private ISuccessOrErrors <TDto> validateDtoState <TDto>(ISuccessOrErrors <TDto> status, TDto dto, ActionFlags flags)
            where TDto : DtoBase <TContext, TEntity, TDto>, new()
            var currentItem = dto.FindItemTrackedForUpdate(dbContext);

            if (!new TDto().AllowedActions.HasFlag(ActionFlags.Update) && currentItem != null)
                return(status.AddSingleError("Dto is not allowed for this kind of action"));
            if (!new TDto().AllowedActions.HasFlag(ActionFlags.Create) && currentItem == null)
                return(status.AddSingleError("Dto is not allowed for this kind of action"));
            if (!flags.HasFlag(ActionFlags.Update) && currentItem != null)
                return(status.AddSingleError("Object already exists"));
            if (!flags.HasFlag(ActionFlags.Create) && currentItem == null)
                return(status.AddSingleError("Object doesn't exist"));
