserRoleId = UserReservationRoles.Activator,
                IsActive   = true,
                CreatedAt  = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedAt  = DateTime.Now
            reservation.UserReservations = userReservations;

            // Se actualiza la reserva
            await _reservationRepository.UpdateOneAsync(reservation);

            var cubicle = await _cubicleRepository.FindOneByIdAsync(reservation.CubicleId);

            return(new ReservationResponseDto
                CubicleCode = cubicle.Code,
                CubicleDescription = cubicle.Description,
                StartTime = reservation.StartTime,
                EndTime = reservation.EndTime,
                CubicleTotalSeats = cubicle.TotalSeats