Example #1
        private void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            VsAI[2] = false;
            var    b    = sender as Button;
            string text = "Invalid";

            if (b.Text == "Vs AI")
                text = "White AI"; VsAI[0] = true; VsAI[1] = true;
            if (b.Text == "White AI")
                text = "Black AI"; VsAI[0] = true; VsAI[1] = false;
            if (b.Text == "Black AI")
                text = "Vs AI"; VsAI[0] = false;
            b.Text = text;
            if (VsAI[0] && VsAI[1] == ActiveBoard.WTurn)
                SelectedPiece = null; PossibleMoves = null;
                new Task(() => { PanelUpdate(); }).Start();
                new Task(() => { ActiveBoard = ActiveNN.Move(activeboard); }).Start();
Example #2
        private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //This button is a toggle (prevents clicking before ready again, as well)
            if (Training)
                Training = false; Buttons[1].Enabled = false; return;
            Training = true;
            //Need to check number of games
            //Index 0 is file format
            var thread =
                new Thread(() =>
                //TODO: find actual number of games available

                for (int j = 1; j < 20058; j++)
                    while (Training)
                        var moves = IO.ReadGame(j);
                        for (int c = 0; c < moves.Count; c++)
                            //Whatever the player did is the right move
                            var possibilities = new List <Board>();
                            //Generate moves from the same board as the players
                            if (c != 0)
                                possibilities = moves[c - 1].GenMoves(true);
                            //Generate moves from a fresh board if none exists prior in array
                                possibilities = (new Board(new Player(true), new Player(false), new Piece[8, 8], true).initBoard().GenMoves(true));
                            //Translate board to numbers
                            var doubleboard = eval(moves[c], c % 2 == 0);
                            //Foreach move the player could have made, evaluate it in relation to their actual move
                            foreach (Board b in possibilities)
                                //The player's move was the right one
                                if (b.RecentMove[0] == moves[c].RecentMove[0] && b.RecentMove[1] == moves[c].RecentMove[1])
                                //Calculation and backpropegation of error
                                    ActiveNN.Run(ActivationFunctions.Normalize(doubleboard, 8, 8), 1, false);
                                //Other moves are not
                                    ActiveNN.Run(ActivationFunctions.Normalize(doubleboard, 8, 8), 0, false);

                            //TODO: add feedback for evaluating player board states (one of the players won after all)
                        //Batch descent
                        //Enable button in case it was disabled before continuing (once save is finished)
                        if (j % SaveEveryX == 0)
                            new Task(() => { IO.Write(ActiveNN, 0); Invoke(new Action(() => { Buttons[1].Enabled = true; })); }).Start();

            thread.IsBackground = true;

            double[,] eval(Board move, bool isw)
                var input = new double[8, 8];

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)
                        //Set piece values equal to standard chess piece values
                        Piece p = move.Pieces[i, ii];
                        //Don't have to set empty piece = 0 b/c array initialization does it automatically
                        if (p is Empty)
                        if (p is Pawn)
                            input[i, ii] = 1d;
                        if (p is Knight || p is Bishop)
                            input[i, ii] = 3d;
                        if (p is Rook)
                            input[i, ii] = 5d;
                        if (p is Queen)
                            input[i, ii] = 9d;
                        if (p is King)
                            input[i, ii] = 15d;

                        //Set opposite color piece values to negative
                        if (p.Player.IsW != isw)
                            input[i, ii] *= -1;