public static bool CheckCrossingCharacters(int time, Action action, Character character, Location targetLocation) { for (int i = 0, count = targetLocation.characters.Count; i < count; i++) { Character otherCharacter = targetLocation.characters[i]; if (otherCharacter.CheckIdentity(character)) { Action nextAction = otherCharacter.GetAction(time); if (nextAction != null) { ActionEnter nextActionEnter = nextAction as ActionEnter; if (nextActionEnter != null && nextActionEnter.targetLocation == character.GetCurrentLocation()) { GameManager.paradox = new Paradox(action, character.GetName() + " met " + otherCharacter.GetName() + " between " + character.GetCurrentLocation().name + " and " + + ", Paradox!"); return(false); } } } } return(true); }
public void It_should_trigger_the_Enter_action() { var triggered = false; var actionUpdate = new ActionEnter((action) => triggered = true); actionUpdate.Enter(); Assert.IsTrue(triggered); }
void DrawLocation(Location currentLocation) { GUI.Label(new Rect(posGUI.x, posGUI.y, fieldWidth, fieldHeight), "Enter : "); posGUI.y += fieldHeight; for (int i = 0; i < currentLocation.connectedLocations.Count; i++) { Location connectedLocation = currentLocation.connectedLocations[i]; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(posGUI.x, posGUI.y, fieldWidth, fieldHeight), { ActionEnter actionEnter = new ActionEnter(currentTime, connectedLocation); AddAction(actionEnter); } posGUI.y += fieldHeight; } posGUI.y += fieldHeight; }
public bool ItemInsideTimeMachine(int currentTime, Item item) { for (int i = 0, count = GameManager.Instance.characters.Count; i < count; i++) { Character character = GameManager.Instance.characters[i]; bool insideTimeMachine = character.GetCurrentLocation() == GameManager.Instance.timeMachine; if (insideTimeMachine) { Action action = character.GetAction(currentTime); if (action != null) { ActionEnter actionEnter = action as ActionEnter; if (actionEnter != null) { insideTimeMachine = false; } } } if (insideTimeMachine) { for (int j = 0, itemCount = character.inventory.Count; j < itemCount; j++) { if (character.inventory[j] == item) { return(true); } } } } return(false); }
void Tick() { if (paradoxFound) { return; } //----// Character ticks //----// NPC actions for this tick added for (int i = 0, count = characters.Count; i < count; i++) { characters[i].Tick(currentTime); } //----// Perform and Verify actions //----// if (PerformActions() == false) { paradoxFound = true; return; } if (VerifyActions() == false) { paradoxFound = true; return; } //Time moves currentTime++; //Level Tick, Oven baking, Fire growing etc. if (currentLevel.Tick(currentTime, currentPlayer) == false) { paradoxFound = true; return; } //Check previous observations if (CheckObservations() == false) { paradoxFound = true; return; } //Make new observations for (int i = 0, count = characters.Count; i < count; i++) { Character character = characters[i]; Location currentLocation = character.GetCurrentLocation(); if (currentLocation != null && currentLocation != timeMachine) { character.MakeObservations(currentTime, currentLevel); } } //Add item timeline entries for (int i = 0, count = characters.Count; i < count; i++) { Character character = characters[i]; Action currentAction = character.GetAction(currentTime - 1); if (character.GetCurrentLocation() != timeMachine || (currentAction != null && currentAction.GetType() == typeof(ActionEnter))) { for (int j = 0, itemCount = character.inventory.Count; j < itemCount; j++) { Item item = character.inventory[j]; if (item != null && item.useTimeline) { item.age++; itemTimeline.AddEntry(currentTime, item, currentPlayer, item.age, j, -1, character.GetCurrentLocation()); // watchList.Add(watch.age); } } } } Location[] locations = currentLevel.GetLocations(); for (int i = 0, length = locations.Length; i < length; i++) { Location location = locations[i]; for (int j = 0, itemCount = location.items.Count; j < itemCount; j++) { Item item = location.items[j]; if (item != null && item.useTimeline) { item.age++; itemTimeline.AddEntry(currentTime, item, currentPlayer, item.age, -1, j, location); // watchList.Add(watch.age); } } } //Time travel for (int i = 0, characterCount = characters.Count; i < characterCount; i++) { Character character = characters[i]; if (character != currentPlayer) { Action action = character.GetAction(currentTime - 1); if (action != null) { ActionEnter actionEnter = action as ActionEnter; if (actionEnter != null && actionEnter.targetLocation == timeMachine) { // Debug.Log("Reached time tRavel of not currentPlayer"); // character.SetCurrentLocation(null); //TODO, ripple removed for now //Character nextCharacter = characters[i+1]; //nextCharacter.initialInventory = Utils.CopyItemList(character.inventory); } } } } { //ActionEnter actionEnter = currentPlayer.history[currentPlayer.history.Count-1] as ActionEnter; ActionEnter actionEnter = currentPlayer.GetAction(currentTime - 1) as ActionEnter; if (actionEnter != null && actionEnter.targetLocation == timeMachine) { TimeTravel(); } } }