Example #1
        private static NeuralNetwork InitializeNeuralNetwork(int seed)
            Random random = new Random(seed == 0 ? new Random().Next() : seed);

            float RandomWeight() => (float)(random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);

            Layer prevLayer;

            InputLayer li = new InputLayer(3, 5);

            prevLayer = li;

            ConvolutionalLayer l0 = new ConvolutionalLayer(8, 2, 1, 0, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.ReLU(true));

            prevLayer = l0;

            ConvolutionalLayer l2 = new ConvolutionalLayer(16, 2, 1, 0, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.ReLU(true));

            prevLayer = l2;

            FullyConnectedLayer l7 = new FullyConnectedLayer(16, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(1));

            prevLayer = l7;

            FullyConnectedLayer l8 = new FullyConnectedLayer(10, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.SoftMax(1));

            prevLayer = l8;

            return(new NeuralNetwork(li, l0, l2, l7, l8));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the results of the network at the output layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">input layer data</param>
        /// <param name="numOfFeatures">number of input neurons</param>
        /// <param name="output">output parameter to store outputs at the output layer</param>
        /// <param name="outputSum">output sum of the last layer.</param>
        private void CalculateResultatOutputlayer(double[] input, int numOfFeatures, bool softmax, out double[] output, out double[] outputSum)
            output = new double[m_OutputLayerNeurons];

            outputSum = new double[m_OutputLayerNeurons];

            int numOfHiddenNeuronsInLastHiddenLayer = m_HiddenLayerNeurons[m_HiddenLayerNeurons.Length - 1];

            for (int j = 0; j < m_OutputLayerNeurons; j++)
                outputSum[j] = 0.0;

                for (int i = 0; i < numOfHiddenNeuronsInLastHiddenLayer; i++)
                    outputSum[j] += m_Weights[m_HiddenLayerNeurons.Length][j, i] * input[i];

                outputSum[j] += m_Biases[m_HiddenLayerNeurons.Length][j];

                if (softmax == false)
                    output[j] = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(outputSum[j]);
                    // Do nothing

            if (softmax == true)
                output = ActivationFunctions.SoftMaxClassifier(outputSum);
Example #3
        public float activation(bool derivate = false)
            if (type == PerceptronType.Type.input || type == PerceptronType.Type.bias)

            if (activation_type == ActivationType.Type.sigmoid)
                return(ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(state, derivate));
            else if (activation_type == ActivationType.Type.relu)
                return(ActivationFunctions.RelU(state, derivate));
            else if (activation_type == ActivationType.Type.tanh)
                return(ActivationFunctions.TanH(state, derivate));
            else if (activation_type == ActivationType.Type.identity)
                return(ActivationFunctions.Identity(state, derivate));
            else if (activation_type == ActivationType.Type.lrelu)
                return(ActivationFunctions.LeakyReLU(state, derivate));
                return(ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(state, derivate));
Example #4
        private static NeuralNetwork InitializeNeuralNetwork(int seed)
            Random random = new Random(seed == 0 ? new Random().Next() : seed);

            float RandomWeight() => (float)(random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);

            Layer prevLayer;

            InputLayer li = new InputLayer(28, 28);

            prevLayer = li;

            ConvolutionalLayer l0 = new ConvolutionalLayer(15, 5, 1, 0, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.ReLU(true));

            prevLayer = l0;

            MaxPoolingLayer l1 = new MaxPoolingLayer(2, 2, prevLayer);

            prevLayer = l1;

            ConvolutionalLayer l2 = new ConvolutionalLayer(30, 4, 1, 0, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.ReLU(true));

            prevLayer = l2;

            MaxPoolingLayer l3 = new MaxPoolingLayer(3, 2, prevLayer);

            prevLayer = l3;

            ConvolutionalLayer l4 = new ConvolutionalLayer(45, 2, 2, 0, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.ReLU(true));

            prevLayer = l4;

            MaxPoolingLayer l5 = new MaxPoolingLayer(2, 1, prevLayer);

            prevLayer = l5;

            FullyConnectedLayer l6 = new FullyConnectedLayer(64, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(1));

            prevLayer = l6;

            FullyConnectedLayer l7 = new FullyConnectedLayer(32, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(1));

            prevLayer = l7;

            FullyConnectedLayer l8 = new FullyConnectedLayer(10, prevLayer, ActivationFunctions.SoftMax(1));

            prevLayer = l8;

            return(new NeuralNetwork(li, l0, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8));
Example #5
        internal static void Run()
            NeuralNetwork nn = InitializeNeuralNetwork(0, ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(1));


            TrainXOR(nn, 0.5f, 1000000);

Example #6
        public void TestSigmoid()
            Matrix matrix = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { -1, 1, 2 }
            Matrix matrix1 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.26894142, 0.73105858, 0.88079708 }

            matrix = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(matrix);
            Assert.IsTrue(matrix.ToString() == matrix1.ToString());
Example #7
        public override Volume ForwardPass(Volume volume)
            var raw     = volume.WeightsRaw;
            var destRaw = OutVolume.WeightsRaw;

            for (var i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++)
                destRaw[i] = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(raw[i]);

Example #8
    public virtual double CalculateValue()
        double weightedSum = 0;

        foreach (Synapse synapse in InputSynapses)
            weightedSum += synapse.InputNeuron.Value * synapse.Weight;

        Value = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(weightedSum + Bias);
 void Calculation()
     hiddenLayer1ActivationWithoutSig = matrixOperations.MatrixMultiplication(weightIH1, HL1N, IN, inputActivation, CM);
     for (int i = 0; i < HL1N; i++)
         hiddenLayer1Activation[i, 0]          = activationFunctions.Sigmoid(hiddenLayer1ActivationWithoutSig[i, 0]);
         hiddenLayer1ActivationTranspose[0, i] = hiddenLayer1Activation[i, 0];
     hiddenLayer2ActivationWithoutSig = matrixOperations.MatrixMultiplication(weightH1H2, HL2N, HL1N, hiddenLayer1Activation, CM);
     for (int i = 0; i < HL2N; i++)
         hiddenLayer2Activation[i, 0]          = activationFunctions.Sigmoid(hiddenLayer2ActivationWithoutSig[i, 0]);
         hiddenLayer2ActivationTranspose[0, i] = hiddenLayer2Activation[i, 0];
     output = matrixOperations.MatrixMultiplication(weightH2O, ON, HL2N, hiddenLayer2Activation, CM);
     for (int i = 0; i < ON; i++)
         outputActivation[i, 0]          = activationFunctions.Sigmoid(output[i, 0]);
         outputActivationTranspose[0, i] = outputActivation[i, 0];
     errorOutput = matrixOperations.MatrixMultiplication(errorOutput, ON, CM, outputActivationTranspose, ON);
     //errorOutput = matrixOperations.MatrixMultiplication(errorOutput, ON, CM, matrixOperations.MatrixSubstraction(matrixOperations.Ones(ON, CM), ON, CM, output), ON);
     //deltaweightH2O = matrixOperations.MatrixMultiplication(errorOutput, ON, CM, hiddenLayer1ActivationTranspose, ON);
Example #10
        public void TestThreeLayerNeuralNetwork()
            Matrix inputMatrix = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 1, 0.5 }

            //1x2  *   ?? = 1x3
            // 1x2 * 2x3 =1x3;
            Matrix w1 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 },
                { 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 }
            Matrix b1 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 },
            //1x3 * 3 *2
            Matrix w2 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0.4 },
                { 0.2, 0.5 },
                { 0.3, 0.6 }
            Matrix b2 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0.2 },

            Matrix w3 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0.3 },
                { 0.2, 0.4 },
            Matrix b3 = new Matrix(new double[, ] {
                { 0.1, 0.2 },

            inputMatrix = Matrix.Dot(inputMatrix, w1) + b1;
            inputMatrix = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(inputMatrix);

            inputMatrix = Matrix.Dot(inputMatrix, w2) + b2;
            inputMatrix = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(inputMatrix);

            inputMatrix = Matrix.Dot(inputMatrix, w3) + b3;
            //  inputMatrix = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(inputMatrix);
Example #11
        static EliminationGA()
            Ffann          = new FFANN(new[] { 2, 8, 3 }, new[] { ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(), ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid() });
            ChromosomeSize = Ffann.WeightCount();

            Evaluator = new Evaluator(DataPath, Ffann);
            Selection = new TournamentSelection(TournamentSize);

            var discreteRecombination = new DiscreteRecombination();
            var simpleArithmetic      = new SimpleArithmeticRecombination();
            var singleArithmetic      = new SingleArithmeticRecombination();

            Crossover = new MixedCrossover(discreteRecombination, simpleArithmetic, singleArithmetic);

            var gausMutation    = new GausMutation(Sigma1, P1);
            var newGausMutation = new NewGausMutation(Sigma2, P2);

            Mutation = new MixedMutation(gausMutation, newGausMutation, P);
        public double[] CalculateOutput(double x, double y, double[] parameters)
            var       paramIdx         = 0;
            var       outputs          = new double[_layers.Length][];
            const int likenessLayerIdx = 1;

            // 1 - likeness neuron layer
            outputs[likenessLayerIdx] = new double[_layers[likenessLayerIdx]];

            // Activate the likeness layer
            for (var likenessNeuronIdx = 0; likenessNeuronIdx < _layers[likenessLayerIdx]; likenessNeuronIdx++)
                var weightX   = parameters[paramIdx++];
                var varianceX = parameters[paramIdx++];
                var weightY   = parameters[paramIdx++];
                var varianceY = parameters[paramIdx++];

                var xy = new[] { x, y };
                var w  = new[] { weightX, weightY };
                var s  = new[] { varianceX, varianceY };

                outputs[likenessLayerIdx][likenessNeuronIdx] = ActivationFunctions.Likeness(xy, w, s);

            // Pass through the hidden layer
            for (var hiddenLayerIdx = 2; hiddenLayerIdx < _layers.Length; hiddenLayerIdx++)
                var hidden = _layers[hiddenLayerIdx];
                outputs[hiddenLayerIdx] = new double[hidden];
                var previousOutput = outputs[hiddenLayerIdx - 1];

                // Pass through every neuron
                for (var hiddenNeuronIdx = 0; hiddenNeuronIdx < hidden; hiddenNeuronIdx++)
                    // Collect previous outputs
                    // Bias + previous output
                    var output = parameters[paramIdx++] + previousOutput.Sum(o => o * parameters[paramIdx++]);
                    outputs[hiddenLayerIdx][hiddenNeuronIdx] = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(output);

            return(outputs[_layers.Length - 1]);
Example #13
 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     tensor            = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(tensor - tensor.Mean(), 9);// Гамма-фильтрация
     pictureBox2.Image = ImgConverter.ToBitmap(tensor);
Example #14
 public Matrix Forward(Matrix x, Matrix t = null)
     outMatrix = ActivationFunctions.Sigmoid(x);
Example #15
 public double ActivationFunction_Sigmoid_ExpectedResults(double value)